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The Fuuinjutsu Artist Empty The Fuuinjutsu Artist

Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:39 pm
At this stage in Chronos’ life he felt as though he was almost at the peak of his abilities for fuuinjutsu, there were still things beyond him, but in order to make it in time for the chuunin exams he knew he would have to break the mental barrier he was in. “Hm, what shall i do. This is a pressing matter because who knows who will be coming over here for the chuunin exams, all of their abilities and skills are truly terrifying to imagine. What shall I do.” Chronos said as he was pondering on his future plans and techniques, now was no longer the time to go about things normally and train as if he had the leisurely time to do so. They wouldn’t want to hear his sob story about how hard it was for him when his father died and the fact he never knew his mother, they wouldn’t care about how long it took him to master his jutsus. The only thing they wanted to see at the chuunin exams was results.

Although this was intimidating to Chronos he was able to turn that intimidation into inspiration and strength, this very inspiration led him to walk pass the training grounds into the mountainous range where animals of all sorts resided. Their primal instincts would surely be able to push him over the edge and that was what Chronos wanted, as he walked into the mountains not to far from the village he noticed that the vegetation in this area had increased, it was more of a forest then anything. “I wonder if this caused any of the animals here to change their behaviour due to the drastic changes of their surrounding.” Chronos said walking a path that looked to be man-made. With him Chronos brought a small back that contained a few scrolls, pens and a kunai. This is all he needed in order to survive, he would live off of the fruit and things of that nature around the forest and kill animals if he had to survive. He also promised himself he would use nothing, but fuuinjutsu on this trip to help further his insight. Night time was fastly approaching and this was the cue for Chronos to start making a fire, he found a small clearing that was roughly eight meters in diameter that seemed perfect for camp to be set up. He looked around to see if there were any significant features about the clearing so he wouldn’t lose this location when he went to look for firewood and what he saw was a boulder that was four meters tall and two wide.

It had a lichen looking plant on it as if it had just begun the stages of reforestation, but with a step closer, “Overgrowth?” Chronos questioned as he seen this defining landmark. After he had finally looked at the surrounding around him and remembered all he could about it he left into the  forest to find firewood, he headed directly north of where he was and didn’t stray from that path. It had been quite some time and Chronos was only able to gather six sticks which were sticking out of his backpack. This is when he seen a pack of wolves, they didn’t look normal, it was as if God had taken them and increased their ferociousness ten fold. In total there five of them and they didn’t notice Chronos was there until he had stepped on a stick which could have ironically been used for firewood. “Shit.” Chronos said as the deranged looking wolves snapped their heads back. Looking at their prey which was unluckily Chronos they begin to trample over each other trying to get him. Knowing wolves can’t climb he hops into a tree and climbs to it’s very tip for safety and observation reasons, as he looked above the canopy of trees. Chronos noticed nothing, out of the usual, but he did see a lake from afar, he could also see the small clearing that had a patch where trees didn't grow.

“Okay, so I’m not that far from where I was.” Chronos said as he hopped tree to tree in order to get to the lake he had seen. Upon getting a closer inspection it had seemed that their were a ton of fish that was laced throughout the lake. “Lucky me, as long as I stay away from those wolfs I’ll be fine.” Chronos said. When he looked into the lake he sat down and took off his bag, it was already night time and he found a place to set up camp and a lake which he could drink and feed off of. As he took off his bag he sat in his meditative stance and began his chakra control routine which was now apart of his everyday life, after doing that for an hour Chronos began to feel hungry so, he took out one stick from his bag and grabbed a rock he could sharpen. he then took out his kunai and began to sharpen the rock. After that he went up to a tree and began to scrape off a thin layer of wood that he could wrap around the the stick and rock to conjure up a spear.

Now that all of this had been done Chronos could go spearfishing, his reaction time was pretty high so he had no problems at all catching fish, by the time he finished he noticed that he had caught ten already. “Whew, now I need to go back to camp in order to start this fire with the remaining sticks I do have.” Chronos said keeping all of the fish in a bigger fish;’s mouth that he had caught. It was smooth sailing for Chronos and the mountain range until he stumbled in the territory of the wolves once more. This time they were ready for him because of the sent of the fish that he carried, “Sorry, but I can't give this up.” Chronos said as he begins drops the fish and prepares the barrier canopy, as it begins to spread into it’s full radius he can sense all of the movements from the wolves. He then pulls out the kunai from his pocket in order to fend the wolves off, finally one of the wolves tried to pounce on Chronos after sizing him up for quite some time, but he was able to easily slash the wolf’s face with the kunai due to sending his speed. This went on for half an hour and Chronos was beginning to get tired, he knew he had to settle this so, as the wolves came one by one, he delivered the finishing blows to them.

Chronos was ready to pass out, but if he had then he would surely be a goner at the mercy of the mountain. “I-I can’t give up now.” Chronos said making his way to the camp, when he finally made it there he plopped down on the ground and took out the sticks which felt as though they were enormous logs in his wore out hands. After a while of rubbing them together the fire finally sparked and Chronos began to scale and gut the fish in order for them to actually be eatable. Chronos had finished cooking the fish and the first night was in Chronos’ favor, he had triumphed over the mountain for the first night, he still had a two more days to go. Before he had went to be he practice his writing in order to create his own fuinjutsu one day that the Uzumaki clan could be proud of, he sat upon the rock that was covered in slight overgrowth and began to write on a scroll with his chakra pen. As the brush met the tan paper a sleek black ink ran across the it, showing it’s beauty to Chronos the fuuinjutsu artist. “Fuuinjutsu Artist eh? That’s a good nickname.” Chronos said to himself as he kept writing in his scroll. Finally he had felt as though he was finished and went to sleep in a tree, he was very stiff when he woke up because he didn’t want to fall from the tree in his sleep.

