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Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu)

Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:40 pm
(Yeah, not a gimmick. A defensive piece)

Yay, he had hit again. That meant that 1/2 of his plan had been completed. Watching as Kasai poofed into existence he said "Look to the front, captain! Change course!," obviously directed at Aoi who in response did the rather awkward barrel roll to avoid the fire while rising up again, Makussu hanging on for dear life in order not to slip off into the burning ground below him. As Aoi righted himself again his spear would have made it back to his hand, and it would go back again for another round of dodge the spear, with the same stats as before thanks to a "Wind Style: Gale Palm!," but lacking the shuriken as frankly it was unessecary. Yes it was repetitive, yes it sucked, but it was all necessary in the end. Soon, it would be revealed. Soon, he would win. Soon......Kasai could be dead. He would gulp down hard as he watched the spear fly towards Kasai

(140/360 Makussu and 250/250 Aoi)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu)

Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:56 pm
Kasai knew what was coming, and very likely Makussu also knew what was coming. However, how it would happen would change very much very soon. Kasai could slowly feel the effects of Youka's boost slowly wearing off, and planned to take advantage of it before it was gone completely. 
As Makussu threw the spear once last time, Kasai was ready again with the substitution.
The very second that the spear hit, Kasai would substitute out again, however, this time he would go to a different place. 
As the thud of the spear hitting the log happened, Kasai would appear directly above Makussu, as the substitution could be 50 meters away, and there was no way Makussu was flying more than 50 meters above the ground.
As his last substitution, Kasai had to make it count. 
As he appeared right above his friend, there was a feeling of sorrow, as this would be close to impossible to dodge. Kasai knew he would be breaking a leg on the way down, but it may end the fight. 
Immediately after appearing a single foot above his friend, Kasai would launch yet another column, this time downwards, right at Makussu's head. 
If, for some reason, Makussu was still there after the inferno, Kasai would fall upon him, cushioning his fall.
(225 - 5 = 220 - 30 = 190 ap)
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu)

Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:12 pm
The Demon at this time was moving closer with his other half beside him watching the ensuing chaos that was happening above him. There was a lot of substitutions flying around just as much as Makussus was with his summon and ability. Watching them through his sharingan as he had been doing since this fight started he could make out the very small changes in their bodies that were noting where they would go and what attack would come next. It wasn't hard to do at all with these eyes, they were such a great addition to his already high abilities. Deactivating the senju jutsu he had given the kids to use during this fight because well, none of them were actually using the ability.

Sadly it was about to end as he watched them through slow motion. Kasai had just moved himself to be directly above Makussu. He had wanted them to go all out and indeed they had, though he had wanted them to last a little bit longer than it had been. It seemed that Kasai had gotten the upper hand. The Demons other had already performed the hand seals and the real Demon was touching it's shoulders as the blink jutsu took effect. In a moment he would appear in the air vertical right next to Kasai while his other would be landing on the bird grasping on to Makussu's shoulders.While in the air he would turn the boys body from spewing fire at Makussu and thus saving the boys life. however the fire would hit the bird hopefully de summoning it before it took enough damage to kill it. this would cause them to drop to the ground. The Demon would hit the ground on his feet while his other would bring Makussu down slowly.

Putting Kasai down on the ground the Demon would walk over and behind Makkusu performing a few quick hand seals. It was time to end this as he had to go through this once more with the other two genin.

"Well Makussu, you have lost and as promised death is yours. I appreciate your time and want you to know you died a dogs death and you will not be remembered in the history books. No one will mourn your death because no one will know you have died except for the people you see before you now. My other half is going to take you to the bottom of a very deep ocean where you will live out four final moments in agony as water fills your lungs and the pressure crushes your bones into dust. You'll try to reach the surface again but sadly you will never be seen again."

With that the Demons had his other begin the teleportation of the boy and itself to the unknown. Once they were gone the Demon would turn his attention back to Kasai. Looking over the boy he would flash a tiny smile before addressing him again.

"Very well done, it took you a moment to get into the groove of killing someone but you didn't let it get in your way once it became clear this was your only way out. You are now a missing nin just as myself. You have taken the life of your friend and used his body as a stepping stone to greatness. I will have use of you in the destruction of all minor villages and eventually you will take part in the restructuring of the major villages as well. If you hate me then good, it's not like I care honestly. If you want to take revenge for what has happened here then by all means get stronger and try when you feel you can. Till then continue to grow and become the best you can be."

(Making Kasai a missing nin)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu)

Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:55 pm
Makussu had been flying on Aoi pretty sure of his victory, that was until he heard the "Pweeph!" that comes when someone activates a substitution. Well.....shit! How was he to avoid this? Subsitute? No, too slow to get away? Just drop? No, he would die from the fall even in this form. Was this.....the end? Suddenly as if a blessing from the gods he had been grabbed by Youka and brought down from the heavens, Aoi dispelling with a shriek of pain. As he was let down, what he heard sent chills down his spine. This was it? The end? Damn it damn it why? Tears threatened to spill from his eyes but even in the face of death he would stay strong. "Kasai....good job. Live a good life. Youka....take me away." He would close his eyes in acceptance, his life flashing before him as he disappeared in an angelic flash of light along with the demon would slay him. It seemed this would be the end of the paper angel.

(exiting to who know's where)

+1181 towards rasengan (3393/4k)

+5 stats
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu)

Fri Nov 21, 2014 7:28 pm
Kasai watched as his friend did not move out of the way. Was this the end? Would the paper boy truly be gone?
He felt Youka move, seeming to blink to their location, many feet in the air, and then grab a hold of them both. Perhaps Makussu would not die.
Yet, as Youka talked, it became clear that this glimmer of hope for the life of the paper would end. 
He listened as the demon insulted Makussu one last time, before disappearing to nowhere.
Kasai watched blankly as the conversation played out in front of him, as if it couldn't be happening. He felt something inside him shudder, and burn. He could find no words when Makussu said farewell, but instead closed his eyes in pain.
Then, after the two were gone, the demon seemed to compliment Kasai. He didn't speak a word of disrespect, or in any way hinted that Kasai was still weak and useless. It seemed that they only way to gain the respect or even the slightest amount of status in Youka's eyes, it was through spilling blood.
He listened as he spoke of revenge, and hatred, but Kasai already knew the demon would not care how he felt. 
After the short speech, Kasai simply nodded and bowed his head.
"I understand," was all he said, in a voice without tone or emotion. 
[exit, unless I'm mistaken? 1246 words, requesting 6 stats, adding 1.2k words towards Genjutsu Binding (0/3k)]
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu)

Fri Nov 21, 2014 7:46 pm
(approving both exits)
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Two lights in darkness(Kasai/Makussu)

Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:44 pm
For having just killed his best friend the boy was taking the entire thing very nicely. It seemed as if he had turned off all of his emotions to the entire thing which honestly was more than likely the best way to cope with these things. Or so the Demon thought at least, he hadn't ever been through this type of thing so he wouldn't know. Watching the boy walk off into the distance he didn't know exactly where the kid was going as he hadn't given him any directions on what to do other than continue to grow. Deciding to allow it to pass this time as the boy more than likely needed to clear his mind.

The Demon went to the task of making the empty hole look like it contained a body for the next group of people that were to come and meet their fate. He needed it to look real so they knew they were fighting for their lives and not just a test of their will to go beyond themselves. Why was being evil so fucking hard?

(TWC 2145 all going towards using ems and mokoton together.)
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