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Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Tue May 26, 2015 1:07 am
(It's all good. I don't really have much to say, but, hey guys: Tatsuya for Hokage confirmed! Yaaay! Rank ups more frequently, aaaand, if things actually go as planned, you'll be on a team with an anbu.)

"Are you certain, Salzem?" Kasai asked. "You need not to commit yourself to something you do not wish for. It would not hinder us, the team, or any of our relations to one another in any way. I understand perfectly if you would rather move on your own. It was only an idea I had to invite you," he said, looking at the young man.

"And I do think some sort of training would be good, Ryugia," Kasai said, looking around at the group. "Though I'm not sure what. Perhaps a mission, so we can earn ryo as well.

"There is also the matter of are we going to have a team leader, or not?" Kasai asked.

(Sorry for the short post, and not coloring words. Was a bit pressed for time)

A new way to train! (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Tue May 26, 2015 12:14 pm
Salzem waved his hand as if waving away Kasai’s concern.
“It’s really no problem.” He said, looking between his potential team mates. “As for who should be leader, I only know myself so I can only speak for myself. Personally, (other than Kasai if we are talking about leader amongst the genin) I would vote for Risako. She is fast, powerful, and can hold a team together. Even if she can be a bit of a spaz. I would not vote for myself and perhaps, if given the time, Ryugia would grow into an admirable leader. Risako has experience and talent. Nothing more needs to be said.”
Salzem looked between the four of them. Then an idea popped into his head.
“How about this for training. We could have a tournament-style series of matches. Then the top two face Kasai in the final round. Until then, he acts as moderator, declaring whenever someone has lost. Then when it comes to the final round, last place acts as moderator.” Salzem wondered how the rest of the group would react to his proposal.
(Yay! Tat is hokage)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Tue May 26, 2015 2:12 pm
Stretching back, Risako took in a deep breath. "I don't think we need to vote for a leader, seeing as Kasai was the one that proposed the idea," she said, "but, we could vote for who takes over in Kasai's absence." She thought on it for a minute, realizing that she had met and conversed with Salzem before, but she didn't really know either him or Ryugia. "Truthfully, it doesn't matter to me who takes that position, so long as they really want it." 

On to training. Never one to shy away from a fight, Risako's mouth spread into a big goofy grin, displaying her eagerness. "I wanna fight Ryugia first, he seems fun." Aside from being fun, she would also get to test his skill. "Of course, that is with his permission."

[YES! I thought the way he did the selection was a little cool, but would've been better if they had actually gotten to fight.]
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Tue May 26, 2015 7:07 pm
Ryugia gave a kind smile. "Sure I'm up for it. I've seen Salzem in battle, at least a little bit, but I haven't seen you or Kasai. Unfortunately i don't think I could keep up with Kasai just yet. I will at least have a sliver of a chance against you." Ryugia was certainly being polite, but he didn't want to undersell his abilities. He wasn't going to loose. He had trained so hard, and had come along way, but he couldn't be sure how many fire style jutsu Risako had, and he didn't have many lightning style jutsu. Perhaps he would have to attempt some of the one's he didn't know. He may even be able to try to copy some of her fire style jutsu. If he could just see some fire style, he was pretty sure he would be able to catch on pretty quickly. 

Ryugia ran a quick inventory of all he had with him. He had a solid ten kunai, ten shuriken, 4 sections of 10 meter wire, makibishi spikes, 20 senbon, a few smoke bombs, a scroll with two summoning formulas for windmill shuriken, and a scroll to summon a normal straight sword. It was all basic gear, but if he was smart he could use it effectively.

He jumped back exactly 8 meters. "I am ready when you are Risako. I won't go down easy." The thought ran through his mind. He still had the lions barrage. He could always try that. He had a solid arsenal, but he was betting she would have more, so he would  have to make due with quality of use, over quantity of jutsu.
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Wed May 27, 2015 4:42 pm
Kasai listened to Salzem's proposal, and nodded.
"That sounds like a fine plan," he said, but then smiled, the scars stretching around his mouth. "but if it ends up being two against one, I won't hold back at all.
"And perhaps afterwards, we can all do a higher ranking mission," he said (mostly cause I kneeds moneys, if that's good with you guys.)
"But, for now, training is good."

Kasai then stepped back, out of the way of whatever battle would go on between Risako and Ryugia. He wondered if Risako had remembered the summon jutsu that he had taught to her, or not.

Then, watching Ryugia go through his items, Kasai wondered what kind of fighter he was. He had seen both Risako and Salzem fight so far, and both were good. He did not doubt this young Uchiha's ability, for Kasai himself was only his age when he had fought the leader of the Akatsuki, and lived. Of course, he hadn't left a single mark on Youka, but he had evaded and lived. He knew Risako had more experience, but he would not let that change his view of what would happen. However, if it did come down to a fight with Riasko and Salzem against him, Kasai might be forced to use his S rank. A little unfair, being an instant knockout, but, hey, he did say he wouldn't hold back.

(Also, Risa, finally got around to changing the name of your old character. Sorry it took so miserably long. Not sure if you are the one who made the new one, or not, but I just thought I should say.)

A new way to train! (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Wed May 27, 2015 5:00 pm
Salzem nodded in appreciation at Kasai’s opinion. He took a couple of steps back from his fellow genin as to give them enough room to fight. While waiting for the battle to start, Salzem practiced his transformation techniques, taking the various forms of different people he had seen around town, and even a few he had created custom in his mind. Each time he changed, he would be surrounded in a cloud of smoke, clearing only a second later to reveal his new form. Salzem finally stopped transforming, reverting back to his natural form as the battle begun. As Salzem watched he pulled out a kunai knife and began to twirl the knife in fingers absently to give him something to do.
“Well, Good luck to the both of you.” Salzem called to Ryugia and Risako. Hopefully, his speech would not cause a distraction for either.
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Fri May 29, 2015 3:30 pm
(Risa, your turn)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Fri May 29, 2015 3:36 pm
[I know, I'm having a hard time starting the fight off. If I don't post soon skip me.]
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sat May 30, 2015 7:29 pm
(Been over 48 hours, Ryugia, feel free to go)
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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A new way to train! (open) - Page 4 Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sat May 30, 2015 10:34 pm
Ryugia was determined to take the upper hand quickly. He quickly activates his sharingan, the three tomoe coming into position around his pupil. He unleashes two shuriken from his side holster aiming them at Risako's legs. He wanted to slow her movements, as best he could. He moved forward, advancing as fast as he could. He wove a quick series of hand signs, charging electricity in his palms. With the strength of a leopard, he bounded of the ground, flipping to gain momentum, bringing his right leg down on Risako's left shoulder. He quickly flipped back, going into a back hand spring, and landing 3 meters from risako, dashing towards her, striking out with his palms. "Lightning style, Keiren No Jutsu!" This jutsu would shoot a wave of electricity into the muscles, causing them to seize, and cramp up. (power 15, stun for 2 posts, 3 post cool down) Ryugia targeted Risako's biceps with pinpoint accuracy. If he could jjust stun her arms, he would take away her ability to perform jutsu. He knew he might not be able to match her in volume of jutsu, but he would have to outsmart Risako, and use what jutsu he had to their absolute maximum efficiency.

((15/150 AP))
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