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Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 6 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:34 pm
(Popping a short post here because little time and the mission requires more attention right now for me)

Kasai had watched everything that had gone on, and taken it all in. Both were skilled, and though it was clear that Risako had more power, Ryugia made it up through creativity.

"Since Risako called it off, that does technically make it a forfeit," Kasai said, answering Ruygia. "I understand why she did so, and I would have stopped it soon myself, but she stopped it none-the-less. Unless there are objections from you two?" Kasai asked, directing his question towards Risako and Salzem.

"The cut isn't very bad, but it will leave a mark for a while," he said, his eyes flicking over where the kunai had struck. "but I'm afraid that I no healing jutsu, nor have any equipment to handle such."
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 6 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:06 pm
Retracing her way through the last battle, Risako evaluated Ryugia's abilities as Salzem helped her down. In her opinion, he was headed down the right track. Looking to Ryugia, she said "You were slow, and your jutsu lacked any lasting impact..." she paused for a second, "But you definitely made up for it in wits. I was on my toes for the most part." 

After that, she rolled onto her stomach and stretched her legs over Salzem, so that he could inspect the wound. She felt it for sure, but she could tell it didn't hit anything too important. "How is it doc? You think I'll live?" She said semi sarcastically.
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 6 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:16 pm
Ryugia contemplated what Risako said. "Your right... My jutsu are week. I'll have to fix that. Any ways. Thanks for showing me your fire style. I am already getting the hang of it." Ryugia figited unsure of what else to say. "Any ways. Unless there is anything else you all wanted to do I may need to start heading home. My mother and fatehr will have dinner ready soon. My brothers will probably be wanting to see me too. You all are welcome to come for dinner if you want." Ryugia nodded to all three of them, making sure they knew they were welcome.

He grabbed up his back pack he had left by a trree neerby. He took a quick swig from one of his water bottels, the cool liquide sending a cool feeling through his whole body. A dark thought crossed his mind for just a moment, but he pushed it down with a fierce anger. How could he let himself think of such things. He knew and fully understood what was required to unlock the next level of his sharingan, but he had refused to do such horrendous things. To take the life of someone close to him, how could he do such  a thing. He did long for the power of the mangekyo sharingan. How could he attain such a power wraped in evil.

A new way to train! (open) - Page 6 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:32 am
Salzem smiled, then frowned, as if serious.

"No..." Salzem said. "Several major blood vessels and arteries have been severed. You will not make it past the hour." Salzem then rolled his eyes and patted Risako on the shoulder.

"You will survive."  Salzem then looked at Ryugia who had offered to have them over for dinner.

"I... will go if you two wish to as well." Salzem said looking at Risako and Kasai.

"You feel like you can go for a walk Risako?" Salzem asked. If she and Kasai agreed, Salzem would help Risako stand and they would walk to Ryugia's with him leading the way.
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 6 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:39 pm
Kasai raised an eyebrow as it seemed the second match that had been planned was forgotten by the group. Perhaps another time then. 

"I would be honored," Kasai said. He had no family that he knew of, aside from the sun in the sky, and so he would be glad to meet Ryugia's. "If it would not be much trouble, of course."

He would then look to everyone else, seeing what they would say. Maybe after the meal they would spar again, or maybe not. It did not matter very much to him either way.

(short post again, I'm sorry. Life being consumed by work and civ 5, which I have recently discovered. After this week I have a big break in work, so I'll be able to send in longer replies.)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 6 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:05 am
Thanks to Slazem, Risako stood up. She thought about declining, her excuse being the endless supply of left overs that currently awaited her back home. Suddenly, her mind was in her stomach, and the thought of fresh food proved too tempting. "Sure, I'll tag along." 

After they started walking, Risako would jokingly demand, "You're ma better be a good cook, or she's gonna get the boot." If an awkward silence ensued, (Note the "if". That's a word people often ignore on this site for some reason. Like, I'm here giving you an option and you don't like it so you ignore the whole last half of my post? Fuck you.) She would quickly say "So what do you like to do pal?" to Ryugia.

[Some one post a long post, get this cycle of shortness outta here. I don't wanna do it because I'm lazy.]
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 6 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:13 am
Shinichi would approach the training grounds where he usually trained ever since he had left Kumo. He'd see 3 children and 1 person around his age all hanging out, he would approach them slowly and when he finally reached them he'd say, "What's going on here kiddies?" Suddenly he'd mentally lecture himself because they may even be stronger than he was, since he was really just a simple D-Ranked Medic. He'd look intently at them all waiting for them to speak. He didn't come here for silence but for the possibility of meeting new people.

[I'll join in, we can end this short post cycle soon enough c;]

A new way to train! (open) - Page 6 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:43 am
As they were walking to Ryugia's house, Some unknown ninja stepped in their path. Did this teen want something from them?
"I'm going to pass you to Kasai." Salzem whispered to Risako before he handed her to his friend and teacher. Salzem would then step forward, between his friends and the new kid.
"We were just leaving." Salzem said bluntly. "Please step aside."

(Passing Ryugia as I gave his a warning and it has been WAY over 48 hours)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 6 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:03 pm
Kasai listened as the other two agreed, and then began to follow, when another person showed up. Starting by calling them...children? Kasai was rather confused. He himself was near the age of twenty-perhaps over, he had stopped counting the years after being unconscious for a month-and the others were hardly children. Ryugia was perhaps the only one whom might be considered a "kid", but Kasai thought he was more than such. Perhaps it was simply this stranger's word choice. 

It did not seem to bode well with Salzem, however, as he passed the injured Risako to Kasai, and then was fairly upfront with this outsider. Kasai decided to be slightly more friendly, sensing that even if they wanted to be, this stranger was not a threat to the experienced group. 

"You are not Konoha, by the looks of it," Kasai said, looking at him. "From which village do you hail?" He asked, wondering why they were here. It was likely to meet new people, but it was too often that Kasai had met people with ill intentions, and did not wish to repeat such events. 

He took Risako, making sure not to touch the injured calf as he did so.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 6 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:21 pm
Risako stepped over to Kasai, and used him to keep her balance. None of that "I'm a pussy my leg hurts carry me" shit. She eyed the stranger, and missing nin, deciding that he had a vaguely familiar aura about him... maybe it was Aruto. He reminded her of him a bit for some reason. 

Moving on, Salzem appeared to be getting testy. Risako learned to never get testy with strangers, because they might be super fucking powerful or something. Kasai wanted to talk this situation out. Ryugia kind of stood there and stared at the ground for some reason. 

Risako kinda wanted this to be resolved peacefully, but at the same time she also was up for a fight. Her leg however, dictated that peace was the only option. Unless she sat this one out. 

[Give Ryugia until next evening to post. (Chicago time) I have no clue if he'll come back, but I figure we should give him a chance.]
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