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Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:23 pm
Kenshin would slowly walk with a long stride through a dense patch of trees as he came close to the edge of the brush where he could hear the sounds of combat echoing from the training ground he visited rather often to face other shinobi and train his body and skills. Stopping just at the edge of the training ground, barely visible and on the opposite side from Hero and Kemuri he would simply stare at the combat that was presently taking place between two shinobi he had defeated a while back himself, neither of them really showing much skill, but promise if they got a chance. Deciding not to interrupt just yet he would simply watch on, his eyes darting to several different positions as if checking for other signs of life, hopefully more shinobi as he planned to pit himself against as many as he could seeing how many were no challenge at all alone these days. Slowly squatting down he would take a seat in the grass causing several leaves to crunch underneath the weight of his body "I wonder how many flys will be drawn to the flame" he said with a light smirk.
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:55 pm
Ryusei heard heavy footsteps approaching and figured that Tank Akamichi had escaped his trap. That was not hard, as he had forgotten to make the top of the pit stick inwards, past the base of the walls. He slapped himself, hard, as his own incompetence had allowed Tank Akamichi to escape rather easily, going up the ramp like it was not there. The darn ramp was supposed to be upside down, the pit was supposed to look like a pyramid had been taken out of the ground, but no, Ryusei had to mess that up. He slapped himself, cursing. He was lucky this was only a sparring session as mistakes like that would be fatal on the battlefield.

Now, Tank Akamichi was approaching, and would likely be difficult to capture in a second such trap. Ryusei would have to come up with something else. He listened carefully, the sound of the footsteps coming closer. Ryusei cursed his own incompetence again, his shuriken that he had thrown had given his position away, Tank had probably seen the area from which it was launched, and Ryusei had not even thought to move away after throwing it. He punched the ground in frustration, the approaching steps coming closer... and closer...

What were those sounds? Not Tank Akamichi definitely, there was no reason for the trees to be rustling so much. One was from the general direction behind him, the other two were fairly close together, on the opposite side. Hmmm...

Ryusei glanced around the training dummy and saw the human behemoth approaching about 15 meters away. He was strong though not as strong as that Uchiha guy. Ryusei decided to take no chances though, and dug into the ground right away. maybe he could catch Tank Akamichi in another pit. He would probably give up though if he could not catch the miniature hulk before his stamina ran out.

(35 ap used total/140)
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:15 pm
Seeing as Tank made it out of the sink hole that was created by Ryusei without any sort of counter attack he would indeed plow through the earthen dummy that he was already heading for. His massive body plowing into the dummy giving a loud grunt as he muscled his way through the rather thick earth which would cause a loud cracking noise followed by the sound of multiple chunks of earth hitting the ground. The impact slowed Tank down considerably and tripped him up a bit as there was still a decent sized pile of dirt sitting on the ground about the size of a small tree stump. Falling forward a bit with his arms wide open hoping Ryusei would be there Tank quickly realised that Ryusei was not behind this dummy and caught himself before he fell flat on his face. Placing a single hand down on the ground and gathering himself a bit he stared at the two remaining dummies and brushed the dirt off of himself before saying "Nice move you had there. If I hadn't been ontop of that dummy it probably would have worked. Now come on out and lets have some fun." Tank would wait a few seconds and if he recieved no answer from Ryusei he would frown a bit and say "Okay, if thats the way you want to play this then I'm game." Tank began heading toward the dummy to his front left that was about five meters away from where he stood he walked at a normal pace reaching the dummy and leaning over a bit before knocking on the front of it like it was a door "Hello? Is anyone home?" he playfully said trying to draw Ryusei out. Tank was quickly growing tired of this battle as it was boring him and he was putting all of his patience into staying calm, but if something interesting didn't happen soon he would probably just call the spar off. They had actually agreed to a short spar earlier, but it seemed like Ryusei just wanted to play hide and seek now.
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:43 pm
Kemuri, still perching upon the branch from earlier, continued to watch the fight with mild interest, so far only seeing a jutsu that he already knew how to perform and a show of brute strength. Needless to say, he didn't exactly find the battle to be riveting with excitement. Only a few moments after already essentially seeing everything that Tank and Ryusei had to offer at the moment, Kemuri would notice what appeared to be a beetle fly directly in front of his face, causing him to jump backwards a bit and swipe at it with a bit of disgust. Shortly afterwards he would notice three more do a similar action, only furthering his disgust and causing him to jump further back onto a wider section of the branch, watching the beetles as they flew away and towards another tree parallel to the one he was currently standing in, seeing Hero with a smile as the kikaichu went to him. "Disgusting." He would whisper to himself, having a rather obvious look of disdain upon his face from just having several insects fly nearly into his face.

