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Dastri Hotaru
Dastri Hotaru
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Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?) Empty Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?)

Tue May 05, 2015 8:39 pm

Dastri could hardly believe it. She was going on her very first mission with her team and they were going to help find some one who might have gone missing! Sure the lady might have just forgot and the family might just be paranoid, but lots of stuff can happen to old people! She might have fallen and can't get up, or gotten attacked by some jerk who thought she'd be easy money, or maybe she was on her way there then forgot which way to go. Who knows with old people? Dastri knew she wanted the poor old person to be okay, but she couldn't help hoping it was something a little more interesting than just a forgetful old lady. That would be kind of... underwhelming. But even if that was the case, at least she would be helping to put the family at ease. If nothing else, that would make her feel good. The young ninja shook her head as she tried to focus again on actually completing the mission. Miss Hisano had decided to make the mission a bit more fun anyways, since it was so simple. They each had to go look for clues and try to find the lost old lady on their own, a sort of race to see which of them could find her first. It was pretty unlikely the woman was in any immediate danger that any of them couldn't handle on their own, plus spreading out the search meant finding her faster.

Dastri started her investigation at the obvious place one would visit, the family's home. She asked them where she lived so she could figure out where the woman should be around and what the woman looked like. It would be pretty useless to go looking for someone if you didn't even know what they looked like other than "old" and "female". They informed her that the woman's name was "Maggie" and she was about five feet tall with white hair that reached down to her knees. Apparently she refused to let anyone cut it and got, as they described, "highly upset and violent." whenever someone tried. So, don't touch the hair. They then told her that the woman lived on the east border of the village, so that's the direction the rabbit loving ninja set out for. Keeping her eyes and ears open as she travelled, she sadly didn't see or hear anything useful as she neared the small house. Checking inside revealed a tea kettle that had boiled over and a rather messy house. The mess could have been a struggle, or the woman was just too old to clean up behind her. The tea kettle however proved that the woman hadn't meant to leave her house, or that she was going crazy. Either way, this was getting more exciting by the minute. She then decided to go ahead and start searching to the north. If the woman hadn't been heading towards her family yet, maybe she got kidnapped and taken another direction.
WC - 508

Last edited by Dastri Hotaru on Tue May 05, 2015 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?) Empty Re: Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?)

Tue May 05, 2015 10:37 pm
(gotta copy past the mission details lovely)
Dastri Hotaru
Dastri Hotaru
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Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?) Empty Re: Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?)

Tue May 05, 2015 10:53 pm
(Fixeded it)
Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?) Empty Re: Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?)

Tue May 05, 2015 11:55 pm
Hisano rushed quickly out the door leading from the large board where open missions were posted, down the hallway and quickly through the village to her destination..... And here is where we que to the truth. Hisano knew she was going on a mission with her two newest students today.... And had decided after writing down the information that this would be the perfect time to take a hard earned nap. She woke about an hour later, and a bit late to their affair, moving lackadaisically towards her destination. When she finally arrived the door was a bit ajar and she could hear movement inside. "Um.... Mary? wait. Jennifer?" What was this woman's name? Was it tilly? Blast. She probably should have read into this a little more... Or yanno... At all. 

"Hello? Are you in here... I can hear you moving around..." She had absolutely no clue that it was dastri, how could she? She also didn't care. To be honest she'd hoped that this would be over right as she got here so she could take the free cash and head out but clearly that wasn't the case. letting out a deep sigh she would walk in, taking a look left and right to see where the noise was coming from. There was a tea kettle overboiled on the stove and the place seemed quite a bit amis. "Well... Looks like this is going to be less fun then expected. Damn it. "

(twc 224)
Talia Rose
Talia Rose
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Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?) Empty Re: Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?)

Thu May 07, 2015 3:56 am
Amaya had been, admittedly, too shy to meet her new teammate. This Dastri girl that Hisano had asked to join sounded nice, but the poor violet eyed girl was going through a lot right now and she was afraid she would act up and scare Dastri off. That was how the girl found herself there before anyone else, searching the house for clues way earlier then most would even think of getting out of bed. Looking through closets and books, she plugged her ears at the tea kettle. It was a clue of course, so she couldn't disturb it for when her teammates got there, but it was just so bothersome. Finding herself in the living room, she sifted through some papers slowly. A few names and dates were on one scrap, with a partially erased name. It seemed to be some kind of street name or something, and was somewhere in the tea district. Looking through the kitchen, Amaya did see the woman appeared to be out of tea. She must have thought she'd only be gone for a few minutes and had gotten lost or something. The girl retrieved her coat from the coat rack by the front door and headed into the chilly morning air.

Had she turned the sheet over, she would've noticed that letter had a timestamp a few days old, making the clue days old and possibly irrelevant. In her excitement though, she had passed over a few other papers lying about that could have been much more relevant clues, had she looked. But now, she found herself wandering the tea district. Most of the shops were setting up, and wouldn't be open for many more hours. Amaya sighed, and kicked at the dust in the road as she realized she had followed the wrong trail. Shaking her head, she was about to turn back when she heard a yell. It sounded like someone elderly, but was quite far away, farther then she would be able to reach in time, even at her max speed. She quickly ran up to the top of the roof and focused her senses. The yell had come from.. somewhere east of her position. Her feet cracked a few tiles as she bound forward, jumping and flipping across rooftops. She hoped someone would make it in time, or the old lady wasn't in too much danger that Amaya wouldn't reach her.

