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A Simple Warm Up (Training)  Empty A Simple Warm Up (Training)

Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:22 am
If every night ended like last night, Sayu would have given up on the idea of a good night's rest. The constant reoccurring nightmare was enough to roughly wake him from his sweet slumber, with an ear shattering scream that left him gripping his chest and breathing heavily as if gasping for air. It wasn't often that he had nightmares about becoming blind, but the idea was still upsetting in the manner of which someone ripped out his eyes because he was too weak to defend himself. This alone was enough of a reason for him to usher himself out of bed and began training once more. With a deep sigh and strong conviction, he quickly moved to get dress as he grabbed a pair of wore down shorts, a shirt that was completely tethered from top to bottom and slightly discolored. He wasn’t exactly sure when this had become his favorite work out attire, but they clothes were loose enough for him to move in freely and he found them rather comfortable and reassuring of the hard work he had been putting in. He slowly got down on the floor as he began to stretch his body out.

He had long given into the idea that a nice warm up was a good way to keep his body active and health, so that he avoided silly issues like cramps. He slowly leaned forward as he gripped the bottom of his and pressed his head to his knees. With a nice slow count he breathes in and out as he allows his lungs to fill with air, before slowly pushing out. It was once said that good breathing could help with chakra control, while he wasn’t exactly sure if it was true or not, he could feel his chakra in his body slowly starting to flow into each movement he made. His a light grunt pressed at his lips he slowly split his legs open as he slowly rolled his body forward in a manner that allowed him to press his head to the floor while stretching his upper thighs even more as he pushed his legs backwards and slowly moved into a push-up stance. With a light press up he’d lower his hips to floor as he moved his head backwards and stared up at the ceiling. Again he’d control his breathing as he made sure each one of his movement were refined and diligent.

The next thing on he would work on for his morning exercises would be the academy jutsus that he had learned back when he was younger. He’d start off slow by focusing his chakra into a so that he could do a simple Transformation jutsu. While it wasn’t his favorite jutsu by any means the basics were still a good way for him to practice his chakra control without wasting a bunch of chakra or tearing up his room. Within second of forming the hand sighs, he’d take on the appearance of one of the shop keepers that worked in the center of town. While a light glance in the mirror he’d nod lightly as he had seemed to get the transformation perfect even down to the little wrinkles under the man’s eyes and the childish grin he wore every time Sayu brought him tea from the shop down the street. With a light yawn, Sayu would move to make his way out of his room, as he broke the jutsus and looked to place some food on his stomach so that he could continue on with his training for the day. It wasn’t long before he was turning his breakfast into another exercise as he pulled out everything he needed to make eggs and toast.

Sayu would slowly place the eggs into the skillet as he closed his eyes and began focusing his chakra in a manner that would allow him to rapidly move it through his body as if to break a genjutsus. While this was little more difficult to practice than the rest, he could feel it working as he thought back to the time that his teacher placed him under a genjutsus and told him how to break it. The feel of his chakra rapidly running through his body at a high pace was enough to seen shivers down his back as he continued to hold the stance while the aroma of the cooking eggs filled the room. His eyes softly opened as he broke the hand sigh and flipped the eggs over before pulling out bread to make the toast. A mental sigh slowly came over his body as he spoke softly to himself as he preached when the proper time to use genkai was when you first realized that you were caught in a genjutsus and secondly when you needed to release someone from it.

With a light nod of his eggs he returned to his breakfast as he placed the toast onto the plate and along with the eggs. He slowly sat at the table as he bowed his head and said a quick pray before digging in. On the table rested a scroll that spoke of key things to note when dealing with genjutsus. While he wasn’t sure how much his reading could help him with this, it did note so details that he found to be important. For one always keep in mind the obvious, like what time of day it is, who you are around, and what it is you see and hear. Changes in these things could mean that you are in a genjutsus, it is also important that you keep track of what it is that you are trying to do as some genjutsus have a way of altering you motives. The scroll also went over several things that were come with dealing with genjutsus and the normal hand sighs that were calmly used for well-known ones. It was slightly more tedious than Sayu cared for it was better to know and have his wit about him than to be caught in the dark.

Once Sayu was done with breakfast he would clean the table and head out back where he would continue his morning workout so that he could move on to the finish his training. He took a final glance at the time before nodding to himself as it was almost time for him to go meet up with his sensei who had been training him on mastering his Byakugan. With a light grunt he slowly focused his mind as he starred at the tallest tree in his back yard. It was clear to see that he had been training his Tree Climbing jutsus on it as there were several deep slashes in it from where he had been marking his progression. Off near the top of a tree rested a single kunia that was dug deep into the bark from when he had planted the kunia into it from the day before. With a light grunt he’d slowly make his way to the base of the tree as he looked up and say that it was about 30 meters from high up. With a light nod and a can do attitude, he slowly backed away from the tree before charging at it full speed.

