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Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Murder by a sweet child Empty Murder by a sweet child

Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:30 am
Taois was still very upset with how slow he was, and knew that he would have problems should he get into a dangerous situation.  This shouldn’t happen because of his cuteness, but even he knew sometimes people attacked for no reason.  Needing additional speed he set out for a week’s worth of training.  “GRUGRRGR”, was heard in his head.  Mister monster had been grumbling more and more.  Beiing cooped up all the time must really be a problem for him.  “Mister monster why don’t you let me use your chakra again, it would be more fun than being a grumpy gorilla all the time.”  This was met with heated silence that Taois didn’t pick up on in the slightest.  He packed enough provisions to keep himself fed and hydrated for the long endeavor, as well as some supplies to sleep out in the wilderness with.  Locking up his parent’s home he set of for the boarders around the villages, and the many volcanos surrounding it.  Walking through the town with his heavy pack was a wonderfull affair, and Taois made sure to smile and wave at each individual he passed.  This always made him happy, he enjoyed seeing the people of the village, even if most of them were glum.  However, if he made himself into a powerful ninja, maybe he could bring cheer to the place.  After all just because they were cannibals didn’t mean they had to be sour about it.  HAHA he thought to himself, sour people, a joke only a native of Funkagakure would think is humorous.  A sound of a giant palm hitting a face could be heard in his mind, little Taois wondered what that was about.
This would be his first day of training.  It would be AMAZING, but it was time to cover up some of his weakness with strength.  The jogging was fairly basic work, but it was the purpose of the day.  This would give him his solid base as to which build on for the entire week.  The ground passed slowly beneath his feet as step after step led him deeper through the uninhabited volcanos.  Birds and other animals watched as he came and went some of them spliced from medical expirementation.  The heat from the volcanoes and lava streams had made a small sweat break out on his forehead, but it was a good feelings, especially with his natural affinity for fire, and now thanks to Son Goku, lava itself.  His muscles where stretching nicely, and the jogging was doing the trick for the day.  Even though he grew weary he continued to jog for around 2 hours.  Though by the end it might be more of a shuffle.  His pack was weighing heavily on his body, and Taois decided it was time to have a little break.  During his break he had a small snack of a finger sandwich he had prepared, and read out of Make “So you’re a cannibal, how to interact with the outside world, and still get dinner…Guests” for a little while.  He had already finished the novel once, but hadn’t any money to buy the next installation in the series.  As he sat, he still could hear Son Goku grumbling in his mind.  “Mister monster, why not let me borrow a tinsy winsy bit of chakra, so I can keep training.  It might be nice, and it would give you something to do instead of being a grumpy pants.”  To his surprise, he felt himself grow stronger.  Yonbi had listened and had donated some chakra.  The beast must start liking him.  “USE IT YOU LITTLE TWAT, IF I AM TO STAY HERE I WILL NOT BE PART OF WEAKNESS.  AND MY NAME IS NOT MISTER MONSTER WHY CANT YOU REMEMBER MY NAME!!”  Taois ignored this last part, mister monster was so silly.
During this time Taois stumbled across a monster of some sort.  But not a nice monster like the one in his head, but a mean monster.  It looked like a wolf, however it was slightly mutated.  With claws for paws, and 4 eyes.  It must be some kind of experiment that had escaped from the medical facility.  Approaching slowly Taois wondered if he could befriend the beast.  “Hello little guy, what are you doing out here?”  At that moment the beast lunged forth to try and eat poor little Taois.  However Sonbi, was watching over him.  The cloak surrounded his body instantly and he felt an increase in power.  The red covered his body, his muscles felt stronger, his chakra network surged.  In that moment the best tried to disembowel him and feed on his intestines, but instead Taois merely danced around the beast, a smile on his face.  Using this power Taois smashed the wolf, and prevented it from hurting him, by killing it.  Rarely had an act of violence been committed with so much cuteness in it.  Taois could be seen as small and adorable, but what people must never forget, is that he was still raised on Volcano, and he was brought up to be a Funka shinobi.  Because of that violence came easy to him, and it wasn’t always seen as mean or evil, and instead as just part of something that had to happen.  As the best lay quivering on the ground, Taois noticed a skeletal object located on his shoulder.  It resembled the skull of mister monster.  “What is this mister monster?”  He asked the beast.  “IT IS THE NEXT UPGRADE TO MY POWER,I WAS WORRIED YOU WOULD DIE AND EMBARRASS ME FURTHER YOU LITTLE SQUIRT.”  Oooo, so that was it.  He must really be gaining mister monsters trust if he was willing to donate his power to him more and more.  As the form dissipated, Taois felt slightly weaker.  He was tired, and as such needed a rest.  Sitting down, he fell asleep in the wide open.  Son Goku, continued to grumble.  Who went to sleep in a dangerous place like this with no cover?  Clearly this child would be the death of him.  Son Goku slowly funneled his chakra into the boy, his hope of overloading him eventually so he could make his escape. 
