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Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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The Power of Youth (P,Nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Power of Youth (P,Nk)

Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:55 pm
His first strike had landed squarely, it had gone off without a hitch setting the follow up attack rather well, Nethero was slightly off balance after being kicked in the chest so he shouldn't have seen it coming. What Kaze hadn't anticipated was his kick knocking his opponent a few steps back, this allowed for him to be spotted before he was able to land his blow, allowing for it to be narrowly evaded, his toe barely brushing it's intended target. Landing and taking a few steps back, he eyed Nethero, who appeared to be breathing a bit hard, was he tired? 'Maybe I'm in better shape than I thought.' Or maybe he had just overwhelmed his partner.

"I'm glad you like my vocabulary." He grinned laughing along with the man in front of him, watching him as he continued trying to catch his breath and look around their surroundings. Kaze wondered what was going through the man's head but that thought was cut short as Nethero charged again, appearing to be attempting the same move he had used only moments before. Not this time, instead of waiting for the attack the young boy had another idea in mind, 'He did ask for it.' He thought smirking, instead of waiting for the attack he would be strike first. 

Kaze waited, carefully watching his opponent confident in his ability to keep up with the original, hopefully he was correct. The two had only been separated by a few meters, making his plan all the easier to fulfill. He waited a few seconds letting the distance be closed a bit, once Nethero was two meters away Kaze would quickly dash forward hoping to catch his older counterpart off guard. Which one was it, the boy would trust his eyes choosing the Nethero on the right he would bring his knee upwards driving upwards into the older man's stomach stopping him in his tracks, dropping downward, the boy aimed a kick at the jaw of his partner hoping to knock him off balance allowing for him to continue his attack. If his target was knocked off balance, Kaze would push his advantage, darting behind the man he dropped down again spinning in a circle swinging his leg out tripping Nethero, as the man fell the boy would rise upward driving his knee into the back of his partner. Following this he would hop backwards taking a moment to make sure he hadn't gone too far, "You alright? Still sure you want me to go all out?"
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The Power of Youth (P,Nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Power of Youth (P,Nk)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:10 am
Once Nethero got close enough, seemingly about two meters left, he would watch Kaze dash towards him with a speed he could not match. His own momentum towards Kaze would not allow him to reatreat, there was going to be a clash alright. Kaze would, as Nethero had expected, know which one would be aiming at the real one. Nethero would grin as Kaze would have met his expectations and allowed Nethero's attack to go on as planned. His aimed punch would not be evaded, but instead Kaze would go for another attack with his knee. Nethero's clone, as planned before, would blow up in a puff of smoke, once again interrupting eyesight, as Nethero would change his punch instead to catch the leg from the side that was aiming at him; as he would spin around himself, hopefully knocking Kaze with him. If this attack would be a hit, Nethero would then have Kaze on the floor, going for a hand-tohand- wrestling on the ground as he had expected from the rest of the fight that the boy was much faster than him, but not quite stronger. "HAHA!" Nethero would shout if the attack landed, not in a way of laughing out loud, but rather in a battlecry to make the fight more intense.

[OOC:As Kaze's first action is countered, the rest of the actions are voided, so they would not happen. Though keep in mind that you can not counter the clone's actions now as it was from the post before.]

If he could not push Kaze to the ground though, he would instead once again roll backwards to gain some amount of space to get ready for another attack, or stop and wait for Kaze to attack. He would catch a breath while thinking about the situation for a bit. "Hmmm." he would think to himself, "It seems that I am yet quite no match for this boy. Well I expected as much anyways. I have to train more anyways. I yet know nothing about my family's origins, not anything about them at all. I still believe, as I always have, that becoming a ninja, becoming a better one, a stronger one would help me in finding things out. Iw as assured to some point by the only person to have seen my dad for a short time, that my dad looked like a ninja, perhaps not from this village, but from one anyway. I have to learn more about this. I wonder if he is still alive or not. Either way, I will do this not only for them, but also for myself.". Nethero would have spaced out for a second, looking rather empty at the ground, or to Kaze, if he did something to attract his attention. He would then realsie he has spaced out, shake his head to the sides and get backk to reality. "So now what?" he would casually ask Kaze. "Do you want to do a casual training now, get to know each other?".
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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The Power of Youth (P,Nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Power of Youth (P,Nk)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:57 pm
[OOC: Considering the speed difference and the sudden burst across the small gap, I doubt Nethero would have enough time to counter Kaze's knee, but it's just a friendly spar so it's no biggie.]

