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D-Rank: Missing Pets Empty D-Rank: Missing Pets

Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:10 am
D-Rank: Missing Pets

Ryuoshi had achieved a new mission. His first mission. Ryuoshi woke up this morning with a letter besides his head. Inside was a letter with the mission information, where the mission was taking place and from who to who. Ryuoshi would be walking towards the house that was marked on the detailed map that was attached inside the letter. When he arrived to the house, he knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door. The wind blew his cloth and hair in a southern direction. His appearance of a stranger would be success at this rate. He would be a bit annoyed as the door finally opened; an old woman appeared and saw this strange stranger. In confusion she slammed the door in fright and would then peek out of the window besides the door. Ryuoshi would wave and pull his mouth mask down as he would reveal his smile as a gesture of peace and respect.

Ryuoshi would knock again on the door, three times this time, and the door would open calmly. The woman would take a glance over Ryuoshi, not knowing who he was. Ryuoshi were wearing his Kumogakure head band, so the woman would calm down again. Ryuoshi would greet the woman with a bow and a hand gesture.

“I’m sent here on a mission to capture, pardon me, find you missing pets, am I right?’’ he would ask while smiling softly at the old woman while pulling his mouth mask back up to cover his mouth again. He would look as the woman would begin to cry, he had no idea what was happening. An old man then appeared, carrying the woman into another room, he would then come out, slowly. He was old, about his 80’s without much energy. Ryuoshi would walk slowly inside the door and look around, pictures of cats were everywhere. ‘Wow … a crazy cat lady with a husband … how … not normal’ he would think while gazing upon each and every picture, he would then proceed to go the living room to get a memory of all the cats, he would remember them all and say “I’ll be back with your kitties very soon, mam’’ he would say and rush out of the house.

Being raised by dragons, Ryuoshi had an advantage, though the cities were a struggle to find anything at all, so his advantage also had a disadvantage in the cities, but he was up to find the cats as fast as possible. He would run around, trying to scout for anything that moved. He pulled up his head band so he would have a full view instead of only one eye. He would look under every leaf, every newspaper and even under and inside trashcans. Ryuoshi had no idea where the cats would be, nor did he know how a cat thought, he only understood lizards …

A thought went through his mind out of a sudden, he would look up high, maybe outside of town in the trees, maybe the cats would be there. He rushed outside and found all the kitties caught up in the trees, unable to get down. “What a cliché …’’ he would say slowly to himself and then returning the cats home, two after two until they were all home.

[w/c: 555]
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D-Rank: Missing Pets Empty Re: D-Rank: Missing Pets

Sun May 12, 2013 9:30 am
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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D-Rank: Missing Pets Empty Re: D-Rank: Missing Pets

Sun May 12, 2013 9:39 am
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