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Hozuki Murakami
Hozuki Murakami
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D Rank: Missing Pets (Hozuki Murakami)  Empty D Rank: Missing Pets (Hozuki Murakami)

Fri May 23, 2014 5:50 pm
 Mission Name:Missing pets.
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Sungakure, Village.
Word Count Requirements:500

A few cats belonging to an old lady have ran away, she requested help on getting them back. Your job is to find the five missing cats and bring them home.

Murakami was broke, that was the one and only reason that he had even agreed to this job “or mission” thought Murakami dryly as he recalled his sensei. Buying the starting ninja bundle had cost him all of his funds as a genin. In order to make more he had to do missions, unfortunately he thought they were going to be glorious adventures to kill bandits or ferry secret information. No, the only missions that was available for a Genin like him was catching pets. There were 5 of them belonging to a stinky old lady who lived alone on the outskirts of the village. They were “Bob” with black fur “Joe” with what seemed to be green fur, “Harry” with a thunderbolt scar, “Ganki” covered with ryo shaped markings, and “Pussykins” which was completely white. Murakami sighed as he thought about the meniality of the task of catching a couple of lost cats. Tightening his shoelaces and putting on his headband he strode out into the village in search of his prey. First he would get the high ground, leaping on top of his house to see the surrounding area. Unsurprisingly the cats were either too far away or too small to see from the top of the house. In order to remedy this, Murakami was forced to search the streets himself. Walking through the dusty streets pushing through the crowds he began his search. Looking through garbage cans and dark alleyways wasn’t the way that Murakami preferred, but he had no choice in the matter. After all, cats weren’t the easiest thing to spot, taking out the piece of paper with their descriptions and names on it he made a sweep of the group of cats he had found skulking in the alleyway. It seemed that he had found the first of the pets, Bob, he approached it stealthily attempting to take it by surprise, hver it noticed his intent and immediately fled. However, Murakami was fortunately a user of puppets and he simply launched a chakra thread after it to catch it. It latched onto its silky black fur and it was immediately pulled back to him. Struggling and scratching Murakami managed to stuff it into the sack that he had brought along with him. “One down, four to go” thought Murakami grimly. The rest of his search was largely unfruitful, he picked up a couple of cats that he thought looked similar, but in reality they were just some random strays judging by their lack of collar. Murakami sighed and sat down and had a drink from a nearby water fountain. It was going to be a long search and soon he would get hungry, making it a loss for him. After all there were plenty of other things to do besides chasing cats like training or fighting. However, he neede the money and as h was about to begin his search once again, Murakami noticed something there was a fish laying in the alleyway with five cats around it and Murakami instinctively lashed out with his chakra threads pulling in all five cats. Delivering them to the old lady he walked down the street with jingling in his pockets of money to spend.

[+5 Kunai Complete 1 D or E rank Mission +1 Exploding Tag Complete 1 D Rank Mission 537 WC]
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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D Rank: Missing Pets (Hozuki Murakami)  Empty Re: D Rank: Missing Pets (Hozuki Murakami)

Sun May 25, 2014 10:41 pm
Approved of Mission Success.

However i dont think the mission rewards are the same anymore, and even if they are you could only claim the Kunai or the exploding tag.

+500 ryo
+3 Actions counters from this mission, not permanent.
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