Kaze was shocked his attack had been caught, considering that he estimated correctly his speed was most likely close to being double of Nethero's. Taking this into account he found it hard to believe his attack had been countered. He now found himself being swung by one leg towards the ground, throwing his hands downwards he managed to absorb the impact. Using his free leg Kaze aimed a kick for the man's jaw, hoping to make him let go or take the hit. 'There's no way he can dodge this, we're way to close.' Depending on his opponents actions the boy would either be free and rush in for an attack of his own, or if his kick was ignored, he would have no choice but to engage in a wrestling match on the ground seeing that his kick would have landed but Nethero still continued his attack. It would be a slight struggle, but Kaze being just a tad bit stronger (11 strength to your 10) managed to overpower Nethero, ending up with his knee on the older man's chest the boy smiled, "Seems I won that little bout, do you want to move onto something else or keep this going?" As he spoke he would stand up moving from the man's chest offering a hand to pull Nethero from the ground as well. Stepping back he would dust himself off once again turning to his partner, "To say you had such little faith in yourself." Finishing up his sentence Kaze playfully shoved the shinobi he was beginning to consider a friend.

Assuming that their sparring was done he would allow himself to slip into thought, it had only been a few days ago. His mother had surprisingly gotten off of work early if you called two in the morning early, either way she had gotten home a lot sooner than what was normal for her. When she had gotten home she found that Kaze himself had only gotten home a few minutes before she had, it seemed his training had gone a little longer than planned, but she saw no reason to scold him considering he had been out training, and looking at him it was pretty obvious he hadn't taken it easy. The boy's clothes were covered in dirt and soaked in sweat, his hair which was normally dyed white was covered in dirt as well and matted down in a few places; what kind of training had he been doing, never before had he come home in this condition before. Despite how tired he was Kaze flashed a smile to his mother, who returned it with a smile of her own and motioned for him to take a seat, "Come Kaze, I have a story to tell you, and I have a feeling you'll enjoy it."
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The Power of Youth (P,Nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Power of Youth (P,Nk)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:39 pm
[I just assumed I could since the attack was prepared from the post before but altered, if you want to edit claiming the hit and voiding my action, i'll give you some time so you can do it before i post ^^]
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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The Power of Youth (P,Nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Power of Youth (P,Nk)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:01 pm
[OOC: No need lol we're just here to enjoy ourselves, plus it's just some friendly training. As long as you're fine with my last post I'll leave it be. Anything else let me know.]
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The Power of Youth (P,Nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Power of Youth (P,Nk)

Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:30 am
[k, posting then]

Nethero would smile after being beaten once again. "That was close.", he would say hinting at the fact that Kaze has been barely stronger than him during the last brawl. "Though," he would think to himself, "there is still a chance he might have been holding back, according to how much faster he was before.". He would finally accept this thought as the truth. "I know you must have been holding back quite a lot though." he would add to his former statement,  "I respect your strength and talent, comrade.". Nethero would still be feeling energetic, but would no longer want to battle, having not much else to show. "So," he would then say, "Let's get to a more casual training Kaze. I would like to learn more about the guy who just kicked my ass.". He would smile from the heart while saying that, showing his teeth and closing his eyes. Even though the ass-kicking he just went through would have reminded him of how weak he was and how much he still needed to train, his smile would be sincere, fueled by the exact same thing; his passion for training, something to push to train more, a worthy kicking of poor Nethero's ass... Well, it was not really sad. He had it coming, asking for this himself. Also he would not really be ashamed about getting his ass kicked. Though, he would realise that for the last seconds, his mind was full of the words "ass" and "kicking". "I should really check the vocabulary of my inner thoughts" he would think to himself, once again, an unnecessary and quite unmeaningful thought.

