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Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) Empty Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:06 pm
Ryusei had a slurp of water and headed out. The afternoon air was fresh, as the memories of his rather easy defeat at the hands of one Kenshin Uchiha weighed down on him. He remembered his decision to elevate the Nara clan to the same status, if not higher, and decided that he had better start now.

The training grounds were largely full, as usual, and Ryusai burst into (awful) song, as he strode along, searching for an empty spot. Perhaps his awful singing (not intentional, but most people did not like his tunes, even if he himself did) would drive some other ninja away. Some of them had been training since the morning when he found Kenshin, and they were still at it. Those ninja probably had a good, respectable future ahead, similar to the famed Rock Lee, the taijutsu virtuoso. Well, if Ryusei was gonna catch up to those hard workers, he had better get started.

Ryusei saw a large group covered in bruises and small cuts leaving one of the training grounds, and sprinted towards it, hoping to get there before anyone else. It wasn't that he disliked company, it was just that ninja training different things tended to end up having accidents. One guy could be running laps, and the other guys happens to be doing target practice with kunai, and... well, he preferred not to think of the fighting that might result. Now, two people sparring, or working on the same thing would be ok, but that was not often. Maybe he would get lucky today, but you could never be sure who might turn up.

Ryusei made it into the training area, and breathed a sigh of relief. Aside from a broken kunai here, a broken shuriken there, or the shattered rocks to the west of his position, and the charred line of trees to the north, it looked largely untouched. Ryusei grinned. Finally he could train in peace, though anyone wanting a quick spar, or perhaps an exercise partner, would fine a willing partner.

He did some quick pushups to get his blood flowing, and jumped up and down a few times. He then started running laps around the training ground, and it occurred to him that he could do this pretty easily just about anywhere in or around the village, just not at the village gates, though that depended rather heavily on the guards on duty at any given time. Some were more relaxed than others. Ryusei started to get warm while he was running, and decided that he needed to lose some clothing figuratively, not literally.

Pausing, he first deposited his sun-glasses in the middle of the arena. Then off came the purple bathrobe, which he only just realized he had left on ever since he had had a shower this morning. No wonder the other people going shopping had stared at him when they thought he was not looking. He looked like he had just not bothered to comb his spiky hair after washing, that must have been why he attracted attention. Appearance was a lot. The bathrobe itself had an insignia with the Nara clan on it, which was why he liked wearing it. Even if he was a little estranged from most members of his clan, he still had pride in his clan's abilities. Who else had been attempting to restraing that giant 10-tailed beast anyway? Ryusei then stepped out of his light sandals, putting on the heavy combat boots he normally trained with. The extra weight always helped a little. After that, he set down his jacket, and his weapon pouches (which were on just over his underwear, inside the bathrobe, at least, while he had been wearing it). He shook out his shirt, and his shorts, feeling much refreshed now that the heavy clothing was gone.

Ryusei resumed his laps, and after he managed 20, he was starting to get a little winded. He used his moving earth core jutsu, to make a target shaped like a person, and began practicing throwing his shuriken at top speed. IT was only after he missed a couple that he realized that he might want to make a backstop, in case he missed. After collecting his shuriken, he made a large backstop, though not as thick as he could have made it - 1 foot should be plenty for this and he could always take it down again later.

Ryusei resumed his training, throwing shuriken and kunai at the target, aiming for specific spots to enhance his accuracy (or lack thereof). If someone else showed up, he would offer to train with them, either on whatever he was doing at the moment, or something else, if they had other ideas.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:31 pm
Tank was getting back to the training grounds from his lunch break with a full stomach and was actually feeling a bit sleepy. To counteract his sleepyness that was setting in Tank decided he needed to get moving. Taking off for a couple laps around the training field he would watch everyone else who was training there now. Most of them he recognized from earlier this morning. There was a newcomer however. Someone with black hair that was throwing shuriken and kunai at a rock dummy off to himself. Tank decided that today he would be a little more outgoing and finished his last lap around the field stopping just a few meters away from Ryusei. "Hey you. What's your name?"
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:44 pm
Ryusei was absorbed in his practicing, and did not notice anyone approaching until he had stopped to pick up all of 10 projectiles. That was bad, carelessness on the battlefield meant death. He would have to learn to not completely focus on his current task, always trying to keep an eye out for other potential threats, or allies.

