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Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 12500

Last minute training [P,NK,IO] Empty Last minute training [P,NK,IO]

Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:47 pm
Hunter was through with learning the small time stuff, he wanted more.  He trained day in and day out, and on the mission it proved he still needed some work.  His new familiar “Slow Death” also needed to work up a bit of muscle as he was still pretty green when it came to fighting.  Hunter made up a training regimen that would get him in shape for the upcoming Genin Battle Royale.  Hunter was determined to not be shown up as he made the list.  Once finished Hunter took a look at it and went over it aloud so he could affirm that this is what he truly wanted to do.  “Train with Slow Death and make him as strong as possible.  Lift weights (can use Slow Death if possible), run around the compound 50 times carrying two buckets of stones, and finally  I need to test myself against my father.”  The list sounded simple, but Hunter knew it would require a lot of work and time, and time was something he did not have to spend freely at the moment so he made sure his training gear was on and that he was truly ready to begin as he stepped outside into the cool mountain air.  “Alright, I am going to tackle running with the stones so I can get faster and stronger.  Come on Slow Death!” Hunter called out as he ran to the pond and began to fill two large buckets with awkward and heavy wet stones.  When both buckets were full Hunter made sure to sick a staff between them, and when ready Hunter squatted down to heft the staff and buckets of rock on his shoulders as he began a jog to get ready for the intense running.  The combined weight of the stones equaled up to 650-700 lbs.

“Damn these things sure are heavy…” Hunter said as he looked over to see his friend Slow Death keeping pace with him as he jogged, now to the south wall as he was getting close to completing a lap.  Upon reaching the pond again Hunter began to increase speed, determined not to allow his Chakra to aid him he huffed as he was up to a slow run as Slow Death was keeping up which surprised the hell out of Hunter more than anything else.  “Damn, really are amazing you know that bud?” Hunter said jokingly as he kept running.  Soon the guards began to change and people came and entered as they pleased, a few passes Hunter even saw glimpses of his father making more of the Training Dummies that had sealed Chakra in them to activate them.  That is when the voice in his head came about.  “Man Hunter, getting serious about training I see.  Hmmmm well try not to get yourself killed during the Battle Royal, remember you host me as well as your own useless voice.  If you go out, I am too so lets keep going, hell you might even unlock more abilities to use during the Battle Royal…Well I have said my two cents, by the way might want to get back in focus.  Your dad has been yelling for quite some time now.”  As soon as the voice was done Hunter slowed back to a jog and looked at his father.  Uriel smiled and yelled out that there would be some special Dummies in the training facility next time he went.  Hunter was ready as he entered his forty-fifth lap, he was so close he could almost taste victory as he looked back to see Slow Death trying as hard as he could to keep up.  Hunter decided it was time for him and Slow Death to take a break, so he sped up even more and using his adrenaline he launched himself into and out of the final five laps before Slow Death could finish his fourth.  Hunter passed him four more times and waited at the pond as Slow Death came around and looked at Hunter then took a dive into the pond causing a mini tidal wave of water to consume Hunter.  The turtle was getting him back for Hunter having him run with him…or at least try to.  Hunter did not know if turtles smiled or laughed, but he swore that Slow Death did.  Hunter dropped the staff and buckets as he spat out water and wiped his hair back and laughed hysterically as he jumped in the pond and took a swim with Slow Death.  There was even a point where Hunter swam under him and picked Slow Death up and threw him out of the pond, which only resulted in more payback as the turtle leapt, which scared the shit out of Hunter and for good reason.  Slow Death landed on Hunter and caused him to shoot down to the bottom.  Hunter came up and to get his breath as Slow Death splashed around.  Hunter hopped up on his back and declared him the “Turtle King”.  Which made Slow Death splash him some more.  Hunter laughed and pats his friend on the shell before jumping out and onto the courtyard stone.  He was drenched, but now he felt rested and at ease.  “Ok buddy, lets got train with the new Training Dummies that father set up for us.”  Hunter said as he wrung out his clothes the best he could and he picked up the buckets on the staff again and began to walk as he heard Slow Death get out and run after him.  Hunter laughed as he had his best friend and familiar beside him.  With Slow Death around Hunter did not feel alone anymore.  As they walk to the back of the Compound Uriel, Hunter’s father was there waiting on him.

