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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:58 pm
Haru stepped through the door to his dormitory, dropping his gear at the entrance. As he headed out the door he grabbed his equipment, and headed out the door to the training fields, wanting to test his newly aqured ability. The large plains of Tengakure were far different then than the forests of Konoha. Well, at least in his eyes. The sun was shining, warming his face, and Haru felt the grass brushing against his legs. Today was a good day totrainr, so peaceful and quiet, it would take quite a lot to break his focus here. Finally reaching a spot with plenty of space, with a few rocks laying around, one large tree, and mounds of dirt, Haru began stretching out, pulling his arms over his head, stretching his legs, and generally bending himself at unnaturally extreme angles. Once he finished stretching, Haru would nonchalantly reach for his stomach, and pull out three of his ribs. This sensation was new to him, but it didn’t hurt. Actually, it was pretty cool. He drew back his arm, and hurled the three ribs at a tree, each one of them sinking deep into the tree.
”Huh. Not bad.” He would say, pulling a few more ribs out, and hurling them at the tree again.

Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

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Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:22 pm
After the previous fight of Takeo and Haru was over Rin had nowhere to go, nothing to do, so he randomly roamed around the village of the leaf searching for friendly chakra signatures when he picked up Haru entering the forest not too far from the village. The Chuunin was curious as to what the boy would be doing there, so he followed in that direction. After some time he found Haru alone in a fairly secluded area, nobody seemed to be around in a couple kilometer range. What Rin saw surprised him though - his student calmly pulled out three of his ribs and did not even bat an eye. He would the sent the bones at a nearby tree. He did not seem alerted at all, rather interested and amused, his chakra did not seem abnormal or one of a dying or seriously injured person either. Raising an eyebrow Rin started approaching the boy, while trying to remember what he had heard of an old and rare clan from distant Kirigakure's past, that allowed one to manipulate their bones. "Hey there, Haru. What's with the... ugh, body?" After all, this was the first Rin had seen it for himself. He was also fairly interested in how the boy had obtained this ability and why now, he had not shown it less than a couple hours ago when he fought Takeo.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:37 pm
Haru startled slightly as he heard Rin’s voice: He needed to start using his byakugan more often… He glanced over at the tree where he had just thrown the ribs, and then back at Rin. Then he looked down at his body, which was a few years older then last time he’d seen his sensei. He blinked a few times, trying to think of how he would explain this.
”Well, uh… Long story. A little bit after I the spar, I decided to head home and try to convince my grandfather to come watch me fight, and well… I bought some aging pills on the way. Once I got back home, I met a guy named Leander, and he… sold me a vial of blood. He was a Kaguya, and well… Now I can do this-“ He explained, reaching over his shoulder, and puling his spine out of his back casually. He turned around to shoe Rin that the skin closed back up, and the spine regrew.  He then cracked the spine like a whip, and swung it at a tree, slicing off a few low branches to show him.  ”It’s been a very exiting few hours...” Said Haru, glancing at his sensei again. ”I’ve gotten a lot stronger since we left Tengakure. And a few new tricks are up my sleeve now.” He said.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

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Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:38 am
Rin would not argue about Haru becoming stronger. He did seem older now and not only physically, which was a bit surprising before the boy explained the aging pills. The whole blood trading thing did not bode well with Rin, though. That sort of thing sounded extremely risky and dangerous to him, even if you knew what you were doing. This time, it seems everything went well. When Haru had finished speaking Rin would reply, shortly at first. "I bet it was exciting. And I'm sure you learned new tricks... like that technique you used to fight Takeo. That was some crazy movement, did you develop it yourself?" About now, the idea to test Haru's new powers against Rin's abilities had appeared in his mind. After/if the answer to his questions was given, Rin would suggest "Say, how about we see what these tricks of yours are worth. Let's see if you can beat me!"
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:30 am
Haru listened to his teacher speak, before hearing his question about his strongest technique, the Fury of the Storm. He’d actually had the move for quite a while, but he’d only used it a handful of times. ”The Fury? Yeah, I made that… It wasn’t really on purpose, it just sort of… happened. It focuses on physical energy, rather then chakra energy, and gives you an extreme burst of power, particularly your speed. “ He would explain. That was by far his strongest ability. He heard Rin issue his challenge, and smiled. ”All right, then. Just warning you, I’ve gotten a lot stronger then last time we fought.” He would say, tossing the spine he had been holding aside. It wouldn’t have lasted much longer, anyways. Haru found these bones turned weak very fast once removed. He would take a few paces away, so that there were ten meters between them, and close his eyes tightly, before opening them quickly to reveal the byakugan. ”After you.” He would say, taking up a fighting stance.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

