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Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

Pain Tolerance Empty Pain Tolerance

Fri Aug 23, 2024 1:09 pm
The problem with surviving all this time is you will eventually end up with the ghosts of everyone you have loved…ever come across. The weight bears upon your shoulders, making it hard for you to get up to complete the day-by-day tasks. However, not only does your body feel heavy but so does your mind. The flickering imagery of their faces is a daily constant reminder of those once before. If you are lucky, you did not have to see how they met their gruesome end. If you did, well, you are one of the unlucky ones.

That is what Kaimera feels.

Time and time again he have suffered the loss of someone close to him, albeit family or comrade. Though, he feels lucky as he does not know how they have met their demise for they have just disappeared, like a petal in the wind. Traversing too somewhere unknown. Hidden away from the rest of the world. The thought of what might have happened or might have been weighing down on him. He could feel the depression seep in with the lingering thoughts. The sadness and grief made their way through the cerebral fluid that surrounds his mind, but what follows is anger and resentment. A mixture of emotions begins to circulate like the bloodlines in his body. Subzero temperatures begin to intertwine with scorching heat. It is a tempestuous feeling that he does not know how to fix…well, until now.

A shirtless Kaimera found himself in his bathroom. The only light came from the luminescent bulb that hummed near the sink. His eyes peered around the room and finally settled on the window that gave way to moonless night. An exasperated sigh left his lips as he turned towards the mirror that hung in front of him. ‘Am I really going to do this?’ He thought to himself as he gripped the sides of the porcelain sink. It is the only way to grow…to become stronger. But still, this is a dangerous thing to do. Especially without someone accompanying him. However, with unanswered requests and unresponsive letters, this is what it has come to. He has to do the transplant on himself with this newly acquired organ that would bestow him with greater abilities then he has so far.

“I suppose it is time,” he whispered as he looked at his face. He wonders if his body will change once again with a nearly new foreign organ inhabiting his body just like when the Yuki organ was implanted. But is that what he is really worried about at this time? No. That is a third thought. The first one is dying, and then the next is the pain that will come. He has no anesthesia or numbing jutsus that would hinder the feeling. Will he fall unconscious from the pain and bleed out? He supposes there's only one way to find out.

Using the mirror as a navigation system, he formed a series of hand signs. A razor-sharp blue aura surrounded his hand that let out a humming noise. Taking a big breath, Kaimera brought his hand down his right side, next to his abdomen where his right kidney should be. Holding his breath, he proceeded to make a linear six-inch incision upon the skin. Pain begins to envelop his side as blood begins to trickle down from the cut. Using his other hand, he stuck it through the incision and wrapped his palm around his kidney. A squelching noise could be heard when he went inside his own body. Everything felt squishy and wet, especially the organ that was inside his palm.

Pulling the organ out that was still attached to the renal artery and vein, he quickly sliced through them as blood began to steadily pour out of his body. Hastily placing his right kidney in a bag, he formed another set of hand signs to activate his Mystical Palm. A green aura enveloped his hand. Picking up the Jugo organ with his opposite hand, placed the renal artery and vein next to the parts on the organ where they would connect and begin healing them. It took a few seconds for them to fully connect, but once that was done. He, once again, re-inserted his hand with the Jugo organ back inside his body. Placing the organ in its new home. Pulling his hand from the entry-point, he begins healing the incision that he made upon his body. Kaimera could feel his head begin hazy from the blood loss from cutting the artery. He was out of breath as well. Who knew doing this to oneself would cause this much exertion. Not him.

Once the wound was fully healed, he would try to clean up his mess. But just like before, that feeling would come back. Kaimera bunches his eyes closed again in anticipation of the coming pain. Kaimera can feel the organs in his body like they were fighting for dominance, lighting up nerves that should not ever be experienced like this. He vomits onto the floor beneath him, his throat and stomach clenching convulsively. 

A sudden shock, stronger than the last time, makes Kaimera scream so hard that he nearly blacks out. He hovers on the edge of consciousness, his vision filled with black spots and his body rebelling everything happening to it. Tears flowed from his eyes as he dropped to knees as his body felt like it was being burned upon by the sun. His body felt like it was melting from extreme thermal temperatures, while it also felt like it was buried deep in thick snow. 

Kaimera already feels wrung out and shattered, his body like pieces ground into dust, and he’s exhausted, like he’s run a damn marathon. And frankly, he’s terrified like he hasn’t been since he was scared of monsters on that damn island. It’s primal, all encompassing, completely beyond any and all attempts at rationalizing. But with all the excruciating pain, soon comes relief. Finding his way back to his feet, he stumbled in front of the mirror. Looking at his reflection, he stared in disbelief and utmost shock. His hair was still divided into two colors, but one was half white and the other black. His eyes did the same, one bright yellow and the other an almost gray. However, the burn mark upon his face was now entirely gone. His only thought could be that the Jugo Organ drastically enhanced the effects of what the Yuki organ did to him.

Cleaning up all the vomit and blood. He left the bathroom and a new person.


TWC: 1,101
Jugo Organ (Right Kidney) in Body. (Placing Goka Organ in Inventory)
1,101/1,500 to Adjustment of Organ (25% off Due to Max Stat)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Pain Tolerance Empty Re: Pain Tolerance

Fri Aug 23, 2024 6:31 pm
Kaimera Yakedo wrote:


TWC: 1,101
Jugo Organ (Right Kidney) in Body. (Placing Goka Organ in Inventory)
1,101/1,500 to Adjustment of Organ (25% off Due to Max Stat)

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