 “Well Hunter, nice that could make it.  Well lets begin.” Hunter watched and listened as his father explained that the new Dummies were made so that sealed with C Ranked Taijutsu that would rival Hunter in strength and speed, at least for now.  Hunter took off his over shirt and regular shirt as he got into fighting stance as Slow Death roared, they were ready to really get this training started.
Hunter had already been fighting against the Training Dummy for at least two hours now as he realized this thing, even though it was not human so it’s hits were a lot harder, was every bit his equal.  Hunter decided to switch up his tactics and he began to use his Lightning Chakra now as he began to use the move that Yaju trained him to use.  The Ripper technique was supposed to paralyze its target wherever the move struck.  Hunter took this knowledge  and began to hit the Training Dummy in several key locations along its body making sure that the currents would connect, and lo and behold, it began to work as the Training Dummy began to get more choppy in its movements and not as fluid.  It is then that Hunter took a few seconds to look over at his partner Slow Death.  Noticing that the Training Dummy really was giving him hell Hunter decided to help his friend as he used his body flicked to appear behind the target as it went for a jump.  Hunter struck the Dummies legs in quick succession causing the Dummy to fall to its knees as Slow Death took advantage and began to fight harder.  Hunter cheered for a second as he watched his friend as he turned back the other Dummy must have gotten free because it launched itself at Hunter and used a spinning back fist to throw Hunter out of the area and into the main wall.  Hunter took the blow and shook it off as he launched back at the Dummy and began to fight it using the Ripper technique even more as he managed to completely paralyze the arm of the Dummy as he noticed it go limp.  Into the back Uriel watched as his son and his familiar were synchronized as to each would help the other out regardless the physical damage they sustained.  He was proud of his son as he managed to disable one of the Training Dummies though, his eyes grew wide.  Had Hunter become strong enough to surpass him already, taking on his Dummies were hard as it is, but it was even more difficult to disable a limb.  He watched on as Hunter and Slow Death would continue to fight.

Hunter grunted as he was growing tired using the Ripper technique and it showed as his moves became sluggish.  By the time another had passed the Training Dummy hunter had managed to disable was back to full strength and was now pushing Hunter back as it was delivering furious and swift hits to Hunters face, chest, and arms.  Hunter did not step down as he was a foot away from the wall he took a deep breath and found his center of focus as the voice in his head began to spur him on.  “THAT’S IT, GRAB ONTO IT, PULL IT FROM THE DEPTHS!!!! SECOND WIND COMING UP BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!” With this Hunter felt his Chakra strength and Stamina rise back to normal as the Training Dummy went in for the final strike Hunter yelled out as he caught the Dummy’s kick and threw it down so he could kick in front of him, performing a strong front kick followed up by a Ripper that managed to strike the Training Dummy in the face as Hunter had a look almost as if he tapped into some ancestral power hidden inside him.  The Dummy’s Head exploded causing it to fall to the ground as Uriel looked out amazed at what had just transpired in front of him in amazement.  Hunter then Body Flickered behind the other Dummy and tapped its shoulder as he began to help Slow Death to defeat the enemy.  Hunter striking from the back as the Dummy was battered Slow Death swung around hitting the Dummy with his tail.  The strike sent Hunter flying as he performed the Ripper Jutsu a couple of times before taking the rest of his strength and pushing off the dummy he launched to the wall where he transferred all his Chakra to his feet to stop himself as the inertia made his feet dig into the wall.  Hunter huffed and puffed as he fell to the ground and passed out.  The Training Dummy was not done however. As it stood back up Slow Death reared back, mad that it made the mistake of hitting his friend.  He began to run at the Dummy and as he got up close he jumped up and ducked into his shell as he directed his force at the Dummy.  As he fell, Slow Death braced for impact as he slammed down on the Dummy.  After a few seconds the Dummy stood up however, holding Slow Death, and it threw the turtle by Hunter as Uriel stepped out into the yard and deactivated the Training Dummy and fetched the broken one as he whistled and three Medical Ninja appeared and began to scoop up Hunter and Slow Death.  Uriel looked over the damage that both dummies took and it occurred that Hunter was getting close to mastering whatever jutsu he had been using because the second Dummy looked almost broke in two, while the first was just trash now.  “Well done son…you really will be the one to bring this Clan back to greatness.”  He said as the voice in his head spoke out.  “You and I both know that the boy is now strong enough to travel to the homeland in the Land of Iron and learn from someone new."  He sighed as he knew Hunter would change and become the voice in his head, powerful and psychotic.  Hunter however was strong and Uriel knew that he would prevail in the end and show the Main Branch of the Family that he was indeed heir to the entire Clan and would truly be the one to unite them all.

