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Reika Kagetsu
Reika Kagetsu
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Booze Run [mission] Empty Booze Run [mission]

Sat Dec 14, 2013 7:20 pm
Mission Name: Booze Run
Rank: D
Type: Delivery
Character Requirements: None
Mission Location: Kumogakure/Village Gates
Word Count Requirements: 400
Repeatable? Yes
NPC? No.
Reward: 450, and a bottle of Jack Daniels.
Some how, some way, Kurisu, the previous kage, managed to consume the whole liquor reserve of the village after just resigning, apparently he had too much time on his hands. your job as a loyal could ninja is to retrieve the new shipment of alcoholic beverages from the main gates and transfer them over to the Raikage Office, orders directly from the new kage herself.


Reika Kagetsu's foot tapped against the hard stone by the village gates impatiently as she awaited the delivery. A fruit bounced in the palm of her left hand, her right folded lazily over her chest as she looked out the gates emptily, her thoughts wandering from this topic to that. She thought, for a second, that she might go visit the library and check out that book about the Chuunin exams to read while she was waiting, but she near immediately pushed the idea aside. It would be irresponsible to leave her post, in case the delivery arrived while she was off running to the library. And, quite frankly, she was a little afraid of what the Kage would do if she didn't get her Jack Daniels as soon as she possibly could. And she did not want to be on the receiving end of her wrath. Although she had not met the new Kage in person, she likened her personality with a past Hokage and one of the legendary Sannin, Tsunade. She had read about her in a book, which had described in vivid detail how impatient she was. She could barely stand to imagine the powerful wrath of the Raikage. 

Suddenly, she was wrenched from her thoughts by the distant form of a messenger, a ways down the path. She straightened, tossing the half-eaten fruit to a squirrel that was loitering in a clump of bushes nearby. The messenger, panting heavily, approached her and set the large package in front of her. With a sigh, he sunk to the ground, murmuring, “-your… problem now.” She grimaced down at the messenger and package, and thought fleetingly: Well… this’ll be fun. With a heave, she used the dense muscle in her legs to lift the package into her arms and gave a weak smile to the messenger. She guessed the smile was not as much of an assurance as she intended, but flew through the structures as fast as she could bear nonetheless. Once or twice the weight seemed to be too much for her so she paused to set the package down and replace the blood flow to her hands, chastising herself all the while that this was pitiful and that she needed to be stronger than this, continuing as soon as the feeling returned to her hands.

Finally, she reached the office of the Raikage. She set the package down carefully and straightened to wipe the accumulated sweat off of her forehead. The only inclination that her numb hand had brushed up against her forehead protector was the slight shift of fabric she felt on her forehead and the light grating of skin on metal. Two Chuunin approached as if to take the package from her and spare her the trip into the Office, and she smiled at them gratefully, gesturing widely at the package as if saying, “Take it, please, it’s yours!” The way they looked down on her she was sure everything about her looked a mess, yet she shrugged it off. They were even about the same age as her by the looks of it; maybe they were judging the fact that she was still a Genin. But still, she didn’t care. She couldn’t care, or else it empowered them to keep judging her.

And she would never stoop to that.


Word Count: 556
[+450 ryo]
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Booze Run [mission] Empty Re: Booze Run [mission]

Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:36 pm
Approved, 450 ryo and 3 jp awarded.
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