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Tanran Keitoku
Tanran Keitoku
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Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Thief in the Village Empty Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Thief in the Village

Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:40 pm
Mission Name: Thief in the village.
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Kumogakure, Village.
Word Count Requirements:300
Reward:400 ryo.

villagers have reported their belongings stolen. Multiple villagers had
reported being a target of a thief, mostly at the same time. Your job
is to find the thief or thieves and capture them.

Quickly after completing his first mission, Tanran wished to do another, and was assigned one requiring a bit more skill than the first one. This pleased him, as he did not wish to patrol the village consistently with no other experience. This time his mission was to investigate multiple recent burglaries, find the ones responsible and capture them. Once captured, the suspects were to be delivered to a higher ranking shinobi.

The mission began with Tanran investigating the area where the recent burglaries had occurred. As this area was only about a mile in each direction, he believed this is the area where the burglaries would soon happen again, by the same criminals. He noticed that all burglaries shared a common factor, a broken window while the homeowner was away from home. Tanran gathered necessary information, such as, who's houses had been hit and who would be away from their home during his mission. He learned that only a few, maybe four houses were burglarized, but only three people would be away from their homes that day. Tanran instructed that two of them stay home for the day, while the other went on with their normal business. He knew the thief would be looking at every house to see which one was empty. so he hid in the one where the man went to work like usual.

At about six P.M., Tanran heard someone creeping outside of the nearby window. As he hid in the closet, he tried to get a good look at what was producing the noise. A small girl, probably about the same age as him (ten years old), was creeping around outside of the window. Suddenly, the window smashed and she followed in quickly. She headed straight for the valuables, but Tanran just waited. He created a basic clone with the appropriate hand seals which headed straight for the girl. Unknowingly, the real Tanran slipped behind her. When she saw him, she swung, causing the clone to evaporate. As soon as this happened, Tanran grabbed both of the girls wrists, yanked them behind her body and sealed them with some duct tape found nearby.

He was not in the mood to ask questions, as her guilt was apparent, so he headed straight for a higher ranking shinobi. After dropping off the wanted criminal, Tanran headed home where he quickly fell asleep, his second mission complete.

Word Count: 400
Character Count: 2283
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Thief in the Village Empty Re: Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Thief in the Village

Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:30 am
Approved for 400 ryo and +3 JP
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