Hunter woke up sometime later outside beside his friend.  Slow Death allowed the Medical Ninja to heal Hunter and then he stepped in and guarded him as day turned to night.  Hunter was happy he had a friend like Slow Death to depend on as he reached up and scratched behind his head, and telling Slow Death that he was alright and that he knew that he did not mean to hurt Hunter.  “Well buddy, hop in the pond and get some food and relax for a bit, I need to go and train with some of the guards.  I will be back soon.” He told Slow Death as he stood up and walked behind the Guard Post where he knew there would be fights during the night.  As he rounded the post the guards turned to see Hunter waving, and they welcomed him with open arms as he looked around and looked for the board that had fights scheduled.  He looked and noticed he was on a few of them, and he smiled as he remembered the names written as he went back to the crowd.  Hunter watched as the guards used Chakra enhanced attacks that caused him a while back to black out because they were so strong.  He had come a long way since then though and he was ready to prove it as he strained to look out into the distance as he tried to train his vision.  He eventually extended it long enough so that he could see the mid levels of the trees above the compound.  He meditated with his eyes open trying to keep his energy level up while drawing little to no Chakra as he felt his eyes become strained as he tried to see up into the tree line farther.  He felt as if he was doing it as his name was called up to fight.  Hunter stood happily as he walked out into the circle some 10 feet away from the crowd and near the wall.  As Hunter entered the crowd went nuts as they cheered for him, but then Hunter remembered who his opponent was and he got serious as he entered.  The man was one of Hunter’s favorite guards that lived on the grounds, he stood over seven feet tall(taller than Slow Death) and had arms the size of tree trunks, and while he may look tough as nails he is actually pretty nice.  Hunter bowed before the man as the giant of a man did the same thing.  The voice in Hunter’s head decided to chime in.  “THAT…Is a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE bitch!” It said as Hunter could not help but laugh a bit.

Hunter did not have much time to react as the Giant swung down both hands in a Hammer Fist.  Hunter was able to dip out of the way before launching a barrage of attacks at the Giant.  He charged up the Lightning Chakra in his palms as he began using the Ripper technique again.  The strikes were fast, but seemed to do nothing to the Giant.  The man laughed at Hunter before grabbing him and picking him up, then the Giant of a man tossed Hunter at the Compound Wall, making Hunter think quickly.  Hunter pushed off of the man adding to the throw as he aimed to the ground.  He landed as he skidded to a halt just at the edge of the arena and smiled as the crowd went quiet.  Hunter then took off in a dead sprint as the Guard prepared for the attack.  Hunter prepared the Ripper technique as he roared out in false anger and as he was a meter away he slipped and slid under the Giant before jumping up behind the man and striking him right in the small of the back with the Ripper technique Hunter watched the Giant fall with great force as Hunter stopped the jutsu and took a deep breath and bowed before the Giant before bending down and helping him out by picking him up with one arm.  The Giant laughed as Hunter carried him back to the others as the next set of fighters stood and entered the arena.  Hunter knew though by the way that everyone stared, that no one really wanted to fight him, and it made him a bit upset knowing that these guards were scared of a Genin.  He let the Giant down against the Guard Post as the Ripper technique wore off.  “Man…Hunter you are one strong mother fucker.” And with that the Giant stood up and shook off the rest of the pain before rejoining his friends in the crowd.  Hunter still knelt there as he thought of what the Guard had told him he was strong.  Hunter sighed as he thought to himself.  “Not yet…I am not strong enough yet…I need more power…” Hunter sighed as he finished his thought as the voice in his head came out to play.  “Don’t worry Hunter, in due time you will realize the power in the blood of the Yagami, and you will repay those that started this cursed existence long ago my friend…” It said as Hunter could not help but feel a feeling of anger as he went back to the crowd.  On his way back he noticed his next fight.  He was up to fight the five guards that had fought in the rain a while back.  He knew that he would get a bit of that revenge the voice was talking about tonight.  He laughed a bit as he rejoined the crowd, looking to his left he even saw the five guards, and they, saw Hunter.  The five of them began to laugh amongst themselves and point at Hunter as Hunter did not have to do anything but stare at them and show them that he was not intimidated.  He could tell the mood changed when they stopped laughing.


