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Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:23 pm
Tank watched as Kenshin burst toward Kerumi at a speed he would most definitely no be able to match. Even with his taijutsu shunshin technique Tank might barely be able to keep up with Kenshin's current speed. His best hope was to take off as fast as he could with his shunshin and hope that Kemuri can withstand Kenshin's initial assault. Taking off with his terribly slow speed with he noticed Ryusei was near him and speaking of some strategies to try and take Kenshin down together. Trying to react as quickly as possible for Kemuri's sake Tank nods his head in agreement to Ryusei's proposals. Still watching as Kenshin sped his way toward Kemuri Tank decided now was as good a time as any to use his taijutsu shunshin. Flooding his body with chakra Tank almost instantly reached his peak speed and was gaining a bit of ground on Kenshin. While moving at this speed though Tank experienced a bit of tunnel vision. All he could see was Kenshin's back and Kemuri standing in the same spot he had been in when Kenshin first took off.
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:12 pm
Kemuri stood where he was, waiting for the initial assault when Kenshin burst forward at an incredible speed, hardly visible to him. It would seem nearly instant to Kemuri that Kenshin appeared directly in front of him, thrusting his palm towards Kemuri's face. -Remarkable- he thought as his entire head seemed to puff into smoke, Kenshin's hand going straight through before Kemuri clenched his fist and threw it directly towards Kenshin's throat. After the punch, he would turn the remainder of his body into smoke and float away towards both Tank and Ryusei, watching Kenshin as he were to float away, analyzing his movements now since he didn't exactly have much time to react to his first attack. Upon getting near Tank, who wasn't very far away at the time, he would reform, appearing as though nothing had just happened. "I don't think we have much of a chance of defeating this man." He said, looking over towards Ryusei who hadn't moved much from when the spar began. "Hurry up will you?" He said to Ryusei somewhat loudly to make up for the distance.

AP: 100-10 = 90

Word count: 1044 (noting here for ease of adding later)

Last edited by Kemuri Iburi on Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:26 pm
A shocked expression taking over his normal cool and confident disposition he would stare towards the cloud of smoke that was once the head of Kemuri. It was only moments after that Kenshin saw the boys arm raising to strike him and with a quick swipe with his left hand he would smack the hit off course and only allow his fist to scrape by, still doing slight damage to the very sensitive area. Letting out several deep breathes as the boy turned his body completely into smoke and proceeded towards the others causing Kenshin to take note of the huge man he had fought so many times before. His throat still being soar and scratchy he would hold it lightly, showing the pain that Kemuri was actually able to cause due to his extremely unusual jutsu. Seeing how Kemuri simply continued on and Tank continued to charge, Kenshin would focus on the larger man and as he came within melee range, Kenshin would quickly whip his body around, raising his left leg to throw his heel into the side of Tank's head, hopefully sending him tumbling off a great distance due to his own momentum. It was immediately after that Kenshin would leap backwards towards the treeline to come to a quick stop on the edge of a high branch, exactly ten meters off the ground. His eyes quickly gazing at each of them repeatedly his onyx colored eyes would quickly shift to that of a crimson red, three dark markings known as tomoe emerging from his pupil and slowly spinning around his pupil until they came to rest in a triangular formation. His vision now greatly enhanced and capable of seeing chakra he would easily be able to keep track of where each of them were going and how they were molding their chakra. Most of his attention being focused on Kemuri currently he would think back to the several other times he had faced opponents with very odd techniques and could only assume this power of his belonged to some form of kekkei genkai. "Now, how will they work together to put me in a corner?" he questioned himself quietly, analyzing the skills he could already see they had and how they could use them to enhance their chances of winning. Honestly not seeing much they could do to overcome him if he went full out on them he would simply sit patiently, hoping for the group to surprise him in some way or another.
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:48 am
Ryusei cringed, as he saw Kenshin make a movement that was most likely a strike, towards Kemuri, who seemed unable to get away. "WATCH OUT!!!" Ryusei yelled at the top of his voice, hoping Kemuri would not get hurt too badly, as he himself ran as fast as he could towards the two of them. He drew a kunai, hoping he would not have to throw it at the two of them to force the mighty Kenshin away, assuming the powerful kid did not just grab the kunai out of the air.

