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Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sun May 31, 2015 12:18 am
[for the fight, let's skip Kasai and Salzem. It'll make it go by much faster. Also sorry for the length, I've had company for 3 days, and they have yet to leave.]

As soon as the objects left Ryugia's finger tips, Risako dropped into a handstand, watching as the shuriken just barely zoomed past her arm. Looking up, she saw Ryugia coming at her, rather slowly.... Rolling back, she stood on both feet. Risako took note of his acrobatics before sidestepping to the right and pivoting on her right foot in order to spin and slam her left foot into the back of his neck (Speed 70). After ward, she would roll backward, hopping to both feet, hands extended, ready for whatever came next. 

[No AP used.]
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sun May 31, 2015 6:17 pm
Ryu's attacks missed by leaps and bounds. He now had two clear disadvantages. His small jutsu pool, and his speed. suddenly he felt a hard blow connect with his neck. He tried to move with the impact, and found himself rolling forward, and popping up about a meter away from risako. Her power was ridiculous for a genin. He wondered why she wasn't a chunin already. He could track her speed with his eyes, but he wasn't sure for how long he could defend against her. He needed to surprise her. He took a small smoke bomb from his weapons pack. He focused in on just risako's chakra signature, and quickly threw the bomb down. In seconds the whole area was filled with a thick smoke, but through all of that he could see risako's distinct chakra. Since this smoke wasn't created from chakra it didn't interfere at all. 

He wove a quick series of signs, and formed a diamond with his pointer fingers, and thumbs. A ball of electricity began to form, it grew bigger and bigger until it was 2 feet around in total. Honing in on risako he launched it towards her chakara signature. (15 speed, 15 power) "Lightning style Raikyu" He thought to himself. Even though it was traveling somewhat slowly, if it touch anything it would explode, with a 5 meter blast radius. It would electrocute any one in it's range. 

With that moving he watched closely for any movements by Risako. Keeping his eyes on her, he quickly jumped high into the trees surrounding the training area. He wanted to disappear. He was out matched in speed, but he might be able to coordinate attacks from afar. He also had that jutsu. Ryugia gripped his right arm tightly. He had only really read about it, but he knew he could probably pull it off now that he had his 3 tomoe sharingan. He may just need it too. The Chidori. It would take up a lot of his chakra reserves though. He would try to hit her with some of his faster jutsu, and create an opening. then he might just be able to hit her.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:18 am
Risako was about to jump back when she found herself surrounded by a thick fog like smoke. Suddenly, her view was constricted to just beyond her length. Slowly backing her way out of the smoke, she heard a peculiar crackling, whirring sound. Looking up, she was by a rather large and cuddly ball of electricity, which was a big bad no no in Risako's eyes. More so than falling head first into the demon thornbush. 

Immediately her hands formed the body flicker hand seals, and just in the nick of time did she whisk herself away, unaware that she would land right in front of Salzem. As her breathing quickened, she scanned the environment for her opponent, deciding that he had either transformed or hid him self away. After the smoke cleared, Risako stepped to the middle of the clearing and looked around, waiting for Ryugia to reveal himself. Meanwhile, Risako was kneading her chakra in her chest, in case she had to use any jutsu.

A new way to train! (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:10 am
feel free to skip it has been WAY over two days
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:23 am
Ryugia honed in on Risako's chakra signature. He quickly launched two kunai from his holster heading towards the back of her legs. He had to slow down her incredible speed. He then jumped from his perch landing five meters from risako to her right. He wove a series of hand signs. Boar, ram, snake, horse, dragon. "Lightning style Jibashin," he thought to himself. Touching his hands to the ground, a wave of electricty would travel towards Risako(25 power, 25 speed) He had never tried this jutsu before, but it was an effective c rank. He figured he would have to step out of his comfort zone if he wanted to have a chance against risako. 

Pulling away from the stream of lightning he prepared the substitution jutsu using a log nearby. He would wait for risako to attack, then pull away from the center of the clearing again. He planned to use touch and go tactics. He couldn't engage for long periods of time, or else he would risk being overwhelmed. He also wanted to see her fire style from a distance, so he could begin to try to learn it. He knew he possessed the nature for it, he just needed to develop it. 

((55/150 AP))
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:51 am
Risako only barely noticed as something grazed her leg... but the kunai that was buried halfway in her calf? She felt that. While she wasn't genuinely crying, her eyes did well up a bit, and the fact that her opponent had just landed next her didn't help at all. As a reaction, she hopped backwards on her leg, deciding that the best way to get over this jutsu was to jump. Sommersaulting backward, (making sure not to use her injured leg,) she stopped at a hand stand and sprung up and over the electricity. The landing however, was ungraceful.