[Bloodline Stage 1 Lvl 3 Darkness Vision 1638/2000] (1538 from previous topic)
[The Ripper Mastery 1500/1500] (350 from previous topic)
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

Last minute training [P,NK,IO] Empty Re: Last minute training [P,NK,IO]

Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:14 am
Hunter watched the next few rounds as everyone was preparing and setting up bets for the five on one match.  Hunter placed a bet that he would win against all five as the match finally arrived.  As Hunter stepped out to the arena the wind began to pick up as lightning flashed off in the distance.  Hunter did not mind as a guard came up and handed Hunter two wood Katanas that could still do some damage as weapons since the five decided to change the game on the fly.  Hunter began to move around a bit, jumping from side loosening up as the five approached.  The crowd went from placing bets to dead silence as Hunter twirled the wooden blades in his hands and got into a fighting stance as the five of them dropped their wooden weapons and pulled out real ones as people in the crowd boo’ed no one stopped them.  Hunter smirked as he kept his stance and looked between them.  “Which one of you pussies is first?” Hunter asked mockingly as he waited.  The crowd began to laugh as the five guards all looked pissed and then at each other as Hunter decided to take the first strike and he winked to the middle guard as he took off to the wall as the five laughed.  “oh look he is running away HAHAHA!” The one in the middle said as Hunter ran up the wall at full speed and as he reached the top, once there he used his Fire Chakra to shoot him off like a rocket as he aimed for the middle guard.  In what seemed like a flash of lightning Hunter struck the guard sending him flying into the wall of the Guard Post as the ground under him exploded sending the other guards around him flying in different directions.  Hunter smiled and looked out from the small crater he had just created and laughed.  “I do not need to run…pussies.” He said as he looked at his wooden Katanas and noticed they were pretty much splinters as he threw them down, they stuck into the soil as Hunter body flickered out of the crater and got into his fighting stance unarmed and apparently…really fucking dangerous. As the four got up the crowd was quick to begin trying to change bets as they didn’t notice the four rush Hunter.  Hunter knew four of these guards would be pushing his limit but now was not the time to back out.  He began to fight them each, using complicated dodges and sometimes missing a dodge and getting thrown like a ragdoll.  Hunter charged up his lightning Chakra in one hand and just plain Chakra in the other as he jumped back into the fray, managing to strike a few with the Ripper then sending them outside the ring one by one with Arhat Fists.  Hunter was on a roll as now only two stood up and had malicious looks on their faces.  Hunter shook his head as he rolled his shoulders back and prepared to defend himself for the last time against these fools when he saw that there was a wooden Katana still lying on the ground.  He smiled and picked it up as he Body Flickered to the wall and he ran up it with ease as he looked at them as they were just in the right spot.  “METEOR STRIKE!!!” Hunter yelled out as he used the last bit of his  Fire Chakra to launch him as he held the blade high above him, the two guards tried to block and prepare for it, but it was too late as Hunter proved by hitting the ground right between them with such force it tore Hunters clothes as stood in a crater at least one meter deep between two bodies.   “They are not dead but it looks like all five are beaten.  I have won, and I am done for tonight.” Hunter yelled up as he picked the two guards up and leapt out of the crater and laid them beside their friends.  Hunter waved to the crowd of guards as he went back to Slow Death, who looked at Hunter with concern.  Hunter smiled and gave him a pat on the head before going back up to his room where he sat down and looked outside and studied the area he had just come from.  His eyes were beginning to adjust to the Darkness as he knew that he would soon be able to see at least far enough that the Darkness would be just like day for him.  He kept still as he felt the wind on his back as he lost a bit of focus, but it seemed like his eyes were beginning to come to life as it looked like it was light outside.  “This is amazing…I cannot believe how blind I was before.” Hunter said as he kept focusing outside as he could now make just the tops of trees stand out from everything else.  It was amazing that he felt that he was getting the most out of his vision as he kept trying to focus even more.  That is when the voice chimed in.  “Hey.  Hunter, if I were you I would not strain so hard, you will shit yourself.  Besides you have already managed to maxamize your potential with these eyes,  get some sleep.  Now that you are this far along…the fun shit starts tomorrow.”  It said as Hunter did not have to be told twice as he passed out falling to the floor.  He awoke several hours later and stood up as he took a change of clothes down to the bathhouse as he stripped down and sank in to get clean he noticed that the room felt different as he looked and calmed himself as he thought he literally just saw the streams of heat glow red as if he was looking through night vision.  The feeling did not go away though as he looked down into the water he noticed it.  His eyes had begun to turn black as he was beginning to see faint traces of heat in the area.  It was intense and almost caused him to have a panic attack, but he calmed down and closed his eyes as he felt his normal vision return.  Hunter took a look back into the water and noticed his eyes were now black.  “So It is time to move on to the next Stage it seems…” Hunter said as he stood up and his tattoo over his eye felt as if it was white hot.

