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Keep Your Head Up! Fuuinjutsu Learned! Empty Keep Your Head Up! Fuuinjutsu Learned!

Thu May 12, 2016 8:58 pm
After being defeated by the powerful twins, or better yet the crafty twins Atem had been frustrated with himself. He knew there was nothing he could of done but run around and act as though he was fighting a valiant fight. He knew that weaponry wasn’t useless, but it certainly had a lot of errors to be fixed which he didn’t have the time for. So, he decided to become proficient in the arts of fuuinjutsu. He had a million ideas of how he could enhance his skills with the arts of fuuinjutsu and how he could subdue his opponents without having high strength or speed. “Fuuinjutsu, basically the forming of seals and the inner workings of chakra itself. If I were to learn this I would greatly enhance my knowledge of jutsus in general which will aid me in the battle ground.” Atem said in a monotonous voice and a gloomy expression. “Pick your head up.” Someone said from the shadows as Atem was walking in his self-claimed sanctuary. Atem went immediately on his guard backing away from the direction of the voice feeling his body more sluggish than before. “I Will teach you what you want to know.” The voice said as it emerged from a bush. Atem could see the man was dressed in a grey robe with his gloomy grey eyes peeking from within the hood the covered his face. It was night time and even with Atem’s vision it was hard to see who this person exactly was, he was fairly tall and had really nimble fingers as if they were built to steal things. “What can you possibly teach me.” Atem said as he stood with a kunai now out in his right hand looking at the man directly in the eyes which was the only part of the body he could see.

“Fuuinjutsu of course, child. I know you are smarter than asking questions you already know the answer to as I seen your tactics in battle.” The man said with a husky laugh that sounded as if the man could die anytime soon. “You are correct, but as you can see I wasn’t smart enough, but tell me one thing… was their really nothing I could do with my current abilities?” Atem asked the man who seemed to know everything. “No, but with the abilities I’m about to teach you, you will be able to discern things such as that.” The man said as he waved his hand towards him signalling Atem to walk towards him. Atem did just that and began to walk over to the man, the man would then traverse through the dry woods of Hoshi that weren’t really alive due to the natural desertification of the country. Atem would then follow the man for what seemed like hours, but it was truly only twenty minutes. This old man can really move, is what Atem was thinking at the moment, but then they arrived at the place of question. As they stopped running Atem and the man would then be side by side and looking at a huge cliff, the man would then put his hand forwards. “What is this, there is nothing but a cliff in front of his reaching to unknown lengths.” Atem said interrupting the man’s movements.

“You still have mortal eyes.” The man said placing his right hand on the cliff and a seal appeared to awaken as if it were the mouth of the cliff. It soon began to open as if it were a door and the man had said open sesame in a telepathic manner. “Ah, okay I was too quick to judge, I will listen to what you say.” Atem said. “As you should.” The man said removing his hood as the light hit his face from inside of the manmade cave. Atem could see that the man was very old, he had a head full of hair and even a face full of hair that was extremely black. The only thing that could really tell his age was the deep wrinkles etched into his skin showing the scars of the years to pass. As Atem took his eyes off of the man he could see that around him was a hidden workshop with books, scrolls, desks filled with papers that held the thoughts of the old man. “This is what I call home, now hurry and go to the desk on the right, I will show you the art of fuuinjutsu.” The man said pointing at the desk and pushing all of the papers off of the desk carefully. As Atem sat down there was one paper in front of him and it read, “Fuuinjutsu, the art of forming seals that can create new possibilities. Fuuinjutsu is the will of the user’s imagination. Creativity will be your friend.” The paper seemed as though it was perfectly made for him. “Okay, the man said behind Atem. “You shall begin to learn how to create a seal. The most basic seal is the mark seal.” The man said in a teacher-esque manner. “I already know it.” Atem said to the teacher. “Ah, then show me it child.”

Atem would stand up and hold his hand out to the man expecting him to do the same, he did and Atem touched him while thinking of the tracking seal. Soon a small mark that was barely noticeable appeared on the hand of the man. “I see, well done then. How about something more...difficult than.’ He said. “Fuuinjutsu breaking at the C-rank level.” He said. “You can break fuuinjutsu?” Atem asked, but then gave the man a look of nevermind as he already knew the answer to the question. The man moved on. “Okay, the way to do this jutsu is to simply apply your own chakra, to break fuinjutsu seals, by knowing how the formula works, and dismantling it. By knowing the formula of the fuuinjutsu you can break any fuuinjutsu, but obviously you will need to be pretty smart for this which is why I chose you. Now, find the formula for the mark seal and take it off of me.” He said to Atem. Atem began to think of what a formula could even mean in terms of this. He thought math, but that couldn’t be it. He then knew that it had something to do with writing and wording when he seen all of the books. He then got up from his desk and then began to look in each of the books to see exactly how it was written. He seen it was written in weird inscriptions meaning that the mark seal was just a small inscription written on the old man’s hand.