Kemuri would make his way to the edge of the branch with a slow walk, staring directly towards Hero with a piercing gaze from his smokey eyes. He would then jump from the edge of the branch towards the tree Hero resided upon, landing on a branch near the one he were standing upon, causing the leaves to rustle quite a bit. He then simply stood for a few moments, looking at Hero. "Why did you send those things over to me?" He would ask in a voice that seemed to be far too deep for his age, but not even close to a ridiculously deep tone, along with sounding slightly annoyed.
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:42 pm
Seeing the other ninja approaching him, Hero stood up. Now that he's standing, his clothing is fully shown and honestly, it's not a fashion style you'd normally see. Definitely not from a shinobi. He has a black unzipped hoodie on and underneath it is a white t-shirt . What he wears from his waist downward is even more bizarre, a plain black men's skirt. Yes, a skirt. Underneath his skirt are blacks pants with two pockets, one on each side. Hero has always been known for his odd sense of fashion, he even has ten piercing on both ears - five on each side. I guess you'd call these type of guys a hipster.

How the man reacted to his bugs however, irritated him. It bugged (pun intended) him that people usually find bugs gross when it really isn't. Back in his academy days, other kids ran away screaming in fear when he used bugs. It didn't make sense to him and it still doesn't.

Hero raises his eyebrows as the other ninja's eyes caught his. "What cold eyes," he muttered to himself. That was when he realized that this ninja approaching him right now is not one who he can get along easily. People like that irritate him the most but then again, everything irritates him.

Hero reacted rather shockingly when he heard the question directed at him. "What? Isn't that how we all do it? I mean, sending bugs and stuff like that is pretty appropriate, ya know," said Hero. He pauses and looks down for a moment to think about something to back up his argument. He snaps his finger when he finally thought up of something then cock his head back up with face now full of confidence. "Well just so you know, the wise ones always said that actions speaks louder than words and what I did just there was an action. If I were to call out to you, you wouldn't hear it because it's not as loud actions! And then I'd have to spend hours trying to call you and that's not something I'd like to do. Haha gotcha, learn your stuff before you talk next time!" said Hero looking smugly almost giving himself a pat on the back. "And--," said Hero but he got cut by the loud sound of the battle going on. He glances at the two ninjas fighting then turn his attention back to his conversation (rhymed it accidentally). "It's kinda funny how normally the spectators are loud and the competitors are quiet but it's quite the opposite here, but then again we're kinda like stalkers," said Hero, "anyway, what are you doing here?" he added.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:09 pm
Kenshin continued to stand just on the edge of the brush, remaining out of sight of Tank or Ryusei to assure he did not distract either of them from what they were doing. It was only seconds after he arrived that he could see the trees rustling on the other side of the training grounds, likely more shinobi that were watching the spar. It was at this point that a crimson hue overtook the normal deep black iris that his eyes normally carried and three black markings spun from his pupil into a triangular formation to form the famed sharingan. Using his ability to see masses of chakra he would easily be able to pick out the two very differently colored chakras that seemed to be standing on a single branch. One of them was a dark grey, similar to that of a cloud of smoke, a much more sinister and ominous chakra than the one next to it, a bright pink, obviously belonging to a much more flamboyant shinobi, but oddly it was the stronger and larger force between the two. Sadly however this ability to see chakra did not also allow for him to perceive what was currently going on between them, but it could be discerned that they were not battling one another. Deactivating his sharingan only seconds into trying to make out the movements in the trees his eyes would revert to the deep blackness that was originally possessed by Kenshin. Simply out of curiosity Kenshin himself would step back into the forest and begin quickly moving from tree to tree, refraining from making even the slightest of sound so that he may get within ear shot of the two new arrivals that he had just noticed and began listening in on them while he hid in the leaves of the branch he was currently perched on. His eyes focusing on what seemed to be a much older and opposing figure who's face was hidden by some type of mask, obviously the superior in the interaction, regardless of if the other had a more powerful chakra. "What an odd day this is turning out to be, I just hope when I make my entrance that they all are prepared for a proposition" he said as a grin would spread across his face, his intentions being obvious only to him at the moment.
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:56 pm
Ryusei felt, and heard Tank Akamichi's heavy frame pouding overhead, crashing into the earthen dummy. The dummy did not sound like it stood a chance. Ryusei followed Tank as quietly as possible underground, pulling out a kunai. He was not intending to truly wound his opponent, just to make what would otherwise be a killing strike, that he would pull short. Against a much stronger opponent he would have to pull a sneak attack, hopefully Tank Akamichi would be distracted trying to find Ryusei among the dummies.