[Darkness Vision Mastered 2000/2000, Gained black eyes]
[The Ripper Mastered 1500/1500]
[Meteor Strike 500/2000]

[Exit so I can do transition, Topic not closed]
(+20 Stats(For me and Slow Death), + 40 JP(For me and Slow Death))
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Last minute training [P,NK,IO] Empty Re: Last minute training [P,NK,IO]

Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:24 am
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

Last minute training [P,NK,IO] Empty Re: Last minute training [P,NK,IO]

Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:41 pm
Hunter went to the Bathhouse after receiving his back tattoo.  He felt the ink burn his skin and the lingering pain still drove him to wince when he stepped into the warm water.  He soon watched as the water turned black, knowing the excess ink was draining off he leaned back and let the water wash his skin clean.  When he was done he got out and dressed in his training pants, leaving his torso open as he walked out into the courtyard to fetch his familiar/friend, Slow Death.  Upon exiting the bathhouse Hunter saw a few female medical ninja and cooks enter the Guard Post, they looked over at Hunter and a couple of them actually waved.  Hunter smiled as he walked to the pond, Slow Death was already outside of the pond waiting on Hunter.  Hunter walked over to his friend and gave him a pat on the neck as he climbed on top of his shell and whistled as he pointed to the garden area his father usually hung out at.  He was told to clean up and meet in the back to receive more bloodline training.  Hunter knew this would be tough, but at least he had Slow Death to back him up if anything was to happen. “Let’s go buddy we got a lot to do in little time to do it in.”  Hunter said as Slow Death nodded, Hunter decided that soon he would have to see about developing a way to talk to his familiar and allow it to talk as well.  He sighed as he entered the gardens to see his father already outside and shirtless well.  He looked like a battle torn veteran that had seen the horrors of war.  Hunter never asked too much about his fathers past or about the Land of Iron even though he learned about it while at the Academy.  Hunter stopped Slow Death as he hoped off, and instead of saying anything to Hunter Uriel simply outstretched his arm and let loose a line of Kunai aimed right for Hunter.  Hunter watched as they sped at him he heard his father yell.  “DEFEND YOURSELF WITH YOUR WINGS!”  Hunter barely heard him as it seemed like time froze.  The voice in his head spoke up.  “Do it Hunter, you have unlocked the use of new abilities…just think of the wings you now have…wings to defend…wings to escape…Hurry Hunter there is not much time here.”  The voice aid as Hunter did as commanded, he felt as if his skin on his back was going to melt, but then felt it.  His Chakra extended itself as two dark wings sprouted out and in a fraction of a millisecond formed a shield  in front around Hunter and the torso of his sides.  Hunter was breathing hard, but knew his father had done this to awaken his power as Hunter willed the wings to open he looked at his father. “What…What the hell was that?” Hunter said as he studied his new weightless appendages.

