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Tanran Keitoku
Tanran Keitoku
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Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Patrol 2 Empty Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Patrol 2

Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:34 pm
Mission Name:Patrol
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Village Gates, Kumogakure.
Word Count Requirements:300
Repeatable? Yes.

around the village to make sure the area is secure. If anyone who
doesn't seem to be an ally is seen, report it to higher ranking shinobi.

After completing all available D rank solo missions, Tanran decided he would repeat the patrol he had completed for his first mission. The first time, he had patrolled throughout the village and found a young impoverished boy searching for food in a dumpster. This time, he wished to find something of importance that he could report back to a higher ranking shinobi, which would earn him merit.

Instead of patrolling through the middle of the city, Tanran believed he would find more action patrolling the base and inside of the gate. Unlike last time's patrol, a heavy fog did not roll in, giving him a clear view of his surroundings. Tanran walked for what seemed like hours until he came upon something worthwhile. What he saw was actually quite close to him. A shuriken wizzed by his head quickly and struck the gate beside him. As he turned, what seemed to be a fight between two ninja was escalating. Shuriken and kunai were being thrown left and right, so Tanran believed it was time for an intervention. He performed the tiger and rabbit hand seals before saying "Kaiton Kage Bunshin!" A single lightning clone appeared next to him, and they both formed two hand seals before saying "Lightning Release: Full Body Current!" Both Tanran and his clone radiated with electricity before they stepped to intervene in this illegal battle. The clone headed for the boy who first threw the shuriken, while Tanran headed for the other. As soon as they touched these boys, they were demobilized from electrical shock, and ready for capture.

Tanran subdued both peace breakers with duct tape and sent for help from a higher ranking shinobi. After handing them over to higher authority, Tanran headed home, as he had completed his seventh solo D rank mission,

Word Count: 300
Character Count: 1763
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Patrol 2 Empty Re: Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Patrol 2

Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:22 pm
approved +3 JP and 450 ryo
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