Flopping to the ground with an oomph, she pushed herself back up on one foot, and yanked the kunai out, tossing it to the ground. There was more than enough room for Ryugia to dodge this jutsu, hopefully... Her bangs tussled in the wind for a split second before her hands snapped into the horse sign. Her cheeks swelled up as she spat out a massive cone of fire that was 50 meters wide, that traveled 30 meters in front of her. (50 speed, power) All would've been fine.... except she forgot to check where Kasai and Salzem were... 

She canceled the jutsu, though it was too late, and turned around to see that Kasai and Salzem were behind her. She turned back around to see that most of the grass was scorched... Ryugia hopefully got away... 

[300-40 AP is 260
Great Fire Annihilation - 40 AP
50 meters is roughly 150 feet, run Ryugia run!]
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:48 am
Ryugia's eyes widened as a massive wall of fire came barreling towards him. The he could feel the heat from the raging inferno even from his current position. He had to get away. He ran, as embarrassing as that was, as fast as he could. He was able to  stay just out of it's range, and was able to make it far enough into the tree line He watched from a high branch as the fire died. His eyes had watched Risako carefully as she had performed the fire style. He couldn't hope to perform that level fire style jutsu, but perhaps the simple fire ball jutsu. He wove the hand signs ending in the tiger hand sign, and took in a huge breath, letting the chakra meet the air in his throat, and become fire. He expelled all of the build up fire from his mouth. It was only about medium sized, not nearly as big as a practiced fire style user like Riasko could creat. "Mannnnn. Come on I am supposed to be a prodigy here. " I watched Risako carefully from my perch about 40 meters away.

"What are my options? I have a limited number of lightning style jutsu, and only so much chakra. I can't just blow through it. Maybe if I..... No damn it I'm too far. I'll have to get closer." Ryugia bolted off through the trees working his way in a circle until he was much closer to her. Now he was at her right side. He only had 7 shuriken, and 8 kunai left, he needed to use them sparingly. He also only had 2 smoke bombs left, and those could come in serious handy. He carefully removed two scrolls from his back pouch. He spread them out before him, the Japanese character for sword on one, and two characters for windmill on the other. With ease he wove a few handsigns, and summoned the straight sword he used, and then the two Windmill shuriken. He was about 2 meters from her. He could close that distance fairly quickly. He launched both windmill shuriken, metla wiring attached to them so he could manipulate their flight patterns, and then reached   over for his straight sword. Taking hold of it he tore it from the tree, and took off after the weapons he had just released into the air. Touching the ground he broke into a full sprint. The shhuriken were aimed perfectly, one was carefully hidden in the shadow of the other, and with the sun at his back a glare would be in Risako's eyes making it harder to see. His plan was going well, now he just needed to see if he could execute what he was thinking. silently lightning was traveling the wire into the shuriken making them wickedly sharp.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:07 am
Watching a little fireball escape the treeline, Risako was suddenly made aware of Ryugia location. Standing on one foot, she watched as Ryugia worked his way throught the trees. Well... she watched where the trees were rustling anyway... 

Once the rustling stopped, Risako stared with a blank expression, before throwing both hands up. "I give, this leg injury limits me too much." She shouted. "We both went a little over board anyway, since this was just a spar. It's a wonder we didn't get hurt!" With that, she chuckled. 

After that she limped her way over to Salzem and wrapped an arm around him, in order to keep her balance. "So what's next!"

[Sorry it's short, and sorry I time lined you Ryugia. I couldn't find a plausible way to avoid all that while maintaining the bum leg. Also, resume regular posting. Here's the order: Me, Ryugia, Salzem, Kasai.]
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:33 pm
Ryugia quickly retraced his shuriken, opening the two scrolls, and upon their return resealed them into the scroll. He resealed the sword he had called forth as well. 

"So does this mean I win? I mean this is technically a forfeit." Ryugia said smugly. He began to walk ove towards Risako. "Sorry about your leg. I didn't have any other way to slow you down. I guess we got a tad carried away. Perhaps we should just take a break. Any ways you wanted to evaluate me so what have you learned?" I finished, taking a quick turn as if to display my self to Risako. 

((sorry for the short post. I have been travelling for hours. I just got to southbend indiana at Notre Dame. I have a fencing camp))

A new way to train! (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:44 pm
Salzem took Risako, wrapping her arm around his shoulders and he helped her over to a tree. He would set her down gently before sitting down beside her.

"Nice fight to the two of you." Salzem said, complimenting the two genin. Salzem would tap Risako on the shoulder, attempting to get her attention.

"Risako, could you flip over for me? I want to look over your wound."

If she complied, Salzem would gaze over the cut Ryugia had given her. Not deep enough to be crippling. Nothing that a few day of rest wouldn't fix.

"Well, good news and bad news, Risako. Good being you will be up and about in a couple of days. Bad being that I can't heal it out right now." Salzem would shrug before looking around at Ryugia and Kasai.

"I don't suppose either one of you have any bandages?"
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