Ryusei picked up his stuff, and turned to face the newcomer. The newcomer was rather... muscular. Probably a lot stronger than Ryusei, he looked like he could squish rocks into pulp. Ryusei did NOT want to get into an arm wrestling match wit this guy. It wasn't that he did not like the guy, having only just met. It was more that it looked like that guy would tear his arm off, trying to be careful with Ryusei's much smaller body frame.

"Heya, sorry, I get too focused on stuff sometimes. I'm Ryusei Nara, what's your name? I'm training at the moment, I don't know if you would care to join me. The more the merrier! I hope you don't mind, but it looks like an arm wrestling match might be a bad idea, though other activities might be ok." Ryusei flashed a wide grin, feeling pretty cheerful at the moment.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:05 pm
Tank waited patiently while Ryusei was finishing up his practicing. Once Ryusei turned around and started talking Tank thought to himself He then stated to Ryusei "My name is Tank Akimichi and I'd be more than happy to train or spar with you. I'm sure if you're more than capable of figuring a way around my size if you're a genin."
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:37 pm
"I'd hope so, I have a few tricks up my sleeve, heeeheehee!" Ryusei chuckled to himself at the end. If they fought he would be in serious trouble if that large bulky guy could move fast. "Got anything in particular you want to do for training?" he asked.

While talking, Ryusei resumed throwing his kunai and shuriken at his target, glancing at Tank Akamichi as he spoke. "If you want to make a virtual punching bag or such, I can probably help, it would be similar to what I am using at the moment, just a little bigger. It would be made of dirt though."

Ryusei would continue his training, always picking up hit weapons after a round of tossing, while chatting. When he wanted a short break from throwing projectiles he would switch to doing pushups.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Tue Sep 09, 2014 6:18 pm
Tank would watch as Ryusei threw his kunai and shuriken and listened to what he had to say. After thinking for a few seconds Tank would turn and say to Ryusei  "Lets have a quick spar session. Maybe like one five minute round just to test each other out a bit. Then we can do some actual training afterward."
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:48 am
stuff as of the beginning of the topic:

"Hang on a second then..." Ryusei finished throwing his last few kunai, then hurriedly grabbed all of his projectiles again, stuffing them into his weapon pouches. He stood off to one side of the training ground approximately 30 feet away from Tank Akamichi, stretched several muscles, and said "Ok, I'm ready now. Oh, Yeah, if you are ok with training a little later on, let's not hurt eachother too much, hahaha..." Ryusei eyed Tank Akamichi's rather impressive muscular structure.

(The field is currently circular, with one half dominated by earthen dummies, some shaped like human silhouettes, one pockmarked with holes from Ryusei's earlier training. The other earthen structures are 8 foot towers, with foot long knobs sticking out, similar to what Rock Lee has been seen training with before. These last mentioned towers are around 4 feet across, large enough to hid pretty much any normal height human, or anyone that is not one of the huge humans. In other words, even Tank Akamichi can hide potentially.)

Last edited by ryusei on Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:18 am
"Agreed, don't hurt me to badly." Tank then smiled a little bit in confidence. Taking a defensive fighting stance Tank was expecting Ryusei to be rather fast compared to him. So he was going to wait and see what Ryusei would try. He would observe the area noticing all of the large earthen dummies around.
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:21 pm
"That's my line, Mister Muscles!" Ryusei laughed loudly, the sound reverberating through the still air. He walked towards the earthen training dummies, and shouted "Catch me if you can!". He would listen for movement from the other ninja.

It looked like Ryusei would have a little trouble in a direct fight with Tank Akamichi, he would have to take him by surprise, since even if Ryusei might be faster, the other guy looked like he could rip Ryusei in two. Even if by accident, that would not be a fun occurrence. Being faster would only help if he could actually do something to that human tank.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:53 pm
Tank smiled a little bit as he heard what Ryusei said. Then he saw Ryusei heading toward the dummies to what he could only assume was to hide and prepare some sort of jutsu. Taking off at a full sprint toward Ryusei he would try and intercept him before he could get behind any of the dummies. With his right hand cocked back and ready to swing once he was within range he'd think of what his next move should be if he's too late.
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