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With new power comes pain Empty With new power comes pain

Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:17 pm
The rumors begin to spread about how talented Johnny had become they could feel the will of fire inside of him and with that he hade no problem in the Ninja Academy. And with the pressure of doing good in school Johnny full fill the expectation and passed on top of his class. Within a year he finish school and become a genin tears of joy could be seen with Johnny parents they took a picture of that special day. As Johnny continue to get stronger with the help of his parents the future really look good for him. But as Johnny grew older the clansmen knew that it was time for his parents to get back on becoming ninja at first they refused fearing they gotten weaker and not being able to fight at the same level they could. But they knew shame could lead to not helping out there clan and taint there good names leading to future problems for there son so they took on missions for the sake of there son.

The smell of break fest was in the air as Johnny parents were cooking for there son who was now a real ninja "Mmmm this smells so good I gotta see whats to eat!" Johnny hurried down stairs "Mom ! Dad! whats to eat!?" Johnny eyes were widen and face showed joy There parents both looked at each other and laugh as they saw there son still act like a kid Johnny grab a seat with his parents and began to set his plate "Oh my god this food is so good" Johnny grab seconds as his parents looked on Johnny looked at the both of them "Whats wrong?" They both said nothing and watch Johnny "Well that was great thanks mom and dad!" Johnny mom grab the plates as she starts to clean the table off "So are you guys going on any mission today? I've notice you guys been taking a lot of them for our clan why do they make you do them weren't you guys retire as a ninja" Johnny farther step in as his mom looked sad he told Johnny it was there choice and that they do it to keep our clan protected "Well I still think you guys shouldn't be doing it your too old for it now" Johnny father laugh so did his mom but with a tear going down her face "So are you guys free for today?" Johnny farther step in again told him no and said they have a mission today and will be home later "This isn't fair!" Johnny went to his room  Johnny parents followed into his room "This isn't fair you shouldn't be ninja anymore you should just be parents" Johnny mom gave him a hug and told him he loves him and so did his farther they left after that.

Johnny woke up form his nap he took as his parents left for the mission "I wonder if there back yet?" Johnny looked at the clocked "8oclocked they should be home by now?" Johnny got out of bed and looked around in his house "Mom! Dad! you guys home!? "Johnny kept yelling out there names but no reply back he looked at his table seeing a note "Whats this?" The note read that both his parents were killed during there mission and there parents had wrote there last notes all it said was "Sorry we couldn't make it back in time for dinner We always will be with you and love you make us proud" Johnny eyes teared up as he held on to the paper "This isn't fair this isn't right !" Johnny went outside to the middle of the senju community "You guys did this to me!!! You took them away from me!!! For what!?" Flames began to erupt Johnny face turns into a hated looked "Since I lost someone i love so will you!" Johnny eyes had looked unconscious it didn't look like Johnny and he kept repeating "Not fair" he was now destroying the Senju living area the elder come out and try to stop him but fail they haven't seen a power like this before in there clan. who will be able to stop him?
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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With new power comes pain Empty Re: With new power comes pain

Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:18 pm
Not long did it take to send word for reinforcements, Samaruo was called to action. Samaruo, and two others would be sent to deal with this unknown problem within the village. It was with his duty as a shinobi to protect the citizens from harm, whether it be an attack from the outside, or inside the village. For now, all that was to be expected was a wild fire that manage to sprout, being that Samaruo was also a water user, he was an obvious choice for the job. The Jounin, along with two other chuunin would swiftly make their way towards the Senju district, with the objective to put out the blazing fires.
As the three leaf shinobi arrived, Samaruo ordered the two other chuunin to begin with evacuating the scattered Senju and keeping the flames contained, while Samaruo himself would assign himself the task with putting out the source of the fire. Samaruo wore his new battle robes, a grey high collared shirt with a zipper that was pulled all the way to the top which also had the uchiha crest located on the back, a pair of black pants, a purple garb sheet that was wrapped around his waist, his katana that was secured tightly against his back waist, and a pair of high top shinobi shoes. Samaruo carefully made his way deeper into the district, carefully avoiding the flames. As he advanced further, a voice would catch his attention, the words were too faint to make out due to the flames, but enough to block them out completely. As Samaruo felt the heat of the flames, he decided to make his way towards the source of the words. It could be a kid who was crying for help, Samaruo felt best that he should secure the kid immediately.
Finally, finding himself in the center of the district, he managed to find a boy through the maze of flames, who's back was facing Samaruo. It was clear that he had to rescue the boy before any harm could come to him. "Hey, we have to get out of here, before you get hurt!", Samaruo said with a loud response, making sure he would be heard correctly, while making his way towards the boy with cautious steps, his right arm extended forwards in attemps to latch on to boy's shoulder's once he would get close enough.
The flames were being handled by the two chuunin, due to the size of the enflamed area now being reduced from their effort.
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With new power comes pain Empty Re: With new power comes pain

Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:53 pm
Johnny saw two men helping out the senju clan claiming the flames down "Stay out of my way!" Johnny pulled back his right fist and began to charge chakar into his fist fire began to show surrounding his right hand "Leave this place now one should be saving these people" Johnny notice a boy wondering around with tears on his face "You don't have the right to sherd tears you have only lost your parents for a mere moment imagine the situation i'm in!" The boy looking over at Johnny and started to pick his pace up and began running the boy farther showed up the boy face turn around hearing his name called out "Now you will be able to feel what i feel!" Johnny pulled out a kunai and started to run towards the boys farther once Johnny got into striking distance Johnny brought back his hand with the kunai and got ready to kill the boys farther "Take this!"
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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With new power comes pain Empty Re: With new power comes pain

Thu Oct 31, 2013 7:41 pm
Samaruo, from behind heard the troubled boy's response, and the actions that he took; it was now time to act. In Samaruo's eye's, it appears that the kids has lost it, and had to be taken down. Samaruo's eyes darkened with a red tint, with three tomoe taking shape in both eyes. His eyes scanned his surroundings, while simultaneously planning out an appropriate plan of attack, while keeping the lingering flames in mind.

Once the boy begun to move, with kunai in hand, Samaruo made his. His form blurred in an instant due to his body flicker jutsu, taking a grey tint with his speed now at levels that would most likely trump the kid's own. His speed[205] and strength[70] would aid him in this attack, as he now headed for the charging child's backside. If successful, Samaruo's hand would grasp the back of his neck, securing it with force, but not enough top break it. After which he would then pull downwards, halting the child's movement while throwing him down to the black dirt floor all together in one motion. His form would tower over the downed distraught child since his position was now in front of the child should he succeed, with eyes that were filled with both disappointment and fury for he knew the identity of the troubled poor child, "Johnny."
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With new power comes pain Empty Re: With new power comes pain

Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:20 pm
Johnny eyes showed anger being taken down he struggle to fight away but then saw who was holding him down "Samaruo!? what are you doing here? what am i doing?" Johnny looked around and saw the messed that had happen in the senju district "This can't be because of me can it? Johnny scream out for his parents asking for where they were "Mom! Dad! are you guys okay!?" It seems Johnny is blocking out the lost of his parents "Samaruo do you know where they are?" Johnny waited for Samaruo to reply
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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With new power comes pain Empty Re: With new power comes pain

Fri Nov 08, 2013 10:05 pm
Sighing for a moment, while continuing to look down at his student, Samaruo tried to assess the situation. It was almost too quick to say that the boy did this out of malicious intent, his pass words suggested such a little. Pondering further he would realize that maybe the boy had suffered something so tragic that it may have caused him to go out of control. Samaruo then shut his eyes slightly longer, coming to a conclusion that eh hoped was not true. He griped his first at the thought, why did a young kid such as himself had to got through this?
The fire soon dissipated from the area, thanks to the two chuunin that Samaruo brought with him, there services would be noted in the report as this was their first time out on duty. The smoked however lingers still, bringing on a haze like appearance over the Senju district, spreading out toward the rest of the village a bit. Samaruo still keeping a watchful on his surroundings, for he still did not know for sure how the boy started this fire. The fiery fist that the boy possessed did not convince Samaruo completely.
The boy's words were heard, the old Samaruo would have told Johnny to move one, but not this time. Samaruo would see to it that he would help the boy out through this problem, immediately. Nevertheless, Johnny needed to be brought up to speed of the situation, what he had done, but not before checking if he was alright. "Johnny, can you understand me?" Samaruo would take a step forward, crouching down in front of him , in attempts to place his left hand softly on Johnny's right shoulder if allowed. Samaruo would only proceed further when he was sure that Johnny was well enough comprehend his words, the boy seemed perplexed beyond imagination.
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With new power comes pain Empty Re: With new power comes pain

Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:57 am
"Yes I can understand you! but what the heck is going on Samaruo!?" Johnny was still a little daze from everything but he sat up and rubbed his head "Why do I feel like I was the fighting?" Johnny looked at his surrounding more and more seeing the fire being put out with heavy black smoke appearing Johnny notice that he was the only one in town "Samaruo where are all the people? Shouldn't the elder at least be in town?" Johnny notice Samaruo hand coming to towards Johnny with a good intent but Johnny knew something was wrong "Samaruo whats wrong why are you acting like this?" Johnny showed a now worried look on his face not knowing what to expected
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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With new power comes pain Empty Re: With new power comes pain

Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:22 pm
His hands gripped the boy's shoulder more, but not enough to break it, or feel pain for that matter. It was then that he decided to tell him what had taken place, the reason for the destruction, the reason why a section of the village, the Senju district, was caught ablaze. Samaruo looked into he boy's eyes, beam a sense of concern for him into his very soul.
"When I arrived here to calm the fires that were set, I..., Johnny, do you remember anything that took place here, anything prior to before I dragged you down to the floor?."
But alas, Samaruo would come up with a solution that would better him in the future, that him being Johnny. His eyes stay within lock of Johnny's, waiting for a reply once more.
[Forgive me for the short post.]
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With new power comes pain Empty Re: With new power comes pain

Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:07 pm
"No I don't samaruo" Johnny had a daze looked on his face looking at the ground "Was anybody hurt in this madness Samaruo I wonder if my parents are okay?" Johnny started to think hard "Why can't I remember anything this is such a weird feeling" Johnny began to say the things he did early "I woke up had breakfast with my parents then what happen?" Johnny eyes lite up "Samaruo my parents...They went on a mission! thats right they were saying there goodbyes and said they would be back!" Johnny got on his feet leaving the grasp of samaruo "Come on Samaruo maybe there at my house!" Johnny ran as fast as he could with the hopes of his parents being there "Mom!...Dad! you guys in here! " It seems as if Johnny house was fine not damage in johnny rampage "Maybe there inside and can't hear me lets go inside" Johnny arrive seeing a note on the table just as it was there when Johnny woke up "What does this say?" *It seems that this rampage will happen again if this note will be read what will the chaos happen again? or will he be stop from reading this letter*
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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With new power comes pain Empty Re: With new power comes pain

Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:21 pm
Samaruo's eyes were turned away from Johnny, even now as Johnny stood up, leaving his grasp. hearing the boy's wants for his parents was sad indeed. His parents were gone it seems from the words he overheard him say a few moments ago. His solution to end his problems seemed to grow more and more positive, a means to end his suffering, and move on. A lot of things could a kid grow up to become with out the aid and guidance of an elder, a mom or dad. Samaruo seemed to grow more and more wise he thought, he knew for sure that this was be a good way to help Johnny.

Samaruo's body returned to its feet, watching Johnny run towards his house. For a moment Samaruo stood still, watching the boy try and cling on to hope. He looked around at his setting, the little embers of flame that still lingered from the great fire. Hope? Samaruo nodded once to himself, yes there was he agreed while returning his focus back to the running Johnny. he followed quickly as he could keep up to Johnny's speed with no problem. The time to give back hope to Johnny, was now.

Finally as the two reached the destination, it was a place untouched by fire surprisingly. He followed Johnny inside, a couple feet behind him, not far. Seeing the boy go on like this, searching his house that was obviously empty was enough of Samaruo part. It was time that the boy would be cleansed of his suffering, especially if Samaruo had the power to make it all go away. "Johnny, that's enough." Samaruo's tone was strict and authoritive. No more shall it go on, Samaruo's form would vanish from his previous position as he finished his words, now in front of the Johnny, intercepting him before he would attempt to proceed towards the note at a speed he most probably wouldn't react to, he hoped. "Look at me..." His sharingan eyes glowing with a dark red aura now pointing downwards towards Johnny, attempting to look directly into the eyes and alter the boy's memory of the situation he was just in, and not only that, but the memories of his parents. No more shall he weep tears of pain, tears of loss. This being something Samaruo can relate too, as he experienced losing a loved on at one point. All this would take place, if the boy would simply look up into the eyes of Samaruo.  

All that would remain of Johnny is that he was an adopted child, whose step-brother would be inches in front of him, waiting to hear him speak. He would not leave this boy alone, to live life alone. No one should go through such a thing, especially a young boy like Johnny.
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