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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Samuru Uchiha
Arthur Pendragon
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Shojiro Shinkou
Naoki Gekou
Shouten Ataenushi
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Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} - Page 3 Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:39 am
Arthur watches as he would prepare to take off to join the battle, only for the woman to vanish and the man to flee.
He watches the speed of the man and sighs, even upon Aggro he doubts he could catch the man..instead he better head to the tower in order to inform the higher ups about the situation along with explaining the reasoning for his long absence..
Alot seems to have happened during his journey.

Upon his feet and across his frame a flash of light occurs, the armor of the Jounin before him being copied along with his shoes leaving Arthur clad in it instead of his tunic.
He turns and with the application of the shunshin makes his way towards the tower his weapons being dispersed.

Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} - Page 3 Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:42 am
Before the enemy left, Yozora glimpsed the Chuunin appear above the gates, with a wooden branch growing under him. She had never seen a technique like that, though she had heard of the famous wood release, it was still impressive. The boy would be there, then as the others disappeared and she turned her head at Xyxer, all confused, she noticed the boy gone as well. From the way he was standing and from the way the branch was now positioned it looked like he did not move back into the village, but rather after the enemy. If that was true, he had put himself at great risk, for there was no telling what might be waiting for him out there.

Nevertheless, since he was the one who noticed one of the attackers probably being a clone, he might as well return with some sort of intel, that might shed some light onto this, for it was all very confusing. Yozora decided to wait and ask Xyxer some questions while they do. "Do you know that guy? The one who told us about the man in the distance? I think he went after him..." After that was answered she had another question. "What was it you did there, when you touched my back? It felt like some sort of infusion, but I fail the see the point..."
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} - Page 3 Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:01 am
Xyxer was noticeably unfazed by the whole event, so he simply turned his head by a centimeter when questioned by Yozora; perhaps he had just found somebody that found Rin interesting, "Rin. Rin Taiki? I don't know, but he's a Senju." But then came the crucial strike to the ovaries. He was calling his curse seal AND his flying thunder god seal NOTHING! If this was the old Xyxer, he would have immediately aimed to decapitate the person with a pretty awesome tornado kick, but no, this was the boring Xyxer. Xyxer v2.0, if you will. Not upgraded, just more boring.. "I touched your back purely because I'm a lonely man and I enjoy molesting my comrades. Or maybe I did it so that you could get power from the Abyss, beckon it.." After a few seconds of thinking about that himself he just shrugged, "Or maybe both now that I think about it."
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} - Page 3 Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:32 am
Taking a couple of minutes to return Rin gave a chance for Xyxer and that other ANBU for a small talk. As he approached he first saw the village, although he could sense it and the people in it long before that, then the gates, which were now decorated by another one of his trees and then finally the two ANBU he would report to. The others he had saw preparing for the defense earlier had already left, but it did not matter now, unless the man decided to come again. What mattered was to give this possibly vital piece of intel as high up chain of command as possible and since ANBU were chosen by the Tenkage himself, it cold hardly be any higher at the moment, as he himself was not in the village.

After a shinobi sprint, which normally includes a lot of jumping and flying, Rin stopped, landing next to the two. He would straighten up and after a pause of looking at them, start his report "The man escaped, however before he did, I saw into that ball of soil, which I might add was shielded with some sort of non-elemental manipulation I have never seen before, that tore my wood release apart. Nevertheless, what I saw inside was the girl that attacked the gates disappearing with a poof of smoke, just like a regular shadow clone, right before the shield collapsed. As after that the original's chakra returned to the way it was before the attack."

