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Tanran Keitoku
Tanran Keitoku
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Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Missing Pets Empty Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Missing Pets

Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:10 pm
Mission Name:Missing pets.
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Kumogakure, Village.
Word Count Requirements:500

A few cats belonging to an old lady have ran away, she requested help on
getting them back. Your job is to find the five missing cats and bring
them home.

Tanran's next mission was even more peculiar than the rest. When he was told D-rank missions are the ones no other ranked ninja wants he believed it, but he did not know he would be given missions a child could accomplish. He was to retrieve five missing cats and return them home to their loving old lady of a mother. Maybe they ran away for a reason, but who knows, Tanran was to complete this mission no matter what he had to do.

First he checked all nearby trees to see if he could find a cat, as this was a known hiding spot of these creatures. After a few minutes of searching, Tanran came upon a tree with meows coming from it's branches. Upon quickly scaling the tree, he grabbed the cat and descended, heading back for the old lady's house. She dropped off cat number one and headed back out to search for the others.

Next he checked the alley ways and dumpsters, as cats are always looking for food, being quite glutenous animals. Many alley ways were searched before Tanran came upon a dumpster behind a sushi restaurant. Sounds of objects being rustled from within the the dumpster led him to believe cat number two was inside. As he thought, the cat was inside, so he picked him up and again headed for the old lady's house. After dropping off cat number two, Tanran headed back out to search for the three remaining.

Tanran was unsure of where cats would hide other than these two spots, so he searched all over the village. After spotting a barbecue with a dark shadow under it, Tanran slowly crept closer. He noticed it had to be cat number three, so he grabbed it before it had time to run. He again headed back to the old ladys house and dropped off cat number three. The search then resumed.

Tanran headed for any house that had a patio or deck with room underneath it for a cat to hide. Through many hours of searching Tanran found such a house, and looked under the dark patio. It was plagued with spider webs, cut eventually he spotted a pair of glowing eyes in the darkness. This had to be cat number four, so Tanran pounced and caught the cat right before it ran. It left a few scratches on his forearms and face, but soon he had returned it to the old lady's house and was back on his search for the last cat.

The last cat could not be in that difficult of a hiding spot, so Tanran looked in simple hiding spots, such as bushes or piles of leaves. In a few minutes, cat number five was found in a nearby bush and returned to the old lady's house. This would complete the mission and Tanran would head home. He and his father would eat a large meal in celebration of his fifth successful mission. Soon after, he headed to his bed room where he quickly fell asleep.

Word Count: 507
Character Count: 2697
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Missing Pets Empty Re: Tanran Keitoku: D-Rank Missing Pets

Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:27 am
Approved for 500 Ryo and +3 JP
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