He would not make it in time, he thought. He and Tank who seemed to be running next to him judging by the sound of heavy feet pounding the ground constantly nearby. Then suddenly, Tank Akimichi zipped forwards, faster than Ryusei could run at full speed. "Holy-" Ryusei exclaimed. So this was what Tank Akimichi must have used earlier against Ryusei during their earlier session.

Kenshin's arm connected, and there seemed to be a small explosion or something, he was not quite sure. At first he thought that Kenshin had hit Kemuri so hard that his head had burst apart. He opened his mouth to say "You KILLED Him!!!, but realized that the sight he thought he was seeing should be much more gruesome, with hues of gray yes, but also perhaps a little pink and a bunch of red everywhere including on Kenshin. However, he saw no such thing.

What he did see instead, was far more shocking. Kemuri was presumably dead, but his dying body threw a punch at Kenshin. Ryusei was going to chalk it down to body spasms before a final rigor mortis, when Kemuri's entire body turned to smoke. This seemed to Ryusei to have been caused by some chakra technique used by Kenshin when he struck Kemuri, just having a delayed effect of turning the entire area struck into... floating ash? He made a note to not even think of crossing Kenshin for a good long time.

The remains of Kemuri suddenly started floating right for Ryusei and Tank Akimichi, and Ryusei wanted to cower on the ground. Kemuri must have been coming to haunt the two ninja as they were not fast enough to help him stay alive against a young monster (Kenshin Uchiha). He was considering asking Kenshin Uchiha to hold up and let him apologize to Kemuri's ghost, when he noticed - Kenshin was holding his throat. He must have inhaled part of the ghost or something, and it was giving him indigestion.

Ryusei kept running, stunned at the sight. His jaw almost literally hit the floor, as the mysterious ninja started to reform, from.... It hit Ryusei suddenly, that was smoke that Kemuri must have turned into. It was a similar ability to that rumored to be held by the Hozuki clan, but Ryusei had thought the others were kidding at the time. That grey stuff looked very similar to the stuff that rose from his fires, and it explained Kenshin clutching at his throat when he had appeared to be unfazed before. He dashed at full speed, about 10 meters away from Tank Akimichi, and saw Kenshin heading towards Tank Akimichi. Certain that Tank Akimichi did not possess an unusual trait similar to Kemuri's, he threw his kunai so that it would fly between Kenshin and his prey, just before he would arrive in front of Tank Akimichi, hopefully distracting him a moment and giving Tank more time to attack. He would draw another kunai, holding it by the handle between his teeth.

(additional 1009 words, for a total of 4355 I think)
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:45 am
As Tank rushed full speed toward Kenshin his tunnel vision was in full effect. Mostly focused on Kenshin's back as he closed in he did notice as Kenshin threw a punch right toward Kemuri's face. At first Tank thought his vision was too blurred to see what had actually considering all he could see a gray shifting mass where Kemuri's head should be. Then he saw as Kemuri's hand came up and punched Kenshin in the throat. Now even more confused than before he thought perhaps Kemuri had dodged Kenshin's attack and countered. If that was the case then Kemuri is definitely not a newer shinobi even if he had just recently left his clan compound. To Tank's surprise Kemuri's entire body became blurry and gray-ish. He thought to himself The mass of gray then began to move around Kenshin and toward Tank. Tank at this moment lost all concentration on Kenshin and his taijutsu shunshin. Slowing down as he approached the floating mass of what looked to be smoke he would notice as it began to reform into Kemuri. Tank was now running at his normal base full speed which was embarrassingly slow. As he ran up to Kemuri he heard Kemuri speak of their far off chances of beating Kenshin and calling Ryusei to hurry up. Running past Kemuri still utterly confused about what exactly had just happened. Refocusing his attention toward Kenshin he noticed that Kenshin was holding his throat in a bit of discomfort. Then focused in on Tank himself and headed toward him rapidly. Tank raised his arms in a defense in defense as he knew for sure that Kenshin was going on the attack which would not end well for him. As Tank continued forward to try and at least slow Kenshin down so either Kemuri or Ryusei could pull something off he noticed a kunai fly inbetween Kenshin and himself. Tanks arms stayed where they were to defend himself regardless of the kunai. He was rather certain that the kunai would not hit or distract Kenshin. If that was the case then Tank would continue toward Kenshin until Kenshin attacked him. The attack from Kenshin would be much faster than Tank could possibly hope to react to. Kenshin's kick would land squarely on Tanks forearms that were raised to protect his head. His arms would buckle in a bit from Kenshin's strength and Kenshin's foot would then make contact with Tank's head. Although considerably weaker from Tank's attepted block the kick would throw Tank off to his right and down onto the ground. Sliding across the ground Tank would begin to roll his body around and land on all fours facing Kenshin who had now begun to retreat for some reason. Tank was sure he had something planned and watched him carefully as he jumped back and up into a tree. Then he saw it. For the first time against Tank Kenshin had activated his sharingan. Tank then stood up and brushed himelf off waiting for Kemuri and Ryusei to either begin a new assault on Kenshin's new location or for them to come up with a plan of attack together.

