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Takeshi Hyuuga
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Catching the Prankster Empty Catching the Prankster

Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:14 am
Ryuu had just woken up to a huge crowd, full of people yelling and swearing up a storm. "What in the world is going on?" Ryuu said as he was rudely awakened. Ryuu then hoped out of bed and got his clothes on. Ryuu got outside of his room and the shouts only got louder and louder, Ryuu stopped one of the members that were inside of the mob and asked the man what was going on. "That damn kid again, he keeps putting graffiti all over the walls in the town and no one seems to know how to catch him!" The man that Ryuu stopped said. Ryuu then immediately perked up, eyes began to widen and he knew that he had a great idea. "If I catch this kid, do something the other guys couldn't do, that will put me way above the rest!" Ryuu thought to himself as he thought of an idea of how to catch him.


Ryuu immediately thought of his Byakugan to first find out where he is, so he activates it and finds him. Alright he is heading toward the north village gate. He is trying to get out to the desert!" Ryuu began thinking frantically. Ryuu grabbed his pouch and began running off toward the same destination as the boy was going. He hadn't really noticed what all of his training was helping him do until he realized how much faster he was. He had realized that he was catching up to the child quicker than a hawk to a field mouse. "Alright, I can see him. Just a little more." Ryuu was thinking as he could see the little kid running away toward the gates." Ryuu finally caught up to him and tackled him to the floor.


"Get off of me!" The kid started screaming as Ryuu held him down. Ryuu then got up to see if he would at least talk to him, he got up and attempted to talk to the boy by saying, “Hey, why are you vandalizing the village?” the kid then got up, gave Ryuu a look of guilt, and then sprinted off toward the gates again. “Ugh, I caught you once from the other side of the village, you honestly think I can’t catch up to you from 10 meters away?” Ryuu yelled as he saw the boy run away. Ryuu then sprinted off after him, when he was only 2 meters from his position, readying himself to tackle the boy again, the boy suddenly made a copy of himself. Both of which turned around and tried attacking Ryuu. Both of the boys had landed a successful blow to Ryuu’s face, sending Ryuu backwards, laughing as he noticed that a little boy actually landed a pretty impressive punch on his own body. “Alright bud, you asked for this.” Ryuu said as he did a backflip, with the assistance of his newfound backward momentum, thanks to the kid’s attack. Ryuu then activated his Byakugan and was instantly able to see the poor distribution of chakra to his clone, so he threw one of his kunai at the clone, which then produced a cloud of smoke, which Ryuu knew that he had hit the clone. The boy then looked frightened, and yelled “Okay okay! What is it that you want!?” The kid yelled as Ryuu had picked him up by his collar.

“I want to know why you are doing these things and I want you to come back to the village now!” Ryuu yelled at him in his face, still lifting him up by his collar with both hands. “Because I want someone to actually notice me.” The boy said, with a tear falling and landing on Ryuu’s left arm. Ryuu then put the boy down, “What do you mean kid?” Ryuu asked still stern but caring at the same time. The boy then turned away, Ryuu then readied himself to chase after him again, but the boy didn’t run. “Everyone at the academy just isolates me and never lets me in on anything.” The boy said through tears. Ryuu then immediately felt sorry for the kid. Ryuu then put his hand on his chin and lifted his head to look at his own. “Hey how about we go get some ramen huh?” The boy then dropped his head, nodded his head yes and they began walking back into the village.

When they got to the ramen shop they began talking for a couple of hours about how similar their pasts were, “So you were an outcast too?” the boy asked ryuu. “Yeah kind of, I was always the “good student” the one that was always in class first and always the last to leave. I always had the highest grade in my class and everyone else always made fun of me for it. I never really had that many friends; actually I didn’t have any friends when I was going through the academy. I know exactly how you feel. But doing the things that you have done isn’t the way that you want to get noticed. Instead why don’t you put your energy into your studies and try and be the greatest ninja you can be instead of being the biggest prankster you can be? That is what I am going to do and that is how I want people to notice me. You understand little buddy?” The boy then looked at Ryuu with grateful eyes and excitedly nodded his head yes. “By the way” Ryuu began “What’s your name?” Ryuu asked. The little boy then looked at him and said, “Ryuu Zakimi. What’s yours?” Ryuu then smiled and told him “Ryuu Hyuuga” The boy then began looking wide eyed at him,as if glorifying him, he then continued to eat his ramen and when they both finished and got up and continued talking for another thirty minutes, Ryuu then asked him if he was going to do what he told him to do. The boy said yes and then Ryuu escorted him home.

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