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Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK) Empty Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK)

Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:57 pm
[So, 300 words each. I guess no point in doing two rounds, so I'll just lay out the situation for you... so here goes.]

It was the following day, or rather the beginning of the following day. The mission details were sent to the team last evening, giving them time to prepare for the morning stride, as their mission would start early. Rin was pretty sure Haru will not like getting up this early, since in both introductions he said he loves to sleep a lot. Surprisingly he had never been late yet, bit Rin did not want to take any chances with this one. He would visit all of them and give them a little heads up. The day before he did a little research into the kids, finding out where they lived, if they had any family with them, to take care of them. It appeared only Haru was lucky to have something like that, nevertheless he would be the first one Rin would visit. Carrying a bag with some prepacked breakfast for his team, since, you know, it was very early - before dawn actually - he climbed up the skyscraper that Haru and his family lived in. To avoid the hassle of going through the inside and all, the Chuunin approached from the outside. After finding the window that led into the boy's room, he would open it by growing a small flower and gently brushing the window mechanism. Now sitting on the sill, he would look at the boy still in bed and his dog on the floor, both calm as the sky. Since it was pretty early and he would not want to wake the boy's family or the neighbors, shouting the boy to reality was not an option. After putting the breakfast he had prepared on a cupboard nearby, Rin would grow another flower and make it gently poke Haru's cheek until he was awake. Silent but effective. Saying but a short "Good morning." Rin would be out, leaving the window open and letting the chill morning wind completely wake the boy. For a moment Rin thought that maybe he should be careful with this stuff as not to spoil them, but it felt too goddamn good, so he would roll with the idea for now. The next one was Yuri, because she was always late. Breaking into her apartment the same way, Rin did not avoid the indoors this time, as apparently the girl was living alone. Finding her in her room, he would leave some of his package on the desk or table if he could find one, or a cupboard. Not wanting to push his boundaries here, he would use the same method to wake the girl up. As soon as the deed was done, with a simple "Rise and shine, sleeping beauty." he would poof into smoke and be on his way to Dante. The newest addition to the team was living alone as well. Without encountering too much trouble, Rin would enter his room through a window and unload the last of his package. With Dante he would be a bit more playful. Faking a low bossy tone, the Chuunin would announce to the kid "Dante, you have 3 seconds to wake up before the exploding tags under your bed detonate." then he would see the boy's reaction and chuckling at it blitz through the window with a simple "Good morning, Lucy."

After his pre-morning pre-run was pre-done and done, Rin would get to the meeting spot, where he would wait for all of them to assemble before taking them to the outpost there were tasked to guard. At that point it was dawnbreak, they would arrive at about 5 AM and take a few more minutes to send the previous crew back. The outpost was extensive 6 story tower in a good defensive position and all the right stuff in right places. All they needed was a laser here and they would be able to ward off almost any invasion. Once there, Rin would order the kids around a bit, checking the equipment, checking out the tower from the outside, getting water from a nearby river. None of these tasks were dangerous as he kept a constant watch with his Kagura's eye. The breakfast Rin provided would keep the team from getting hungry for the better part of the duty. They have a lunch at some point - a ration, as actually cooking would be too time consuming and would go to hell in case of an attack. Rin himself spent most of his day walking around the tower, admiring the ancient beauty, wondering who built it and for what purpose, and meditating with his Kagura's eye. Doing that is what saved them the surprise when a small group of marauders noticed the tower and decided it was worth their time, which was a grave mistake obviously. Rin would alert the team on the approaching enemy and tell them to incapacitate, instead of killing. He would let the kids go loose on the bandits who had no extensive ninja training, while chilling on the wall, shooting from a bow just for lols. When this exercise was over the bandits would be tied up and the team could have a nice laugh about it. After that the time flew by quite fast. The bandits would be left in the outpost for the night's shift to take care of as Team One would head back and report their adventures to the village leaders, where they would get paid and Rin could send them to their beds.

912 w.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK) Empty Re: Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK)

Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:09 pm
Haru rolled over in his bed, covering his face with his arms. Why was it so bright in here? And so cold... Did Aryll open his window? He felt something poke his face, and his eyes shot open.
"Good Morning." Rin said, leaving the windowsill. As if on cue, Timber began yipping loudly at his Sensei, and Haru covered his head with a pillow. 
"For god's sake, Rin! You could use the front door!" He complained, scratching timber's head until he stopped yipping. He figured he could snatch up a few more minutes of sleep, since Rin had left...

Holy crap, it was cold in his room. He hadn't closed the window, so the high amounts of wind that came when you lived in a skyscraper had chilled his room considerably. He got out of bed and slammed the window shut, grumbling under his breath. He ate the food quickly, feeding small chunks of it to a greedy husky sitting on his lap. 
"Gotta go, buddy." He said to his dog, patting his head and setting the plate down for his dog to lick it clean. He opened his door, leaving it open so Timber could get out.