AP [80/100]
[WC so far 3,151]
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:57 pm
Kemuri watched as Kenshin appeared to be retreating for the moment. "Strange." He stated, turning his attention to Tank and Ryusei, who presumably had all gathered around each other. "I don't believe I have any idea to defeat him. I doubt a surprise attack from me will work again." Said Kemuri, looking over to Kenshin, who had now perched himself in a tree. Kemuri simply stood next to Tank and Ryusei, remembering the spars he would have with his clan superiors, getting thoroughly annihilated in the process. He still learned a great deal from those battles however, realizing that the Iburi clan's greatest asset was also their greatest weakness and was not to be used outside unless absolutely necessary. "This reminds me of my training days with the clan." He said, not particularly directed at anyone.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:13 pm
As Kenshin's foot made contact with the arms of Tank he could see from the corner of his eye one of his other opponents, specifically Ryusei. His attack was rather straight forward and predictable, it was as his foot began to sweep back to the ground that Kenshin would reach his right arm out to quickly grip the kunai by its hilt as it flew by, his body still in motion, spinning in a complete circle as the momentum of his kick carried him. Eventually turning to face Ryusei he would quickly throw the kunai back at him with a speed of 82, something the boy would hardly be able to react to and thus why Kenshin purposely aimed it a foot to the right of his head. The kunai whizzing by his ear with a loud whistling sound and only an instant later did the thud of the blade penetrating a nearby tree ring out, an obvious smirk on Kenshin's face at how easily he was keeping up with the three. It was then that he would proceed with his previously stated action, perched atop a tree with his sharingan now active he would stare down at the tree of them. None seemed willing to continue any kind of assault and it was honestly pathetic, they had numbers and if they worked in unison with each other they could have landed far more hit than the one Kemuri had managed to hit him with. It was now that hope of striking him again was gone, for he had activated what was likely the most powerful dojutsu within konoha, the sharingan. Slowly raising his hands to chest height he would form the snake hand seal, causing his hair to quickly begin sprouting outwards at a rather high speed, though toned down quite a bit from what he was actually capable of (40 speed). Three long black tendrils would then shoot off, one for each of them intent on grabbing hold of each of them, his current range from each of them currently being twenty meters they were each fully within the range of his jutsu and he planned to restrain each of them. Each tendril would attempt to wrap around their chests and lift them three meters into the air before quickly pulling all of them back to him, each of them dangling only four meters in front of him as he stared each of them down with his sharingan. Kemuri obviously being first priority if he caught him, he knew that boy in particular was the most likely to escape his grasp if any of them did and he assumed he would do just that. Holding the snake seal he would simply wait and continue going after them with his elongated hair if they managed to avoid capture he intended to merely pressure them into teamwork if they were actually capable of eluding him for any extended period of time, hopefully they would learn to keep each other safe against a much more powerful opponent.

(-31AP from sharingan and art of the raging lions mane) 247-31=216
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:51 pm
Ryusei was running towards Kenshin and Tank Akimichi, a kunai in his mouth, but paused when he saw Kenshin grab the kunai out of the air. He cursed and instinctively ducked, knowing Kenshin was much faster. He heard a "swish" and when he looked up, Kenshin was on a tree. Risking a quick glance behind him, Ryusei saw his kunai stuck into a tree, eerily close to where his head had previously been. He gulped, and, looking around, saw that the other ninja were looking ok. Something was off about Kenshin though. Looking closer, he saw that his eyes had changed, and, it was hard to express, but they seemed to radiate a kind of power, and it seemed they were in for some serious trouble. Perhaps this was a dojutsu. He had heard that the Uchiha had a dojutsu, the Sharingan, perhaps he would get to see it in action today. Kenshin's face said that he thought it more than sufficient to deal with the three of them.

