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Ryuu Koga
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Moving on Empty Moving on

Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:38 pm
The slow relentless rain trickled downward, it was no longer the torrential downpour of earlier that day. Yes, it was still day one of Ryuu's time as a missing ninja. He felt it odd to think of himself as such, but it was the truth. He no longer had business with Amegakure, well, that was not true. He still had one man he had to fight to regain his pride: Worr. Yes, he would be back, there was no doubt about that in the least. First he had to get stronger, it was the only way that the rogue shinobi could see going any further than he was now. Thus, the former jounin continued along the well beaten path that led to god knows where. This brought an odd thought to the shinobi's mind: where the hell was he going?

Since leaving Amegakure he had merely been wandering away further and further from the village with no real aim. He was not worried about pursuit as Worr could have killed him before yet did not, which still bothered Ryuu, was he not worth killing? Was he not a threat? It was these thoughts that festered in the mind of the former rain shinobi. Trying to shake these thoughts from his mind, Ryuu continued on his way down the path to god knows where. However, as he went further and further away he began to notice something: he was nearing the borders of the village hidden in the rain. Sure, he had been here plenty of times before. granted not under the same circumstances in the least, back then he had simply been patrolling the village for anyone who may be attempting to attack the village itself. Odd how things change, no?

Stopping his advance from Amegakure for a minute or so the once jounin felt something rather odd. It was not often that he used his chakra senses, which was one of his major shortcomings, but right now he felt a very vague mass of chakra or three coming from beyond Amegakure's border. Unsure what it was, but not too worried, the missing ninja went onwards towards the masses of chakra. Much to his dismay the source of the chakra signatures quickly came into view. Sadly, it seemed as if Ryuu was not quite done dealing with miscreants at the village borders. The three chakra signatures he had sensed seemed to be mindless bandits attacking an old man's caravan. The old man himself was safe atop the wagon for now, but Ryuu figured he would not be for too much longer. Now, one might think: 'oh, Ryuu is a heartless bastard'. Well, they would be partly correct, but the missing ninja did also not have much regard for people who beat up on the old.

Thus, making use of his underused chakra senses the missing ninja approached the scene with a smooth clean gait. In a matter of a minute or so Ryuu had arrived on right behind the wagon. At this point he spoke up with a rather commanding voice that befit someone in a place of leadership and was a bit out of place coming from the throat of a recently exiled shinobi, "You two should stand down. This is no way to go about treating the elderly." With that simple phrase the missing ninja caught the attention of both the bandits and the old man. The old man said nothing nor did he do anything, rather he looked stunned. However, the two bandits made their way to the back of the wagon both wielding what appeared to be oversized swords.

Sighing, Ryuu knew that they weren't just going to back off. Clearly he had to persuade them. And by persuade them, well, that meant beating the living shit out of him. In one swift movement Ryuu drew the sword that was sheathed on his left hip with his right hand. Not hesitating once the former jounin entered the fray with a clam expression of a practiced swordsmen. Sidestepping both men's first blows Ryuu was able to nick the first man's wrist and then knock the other man back using the pommel of his sword. The man whose wrist he nicked dropped his word in shock leaving Ryuu an opening. Flicking his sword in an elegantly deadly arc a clean red line opened in the man's throat, one down. The other man was knocked back against the wagon itself, but was able to rebound quickly. A little too quickly for Ryuu's liking really, thus the former jounin was forced to jump back a bit to dodge the man's mighty blow that would have cut Ryuu clean in half. However, the man's blow was far too strong and sent his sword deep into the ground. Taking advantage of this Ryuu bounded forward once again and slashed at the man's throat, thus leaving a mark similar to the one on the other bandit to open in the second bandits throat.

Flicking his sword to the side sending a line of blood off of the sleek sword, Ryuu bent down and wiped off the excess blood off on the second bandit's shirt. Standing once more Ryuu accessed what he had just done and reached out with his slowly developing chakra senses and sure enough all he could sense was the old man. Ryuu spoke up once again, such that the stunned old man could hear, "You should really be on your way before anyone more nasty than those two come along." With that the once shinobi of Amegakure went on his way. he still possessed the headband of Amegakure and he half wondered if it was worth scratching out the emblem of the rain village. It was this thought that now filled Ryuu's mind. It had replaced the ones about where he was going. For now he was content to simply be moving, he would go wherever the path led him. Thus, in a few more steps the former jounin walked past the borders of Amegakure, he had always been interested in the world beyond the Rain village and here was his chance.

{Exit, wc: 1022, +5 stats & + 10 JP, 1022/1000 for 1st level of chakra senses}
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

Moving on Empty Re: Moving on

Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:55 pm
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