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Xuro Kinzokutei
Xuro Kinzokutei
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Meeting other Ninja [P,NK] Empty Meeting other Ninja [P,NK]

Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:40 am
It was a bright sunny day in Kumogakure and Xuro Kinzokutei was strolling through the streets admiring the majestic mountains that stood tall blocking sunlight at some points. He had his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. He was wearing his usual attire not really woRried about getting into a fight. He stopped by a store and bought some chocolate and was eating it as he continued to walk down the street with the sole intention of wondering around. Who knows maybe he would meet new ninja about...
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Meeting other Ninja [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting other Ninja [P,NK]

Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:25 am
"Go think about how you would improve the company he says, run the company like a true Sakura he says, man pops will never change", Ganki said as he walked the streets of the village. Ganki had to get out of the house for a while to rid himself od the stress, stress from not only running the Anbu ops, but also running the Sakura Corporation, Ganki truly felt as if he was a Kage himself, these tedious jobs of his. Ganki's father was a hard man to please, his father would accept nothing less than perfection, nothing less. The Sakura Corp's arms division was doing ok since it has only recently begun, but that wasn't enough for his father, he expected the division to show profits unlike no other. How would he do it he wondered, how?

Ganki wore his standard Jounin attire, his kumogakure head band that was strapped to his forehead, which leaned to the right a bit. He also had his ninja pouch that was attached to the back right side of his waist, which contained many tools that an ordinary ninja would need in the field.

While walking down the village, his hands were placed deep within his pockets, with his head leaning down not minding any of the villager's that passed him. This action would eventually cause Ganki to bump into someone, which he did, a person he did not know. While trying to relieve within him the unwanted stress, he would bump into Xuro. If successful, Ganki's right arm would meet the guy's right arm. The force would not be enough to knock the guy down, only a slight bump which would gain the attention of the person if they cared for their chocolate.
Xuro Kinzokutei
Xuro Kinzokutei
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Meeting other Ninja [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting other Ninja [P,NK]

Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:42 pm
Xuro while biting his chocolate, was bumped on the arm by another person. Xuro not really concentrating on what he was doing, would loose grip of his chocolate & it would begin to fall. Luckily Xuro used his left hand to catch his chocolate before it touched the ground. He then looked up at whoever was that knocked him. He saw a boy, probably somewhere near his age, but not just any person. The "bumper" wore a Kumagakure head band. "Ah a ninja of Kumogakure! My first encouter with one" Xuro thought to himself. He then spoke a few words in a low steady voice, "Hey there. You should watch where you walking next time. My chocolate almost fell hehe..."
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Meeting other Ninja [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting other Ninja [P,NK]

Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:54 pm
With Bumping into the unknown person Ganki's awareness would soon kick in as the boy alerted him of his action. He drew his head back slightly with a confused face as he realized what he had done, "Oh, sorry bro." Seeing how he was the one at fault, Ganki would extend his right hand, pulling it out slowly from his pockets as he introduced himself, "I'm Ganki, by the way." Ganki then waited for a reply from the guy, wondering if he would accept it, he did seem like a pretty nice person due too his reaction.

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Xuro Kinzokutei
Xuro Kinzokutei
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Meeting other Ninja [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting other Ninja [P,NK]

Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:46 pm
Xuro would gesture out his own hand and would meet the hand of Ganki, after a brief shake Xuro was about to introduce himself when yet another ninja had approach the two. Ofcourse Xuro hadn't seen him before either. These were the first two ninja Xuro had met in fact. He would look at the other guy and then introduce himself to the both of them. "Greetings, the name is Xuro... Xuro Kinzokutei, Genin of Kumogakure no Sato... It is an honour to meet thou'st fellow ninja Ganki and Tee... Xuro spoke in a very steady low-pitch voice and nodded to the both of them having a slight smile on his face.
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Meeting other Ninja [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting other Ninja [P,NK]

Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:59 am
Shaking the boy's hand another ninja would arrive on the scene, his student, Tee. Ganki wondered what he was doing here. "Hey Tee, I'm good you?", Ganki responded as he turned his vision towards Tee slightly. That was, until he would return his focus towards Xuro when he announced his name. His speech was a bit weird and all, but his name was interesting. His last name belonged too a clan, a clan that settled among Komogakure long ago, as stated in the text books. Tee's presence also sparked a idea, an idea that would help his father's company. What if the arms division could experiment with DNA as well, improve it to help better different clans.
Still looking at Xuro, he would ask him a question," Hey Xuro, I was wondering, would you be able to help me with something? Don't worry it won't be weird or... well it won't be stupid, if you do I'll throw you some cash for helping me out." Ganki's attention was focused on Xuro, waiting to hear his reply.

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Xuro Kinzokutei
Xuro Kinzokutei
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Meeting other Ninja [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting other Ninja [P,NK]

Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:38 am
Xuro was quite surprised by Ganki's words. Someone he just met is already asking him a favour and is even willing to pay for it?? Xuro was kinda excited about it although he wasn't sure maybe it wasn't something good. Since Xuro wouldn't trust someone enough for a favour after just meeting them. Xuro realised he hadn't any ryo on him so maybe it would be worth the reward. He would reply after a second of thought,"Hmmm... Sure I guess... How may I land a fellow Shinobi of Kumagakure a hand?"
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Meeting other Ninja [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting other Ninja [P,NK]

Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:03 am
Ganki smiled at Xuro, time to get to work he thought. But help would then try to offer itself to Ganki, Ganki turning around towards Tee. Ganki had not expected Tee to be here, so what would he do, he saw no way for him to help. "Sorry Bro not today, maybe I could make it up to you sometime." Regardless of Tee's reply Ganki would spin around towards Xuro, meeting the eyes of Xuro.

Ganki would reach into his pouch with his right hand, pulling out a needle, but not before softly guiding Xuro out of the middle of the street. a bit weird it would be, taking a shot in the middle of the street with random people watching. This action would occur if he was allowed too be Xuro. After which he would grab the guy's right hand slightly, rubbing the top section of his arm with his right wrist. A needle would pierce the boy's flesh, drawing the needed blood from his right arm, if he was allowed once more. If all should go well, the vial would be placed back into the pouch, but his hand would not be empty. Now, Ganki's right hand would now carry a tissue and a roll of ryo, 1000 ryo to be exact. This would be handed to him as payment, should he still wanted; after that, Ganki would vanish from sight, due to hi body flicker speed, all was needed to impress his father, he had hoped.

(Exit if ok, Kinzokutei Dna taken, and 1k given to Xuro.)
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