WC - 400

(Timeline is, Amaya first to reach the scene, leaves. Dastri follows up a few minutes later then Hisano. Assuming Hisano follows Dastri to east district, they would be closer to it and would arrive first, as the tea district is a bit of a ways.)
Dastri Hotaru
Dastri Hotaru
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Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?) Empty Re: Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?)

Thu May 07, 2015 7:00 pm
Dastri's eyes wandered around as she looked around for any other sign of where the old woman might have gone. She was starting to give up on searching this area when she heard the yell. Her eyes snapped into focus as she looked towards the sound. The old lady was in danger! She had to help, immediately! She dashed at the building in her way and didn't bother slowing down as she reached it and ran up the wall to get onto the roof. From there she was able to hop as she ran, whether onto other roofs, or convenient tree branches or fences, letting her head for the source of the cry much easier. She slowed down when she believed she had started getting close and began scanning around for the senior citizen. She gasped when she found the woman being pushed around by a man with a knife. "Come on lady, I know who you are, you got some money hidden around here somewhere!" 
Dastri clenched her fists angrily and took a deep breath. So there was a robber involved! This was a moment of truth. Dastri was going to have to take down this big strong guy to help the poor defenseless old lady.

Dastri took a deep breath and crouched slightly before springing into action. She dashed at the man as fast as she could then crouched down and skid across the ground as she got close. The man heard the sound of skidding and started to turn around to see what it was, Dastri taking the element of surprise to kick the man in his wrist and knock the small weapon out of his hand.  She then leapt up using Leaf Whirlwind to spin kick him in the face to take him off balance, allowing her to easily sweep his legs and take him to the ground. She kicked the small knife away where the man couldn't pick it back up without getting up and running from her and gently pushed the old woman back from him. "Stay behind me ma'am!"

Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?) Empty Re: Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?)

Wed May 20, 2015 8:26 pm
A scream rang out and Hisano acted. her body split apart, hundreds of sheets of paper flowing at incredible speed off towards the direction she'd heard. How exactly she'd gotten there wouldn't be clear, of course. That's the way the jounin prefered it. The more dificult it was to understand what she was doing... The better. Still Just as dastri arrived, putting herself between the woman and this strange attacker hisano hit the scene. Her body slid in in tiny sheets nearly undetected as she formed the jutsu needed to take care of this situation. One sheet flowed up behind the small taijutsu enthusiast, almost catching onto her heel before sticking to the ground just behind dastri. She didn't want her existence to be known. Not yet. Two sheets folded perfectly into shuuriken as they floated across the ground behind the attacker. her paper struck from every direction, just as the man wielded a knife, moving towards dastri. 

"Heh. looks like i'm gonna have an extra pay out toda...." His words were cut off. Hisano struck, partially to protect her student but mostly to show off. seemingly out of nowhere the small paper kunai struck, his words silenced as his eyes grew wide. A small dribble of blood flowed down the now open slit in his throat, cascading in a waterfall down his clothes. His head fell  backward first, his body frozen in shock. As quickly as it'd began it was over and The body dropped to it's knees, then down to the ground below dead. After this, assuming these actions happened as described Hisano's body formed back up where the man had once been. Her feet were sticky with blood. Yuck. It would probably leave disgusting footprints all the way back home. maybe she should wash off her feet... hm. Later. More important is that she make sure the girl was okay. 

"Not bad kid. You probably could have handled him without my help... Now let's find that lazy bones Amaya. As soon as she shows we can let her know what happened, let the old lady go back to her nice safe home and collect a nice chunk of change as payment. " It didn't even cross her mind that battle against an actual person... even with a knife, and the sudden death in the middle of their fight might actually affect the girl. IT was what ninja did right? She would wait until amaya finally showed, give her a down cast look, trying her best to make it seem real though split smile grin, and then usher them off. "Let's go get some ice cream. Great work today girls..... the future of konoha is looking great. 

(TWC 672, claiming 1k ryo plus d rank ap i think that's 7 or whatever?))
Talia Rose
Talia Rose
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Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?) Empty Re: Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?)

Thu May 28, 2015 5:22 pm
Amaya rushed along the buildings, obviously something was wrong and she could only hope her teammates had gotten their first. She reached the building looking over where Dastri was, seeing the girl for the first time, charging an attacker while paper shards seemed to have their own strategy. She was glad her teammates had it, but she had hoped to help out at least a little bit. She would reach the ground just as Hisano dispatched the attacker. She tried to keep her eyes averted from the violence, the girl not quite used to the violence of being a ninja. Though, at first Hisano seemed Irritated that Amaya had been late, but her demenar shifted, and requested that they all get ice cream. Amaya would glance and Dastri, then nod and smile. "Yea lets go!"

(Mission WC Completed)
(1k ryo, 7 Ap, Other appropriate rewards)
(XD guys we gotta not let the next mission take a month. I totally dropped the ball. Kira forgot this existed then I did, but on to the next!)
Dastri Hotaru
Dastri Hotaru
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Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?) Empty Re: Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?)

Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:32 pm
Dastri stared at the bandit and watched him fall, eeping slightly at the amount of blood pouring for him. Did people always bleed that much when they died? Dastri shook her head to tear her eyes off of the body and focus back on her teacher. "Thank you! It was okay that you took care of that guy for me. Less likely this nice woman would get hurt by me making a rookie mistake." She bowed slightly to her then waved when Amaya arrived. "Hey, look Amaya! We did it!" She would then laugh at the mention of ice cream and throw a hand into the air. "I want strawberry!"
(mission has been done finally.)
(Claiming all the stuff that everyone else gets)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?) Empty Re: Go team! (D-rank Is there a problem, grandma?)

Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:34 pm
D rank mission gets you guys 5 AP

Approved <3
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