Several minutes kater, Haru found himself at the meeting place, before following Rin to the tower, mumbling all the way about why they had to be at the tower at this ridiculous hour of the morning. He didn't usually complain much, but he was tired, and a Haru without an excess of sleep is a very angry Haru. Once they got to the tower and finished all their equipment checks, basic preparations, and postings, Haru simply climbed to the top of the tower and sat on the ledge, daring anyone to attack. They ate lunch eventually, at which time Haru said nothing, nodding off slightly with every bite he took. When the murauders attacked, Haru didn't hold back. As he hurled himself from the ledge, he targeted several of them at once, using his sixty four palms and one hundred twenty eight palms in conjunction with the revolving palms to wreak havoc in close quarters, paralyzing those that Yuri and Dante didn't deal with themselves. After the fight, he found himself in a much more pleasant mood. The adrenaline rush must have woken him up pretty well. He watched their prisoners with the byakugan for the remainder of their shift, though he knew Rin would be doing the same with his sensory jutsu. 

As Rin gave his report on the attack, Haru stared at the floor impatiently. When the report was over, he would take his money and mumble an apology about being in a sour mood. He would head off, back home for a good night's rest. 
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK) Empty Re: Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK)

Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:40 pm
Yuri was still wondering why does he think that Yuri isn't aware of him breaking into her apartment. Worse still, he went up close on her that tempted her to punch her leader in his face. This always mean that there is something going on and it starts with her team, she was already informed beforehand anyway. But there is something he left and at the floor anyway for her to check it out, prompting her to end her sleep. She walked to the package, that was the start of her morning.

Since she was early with her battle gear fully on, she had decided to take the usual walk to the meeting location. She won't be late for this time due to her proactive leader. This time, she knows that the mission just got more exciting given the details sent to her. However, its still too early for her time to strike around like how Haru did, or maybe the newest member would be another one like Haru. She would take around 20 minutes before finally see anyone from her team.

By the time of her arrival, she had already ate whatever was given to her on her way, hoping that it won't get her a stomachache. She would now go along with her team to do some protection job that would give her a higher cut than the usual. She already had it planned; she would leave any form of attacking to her teammates, hoping that they would not mind. She wouldn't care if she looked like she was living off them, she knew what to do when reaching there anyway.

The designated outpost looks decent to her but not the tower. She looked up and wondered why the defenses weren't better, not in the sense of equipment but in planning. She would think that any regulars doing their job here must have been slacking one way or another. Out with her thoughts, her leader had already found hostiles to be dealt with. Seeing as Haru taking up the charge, Yuri would be mindful of any civilians passing through this area since her leader let them do whatever they want. She would be seeing her teammates shine through their efforts.

The entire mission only let her deal with a couple moving pass the fighting. To her, letting them pass by themselves would mean them being taken as hostages. Better to rely on myself than the given defenses Yuri would get near to them before any of the bandits would and stay guard until she deemed that the bandits won't be able to catch up with them, completing the job.

Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
Stat Page : Ice, Ice Baby
Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK) Empty Re: Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK)

Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:35 pm
"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.". The Uzumaki was being woken up by someone else for the first time in the past decade. He would be shocked, and would jump out of the bed, as his mind would think of the sound as a danger. It was an instinct Dante has developed in the years he has lived by himself. Any person in his "personal area" was first labeled a danger for him. "Boundaries !!!" he would have hardly shouted... Or did he ? He was too sleepy to know, even though he had woken up. So he saw Rin on the window talking to him, but the only words that Dante managed to hear were "3 seconds... Tags... Detonate...". Dante's body would have acted before giving even a minor chance for Dante to think the action through. He would jump out of the bed, rolling to his right side, that was further from his bed. "It's been 3 seconds ?". The boy would calm down, smile, rest on the ground facing the ceiling, as he would then start to laugh. "Good morning, Lucy.".

"I guess I started liking Rin, after all." the Genin would have thought to himself, in the meantime laughing to both Rin's prank and his words, also getting up from the ground. "It's a shame I couldn't find a chance to meet the other Genin properly... God... It's the day isn't it... Considering that we're waking uo this early... We're going on a watch, a patrol ?". He would have then spotted the unpacked package. "Breakfast !!!" his inner voice would have shouted, his face only showing a smile of gratitude. He would bow down before the team leader before he left, "Thank you, Rin Sensei.".

The Uzumaki would then get ready for the patrol, grabbing his attire and would leave after Rin. After hours of standing at the watch, the boy was feeling frustrated. He hadn't slept much the day before, and now he had been just standing there the whole day. His energy was about to compltely disappear, causing the boy to fall down to the ground unconcious. And then, all of a sudden, just when Dante was about to pass out, Rin alerted them about the bandits. Dante would not be much of help with his speed, strength or experience, but he would do all he could; incapacitating (as ordered by Rin) one of the bandits with a punch thrown at his face. After that, Dante would feel like a ghost moving after the team to receive the prize of the mission. He would return to his home as fast as he could, and would fall back to bed.

[WC: 440/300]

[EXIT, Mission Done]
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK) Empty Re: Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK)

Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:59 pm

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK) Empty Re: Morning Stride and luls (Team One, NK)

Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:47 am
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