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Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:25 pm
Before the fight began Rin learned the technique used was called Fury and that Haru indeed developed it himself, along with a bit of details about it. He seemed intrigued by his sensei's challenge. After warning him the boy made sure the distance between them was now 10 meters and activated his Byakugan taking up his fighting stance. Rin's eyes in response lit up blue as he channeled the water chakra through his body. He would make the seal of confrontation, as his preparation for the fight instead of a stance, saying "Gladly. Let's just make sure not to kill each other!" With that his eyes would find a pond fairly close to their position while he used Kagura's to keep Haru in check. The pond was about 50 meters from him, which was sadly not close enough to summon the clones. Not from the very beginning anyway. As his eyes returned to Haru, Rin would have made his plan. His skin would now get a slightly blue and green tones as the water shift of the Wood Lance would activate. If Haru did not use his Fury technique, Chuunin was confident he would be able to fight him without using Kagura's to track his movement so for the moment the sensory technique would be deactivated and he could focus his water powers into his techniques, empowering both wood lance as well as the following technique. "Well, here comes!" With that he would slap his hand together finishing the seal and activating his wood release and lunging forward. The roots and branches would start growing about 2 meters around Haru, they would be even faster than Rin was, roots would try to grab the boy's legs, branches would perform swinging motions in an attempt to whip the boy's frame. Rin would make sure to half the strength of the whips so not to injure the kid. The power of his wood release had increased too since the Hyuuga had last seen it. At the same time, while the previous would keep the boy busy, Rin would grow a huge tree behind him, shaping it into a large dragon head, while he himself would change course towards the pond. This fight might give him insight into possible weaknesses of his techniques. After all, he was fighting Haru probably on the equal footing now.

[Just mentioning that because of the Blue Eyes thingy, all my techs get +24 to their stats, be it health, speed or strength. Also recovering one stamina counter from Water Shift.]
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:55 am
It seemed that Rin had something new up his sleeve, as his began to glow with a blue hue. While Rin had a moment of hesitation, Haru himself would reach over hos shoulder with both hands, pulling his spine out with one, and his right arm bone out with the other, and extending them to their maximum length. He would then look around. There was a pond a little ways away, and Haru knew all too well his water release techniques were as powerful as his wood release. Speaking of which, he would hear Rin shout a warning, before beginning his attack. The trees would begin to grow around him, but this time, Haru would step forward and swing his weapons. In a flurry of motion, he would swing his spine like a whip, slicing at the branches above him, while the roots below would be attacked by his arm bone. He was definitely a lot stronger then last time they’d fought, but trees were still trees, and Haru could cut these branches. He would feel several branches manage to hit them, but they didn’t cut his skin. Rin seemed to be holding back for him. Upon noticing Rin start to make a break for the pond, Haru would attempt to slice a path through the wood, chasing after Rin. If he was successful in breaking through the trees and roots, Haru would charge Rin down at his top speed, as his hands began to glow blue. He would drop the bones in his hands, before he would use eight trigrams: 128 palms to attack Rin, boosting his speed as he struck the chakra points in his body, aiming for the points in his right arm: His shoulder, bicep, elbow, tricep, and wrist.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

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Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:57 am
[Let's not forget my wood has 94 health, 144 speed and 72 halved strength. And my own speed gets 74 boost on top of the basic and equipment boosts you see in my sig]

Rin saw Haru use his new Kaguya ability, obtaining two bone weapons in both hands and swinging them to tear some of his wood asunder. He had to admit, that obviously gave him some of that sheer power he needed as well as probably durability, which was just a guess so far. As the boy broke off from the ring of branches around him, Rin already knew what to expect - his opponent was a close range fighter after all. But there were tricks to be used, combinations to perform. First of all, with the Water Shift Rin was even now faster than the approaching danger and when he saw the boy's hands light up blue, indicating that he would probably use the gentle fist, a plan was hatched. Seeing as Haru was capable of simply slicing through his wood as it was, the power of the technique would be upped, so that would not happen again, now the branches and roots and everything carried their fully strength with them.