Awakening, Taois’ first thought was that he was glad he hadn’t been eaten by any silly monsters while he had been sleeping.  Stretching Taois walked around and rekindled his conversation with mister monster “Do you think we could do more of that training mister monster.  I would like to do it again, it is lots of funs.” This was mostly met with silence.  The bijuu inside him had already given the boy more chakra than normal thi easrly.  This was due to the fact that he had no confidence in his survival if he did not.  This boy was weak and to ignorant.  Eating from some of the provisions he had brought, Taois prepared for another exciting day of training.  This was only the second day of training his reflexes and speed.  His legs where still sore from the previous day, after all running for hours and hours puts a certain strain on the body.  Because of that today was dedicated to strengthening himself up.  The purpose of today was to build a little muscel, and be strong.  Trying to do pushups and situps, it looked like a fish out of water, as he flopped about and tried to perform the training appropriately.  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU FOOL!!!!  YOU LOOK LIKE A FOOL”  Taois heard the beast speak to him, he took it as motivation to work harder.  It was like having his own personal trainer, who was constantly trying to motivate him to be better and stronger.  “Thanks mister monster, your right, I need to work harder.”  With that he started to work harder.
Taois started working on some of his hand seals, to give his muscles a chance to relax.  From the signs of tiger to rat to dog to ram.  He threw up each sign over and over again in random progressions.  By building up muscle memory, he knew that in the future he’d be able to use the signs faster.  It all came down to building up those neural pathways from the brain to the hand and back again.  This was basic training, but Taois needed it.  He wasn’t that great at using jutsu yet, so any practice he could get would be useful.  Taois prided himself in his ability to keep trying even when he didn’t want to, he wanted to be a strong ninja, and only by keeping to his training regime, would he get there.  He continued to do it all with a smile on his face, and didn’t notice that all around him people were closing in.  He just sat and watched his little hands move and weave though all the signs that he knew from the academy.  As a new graduate it was still fresh in his mind, however t was also still raw, and unpolished as a skill.
Looking up, he spotted a pair of glowing eyes watching him.  This didn’t concern Taois at all, after all it might be a new friend out there to come and play with him.  Then three other pairs of eyes appeared, and it seemed like there would be a regular party in the area.  Standing up, Taois prepared to greet his new friends.  As the men came into view, Taois waved and said hello to them.  As he jumped from side to side in excitement, Taois thought maybe this was pretty good training, perhaps they would like to help him out.  “Who are you, little boy, why are you here little boy?”  One of the men asked.  He was dressed in cloth and clearly not from the village, probably just a resident of the immediate area with his group.   “My name is Taois, want to train?”  The man looked at him, oddly sure little boy we will train with you, why don’t you follow us to our little village.  We can let you train there little boy.  Following the men, Taois could only imagine he was about to enjoy this training, and get a chance to make new friends.  The men all had odd smiles as he walked with them. 
The men walked and walked, and it was sometime before they came upon a opening with no one within sight.  As they turned Taois was about to ask them if they had any ice cream at their house, cause he was feeling pretty hungry.  However, at that moment, the man attacked him with a knife.  Dodging just barely in time, a slight cut was drawn across his cheek, and blood began to streak down his face.  Taois felt tears well up in his eyes as the hot pain struck his mind.  Why had they done that, why why.  Seizing his chance, Son Goku pumped chakra into Taois, and the boys mind was overtaken.  The cloak summoned, and the skeletal figure appeared, and two tails could be seen.  Son Goku worked his magic, and acting through Taios little body, moved quickly, much faster than the boy normally could have.  Ducking the next swing from the knife, his hand was brought up and crushed the man’s throat, effectively killing him nearly instantly.  Moving on to the next man, they were no match for him.  These were probably cannibals who lacked the civility of the village.  Fools, they had thought they had an easy victim in this boy, but instead they had no idea of the beast inside of him.  Each and every one of them fell beneath his hands.  Taois hadn’t used any jutsu yet, and instead had simply used his bare hands to kill all the enemies.  Once they were all done, Son Goku allowed his chakra to end, and Taois once again collapsed.  It was pathetic though the Yonbi, that this was his jinjuricki.  Sighing the beast would have to wait and bide his time if he wanted to take over, and control the pathetic childe.
