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Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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Pain [IO,NK] Empty Pain [IO,NK]

Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:12 pm
The lone swordsman of Tengakure lies on a bed within the hospital. He does not remember too much. The last clear though it his mind before passing out, is Xyxer catching him to prevent him from falling to his death. As the man sits up from the bed, he feels an intense pain move throughout his entire body, from head to toe. He immediately lies back down, his face cringing in annoyance. He lifts his head from the pillow slightly, and attempts to stare at his body. He notices, his neck, and torso area is covered in bandages. Upon further inspection, he notices that his arms are completely bandaged. Looking to a table in front of his bed, 2 meters, he notices his belongings, well at least some of them. Sighing, he lays his head against the pillow once more, and closes his eyes. In wait for a nurse, or whomever to come into the room.
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Pain [IO,NK] Empty Re: Pain [IO,NK]

Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:16 pm
Xyxer was going through some form of transformation.. He no longer felt the same as he once did. Feelings tore through him now which was not what he was accustomed to. After all, he was a butcher of the mist.. Perhaps his last encounter with Kenchi had shown him that not being what you're expected to be is fine.. Unless a guy breaks your arm and beats  you up, of course. Not entirely aware of his own actions, he was subconsciously using Faceless to create a new form. His hair, slowly turning a gingery-rustic colour. His eyes remained the same for now however so he was still recognisable. He felt.. remorse, perhaps, for his recent actions. Walking through the hospital he went directly to Kenchi's boarding room, not caring to wait for petty things such as registers and lists. When inside, he stood at the foot of the males bed and watched him.
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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Pain [IO,NK] Empty Re: Pain [IO,NK]

Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:32 pm
Kenchi opens a single eye, while laying against the pillow. He stares at the man standing silently at the foot of his bed. 'Is he a nurse?' The boy wanders, while shifting slightly within the bed. The common medication for pain seemed to have kicked in slightly. "May I help you?" The boy says just loud enough for those within the room to hear. He had yet to realize that the man in front of him was the very person responsible for putting him in this predicament. Instead, his eyes shift away from the man, and at his belongings on the table behind him. He silently prays for the hospital bill to not be too much.
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Pain [IO,NK] Empty Re: Pain [IO,NK]

Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:38 pm
"How is your recovery coming along, Kenchi?" Xyxer inquired, his hands moving onto the foot of the bed as to curl around the metal railing that was there. He did not expected himself to see this man ever again, but it seemed fate had a weird way of dealing with things.
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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Pain [IO,NK] Empty Re: Pain [IO,NK]

Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:56 pm
Kenchi could recognize that sly, alluring voice from anywhere. "Xyxer?" After saying this, he grabs the side of his bed, pressing a button which lifts it to a ninety degree angle. "I'm fine. Though this way of living will take some getting used to, I'll be back to normal in no time...what did you come here for, Xyxer?" A slight tinge of anger within his voice as he says this.
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Pain [IO,NK] Empty Re: Pain [IO,NK]

Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:23 pm
"I wanted to validate the theory that you're not dead.. I have you know, Kenchi, I took careful measures to preserve your life." He was not lying at this part, as it was true with the ways he had saved him, although he did try to enhance the pain. Best friends for life.
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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Pain [IO,NK] Empty Re: Pain [IO,NK]

Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:28 pm
Kenchi chuckles, looking up to the man at his bedside. "I can tell you did everything in your...power to keep me alive." After this is said, the boy looks to his right, out the window. "I am truly sorry that you believe that I've left my village in the past to collect dust...and now that I think about it I might have." He looks back over at Xyxer. "Maybe this is the reason I was not chosen to become a seven-swordsman, and you were..."
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Pain [IO,NK] Empty Re: Pain [IO,NK]

Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:30 pm
"The Seven Swordsmen can easily be revived, Kenchi. Our village, however, can not. That is why we must carry it's mist in our veins and be just as cold to others as the village was to us." He looked around before he walked off and picked up a chair, moving back to the bed he put it next to Kenchi's resting place and sat on it.
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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Pain [IO,NK] Empty Re: Pain [IO,NK]

Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:34 pm
"I see, but I feel the only way we can truly reclaim the mist, is by killing the ones responsible for the destruction of our village. Call me selfish, but it's the only way I can feel at peace." He observes the man closely as he takes a seat. "Don't you think they deserve death, Xyxer?"
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Pain [IO,NK] Empty Re: Pain [IO,NK]

Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:37 pm
"Of course. But really, are we the ones to do this act? We were the ones that fled from Kirigakure with Sameonna.. We were the ones that abandoned the village that taught us everything. I want nothing more than to see them squeal.. but at the end of the day, Kenchi, we destroyed the village just as much as they did." He sighed, looking down somewhat.
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