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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK] Empty Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK]

Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:49 am
Xuro Bakuton was walking through the Sunagakure streets. He was dressed in his usual attire consisting of his lightweight jounin attire under his White Brotherhood of Light Cloak. He had his Brotherhood of Light head band strapped across his forehead and his two different colour eyes open. His right being his normal eye while his left eye being his three tomoe sharingan permanently active.
He was really down and sad. He hadn't still came over the death of Nero. He wondered if there was still other people that knew Nero or that was close to him. They had to at least know of Nero's death...

He continued his slow walk with his hands in his cloak and his head held down still not knowing of what to do without his best friend, his closest comrade, Nero Gõka...
Yui Gōka
Yui Gōka
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Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK]

Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:08 am
'So... ...rry... for... every... thing." Yui murmured as she slowly move the icing bag across the cake. It was a chocolate cake, decorated with white icing on it. She smiled satisfactorily. The cake was meant for her long-lost brother, Nero, who she just met. Although having no memories of him when she was younger, she was sure that he is her brother and not someone who was just playing a prank on her. The first time they meet each other wasn't exactly a friendly hello - how are you? kind of meeting; it was more of an emotional... and something else that she couldn't exactly describe. But, thanks to Ren, everything was cleared up... well kind of.

Yui smiled and hummed a happy tune as she left the cake in the fridge and went up to her room to get dressed. After she was done, she took the cake out of the fridge and put in into an opaque plastic cake box. She walked out of the hose, carefully holding the cake and looked around. She lightly bit her bottom lip, Hmm... now there's only one thing left: where is his house? she thought to herself. How about I ask someone here...? She walked down the street and saw a boy. Let me ask him then... Yui awkwardly walked toward the boy, "Um... hi. I don't mean to interrupt you or whatever... but, can I ask you something?" she asked.
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK]

Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:23 am
As Xuro continued his sorrowful & depressed walk to nowhere, he was approached by a girl he hadn't seen before. He wasn't so sure if she was a ninja or not but he would be glad to help anyone that dwells within Sunagakure. He would lift his head up and try to look like he was how he always was. He produced a smile on his face and greeted the girl that approached him. "Oh Hi there! Yeah so what do you need then?"
Yui Gōka
Yui Gōka
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Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK]

Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:11 am
Yui smiled as the boy greeted her, "Hi, I'm looking for someone called Nero Gōka. Do you know where he lives?", she would ask, looking at the boy, as she noticed his eyes; he had different colored eyes. Her greenish-blue eyes widened as she looked at them, Woooww~ they are so cool! she thought to herself, keeping her mouth shut from blurting out her thoughts. She pushed her long blond hair out of her face, carefully balancing the cake box in her right hand, waiting for his answer.
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK]

Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:58 am
Xuro was quite surprised when the girl asked him if he knew Nero. How did she know Nero? Xuro was quite shocked. He remained silent for a moment still thinking about Nero being no more...

He then finally replied, "Y..Yes... How do you... Know Nero??" he asked very peculiar to know the girl's answer and her link with Nero his former comrade....
Yui Gōka
Yui Gōka
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Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK]

Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:58 am
Yui lightly bit her bottom lip as the boy replied to her question. Her face instantly brightened as he said yes although she was surprised that he literally stammered the answer to her. Why did he stammer? Did I scare him or something? Do I look scary today? Question began to circulate in her brain but she shrugged her shoulders, dismissing them from her brain. She on a 'mission' right now; a mission of finding out where her brother lives. She can't let anything distract her right now and besides, she needs to deliver cake to him before the icing melts in the scorching weather. "Oh. He's my brother. Or well, should I say my long-lost brother. I just recently knew about his existence.", she said and laughed. "Its a long story." 

Yui looked at him before smiling once more, "Can you show me where he lives?"
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK]

Thu Sep 26, 2013 5:20 pm
Xuro was incredibly astonished by what the girl said. She stated she was his long lost sister?? How was that even possible?? Xuro remained quite confused by this and didn't really know what to expect. Nero had a sister? He would first see, maybe this girl is actually an enemy. Disguised as this girl in a plot to find out where Nero lives to ambush him or something. Right now the girl didn't know Nero was dead so Xuro used this advantaged to see if the girl was speaking the truth.

"I will show you where he lives after you tell me this long story. How is Nero your brother? I've knew him a long time and he had never mentioned having a sister. Please do explain to me."
Xuro would wait & would listen to the girl's reply. He would monitor her chakra and her body reactions using his sharingan to test if the girl is lying or not...
Yui Gōka
Yui Gōka
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Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK] Empty Re: Meeting another Gõka? [P,NK]

Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:09 pm
[if you don't mind, can you wait for a while since I need to "review" the story with Nero. It's pretty complicated since yeah... we didn't really plan it out from the very beginning... Sorry for any inconveniences caused] 

[Sorry it took a while... totally my fault]

Yui smiled awkwardly and took a deep breath, 'Well... I can't remember a lot about my past... but I'll tell you what I can still remember right now..." She lightly bit her bottom lips before continuing...

"Eight years ago... my oldest brot- I mean our oldest brother, Ren left us after the death of our parents. He left because of... depression and revenge, I believe. I had no memory of Nero, whatsoever, nor he had any memory of me. I guess... I was just too young at that time... I was only 6, I think." She shifted her weight from her left foot to her right foot. "We met each other at the academy... he was the substitute for that day.. and yes I know it's weird for someone my age to be in the academy, but I had some problems that was totally normal for someone who was in my situation would get and I couldn't enrol myself into the academy. Anyways, that was when we pretty much 'discovered' about each other's existence and that was also the time where... things got messed up and confusing, but Ren turned up and cleared things up. Kinda."

She took a deep breath, "And that's it... so far." Yui looked at the boy, waiting for him to reply.
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