Waking again Taois didn’t know what to do.  “What happened mister monster?  I don’t understand.”  Taois was a little scared he didn’t remember anything after making his new friends.  Wondering where they went he couldn’t find them anywhere.  “I had you eat them child, after you murdered them.  They were cannabals, and they wanted to kill you HAHAH NOW YOU’RE A CANNABAL TO, HOWS IT FEEL TO BE A MONSTER!!!!!”  The words of the Yonbi hit his ears, but it didn’t make since to the boy.  “Mister monster, I already was a cannibal you silly willy, pretty much everyone on Volcano is.  Its just the normal thing.”  That was met with silence.  Apparently the Yonbi was displeased.  He clearly had wanted to rattle the kid, and instead did nothing to his psyche.  Taois got up, and started jogging away, feelings awfully full.  “Mister monster, Volcano is full of cannibals, it’s just what we do.  As for the murdering, I was going to kill them anyway, after all they probably deserved it, and it’s the nice thing to do on Volcano, see a person pick them up, and murder them.  It’s just a little saying my dad used to tell me.”
As Taoi ran, he examined the landscape around him.  The volcanoes were smoking, and some even were sent up some ash clouds that would gently fall, making a seemingly black rain.  It was beautiful in its own way.  The ground was soft with the accumulation of ash and the soil was dark, almost pure black due to the constant break down of top soil from the ash.  The heat wasn’t to bad, if it wasn’t for the lava flows that trickled and streamed across the landscape.  They had built in familiar grooves, that they almost always followed.  Rarely did they change direction to far, and because of that it was pretty safe to be near them, as long as someone was careful not to fall in.  Looking into a lava flow, Taois focused his chakra and spit some lava into the lava, just for fun.  It was fun to watch them his and the sizzle and steam of the contact.  It was a unique skill, and because of that he liked using it.  Once he practiced it a couple times, Taois went back to jogging around the volcano.  He had made it half way around, so now he was heading back towards the village.
So more training, Taois thought maybe it was time to practice some of the basic academy jutsu.  Sure, he did them to pass the exam, but it didn’t hurt to have a couple extra hours of practice every no and then.  He hadn’t had to use then since that day one.  Working on his hand signs, he created to clones, that were exact copies of himself.  This time they didn’t even have monkey tails, so at least he looked like he was getting just a little bit better after all.  Feeling satisfied with the clone jutsu, he moved on to the transformation.  He created himself into a couple of different images, but mostly he just did it for fun.  He didn’t know if this jutsu would be all that useful in the futre, he had never known any shinobi to really use it in battle.  Maybe a distraction of some kind.  It was hard to say.  Once he got into a couple fights maybe he could find a useful way to bring it to the light, but until then it was worth knowing how to do it and to do it properly.  Finally he moved on to the substitution jutsu.  This was one of the most powerful tools to a low level shinobi.  It assisted the user in getting themselves out of deadly situations. He used it once or twice, just to keep getting the hang of it.  All this time he didn’t hear mister monster once.  Apparently for once he was approving of what he was doing.   Son Goku never bothered him when he was working hard on becoming a ninja of a decent caliber, it was mostly when he was doing nothing or looking cute that he heard the voice.  The next jutsu he worked on was the body flicker jutsu.  It was one that allowed him to perform a high speed movement that was based on his own natural speed and chakra.  However due to his low low chakra stat, he was not able to move very quickly.  He really needed to get his chakra powers under a greater amount of control and increase his chakra pool.  He had a monster inside of him, you would think he would have more chakra than this.  In time he would though, it just would take a while to get his energy up enough to be competitive in the Funka village. 
It  was while doing these training exercises, that more men arrived.  They were just simple villagers, who probably were there to avenge their fallen comrades.  It was during this time the Son Goku, once again picked up his voice.  He just grumbled but it was enough for Taois to look around “What do you guys need, do you want to play?”  He asked them.  They all laughed and drew their weapons.  Well it looked like he was going to get another snack after all, and it looked like he was going to get to do a little bit more training after all.  As each man came at him, he ducked and dodged using the natural abilities of a shinobi, and attacked them back.  He continued to cut them and hurt them, however he was not able to win.  There were to many and he was overcome.  However once again, the cloak appeared as soon as all hope was lost .  He had the cloak on his body, the skull by his shoulder, and his speed and strength were so much stronger.  He now had the strength to destroy and kill each of them, with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. 