Last edited by Yousei on Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Due to previous post being edited)
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} - Page 3 Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:39 pm
Yozora learned a couple of things immediately after she asked Xyxer about Rin. First - his name. Second that she was right and it in fact was the wood release, a pinnacle of Senju techniques. So the boy that she was waiting for now, was a Senju, wielding the wood release as well as a sensory ninja. That sounded useful. The second question was answered a bit strangely, though Yozora was smart enough to separate joke from the through, it was still a bit weird. "I did it so that you could get power from the Abyss, beckon it.." Was the part that mattered. Well, Xyxer did call himself the Abysswalker, but Yozora was pretty sure it was not the same Abyss she knew of. She had an almost immediate urge to test this new found ability, but she restrained herself, the girl would first have to find out more about it. Maybe the power came at a cost, in which case it would be no point in paying that cost for such a pointless activation. From what she gathered so far, it was probably some sort of curse mark, or maybe some exotic infusion, though she never heard of those working in such a way. There will be time to confirm later. As she was thinking those things, the time flew by and Rin came back, landing next to them. Without a big delay, he got right to the point immediately, beginning his report. "The man escaped, however before he did, I saw into that ball of soil, which I might add was shielded with some sort of non-elemental manipulation I have never seen before, that tore my wood release apart. Nevertheless, what I saw inside was the girl that attacked the gates disappearing with a poof of smoke, just like a regular shadow clone, right before the shield collapsed. As after that the original's chakra returned to the way it was before the attack." The boy's intel seemed to make sense, it was only normal to send the clone ahead while you yourself stay behind, that's what most ninja would do to avoid needless danger. While it did make sense to do that, Yozora also had to consider the whole scenario. Even if the girl was a clone, she must have used some sort of advanced transformation that let her change her chakra, since Rin mentioned her having the chakra masked, meaning original's chakra was like the man's in the distance. The girl was being impersonated. If that was true, then why would one send a clone in a different form against them? Maybe it was meant to do some sort of mental attack on one or more on their side? Maybe somebody knew the girl? Or used to. Thinking about the girl Yozora remembered seeing her face before. It crossed her desk, when reading through wanted list while on her duties. The girl was apparently a rogue from Tengakure, a pretty strong one. It was kind of a big deal to have her show up at their doorstep like that, and break the shield. What also interested her was this shield Rin described. Unfortunately all they could do was think on their feet as the intel here was limited.

If anybody had anything else to say, Yozora would listen. Then she would say "Well done, Rin. This is extremely valuable intel, we must report it to the Tenkage immediately. Keep the village safe while we are gone." With that she would nod to him and Xyxer and after performing a hand seal she would activate a technique called body flicker disappearing from the scene. She expected Xyxer to come along with her, as they were both ANBU and supposed to be Tenkage's guard in this Five Kage Summit, but they have been delayed. Hopefully it will not have ended by the time they arrive. Now moving away from the village Yozora entered a sort of trance, moving on an autopilot she began analyzing and rethinking everything that had happened today and what he had heard. Most of the assumptions she went over again made sense, but soon she would lose the chain of thoughts as her mind relaxed. And she would find herself in her inner world again. She would be standing in front of the Tower, nothing had changed around here, the same green endless plains around her and the breathtaking starry sky above her. In front of the girl was the shadowy figure, which she knew as Yuumei, an entity that lived inside her. The blue eyes glaring at her. "You're here because I have something to show you..." The girl was obviously quite intrigued and interested into what it would want to show her. The figure turned around and the gates of the tower opened, letting out a silent scream as they moved. The inside was dark, but she was used to the dark already - nothing in here was very bright, well maybe a couple of things. Yuumei faded away into the dark and Yozora soon followed suit. The gates closed behind them. Slowly one after another lights would appear around them, after looking more carefully Yozora noticed them being torches on the stone walls. The room was different, but it did not surprise her - everything inside this tower was strange, everything shifted and changed and even if you continued walking in the same direction, you could go on doing so for hours and never meet the wall behind which was the outside. The tower was in all senses and dimensions endless. And every time you opened a door, the surroundings and the environment could change drastically. Which happened to them right away. As soon as they stepped through a door into the next room, Yozora noticed something wrong. There was light, though she had completely no idea where it was coming from, but the room had no other doors and when she looked behind her, the doors she jump came through were gone as well. And then it started happening - the obsidian black floor warped and changed and soon her feet began to sink into it, like it was some sort of thick liquid, a swamp. Slowly it began to consume them, both of them. Yuumei turned around, facing Yozora, it seemed calm, not alerted by this change at all, so she suppressed the panic as well, letting out a question in a most casual way she could produce at the time. "So... what is it you want to show me?" After a short pause it replied in a cold, yet warm, chiming voice "Something you are now ready to gaze upon." When it finished, the floor-surface thingy was already at their necks, leaving only a moment before it devoured them whole. The whole time Yozora did not take her eyes off Yuumei. Maybe there was nothing else to look at, or maybe she was afraid to lose the sight of it, that she did not know. She her whole body was covered, she slowly began to feel light, the thick liquid no longer pressing her body. Finally at some point she felt it light enough to try and open her eyes. She seemed to be underwater, the water was crystal clear and there were underwater lights around her - big blue orbs, inside them white flames. The shadowy figure was taking lead and the girl followed, swimming after it. They were trying to get to the bottom. It took some time, but they finally got there. The bottom seemed like bones, sticking out in dangerously sharp edges. Following Yuumei through this bone garden under water, Yozora soon noticed a pitch black hole they were approaching. Without any sign of doubt her companion simply dove into it and she followed shortly after. For a moment she felt like falling only to appear standing on a glass. There was no longer any water around them, and no sign from where they came - they were simply standing on a glass surface. Bellow the glass she saw what seemed to be blood - something she had not seen here yet. In front of them was a single door, also made of glass, although she could not see past it. She hoped Yuumei knew where it was taking them, for she herself had absolutely no idea. As they walked through the door, she started to remember. She had seen that room before - it was warmed than the rest and almost everything seemed to be made out of marble, and as usual only one door to go through again. Yes, she had come this way when she was looking for Yuumei. And if she remembered right, then at the end of this path.... They did not stay in that room any longer than they needed to. The next one was no room at all, it was a cavern or rock and stone. And it was hot. As they continued through it, it was slowly getting even hotter, the stone walls turning red as if magma could pour out of them at any moment, which the girl believe it actually could. As the were getting close the end she could not resist and voiced her question. "Yuumei... the last time I was here-" "You were not ready." They stopped and right before entering the final chamber. The blue eyes pierced her. "You were not ready and I had to shield you. But now your eyes are strong, strong enough to continue growing, but for that they require fuel. And we are going to take some of it from the engine that keep the show rolling, if you catch my drift." She caught it, more or less. Making the final step she entered the magma chamber glaring at the source without blinking. It was very bright and hot, but not like the last time, she could resist it now. Slowly she felt herself fill up with the same fiery feeling and just as she knew it was enough, Yuumei's hand would touch her shoulder and they would blink away into the star chamber again, just like the last time. But the feeling remained, the hot slowly faded, but the power it had brought was still there. Now was the time for questions...