The first stage of the combination was the trick Rin simply loved using, because in most cases it does not have a counter. As Haru was now a few meters away from him, he would grow swift vines right under his feet, binding him to the ground almost immediately with the next step. Unless some sort of attack were to be delivered onto these binding, the boy's strength alone would not be likely to break him free. However the fun did not end here, due to how fast this happened, Haru would not get the chance to stop properly and his momentum would continue to carry him forward, but with his feed bound it would make him trip and fall. And that's where it would start - starting about half a meter from the vines, in the direction of himself, he would grow multiple sharp wooden branches shaped almost like spears. Unless done something to stop the fall or block the spears, they would pierce the boy's body in multiple, non-lethal areas, like legs, arms, sides where no vital organs are located. To top it all, the previously made wooden dragon would now come crashing from behind the boy, aiming to slam him into the ground to be obliterated by the spears. Obviously, if it came to that, Rin would tone the strength of the attack down, not to kill or seriously injure the boy, but he would still walk away with at least some scratches if not holes.

As this would be transpiring, Rin would enter the range of the pond. Seals would be formed and three versions of himself would emerge from the water.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:09 pm
(Sorry, I was looking at the base stats of your trees, I didn’t think about your bonuses)
Haru managed to break free of the initial attack, luckily. However, as he neared Rin, he felt vines begin to grow at his feet, tripping him up. Rin also grew spears in front of him, about a half meter away, which he would likely fall into if he didn’t act fast… He had to use it now. Before the fall had brought him too near to the ground, he would activate fury of the storm. His eyes turned red and bloodshot, his form became blurry and unrecognizable. He felt his strength increase greatly, as he attempted to rip his right leg free of the vines, bringing it forward to stop himself before he hit the spears. He would then pull himself upright, breaking his other leg free, and dodging to the left to avoid the dragon shaped tree that would likely crush him into the tree. He would not look back, using his newfound strength and speed to combat Rin and his clones. He would dash straight towards him, not wanting to give him more time to use his techniques. As he ran, he would pull a scroll from his pocket, before attempting to activate it. If he was successful, a clone of himself would appear about 10 meters away from Rin, as Haru continued dashing at him. The clone would not hesitate in his actions, flicking his wrist to reveal the hidden blade, and cutting his thumb on it. He would then make the necessary hand signs, and preform a summoning jutsu. His partner, Maya the Siren, would appear, and hesitate for a split second.
”Sing!” The clone shouted, and Maya obliged, beginning her haunting song. Haru knew Rin was too strong willed to fall for the trap, but he was using Maya more as a decoy, something to draw his attention with. After all, he had no idea what she was capable of. Her song would weaken him at least, which could prove helpful.
Meanwhile, the Real Haru would pulling four ribs from his chest, hurling two of them at the clones, and holding on to the other two, with one in each hand. He would target the real Rin, whom he could see with the byakugan. He would preform a sort of faint attack, hurling the first of his ribs at Rin’s chest, away from a vital area, just in case. He was hoping the rib would further distract him from the next move. Upon throwing it, he would roll to the ground, going past him, and grabbing his leg as he went. If the leg grab was successful, he would come back up on his feet, pulling Rin to the ground.

(Noting that for this attack, Haru's speed is 234, and his strength is 111. If Maya is successfully summoned, all of your stats, except chakra, are drained by -10)
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

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Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:59 pm
Something changed Rin's mind as he got the impression that Haru will not make it and get injured seriously during his tricky attack using the vines and spears. That is why, before Haru even activated the Fury, Rin stopped the attack and got him back on his feet. Raising his hand he stopped the fight. "I believe that's enough for now. It's getting a bit dangerious, maybe we can finish this fight some other time... Come, let's go see some matches!" With that, the spar would hopefully be over and he, if Haru did not follow, would leave the area.

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