Three tails could be seen on the cloak when it dissipated, and the men fell dead and lay silent and still, never to move again.  “Well id eat you, but I am pretty tired and full so I guess the wolves will get to have a cheap meal yay”  Taios would say as he walked away.  He didn’t care to much for them, and he kept going.  The time to be sad was not now, he was happy and feeling good about everything that had happened.  He felt more connected with Son Goku, and he felt like his powers were increasing greatly all the time.  Truly this had been a good venture, and he was already almost back at the volcano village, were he could rest, bake a cake, and maybe play on the swing set.  Skipping back to the village it seemed like it was going to be a perfect day, and everything would go right.  Nothing as out of the ordinary as he made it to the gates, and walked through with a wave to the solemn guards.  It wasn’t until he made it home that he found something was wrong. 
There as he walked through the door, he noticed his mother laying face down, blood splattered all over the floor.  Looking around he saw a man sitting on the kitchen table.  He was smilling ear to ear, in an odd purple suit, with a knife picking at his teath.  He stared at Taois and didn’t say anything for a few moments.  It wasn’t until Taois looked down and up several times that anything came from the man to show he even noticed that Taios was standing there.  “Little boy, little boy, with a monkey inside, little boy I need you, to come close.  I will take what you have and leave you sad.”  The man said this in a manicale kind of way.  The voice of a mad man.  Taois didn’t make any movements, the sight of his mother dead, was leaving him paralyzed.  His eyes had started to glaze over as the man stood, and Taois couldn’t even hear what the man was saying anymore.  It was as if the world had stopped.  In his mind, one single rose on the cage that held Son Goku died, and fell.  As it fell, The Yonbi watched and smiled with a mouth full of fangs.  This was a moment he had been waiting for after all.
Looking up Taois unseeing eyes say the man standing right in front of him, still smiling.  The man was marked as a funka nin.  A man who should be protecting him, however he was here to kill him for what, mister monster.  His rage surfaced, and as the man reached a hand out, he retracted it quickly.  Burned.  The cloak was all over him, skull out, and four tails whipped breaking a chair and placing scratches and grooves through the floor. A scream ripped and snarled from his throat.  The surge of power was more than he had ever felt, and it was ripping his body apart.  He could feel it and it hurt.  Even with that pain though, the purpose was clear, and Son Goku wanted to kill this man, and corrupt the little boy.  Ducking the knife that seemed to come from no where, Taois’s fist flew forward, in an attempt to kill the man.  However this man was much quicker than any bullshit villagers, and was clearly a trained shinobi as he dodged it like it was nothing. 
Springing from the ground Taois chased and clashed with the man.  The man would swing his knife, and attempt to kill, but the most he ever could hit was the bone skull.  It did not break, and he did not falter.  The house was getting destroyed moment by moment.  The four tails smashed everything in range, and the house was being destroyed.  The ninja had lost his smile, and clearly he thought this little ten yearold boy was going to go down with much less of a fight than this.  It would seem to an outsider, that the nin was even considering retreat as an option, if it wasn’t for the great power in front of him, kept him around.   The man came in, moving close for a good strike, until a moment later, he was screaming in pain.  As he had ducked under the presumed guard of Taois, the tiny boy had opened his mouth wide, and let loose a glob of lava, and it fell directly on the mans head, and dripped down onto his shoulder.  It was then that the ninja saw that he might loose, and die.  He attempted to pull away but a hand grabbed him.
The hand singed his shoulder, and Taois brought the man close, before biting into the man’s face.  The man screamed, and collapsed.  He was dead, the ninja knew it.  He had been on enough missions to know his wounds were fatal, and this little boy whose eyes were white and unseeing had killed him by tapping into the very power that the man had sought to steal.  Taois couldn’t control himself though, and in his range demolished the remainder of the house.  Only then did he collapse, and enter his own mind.  Standing in the field, he looked around the flowers had died, and a volcano had appeared in the distance.  The roses remained keeping Son GOku in his cage, but the ape no longer thrashed but instead watched.  “LITTLE NINJA, YOU HAVE A TASTE OF THE POWER I CAN PROVIDE, WILL YOU BE ABLE TO RESIST NOW.”  Taois watched him.  What should he do.  “I am not as strong as you, but I will use your power, but for what I want.”  With that the cloak broke, and he found himself burnt and damaged in front of the hospital.  Son Goku had walked him towards the hospital while they talked.  Though the beast resented him, he was taking care of him.  That was all he could ask for, for now.  Maybe one day he could be mister monsters friend, and they could go on adventures together.
(WC=4043, 40 jp, 20 stats, Mastered V2 cloak all 4 tails)
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Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:56 pm
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