With one foot firm placed into the base of the tree he quickly began to make his climb up the tree as he placed one foot after the other and moved up the tree with precision. With each step bring him closer and closer to the kunai, he quickly reached towards it as he took the blade firmly into his fingertips and continued upward. With a quick flick up his wrist he marked his new achievement as he slowly turned and began to return to the earth. He slowly managed his body in a manner that allowed him to leap off the tree as he grab onto the branch of tree and swung himself over to another one. His feet easy took of the branch as he slowly allowed his body to carry him forward in a manner and tip him over. His feet continued to remain latched to the branch as he hung upside down. His eyes slowly moved to study the next branch that he would aim for as he pushed off and used his hand to grab his next marker as he slowly moved to the next branch until he was a safe distance from the ground too simple land on his feet. A light grin ran over his lips as he moved towards the little pond that ran through his back yard.

With a light grin he slowly began to push the water under his feet as he continued on with the same jutsus but this time using it in a different method as used his chakra to repeal him from sinking into the water. He slowly moved farther and farther out into the water as he smiled lightly and decided to give himself a little test that was worthwhile. He slowly snapped his hands through a few more hand sighs as he slowly began running full speed across the top of the water. Within seconds of completing the hand sighs, two after image clones would appear and began to mirror his actions as he stormed across the water. With each step, a light wave of water would line when he was moving as he allowed his eyes to dance back and forth across the top of the water while continuing to maintain the jutsu and his clones. With each step nearing in towards inland, it wasn’t long before he was sitting across the bank with his arms stretched out and his eyes carelessly focused on the sky up above. A child like grin filled his face as he knew that he had gotten in a good work of his water walking jutsus, but still need to do more when it came to his clones.

Sayu softly allowed his eyes to fall shut for a few moments as he attempted to regain some of his energy before continuing on. It wasn’t as if he was in a hurry to race off anywhere as he looked at the time, his sensei had proven to be a man that didn’t value the time of others and what more, Sayu still wanted to have a good work out on his side before heading down to the fill to run around and in circles for what seemed like the hundred time with no results. Although Sayu knew that he was improving, the pace in which he was left him more so disappointed than anything being that he had always thought his growth would be much faster, Sayu had no issue comprehending what his teacher was trying to teach him, but the fact was that his teacher wasn’t a Hyuuga and only knew the extent of their abilities through reading and personal experience, while this was impressive in its own right, this was not making the activation of Sayu’s Byakugan a walk in the part. Sayu felt that he was missing some key steps that the man would never be able to teach him, even more it wasn’t like he was a welcome face in the Hyuuga Compound that was located in the village.

Although Sayu had never done anything wrong to the Hyuugas of Kumogakure, he wasn’t exactly on speaking terms with them either. Partially had something to do with his father and mother, another part was that he wasn’t willing to submit to the head of the house. It was easier to say that Sayu thought of himself as rebel in that part and refuse to take the seal that would allow them absolute control over his will. He couldn’t see why others would allow anyone to place their mind under chains and submit to anyone because of past rituals. He slowly stood up as he allowed his hand to form the clone hand sigh once more as he started his second wave of training. This time his mind was split between training and a pass thought of when he and his father had started training his Byakugan, although that had been many years ago. The thoughts of the past where still fresh in his memory, as he began to move in a simple stepping pattern that his sensei had taught him back when they first started training together. Slowly Sayu feet would lead him to fall behind the two clones as he took hold of his kunai and waited until he was only a few feet away from his target board before releasing the clones and slamming the kunia into the board as hard as possible.

A childlike grin would easy take over Sayu face as the images of the pass began to play through his mind. Sayu could remember it like it was yesterday, he had been sitting at the kitchen table with his mother. They were sharing a cup of tea to ease his mind as it was the first time he was about to begin his Byakugan training with his father. From the time he was six his father had pushed him to perfect his eyes. Sayu could only imagine what was to come next in his training as he sat there at the table examining the dark beverage that his mother had made for him. He could see everything that was going on in the room, like the fly that had circling by the window desperately trying to escape, the picture of his family that was set off in a far corner on a small black book shelf behind him, the sunlight that was barely creeping into the darkroom, everything. It was all so exciting and scary at the same time; he couldn’t believe how much he had grown since he was six. Sayu remember taking a slow sip of tea from a cup that was sitting in front of him. He could feel the steam slightly pressing against his face as he deactivated his Byakugan and closed his eyes.

It was as clear as yesterday in his mind. He was six years old and his father was taking him to the riverside that was located outside of the gate. Sayu had been learning chakra control from his father for the pass month. It was a cool summer day and the leaves one the tree created plenty of shade from the mid-day sun. The water was crystal clear and the breeze that random rolled in of the river was cool and inviting. Sayu and his father had been there since the crack of dawn trying to activate Sayu’s Byakugan. For most Hyuugas this was a simple task for Sayu it had been something he had to struggle with since his eyes weren’t the same as others in family. Instead of being born with the large white eyes, Sayu had been born with eyes that were as blue as the midnight sky, as and slightly smaller than average. His father said that Sayu took more after his mother, but neither the less he was still a full blood Hyuuga.