As he began to look and skim through books he noticed one book that was labeled fuuinjutsu signs and he decided to pick it up to see if he could find what the symbol meant exactly. Opening the book page by page he could see that it had multiple diagrams until he seen one that was very familiar. It was the dot that was on the man’s hand. “This inscription sign means track in the language of fuuinjutsu, in order to cancel this out you will need the sign do not which looks like this.” The book said showing a diagram of a sign that looked like a squiggle-like S. “Found it.” Atem said, but then he wondered how he would replicate the seal. He continued to read, but found nothing. It must have been in a different book. Atem began to search reading random facts that seem as knowledgeable for his future as could possibly be. He finally picked up a book that was labeled writing in fuuinjutsu, that seemed quite funny for the complexity of the art of fuuinjutsu. Looking within the book he had found that he could do it with a chakra pen or his finger, since he wasn’t skilled he decided to find a pen which he remember seeing it on the desk he was previously at. “I’m getting quite bored here.” The man said to Atem impatiently. Atem then ran to the desk and drew the symbol on the man's head and then the symbol made a small sound that resembled a small piece of glass breaking. ‘Ah, so you have found it I see. Nice job, as you see it is pretty easy if you have enough chakra for it. That is also another I want you to do after this, I want you to create an item that makes your chakra reserve greater by leaps and bounds.” The man said. “Now, with that being done I want to tell you the history of fuuinjutsu.”

“It all started with a clan known as the Uzumaki clan and they had began using this art to seal people making them unable to escape unless the ninja was lucky enough to be equipped with good space/time ninjutsu which was rarely the case. They all mostly died during the great volcano, but some still survived including me. My name is, Chronos Uzumaki. I have fallen off of the face of the earth, but I would like to teach everything I know and have gained through you. I assume you will accept.” The man asked. “Of course.” Atem answered quickly. “Okay, I will take you under my wing, the person i was looking for has disappeared off of the face of the earth...his name was Kozai.” Atem was shocked as he knew that name, he remembered that Lucien had used that name to describe the library at which he owned. “I know of that person, yeah my friend was looking for him as well, but it seems he had gone from the library as well.” Atem said. “Ah, I see. I hope he hasn’t gotten himself killed because I have to do it for him. Anyhow, I have one more thing to teach you. It is an easier method of destroying seals, it is called sealing release. If you have enough chakra then you will be able to break almost any seal.” The man said with an assuring voice.

The man then placed a seal on himself to see whether Atem would be able to get the seal off of him, it was a big insignia on his forearm looking to have a 6 inch diameter. “I want you to take this off of me using that jutsu, the bases of it is just like genjutsu release except with this one you need contact and the sudden burst of chakra.” The man said as he began to grimace, “This seal is taking chakra away from me at an alarming rate so it would be best if you acted fast.” The man said. Atem was shocked that there was a seal that could take chakra from you, “How is t-” He stopped himself from talking and put his right hand over the man’s arm. He then exerted a lot of chakra out of his hand as if he were trying to use chakra infusion with no blade. The seal then disappeared safely into the skin within the man, “I see we have a genius in the midst. I will be happy for you to be my protege.” The man said as he smiled. He then walked to the bookshelves to the back and pulled out a red and gold book that had gold lettering which said, “Barrier Canopy: Method Formation.”, “This jutsu took me quite some time to learn but you might be able to do it with ease, so take this home and study it well. I want you to come back to this place and do a specifically weird knock that I will understand, you have 3 days.” The man said shoving the book into Atem. “Will do, I’ll be on my way then.” Atem said walking towards the exit. “You mind opening the door.” Atem said in a joking manner. The man did so and Atem left. After leaving the man named Chronos would take off a skin-tight mask that constricted his face showing his young, brown skin. “This shall be fun.” Chronos said as he began to read his books.