1749 (2619) w.
[Unlocking 2nd Stage Meigan - Mirage]

Last edited by Yozora on Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:04 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Chains of Change)
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} - Page 3 Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:52 pm
Xyxer just continued to stand there, a rather unimpressed look on his face which was presented now that he had unsummoned his armour. Licking his lips slightly after Rin's speech, however, the part that came next was what almost made Xyxer turn into the blood thirsty shinobi he had been in Kirigakure. A lesser shinobi was doing something not on his order.. she was going to the Tenkage apparently, even though she had not been invited to the summit. A blatant display of disrespect to both him and the Tenkage as to disobey their orders, even if it was to relay information that would be relayed regardless. Remembering that, Xyxer kept in mind that he'd have to cull her after as she seemed to be getting too big for her shoes. Moving at a sprint towards the Kage Summit, oh what a joyous occasion, a festivity of hugging.

[+5 Stats +10 JP]

[30+/30 for eye recovery]
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} - Page 3 Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:45 am
When Rin was done with his report, the other ANBU gave him a short praise, addressing him with his name, which made him a bit curious of where she knew it from. "Well done, Rin. This is extremely valuable intel, we must report it to the Tenkage immediately. Keep the village safe while we are gone." It was only obvious that he would do his best protecting the village, but it was also obvious that the village would be much weaker with two more ANBU leaving. He would nod at the command and the two would fly away. On his way back he moved the tree in front of the gates, not to obstruct the path. The boy should get back into the village and check on his team, hopefully there was no panic and nobody got hurt for nothing. There was also a chance of some of them escaping in case of emergency. That might be a problem, when not under a supervision they might do god knows what and if some of them overdid things then more problems were to follow. First off he should assess the situation then... maybe file a report of the battle.

198 (1618) w.
[+8 stats, +16 JP, Exit]
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} - Page 3 Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:23 am
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} - Page 3 Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:02 am
Before Xyxer's rewards can be approved provide link for the eye transplant
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault} - Page 3 Empty Re: Akatsuki? {Tengakure Assault}

Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:09 am
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