“That. Is your Wing Shield, it is an ability that only very few of our Clan can use.  It seems that fate has allowed you the use of them, just as it has me.” Uriel said as he activated his wings.  They were massive, easily over two meters in length and almost reached the ground.  Hunter knew he had much to learn before he could use the full extent of his abilities, but he was determined to learn before the Battle Royale.  Hunter took a look back at Slow Death who looked just as surprised as Hunter was.  Hunter turned back as he heard flapping of wings, in a split reaction Hunter activated the Wing Shield, and wise to do so.  His father Body Flickered in front of him and swung a heavy training staff to strike.  Hunter felt the strain his Wings were taking and he jumped back as he focused his energy, and without meaning too it was as if he used Body Flicker as he swiftly moved behind his father and he brought his leg up and slammed it quickly into his father’s back, sending him flying at Slow Death.  Slow Death ducked into his shell as he leaned into the oncoming crash, but it never happened as Uriel stopped himself and spun back around at Hunter threw Hunter a Katana.  “Defend yourself!”  He roared as Hunter snickered and ran at the wall, climbing up it with just his feet he used his Fire Chakra to launch himself as his wings added to his speed and strength as he struck the ground hopefully where his father was with Meteor Strike.  He breathed heavily as he let the dust settle.  It was a poor mistake to stop fighting as Uriel blatently took advantage of it and struck Hunter down into the crater making the wings on Hunter’s back disappear.  He was laying there, feeling drained, knowing he had a little strength left he waited till his father was about to strike at him again, and as he sensed the strike incoming Hunter rolled out and jumped as hard as he could as he ran back up the wall and launched back off of it faster than he probably should.  This Meteor Strike was powered with Hunter’s Bloodline as he managed to connect on his fathers Wing Shield, he felt the crack as the explosion rebounded Hunter out above the ground as he felt the voice in his head start to come out.  “oh Hunter, guess who is back?” it asked mockingly as Hunter did not want to leave.  He fought hard against it and as he landed back and skidded to a halt he looked at the ground all around him as the gardens looked destroyed.  Hunter flexed as the wings on his back burst back to life as he now held a broken Katana in his right Hand, he saw his father stand up from the crater almost unscratched as he beckoned Hunter over…taunting him…teasing him.  Hunter felt the anger from inside him well up as he exploded out leaving a small crater as he felt as if he was flying he was moving so fast.  He connected his broken Katana with his fathers as the wings exploded on his back, making hunter fall down to the ground.  

Slow Death was quick to retrieve his master/friend as he stared down Uriel, for all he knew he was an enemy and Hunter, his master, would  be angry if he ate this man.  He snorted at Uriel as he guarded Hunter’s body and swung around quickly sweeping his tail across the torso of Uriel.  This attack sent Uriel flying as he stopped himself and looked at Slow Death and chuckled.  “Did not like me training Hunter did ya you big ass turtle? HAHAHA!”  Uriel laughed as he let the giant turtle guard Hunter.  It was not worth his time to fight such a weak creature at the time.  He then called for some medical ninja to come and get Hunter and patch him up.  Slow Death was reluctant, but let the medical ninja take his master because he knew they would help him to get well.  Slow Death followed the two medical ninja to the infirmary and laid down because he could not enter the building.

[Gained Lvl 2. Stage 2 Bloodline Natural ability: Demon Speed 1000/1000]
[Gained + 6 Stats, +12 JP for Slow Death and Hunter Yagami]
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Last minute training [P,NK,IO] Empty Re: Last minute training [P,NK,IO]

Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:49 pm
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

Last minute training [P,NK,IO] Empty Re: Last minute training [P,NK,IO]

Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:14 pm
Hunter had spent the last few days in the infirmary due to completely maxing out the limits on his body. He was wrapped in bandages on his legs and arms, but that would not stop him from training, now that he has had a taste of the power of this stage in his Bloodline abilities, he was not going to stop until he had achieved full power. He was told he had at least another day in the infirmary so he decided to learn more about the voice in his head.