He then heard a peculiar knock on the door which reminded him of what he had just told Atem, “Ah he is back already, there is no way he could have learned it that fast.” Chronos said to himself as he opened the door back up forgetting to place the mask back on. Atem walked through looking surprised as ever, “Who are you?” He questioned Chronos not realizing they are the same person. “I am Chronos the person you have been speaking to, I had changed my appearance in order to do some espionage here, but it seems that the guy that I am looking for is not here.” Chronos said realizing he had given himself away. “Ah, I see. Well, you are quite terrible at it, but you can’t be good at everything.” Atem laughed as he walked in and Chronos shut the door behind him. “You are correct, so, what did you come back for? Have you completed the jutsu?” Chronos asked Atem in a curious manner. “No, I wanted to know the inner working of fuuinjutsu better before I started this jutsu.” Atem said in an innocent manner. “Ah, I see, well then the inner workings of fuuinjutsu consists of seal making as you know. Fuuinjutsu itself basically means Sealing Techniques. They are a type of jutsu that seal objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object. Fuinjutsu can also be used to restrict movement or unseal objects either from within something or someone. Now, not only can they seal, but they can also be used to augment chakra and change appearance as you can see. Also, as a little trivia, an imbalance is created when an odd-numbered seal is placed on top of an even-numbered seal and vice-versa.” Chronos said knowledgably. “I see, so as for this jutsu which allows me to sense the speed of anything in the radius, what exactly does it feel like?’Atem asked Chronos as he looked at him for answers. “About that, it just feels as though someone is touching you and they are moving around in different directions that you can tell, unlike other fuuinjutsu this is a barrier type. There are many of those that you will come across on your journey of fuuinjutsu.” Chronos said

“Anything else.” He asked. “No, I’ll be on my way.” Atem said once again. “This time for certain and I will be back within the time period.’ He said as he left the cave. On the way to his and Lucien’s house he began to read the book that was given to him documenting the style at which the jutsu can be used and how it is usually learned. It stated that the user who wishes to learn the jutsu must knock leaves off of a tree and be able to count each one with your eyes closed by using the seal’s powers. “Eh, that sounds pretty difficult as I don’t even know how to make the barrier.” Atem said as he flipped the page and seen that a section where it described how to erect the barrier. “I see.” Atem said. When the technique is performed the user must remain still for a moment of concentration. Then expanding outwards from them the barrier spreads until it becomes a 20 meter radius sphere. This happens over a single post and then the seal lasts for up to 4 more posts. Movement of any speed can be detected inside the barrier, but you still need to be capable in order to react to it in time, so detecting doesn't mean you can automatically dodge it. The barrier would only be visible to those with some sort of chakra vision. As he read, but it didn’t tell him how to erect the barrier until he kept reading. It was the chakra that was used obviously and then when the chakra was disturbed it would be able to tell the user where it was disturbed at and what direction the person was moving at. “Ah, I see, well that will be quite easy I think if I can just figure out how to expand my chakra in a perfect sphere that will then be able to sense it’s disturbance. This will be the ultimate test of chakra control and how I will be able to continue as a ninja after suffering a lost such as that.” Atem said as he decided to skip going home for the night and try to master the jutsu before the three day time period. “Ugh, nevermind it will be nothing but a waste of energy as my mind isn’t in the right place nor is my body in perfect shape which will be needed.”

Atem said as he decided to just walk home looking at the starry night, he seen that starts were mighty bright for this time of the night and felt as though this was a symbol of hope and how he would make it to the top of ninja by entering the ANBU. He laughed as he sounded as though he was a child who kept bringing up his dreams but who would he be if he couldn’t believe in himself. Who would believe in him. Nobody, but himself can bring him to the top, he could possibly be aided by other people such as Lucien and Chronos. Rambling in his mind he wondered who else would come along side him to aid him in his journey to the peak of the ninja mountain. He soon arrived home which was before Lucien and he layed in his bed wondering about the fight and what the decision was on whether he was chuunin or not.

[WC 3006]
[Exit, claiming 15 stats, Fuuinjutsu new main spec]

Last edited by Atem on Thu May 12, 2016 9:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Keep Your Head Up! Fuuinjutsu Learned! Empty Re: Keep Your Head Up! Fuuinjutsu Learned!

Thu May 12, 2016 9:02 pm
You need 3k to change your main spec <3
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Keep Your Head Up! Fuuinjutsu Learned! Empty Re: Keep Your Head Up! Fuuinjutsu Learned!

Thu May 12, 2016 9:03 pm
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Keep Your Head Up! Fuuinjutsu Learned! Empty Re: Keep Your Head Up! Fuuinjutsu Learned!

Thu May 12, 2016 9:52 pm

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