“Ah, another day is on the horizon, how will this one play out for me today.” He said stretching and grabbing his backpack that he had hooked on a branch close to him before he fell asleep. Today Chronos had planned to work on his writing and drawing skills some more in order to make his fuuinjutsu as elegant as possible, he also wanted to start making summons that could aid him in battle, maybe one that would somehow increase his fuuinjutsu powers. “Man, everything I think about is fuuinjutsu related.” Chronos chuckled as he sat down to do his routine chakra control to get it out of the way early. After an hour had passed he reached for his scroll and began to set up symbols and keys that would make it easier for him to understand what he was looking at because he knew he was prone to forget what some of the seal signs had meant. “You know what, while I’m working on this I’ll delve further into the mountain.” And that he did, he packed up and headed to the north making sure to stop by the lake he had caught the fish from, once there he had seen large ripples in the water. “What could this be, a huge fish.” He said as he cleaned his face, after cleaning his face and opening his eyes he seen something stare at him. It had large green eyes that seemed to glow in the water, after realizing Chronos was quick to back up and as he did the beast struck out of the water with the intent to kill. “What the hell is that.” Chronos said as he looked at the large serpent like creature that just exited the water. It was red and black in color and had jade colored eyes, it was some sort of water moccasin that lived in the lake.

It felt as though Chronos was imposing on its territory and taking its food, Chronos could see it in the eyes of the snake that it looked deprived of its food. “Well, I have to eat too.” Chronos yelled as the snake launched it’s giant head at him. Chronos quickly bit his thumb and placed the blood seal on his right hand that would be used to make the seal of confrontation erecting the rainbow fort seal. The snake bounced off of the seal and was shaken up by the hit, at that moment Chronos ran up to it at full speed and jammed his thumb in the snake’s eye. The snake reared up and lets out a weird his that would symbolize a cry of pain. “Gotcha.” Chronos said taking the kunai out of his left pocket and sticking it in the other snakes eye, once this happened the snake began to roll on the floor and coiled up signifying it’s death. “These animals are too much for me, I think i trained enough.” He said  with a nervous laugh scratching the back of his head. It had only been two days out of the three days Chronos was supposed to be in the wilderness so, he decided to go to the training grounds as per usual and train there, upon entering through the back way he had seen his old friend Haru. “Hey, long time no see.” he said raising his hand up in a waving gesture. “Chronos, where have you been man.” Haru said as he held an upgraded form of his cestuses on his hands. “Did you make it into the chuunin exams that are coming up.” Chronos asked Haru. “Sure did, anna train for it a little bit?” Haru asked as he put his guard giving Chronos basically no choice but to say yes. Chronos jumped back and took off his bag to signify that he wanted to spar with the ninja and then he put his arm forward waving his hand back to taunt Haru to come at him.

Haru ran at Chronos at top speed which was way faster than before, but still just under the speed Chronos had, he jumped in the air to go for an aerial punch for Chronos. Of course this was a bad idea because Chronos would turn his hands into the seal of confrontation to create the rainbow for t seal, but little did he know it was a distraction and the ground below him erupted pushing him up. Chronos had lost concentration breaking his seal, now was Haru’s time to attack, he cokced his arm back and readied for a punch. Chronos looked up at Haru and grinned, Mako was still to slow for Chronos, he regained his focus and held out his seal of confrontation once more stopping Haru in his tracks. Below him appeared a formula for the Barrier Confining Seal, “Too slow.” Chronos said as he released the seal, Haru had no more forward motion so, he just fell. On his way down Chronos would come down with a kick with all of his strength that would break his cestuses. “I give.” Haru said. “Whew, that was a good tactic used by you Haru.” Chronos said complimenting him. “I still had some things under my sleeve, but I don’t want to reveal all of my jutsus just yet.” Haru said as he walked away. Chronos decided to head home to as he was very tired and fatigued, truth be told he wasn't even close to 100% in that battle nor did he use ninjutsu. “I guess you could call it even.” Chronos said as he went home. And thus Chronos had come a step closer to mastering fuuinjutsu and participating in the chuunin exams. What will this ninja encounter next on his journey.
[11 Stats]
[Fuuinjutsu Specialization Skill Unlocked]
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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The Fuuinjutsu Artist Empty Re: The Fuuinjutsu Artist

Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:54 pm
Uh, I can approve your training and stat gain, but you already had the fuinjutsu yeah. Training is approved.
Akatsu Akari
Akatsu Akari
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The Fuuinjutsu Artist Empty Re: The Fuuinjutsu Artist

Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:20 pm
sorry for the misconception, there is a skill called fuuin spec for uzu
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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The Fuuinjutsu Artist Empty Re: The Fuuinjutsu Artist

Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:23 pm
Ah, next time please link the skill when you list it as a reward. Training is approved.
Akatsu Akari
Akatsu Akari
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The Fuuinjutsu Artist Empty Re: The Fuuinjutsu Artist

Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:36 pm
Sorry wont happen again and thanks!
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