“I thinks it is time we TRULY get to know each other, you have been in my head for sixteen years, you have seen things that even I have not…so let us get this started.” Hunter began as he closed his eyes feeling as if he was floating for a second, then the next he was still. The voice in his head finally spoke up. “So Hunter, you want to get to know me do ya? Well I will tell you what…” The voice said as Hunter felt like he was opening his eyes, everything looked normal except for the person in front of him…the person was Hunter, or a copy of him, he did not know as he backed up in the bed. “Get up, this is all in your head Hunter…well technically your head…hmmm…”it began as its voice trailed off. “Well any matter…get up and lets go take a walk.” The voice said as Hunter got up and walked out with his copy. It felt weird and comfortable at the same time as Hunter and the voice talked for what seemed like days as the sun rose and fell at least a dozen times. Right when Hunter was heading back the voice in his head spoke up for a final time. “You were wanting to know why I know what I know…the name is Legion and I am many…” Legion said as he smiled at Hunter and snapped as Hunter woke up back in the infirmary bed. With a fright as he caught his breath. “That was intense…” Hunter said as he stood up and got dressed for real. He walked out a bit sore but his face lit up when he saw Slow Death right by the door waiting on him. Hunter ran to his friend/familiar and gave him a hug before leading him back to swim for a bit as Hunter knew he had to go and train his Bloodline some more, he was going to go to the underground facility to do so. He arrived at the Guard Post and looked to the guards as they just stared back, wondering why the hell this kid was still even walking after the battle between his father. In his mind Hunter knew he was pushing it, but in his quest for power…just how far would he dare to go. He reached the underground training facility and looked around as if someone head flicked on lights, he remembered that he had not been down here since he first began to train his eyes. The room was indeed a carved out cavern. Upon further inspection Hunter actually noticed that it led into a much larger cave. There was a sign with a seal on it that read “Not Until your ready to break this seal, can you enter this place.” Hunter knew his father was hiding something farther in the cave system, but right now was certainly not the time.

After exploring a bit Hunter discovered that the area that housed the “eighteen arms of Wushu” was still open for training, but Hunter knew he was nowhere near ready to learn the ancient teachings, he found a range where he could practice long range attacks and that is what drew him the most as he felt his tattoo on his back begin to burn a bit. He then began to focus, then with the sound of flapping wings. It is then he knew the Wings had materialized as he looked out and then Legion spoke up. “Hunter the Wing is not just for boosts and defense, there are still two more abilities you need to master. See the targets out in front of you, focus on them and then will your wings to hit it.” Legion made it sound easy, but when Hunter tried to do it he felt as if he was stretching out his hands as he closed his eyes imagining the target as he began to speak to himself as he felt the Wings began to flap and then he opened his eyes as he stepped forward and willed his right wing to stretch out in front of him as he was barely able to catch a glimpse as he heard the *thunk* as something solid hit the wood target. Hunter ran out to the target as he looked, and to his amazement he found something truly intriguing. It was a solid black feather that managed to embed itself into the wood deep enough to make sure it was not coming out as Hunter felt so proud of himself he struck a quick pose of success before heading back to the front of the range. Hunter heard Legion in the back of his head laugh a little “not bad kid…but you still got a lot more to go, keep trying…and don’t kill yourself Hunter, as we discussed I really don’t NEED your body, but I would rather you not kill us with training.” Legion was better and easier to talk to now that him and Hunter had the talk, but he still was maniacal at some points. Hunter began to focus as he tried to throw again, again he only managed to get one feather to shoot, but it felt easier to control and Hunter knew that the easier it was to control, the easier it would be for him to launch them in quick succession. He kept up the training for what felt like hours before hearing the door at the top of the room open. He saw the light flood the stairwell as he ran to the stairs and wondered who it was, his father, and him were the only ones allowed to be down in the room made him a bit cautious so he used his speed boost to quickly put him behind a wall right behind the stairwell. Hunter soon heard a female voice echo throughout the room as he did not know the voice but he watched as she entered with a tray of food, which at the site of, made his stomach growl. The female finally spoke up again as Hunter saw her react to the stomach growl.