He sensed Tank Akamichi walk up to one of the remaining two dummies. Ryusei made a clone that would charge at Tank Akamichi from the other side of the dummy (about the time Tank Akamichi would be knocking on the dummy), as if it had been hidden. Meanwhile he himself would burst out of the ground, kunai in hand, while his clone made a diversion. He would swing his kunai at his opponent's neck, from behind. If his attack was successful, he would end up pushing his kunai against his opponent's neck, the blade turned sideways to push the flat of the blade against his opponent as opposed to the edge, to avoid any real injury.
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:06 pm
Tank had walked up to the dummy slowly in a very relaxed manner. As he bent over slightly and knocked against the dummy like it was a door Tank was a bit surprised when Ryusei came around the dummy charging him head on. Mostly because of how Ryusei had been avoiding taijutsu the entire fight up to now. Tank reached out with his left hand attempting to catch the much smaller shinobi by the neck. While doing this he would hear the attack that was coming in from behind him he thought to himself. Reacting as fast as he could he would throw his right arm back where the sound was coming from. His right arm was bent at the elbow upward trying to block the incoming attack. The only problem was that Tank couldn't get his head around fast enough to see where exactly the attack was aimed at. Watching as the now apparent clone phased through his arm and out of existance he knew he needed to react fast. With his right arm up trying to block Tank began to turn to what he knew now was the real Ryusei. Twisting his large body around in a split second was no easy feat and at this point in time was nearly impossible. Tank was just too slow to get turned all the way around and attempt to block an attack from a smaller, faster ninja, especially when he didn't know where the attack was aimed. As Tank turned he felt the cold iron of a kunai pressed flat agains the side of his neck. The spar was over and Ryusei had won it without even landing a single blow. Tank then lowered his right arm down to his side and turned slowly to look at Ryusei. "Well it looks like you've won this spar. Good move there with the clone and sneak attack." Tank would then step backward a bit so that the kunai was no longer against his neck as it made him slightly uncomfortable to have something that sharp against such a weak spot on his body. Now a few feet away from Ryusei Tank would say "Well now that that is out of the way how about we get down to some training? I don't know about you but I still have plenty of energy and I don't want to waste any time I have to train."
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:45 pm
Stood upon the branch with an unchanging look upon what little of his face was visible. "You talk of trivial matters too much." He would say, looking out to the battle that had just ended. "I'm here for exactly the same reason everyone else is. To learn from others' battles and train.". He would, after saying this, make his way to the end of the branch, somewhat annoyed with this entire confrontation by now, jumping down from the branch and landing with a light thud upon the ground below. After a few moments of looking around the training grounds, he would begin to walk towards Tank and Ryusei, reaching them rather quickly given they weren't all that far apart to start with.
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Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey dude, wanna train? (open, nk)

Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:25 am
Hero pressed his tongue against the top roof of his mouth making a "tch" sound as he listened to what the other ninja said and walked away. He questioned himself why he even bother to approach the man in the first place, guess making friend is just not his thing. Maybe it's for the best after all. Hero looks at the other two ninjas for a second then leaped away to the opposite direction of the training ground. And he walked away. "I hope it's empty tomorrow," he muttered to himself.

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