He would then check the enviroment, spotting the training dummy closest to him. He would make his way there and get to punching the training dummy closest to him. He would be punching the dummy, still giving it his hardest, but also his focus set on the other ninja. "So... Age? Family?" he would ask, and lastly adding in more serious and silent tone, "And what is the story behind you becoming a ninja, if I may ask?". He would really be curious to who this boy was, and what his motivatiosn were for becoming a ninja. "Perhaps he is in it for the money." he would think to himself, "I have not yet come across a ninja with such motivations, but I am sure there must be a lot out there, so maybe I have just came across one. Though he does not look like it. And perhaps he is too young to be fueled by greed. Anyways, I should stop making up theories as I may be about learn the actual reasons.". He would be listening closely to what the other ninja might say. "Oh..." he would add, realising that he had forgotten an important question to ask "You were also a Genin, weren't you? Did I miss that part?".
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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The Power of Youth (P,Nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Power of Youth (P,Nk)

Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:55 pm
[OOC: Sorry for taking so long to post]

"Indeed." He agreed nodding his head, Kaze had narrowly managed to come out on top at the end of the their fight, but that experience had enlightened him for the need to possess physical strength just as much as the need for all of the other skills necessary for a ninja. A smile would creep onto the boys face as he answered the next question, "I may have held back, but only a little. Honestly there wasn't much need for me to hold back much." The young genin had actually learned a lot from this fight, it was something his father had told him one day when he was very young, he said that no matter the circumstances or the outcome of something a true shinobi's mind is always looking for something to take from their experiences. Being careful to not slip off into his thoughts again, Kaze focused on the man in front of him, "Casual training is fine; what exactly would you like to know about me?"

Nethero was a cool guy, he had just been beaten in a fight even if it was a spar yet he didn't appear to hold any ill feeling towards Kaze. Sadly the young boy did know several people who would hold a grudge after losing a sparring match and he was glad to know that the man in front of him was different. Reaching into his weapon pouch for a book he had borrowed from the library the boy walked over to a tree stump taking a seat. "I might not act like it but I'm only twelve years old..." He paused for a moment sadly smirking more so to himself than Nethero, "As for family, I'm an Uchiha." Blinking the young genin would flash his sharingan showing the two black tomoe in each eye he possessed before deactivating it and continuing to answer the questions he had been asked. "At home it's just me and my mom. I guess this kind of answers two of your questions. My father was a shinobi as well, sadly he was killed on a mission when I was four. You may have heard of him he was rather well known, his name was Itaze Uchiha, he was my inspiration to become a ninja, it is my goal to become a powerful and most importantly well respected shinobi just as he was. Hopefully I can become even greater than he was, he always used to push me to be my best and I wouldn't want to let him down." A sad smile played on Kaze's lips as he spoke, the memories flooding him, luckily it would be easy to block them out because he wasn't idle or alone his mind would be occupied with other things. Finishing up he realized that another question had been asked, a simple one. He proudly pointed toward the white headband that hung loosely around his neck this time sporting a happy and toothy smile, "Yep, only a couple of weeks ago I graduated from the academy, top of my class." The boy paused a moment, only long enough to find and read a specific page from the book he had pulled out just moments before before placing it back in his pouch. "Unless you have more questions for me, and if you do please ask I have no problem with answering them." Kaze would wait giving Nethero a chance to ask any other questions he would only continuing once he had answered all of the man's questions, "So because you're clearly older than me, how old are you exactly and how long have you been a ninja?" Smiling he would add, "I don't want to ask too many questions so I'll try to refrain from doing that, but what is your purpose in life, your goals; not why you became a shinobi but what you can tell me that too. Oh and what is one thing about yourself that you think is special, something that separates you from others?" Finishing up he realized he had asked quite a few questions and began laughing a little at himself rubbing the back of his neck sheepisly.
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The Power of Youth (P,Nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Power of Youth (P,Nk)

Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:27 am
[Sorry for taking so long to post]

"Wow..." he would say to himself, after hearing that the boy from a clan as well known as the Uchiha, and hadn't told about it until now. "You are from the Uchiha? I have heard a lot about your clan, though I have never actually met a person who belonged to them. And yeah, your father's name does ring a bell but I can not assosciate with any spesific stories I have heard.". He would have stopped his punching for several seconds while speaking those words. He would then get back to the punching. He would have really been giving it his all. "As an answer to your questions," he would thens say, still keeping punching the wooden dummy, "I am 18 yeards old, but I have also actually graduated from the academy this year, having started quite late. To tell you about my goals, however, I would have to let you know of a few things. I am not from a clan like you, neither do I have a family either.". He would smile, looking at Kaze while saying that, "I know that must sound different for you but you don't have to feel sad for me, and shouldn't. I have grown up like this, and I am used to it. It doesn't really feel sad for me.".

"Anyway," he would say, continuing to tell his story, "I knew one thing about my family though, that my father was a ninja as well. So both my ninja goals and main life goals link at some point. I have to get stronger, travel the whole world during missions, and one day find out more about my family's past. And I guess this something that seperates me from other people. That I actually have to be ninja because of my past and in order to learn about my past more in the future.". He would then realise a lot of time had passed. He has promised the old cat lady again to help with her chores again. "I'm sorry, Kaze." he would say, stopping punching the wooden training dummy. "I have to leave, I have some errands to run... It was really nice to meet you, and I hope we can meet in the future once again, perhaps with a similar level then.". He would smile and finally say, "See you later.", after that he will turn back and leave the training grounds, running, in order to have some time for eating a fast ramen before reaching the old lady's house. All this training would have made him hungry after all.

On his way towards the ramen shop, he would think about how well the day has went. "I met an Uchiha." he would have thought to himself, "Perhaps that's why I had no chance against him in the beginning. They are all so gifted from birth. How unfair, but how beautiful... Anyway. I will just have to train a lot more than him if I want to match his strength and speed one day.". He would have been eager for this anyway, as he had told Kaze. He was always looking forward to training and getting stronger.

[WC: 4001, Claiming 20 stat points.]
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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The Power of Youth (P,Nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Power of Youth (P,Nk)

Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:30 pm
Nethero's exit is approved.
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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The Power of Youth (P,Nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Power of Youth (P,Nk)

Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:04 pm
Kaze listened patiently taking in every word coming from the man's mouth, it appeared this was his first time meeting an Uchiha and it turned out Nethero had known the boys father. Well more so known of him, this made the young genin smile a bit knowing that his father truly was known all around. It turned out the Nethero was indeed a man and young one but nonetheless still a man, eighteen years old, yet he had just graduated from the academy. The boy found this odd he would have thought he would have at least seen the man once or twice at the academy considering they had been in attendance at the same time. Kaze felt a little closer to his older counterpart after learning he had no family at all, it meant he understood what it felt like to not have something that others have, but just like the young Uchiha he didn't let it take him away from the world or deter him from reaching to achieve his goals.

"It was nice to meet you as well and I too hope that we meet again." Rising from his seated position the boy waved a farewell to his new found friend before turning to walk home or maybe wonder around the village he wasn't exactly sure yet. Looking upwards Kaze noticed quiet a bit of time had passed, the sun was past it's pinnacle now on the decline. There was still plenty of time to kill, his mother wouldn't be home until the late hours of the night, early hours of the morning depending on how you look at it. Either way there was no need to head home just yet, he had sparred earlier so there wasn't really a need to train any further. It is better to be safe than sorry and he would prefer to not over exert himself, so maybe just a walk through the village after grabbing a bite to eat first of course. Who knows maybe he would run into an old friend or possibly meet another fellow shinobi. The events that could happen were numerous Kaze supposed he would just have to wait to see what exactly the rest of the day held for him, he looked forward to it, this day good only get better.

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