“I know your in here Master Hunter, please come out. My name is Emily and I am child of one of the family’s medical ninja. Master Uriel told me to bring you some food to take off your bandages if necessary, I also have a change of clothes and your gear in case you needed it.” Emily said in a sweet, but nervous voice. Hunter admired her from the shadows before stepping out. She was right to bring some bandages and extra clothes, Hunter did not know how long he had been down here, but knew that the bandages and clothes had to be dirty by now. He graciously bowed to Emily before taking her hand and kissing it like a gentleman. “My name is Hunt…” Hunter began but was cut off as she blurted out, “Master Hunter I know who you are, we were in the Academy together and I have been instructed to take care of you and your family since I could use Jutsu…But it is a pleasure to meet you, now please sit down and eat and regain your strength, I will change your bandages.” Hunter laughed then nodded as he sat down as she began to undress his bandages and redress them as he ate. By the time he was done, he felt re energized and fresh as he bowed to her and thanked her. Emily could not help but blush as she was thanked before taking a look at Hunter’s body before she came back into reality and then began to laugh nervously as she dismissed herself as she left the pair of clothes. Hunter sighed as he thought of how beautiful Emily was and that how weird it was to finally be talking to her since the Academy. Hunter went back to the range as he began to practice, now able to get both wings to shoot the feather like Kunai. He felt good as he kept training and focusing on shooting out the feathers, soon he was able to get two a piece before he really got to flinging them, the easier they were to shoot, the faster they shot and the farther they went. He really began to let them fly as he began to use them in conjunction with his Taijutsu skills as he would do complicated flips and punches he would fling the feathers as hard as he could, finding that some even managed to stick the rock walls. Hunter really began to move now as he used his Demon Speed to kick and launch four out at a time managing to hit dead center of the target as he ran up to it and brought his leg up and Using Arhat Fist he brought the leg down destroying the target as he outstretched his arm right and shot out not one, not two, but three feathers as he rolled and did a back flip. Punching left and right he was now getting up to five shots as he was running out of breath as he took a seat to cool off he felt the power inside him fading, knowing he could not allow that to happen he used his Adrenaline Surge ability. Feeling his heart begin to beat like crazy he stood up as he knew his Stamina and Chakra had been refilled for a limited run so he could further his training. He activated two Training Dummies as he began to fight using his enhanced speed and allowing his wings to shoot out, watching as they embedded themselves into the Training Dummies Hunter smirked as he saw one or two of them even go through limbs or nearly go through being at such close range. He was becoming faster an stronger as waited till the two Dummies were in front of him and he outstretched his hands and wings as he saw six total shot from his wings and Hunter fell down on his ass as he began to laugh as Legion decided to but in. “HELL YES HUNTER! You have managed to master this technique. Shooting six is an amazing feat with itself…and you DINDT manage to kill yourself which I am definitely happy for since I am living here with you.” Legion said as Hunter felt his wings begin to shrink. The power was dissipating in them and he would not be able to hold on as he stood up and let the Dummies go back to their holding place as Hunter let the Wings disappear, making all the feathers in the area disappear as well as Hunter wiped the sweat from his forehead. He gathered his gear and extra clothes as he went upstairs and outside as he walked to the bathhouse and got clean before redressing in new clothes without bandages as he went to see Slow Death. He smiled as he watched his friend/familiar perform some underwater moves and train underwater moving large rocks and chasing down small fish to eat. Hunter kept watching not noticing Emily behind him as she took a seat and put her feet in the water. Hunter looked down at her and smiled as the sun finally went down and the night sky was looking as beautiful as ever as he sat there and talked with Emily as he relaxed from the days training.

WC: 2006
[Mastered Bloodline Stage 2 Level 3: Razor Wind 2000/2000]
[+10 Stats, +20 JP]
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Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:18 pm
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