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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Catching a Prankster  Empty Catching a Prankster

Tue Dec 03, 2019 6:57 pm

+1 speed
*1 health 

Complete D rank job

"Ok ok ok I can do this I am so close to knowing how to do this jutsu. Just a little more water supply." Ghost was in the middle of training himself in the art of Water Mist. A jutsu which can give him cover. This will fair well for him. He trains and be trains day and night to get this jutsu down. But it was show time as his first mission was to catch some snot noise kid. Thing is he been giving people a hard time. Clearly he was out doing pranks after pranks and people find it not funny. Just what Ghost needs a person to test this new jutsu out on. This will be perfect and seeing as he was about to ran. The way it was set up couldn't be better. Ghost was off to find this kid who was no doubt a student at the school.

So that means Ghost could not out right attack the kid. Nut maybe just maybe scare the poor kid into stopping these foolish pranks. Ghost would now be standing on top of a building as he waited for the kid. He would create more and more hand signs as a pose to. Help him with his water mist justu. Looking on he would see the kid in the said description. Thinking to himself this mist he the kid. She was about three feet tall and had long green hair. She was wearing a small kid version of their village ninja gear. Ghost looked on as she was zooming from rooftop to rooftop and dang she was fast for her age. Then again this was to expected of a ninja from his village. Ghost would release his hand sign as a small mist came about. It still wasn't as strong as it should be. But he was well prepared to keep going at it. 

Jumping over to the next building Ghost would start to follow the girl hoping to catch her in the act. Seeing as she had with her some paint cans. This could be bad if he is not quick enough. Looking up he could see the rain clouds starting to form up. This was good as he needed that. The mist would be perfect to stop her with. This is what he was thinking about at this very moment. But wow was she so fast. She was more or so more adapted than most kids her age. Not only could she climb walls but she was jumping from rooftop to rooftop like it was nothing this greatly shocked him. However he was well prepared as she would stop and take out the paint bush. Ghost would start to do the hand signs of the water mist justu. But only a small amount would come about. 

The young girl would by now have painted a funny face on a building wall. Damn she really was fast as she needed to be. Ghost would smile as he saw the picture she had drawn. Looking on he would smile as he started to catch up to her. She was starting to calm down after all of the pranks she been pulling off. She would turn around to see that Ghost was behind her. Rolling her eyes thinking yet another ninja came to capture her. Ghost was however not just a regular ninja. He process the Byakugan and on top of that he nearly learned how to use the hidden mist technique as well. Ghost would catch up to her as she had ran out of breath. Smiling as he walked toward her. Looking up at him she would frown. "Oh boy am I in trouble now? I swear I was just having fun this I swear." Ghost looked at her and smiled. He would look up to see the rain starting to pour down. "I understand that you want to play pranks but you cannot do such things. But I will tell you what let's. Pull off one more prank then you have to promise to stop ok." He would say with a smile on his face to her joy. 

Soon the two would get into position as the rain started to pour down heavily. Ghost would look on as did the kid. Soon he would start to make the hand signs of the water release hidden mist justu. Soon after all his hard work paid off. The mist would come about as thick as can be. As the locals were looking a bit puzzled by this. Ghost would look on and could not see far into the mist if any. He looked on as he smiled but the kid was a bit scared herself. He looked at her only to grab her hand. Telling her to only say BOO when the times comes. The moment he said that he would activate his Byakugan. 

With this he was able to see through the mist by will. Ghost would smile as soon as he did that they went on a scaring rampage. No one was safe as the duo would walk up to people and scare them. But soon the time of the day was getting late. As the spell was lifted up he would look to her and smile. Not only did he learn his new justu he also competed his first mission all in one. Ghost would tell her not to play as many pranks as she is use to playing. Soon he would return to the job operation board. Turning in the mission report and being on his way. 

Soon he would leave as he was walking in the ran he would remember the pranks he used to play on people. Just innocent all on its on. Ghost would did go back to the rooftop he was on. Looking at the moist weather. With a big grin on his face he would cast his water mist justu yet again. This tell he was happy with how it had turned out. Ghost was well on his way.


Last edited by Ghost on Sun Dec 08, 2019 8:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ryo : 500

Catching a Prankster  Empty Re: Catching a Prankster

Sun Dec 08, 2019 1:43 am
You'd only get 2 stats on this, not 4, since stats on missions are trained at 400/stat instead of 200. Mind fixing that for me? ^-^
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Catching a Prankster  Empty Re: Catching a Prankster

Sun Dec 08, 2019 8:55 am
Updated it
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Catching a Prankster  Empty Re: Catching a Prankster

Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:00 am
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