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Tanran Keitoku
Tanran Keitoku
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Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Capture the Prankster Empty Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Capture the Prankster

Tue Jun 04, 2013 4:51 pm
Mission Name:Capture the Prankster
Rank: D
Type: Retrieval
Character Requirements: Genin or higher
Mission Location: Village
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 Ryo

Task: A boy has been putting graffiti on the wall of buildings. He has thus
far managed to escape custody, and posses skills equal to that of an
Academy ninja, able to move around on rooftops to escape capture. Now it
is your turn to try and capture him, good luck!

Tanran sixth mission was to easily be more interesting than his last. He was to capture a boy that was putting graffiti on the walls of buildings and evading capture via rooftop. This boy possessed skills equivalent to that of an Academy Student, so it would be fun for Tanran, who was nearing the skill of an intermediate level Chuunin. After eating his usual nutritious breakfast and chatting with his father, he headed out to the area of Kumogakure no Sato that had been hit by this hooligan.

Upon arriving at the walls hit by this proclaimed graffiti "artist", Tanran noticed that the boy had been reading too much Icha Icha (comical adult love stories), as the walls were covered in pictures of naked women. This caused him to shake his head, because he thought this mission would be at least somewhat serious. But even thought it did not contain a thread of seriousness, Tanran was to complete it anyways.

He then headed to speak with all those involved in the graffiti, to see if anyone had seen the crime in the act or maybe a suspect. He had no luck until he visited a book shop, known for selling rare Icha Icha novels. What a coincidence is what he thought when he walked into the store. When speaking with the old man shopkeeper, he learned that a young boy had snooping around the book store. The old man had just thought he was trying to get an older boy to buy him an Icha Icha novel, so he did not mention anything previously. His full description was as follows: A boy about the age of eight, small in stature, with all black clothing and blonde hair. This narrowed down his search a lot more for when he would look for the boy.

Tanran then headed to the Ninja Academy, where he looked for the boy, but did not find him. He then headed back to the area where the graffiti had occured, just in time for nightfall. He would wait and see if the boy appeared again that night, so he could catch him in the act and capture him.

Just as he thought, the boy appeared a few hours later, holding a spray paint can. As soon as he began to rattle it, Tanran moved in to capture him. Unfortunately, Tanran kicked an empty spray paint can he did not see, and the boy was alerted. This caused the boy to scurry up the side of the building, in an attempt to evade capture. Unknown to him at the time, was that Tanran was of greater skill and was there specifically to catch him.

Once upon rooftop, the boy tried to hop between buildings and get away, but Tanran was too quick. In a quick dash, he stood in front of the boy, and delivered a swift front kick to his chest. The boy then fell to the ground, where Tanran bound his hands. He then proceeded to throw him over his shoulder and head for the drop off point with a higher ranking shinobi. After the drop off, Tanran headed home, where he quickly fell asleep.

Word Count: 529
Character Count: 2826
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Capture the Prankster Empty Re: Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Capture the Prankster

Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:21 pm
approved +3 JP and 450 ryo
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