Although Sayu had hoped that was true he was still left to wonder, why him of all people, had to take after his mother who was born a Hyuuga but had no type of ninja skill to speak of. For Sayu, he was well ahead of the game compared to his major flaw being that he was his mother child, and she offered him no type of help in becoming as strong of a ninja as his father. Sayu watched closely as his father demonstrated once more and told him the steps of activating his Byakugan. “First you want to focus all of your chakra towards your eyes, but in a matter where it built up behind them.” That step was easy for Sayu. “Then you want to visualize seeing everything that his around you.” Sayu begins to visualize the trees, the river, and finally the sky. “Once you can mentally see everything in your head, all there is left to do is confirm what you think you see by release the chakra from behind your eyes into your eyes.” This was the trick part that Sayu always seemed to fail at. Just as he released the chakra into his eyes, he could fill the areas of them growing larger. He eyes felt like they were going to slightly push forward, the visualization was starting to change from a fuzzy picture to a clear one.

Just as Sayu felt he was ready to grasp onto his birth right, his vision began to fade as his eyes returned to normal. Sayu slowly looked to his father who head was turned away looking over the riverbed. Although Sayu could hear his father, he could slightly make out the words that he was saying from the corner of his mouth. “How in the world did I allow myself to fall in love with a woman who would only give me one child, who would turn out to be such a complete failure?” Sayu’s heart slightly began to fall apart as he stood up and ran from his father. Sayu continued to run into he was deeper in the woods than he had ever been before. Sayu remember seeing nothing but pure darkness as he continued to run. Just as Sayu was ready to give up, his heart began to pound faster, he mind began to grow dark, and what was once love and desire to be respected and love by his father was soon replaced with a hatred. Sayu slowly turned around as he looked back at the path that he had traveled. He soon began to march back as he was ready to prove to his father that he wasn’t as helpless as his father may have thought. Sayu could feel his eye burning with a flame of a thousand suns.

Sayu slowly stepped to his father as he said, “I never asked you to be born this way I was made this way by you and my mother.” Sayu watched as his father raised his hands to strike him, but Sayu was already prepared for that. Just as Kenji was about to hit him, Sayu could feel a strange feeling in his eyes as his father’s body slowly began to hollow almost like a x-rayed form. Sayu couldn’t help but dodge as he punched his father in his slightly cracked collar bone that was now visible. Sayu continued to duck his father’s attack one after another as he continued to strike as cracked points in his father’s bone. Each punch was perfectly placed as his father aggression soon turned to a moment of weakness. Kenji couldn’t believe how accurate for his soon was when he was striking the weak points in his body, to his amazement, when he looked into Sayu’s eyes, he could see them slightly pushed forwards from the chakra the was running into it. Kenji was slightly lost for words as he looked upon his soon face. “My boy you done it, you’ve insured our family legacy.” Sayu watched as he his father fall to the earth and passed out. Sayu slowly sat down next to him and in a relax fashion as he is now.

Sayu’s head quickly turns towards a door as he sees his mother swing it open. His daydream of his pass is slightly postponed as he gets up and walks over to her. He slowly wraps his arms around her as he kisses her cheek and looks into her ice blue eyes, which match his. He begins to speak but is quickly cut off by the warm embraced that it returned from his mother. She slowly grabs his hand and leads him down stairs towards the dinner table. Never once does Sayu deactivate his Byakugan as he sits down at the table next to his father. His father doesn’t say a word as he looks over to his son and passes him a small scroll that is labeled Hyuuga clan. Sayu couldn’t believe his eyes as he took the scroll and rubbed his fingers across the thread that held it closed. He slowly pulled the ribbon as to the scroll as he was ready to see what lied inside.

Sayu softly allows the image to fade away from his mind as the sound of bells rings in his ear. With a quick flicker of his hand he casts a substation jutsus that leaves a board in his place as he appears in the tree in time to catch a man standing only a few feet away from where he had been sitting. Sayu is slightly revealed to see that it is his sensei, but that relief sudden changes to horrid as he looks at the time on his watch to see that he is extremely late from his afternoon training. Slightly lost for words and without a good reasoning he slowly hops from the tree as he prepares himself for what is to come next. The man sighs softly as he begins to make his way towards Sayu. “Do you know how long I was waiting on you to show up at the training grounds? Do you have any idea what I could have been doing instead of waiting for some child that never showed up or even bothered to let me known that they weren’t coming?” Sayu softly shook his head as he bowed softly. “I apologize.” Rai seemed less than pleased with the apology as he continued. “And here I find you day dreaming and laying in the sun… You better prepared for this training that you’re about experience because this one will be the hardest yet.”

[Word Count = 3635]
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A Simple Warm Up (Training)  Empty Re: A Simple Warm Up (Training)

Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:28 am
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