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Just Talking A Walk (P, NK, Sokka/Zuko only) Empty Re: Just Talking A Walk (P, NK, Sokka/Zuko only)

Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:23 am
The door creaked..Slowly....The door scraping upon the carpet on the 2nd floor of the rinky dink house. Oh zuko..When will you learn...Your too easy to track....Or should you blame the carpets? The carpets in the house left a imprint, for like a hour. Before they dissapeared. So Sokka walked..Silently, Crouched. Honestly..He wants to become a ninja, but he doesnt know how to sneak over these carpets? Sokka wasnt leaving any 'Prints' Much to his happiness, And upon entering zuko's room. He pulled the letter up. "Ya-Da Ya-Da walk walk walk, Cant sleep" Sokka would say. Going downstairs and throwing it in the trash. Honestly, Leaving letters. Sokka would creep open the front door. a small wolf would follow. along at sokka's feet. Now..where shall your walk lead you today? my burned rabbit..

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Just Talking A Walk (P, NK, Sokka/Zuko only) Empty Re: Just Talking A Walk (P, NK, Sokka/Zuko only)

Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:32 am
Sokka kept his natural stroll going on. watching zuko punch a thug out cold That punch was so weak. Honestly, These thugs think they can steal in villages of NINJA? Sokka would think to himself, walking behind zuko. or atleast in a far away location where he could still keep tabs on zuko. Honestly, Zuko your getting too easy to surpass

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Just Talking A Walk (P, NK, Sokka/Zuko only) Empty Re: Just Talking A Walk (P, NK, Sokka/Zuko only)

Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:49 am
Oh bad boy zuko..Going to a bar? Mommy wouldnt be happy about thatWhich then led to a grin. Sokka stepped in the alley. Put on a mask and robe. and began following zuko. Right into the bar. and sitting at a table away from him. but in perfect range of his eyes.

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Just Talking A Walk (P, NK, Sokka/Zuko only) Empty Re: Just Talking A Walk (P, NK, Sokka/Zuko only)

Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:04 am
Baka zuko...That was obviously a ploy. Sokka thought to himself as he left the bar. Ill have to deal with that untruthful bartender also..but later Sokka thought. popping his knuckles as he followed zuko...His steps making no sound. And upon stepping into a alley. he decided to have some fun. He peeked out, and gave zuko the biggest glare he could. and went back in the alley.

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Just Talking A Walk (P, NK, Sokka/Zuko only) Empty Re: Just Talking A Walk (P, NK, Sokka/Zuko only)

Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:20 am
Sokka stepped forward. and by the time zuko was about to light his hand. he was right at zuko's neck. He raised his fist. Slammed it forward. and attempted to hit him far..FAR away.
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