He noticed Kenshin raising his hands slowly, for what could only be a jutsu. That guy probably did not need to pray to anyone except the Hokage, so it was not in prayer. Ryusei tried to take stock of the situation - He was probably the only one who had shown ability to go through the ground or to move the ground even. Tank looked like he would be able to actually do damage to Kenshin, assuming he could hit Kenshin. Kemuri had one weird ability - turning into smoke, apparently, and he wondered if fire would make him stronger. In any case, Kemuri was the only one who could potentially get close to Kenshin without getting damaged too much. In fact, he was able to actually cause Kenshin Uchiha mild discomfort, something far above what Tank and Ryusei had managed to achieve so far.

They needed a plan. Tank would have to either deal the direct attacks, or be a meat shield, since he was relatively tough. Ryusei himself would have to be a distraction, since he was not sure that any earthen walls he made would be enough to actually block Kenshin, instead merely blocking his direct vision temporarily. After all, Kenshin seemed to hit harder than Tank Akimichi, who had obliterated some of Ryusei's training dummies. Kemuri would be better for direct combat due to his apparently smoke related ability. He could actually help with distracting, and actually fighting.

Ryusei was thinking quick, but he saw Kenshin make a seal. Suddenly, Kenshin's hair began growing. Ryusei was stunned, but still had presence of mind enough to say "He's up to something. Let's split up, that attack's gotta have a maximum range, lets see how far he can go!"

As he finished speaking he made clones. He (his clones made to look likewise) then ran away from Kenshin. spreading out. One of the clones would "run" straight away from Kenshin, He would run at a 45 degree angle to the trajectory of the first clone, still heading away from Kenshin, and the other clone likewise. When he had traveled 10 feet, he would dig into the ground, and try to meet up with one of the others at least, to try to formulate a plan to take Kenshin down.

(-25 ap, 80 remaining)
Tank Akimichi
Tank Akimichi
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Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:44 pm
As Tank slid across the ground from Kenshin's kick to the face he could hear a distinct thud sound. Without even having to look he could tell it was the sound of a kunai making contact with wood, most likely a nearby tree. Rolling over and onto all fours then standing up Tank could see Kenshin's sharingan eyes piercing through the shade of the tree he was underneath. If it had been completely dark outside they would have probably been glowing red like some sort of demon's eyes. Hearing Kemuri speak about this reminding him of his traing with "the clan" almost certainly made Tank's assumption that Kemuri had some sort of clan technique right. Watching Kenshin closely still he noticed that he was raising his hands to make a hand sign. It was the snake hand sign and Tank almost immediately recognized what would happen next. "Everybody run! He's trying to trap us with his hair!" Even knowing this was coming because of a previous time Kenshin had used it against him Tank remembered how fast this technique could move. Knowing he had no chance of evading it he would instead shout his warning as he began to move toward Kenshin as quickly as he could. As the hair tendrils were heading out after all three of them Tank went after the tendril that was heading after Ryusei. If Tank could run infront of it and grab ahold of it maybe he could slow it down enough for Ryusei to be able to escape. Of course because these tendrils had already shown to be stronger than Tank before and because he was so slow this plan had little to no chance to do much at all, but it was better than trying to run and failing miserably which is what would have happened. Tank thought to himself as he ran into what was most likely about to be the end of his part in this spar
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Sat Sep 27, 2014 2:10 pm
Kemuri felt as though it would likely be a good idea to listen to what Ryusei said, as he were running away and Tank were running towards one of the hair tendrils. However, Kemuri had the notable advantage of him being able to completely avoid Kenshin's attack with little effort and so decided that he would go with Tank to the forefront of the attack, running as far as he could before the tendrils reached him, turning himself into smoke just before they were to grasp him. As he were to avoid the attack, he would begin to make his way towards Kenshin, if making it to him, attempting to pull his katana from it's sheathe. -I imagine he'll be wanting this.- He thought to himself whilst performing the action (sorry for shitpost. Haven't been feeling it the past few days.)

AP= 80
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