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The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO) Empty The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 4:45 pm
C Rank:

Kyson and Royalty were on their way to inspect a dark cave. It was a C rank mission given to them by the village. There were rumors of noises and commotion going on inside the cave and it was their job to check it out. It was also reports of screaming. Kyson doesn't know why someone would be screaming, but he always prepared for the worst. It could be some nomads or some missing ninja's hideout. No matter what it was, Kyson was ready. This will be the two shinobi's first mission that is less than a S rank. There hasn't been much going on in the village lately. But as a ninja, every little good deed helps the village.

The weather was cool and not hot. It was a bit chilly since deserts are hot in the day time and cold at night. Kyson loves this condition because he doesn't keeps him hydrated for a longer period of time. Kyson had on his trench coat and his ninja equipment. He didn't have on a book bag for this mission, he didn't think he would need one for a mission like this. Kyson began to think, if they were going inside a cave at night, how would they see inside the cave. Maybe Royalty knows a lightning jutsu that could put some wood on fire or something. Kyson hopes he knows something because it would make the mission a whole lot easier. It seemed like the walk was never going to end. They couldn't even see the cave yet.


"Where the hell is this cave?" Kyson said with a fed up look on his face. It feels like they have been walking for hours. 

(Words: 285)

(TWC: 285/1300)
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO) Empty Re: The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:58 pm
As Kyson had been walking through the dark desert, Royalty was not very far behind him. He was wearing his usual long jacket without a shirt underneath but this time, he had it zipped all the way down. The breeze from the air had felt nice on him periodically blowing his long, white hair through the night. He could admit that it was just a tad bit hard to see in the darkness. The cave they were supposed to be looking for was not visible at this time. Royalty figured that if they could not see the cave then maybe they could hear the screams that have been reportedly heard. As Kyson spoke, Royalty looked in his direction to reply to him.

"Yeah, I'm not sure where it is either. We need some light. I did not vring anything that could light up the area." Saying this made Roy frown slightly. He had not known what to do. Royalty was a quick and tactical thinker however. He figured that he could think of something quickly. A few seconds went by and he thought of something. Royalty closed his eyes and then reopened them. His eyes were now shining a bright color. The could not completely replace the usage of a flashlight but it would suffice for now. Royalty then scanned the area until he pointed to their northeast.

"Down over there. I see the entrance to the cave that way. Let's go." Royalty diverted his walking so that he was now walking in the direction of the cave. He did not want to go too fast since Kyson had to follow. 


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The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO) Empty Re: The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 6:28 pm
As Kyson and Royalty continued walking, Royalty spoke after Kyson. It seemed he didn't know where this cave was either. Plus he didn't bring any thing that could light up the place. Kyson noticed that Royalty used his shining medical eye. Kyson hadn't seen him use that in a long time. He had forgotten all about his bloodline. A few moments later Royalty said he saw the entrance to the cave. He began walking towards its direction. Kyson followed behind him. As Kyson was getting closer to the cave and looking hard ahead of him, he could slightly and just barely see the entrance of the gave. 

"Alright, I see it too. Lets go." Kyson said as he began to run towards the entrance of the cave at 50 speed. It didn't take long for Kyson to reach the cave. As Kyson reached the entrance of the cave, the inside of it was pitch black and quiet. If there was something in the cave, they most likely stopped making noises because they heard Kyson coming. Kyson looked at the ground and saw a three inch rock next to the cave. Kyson picked up the rock and threw it as hard as he could inside of the cave. He wanted to see how far the cave went and wanted to know if there was any cliffs or holes inside that someone could accidentally fall in. When the rock hit the ground, Kyson noticed his rock didn't hit a wall. So the cave must be sort of deep. But with closer examination, Kyson noticed there was firewood inside of the cave. It was possibly used as a fire to have some light during the night. And from the looks of it, there was someone here recently. Judging from the smoke the fire was leaving behind. Kyson walked over to the wood and put his hand over it. It was still warm, but it wasn't hot.

"We should be a bit careful just in case there are any traps in here. You think you can use a lightning jutsu to make a torch with the wood?" Kyson asked Royalty.

(Words: 641)

(TWC: 912/1300)
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO) Empty Re: The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:28 pm
As the two noticed the cave, Kyson would run up to it. As he ran past Royalty, Roy decided to speed up and follow him. Knowing that he was just a tad bit faster than his pal, he decided to keep up with his speed. Royalty only ran at a speed of 50 behind Kyson. This made it so he would stay a few inches behind Kyson without the gap closing unless Kyson would slow down. After they had gotten to the entrance, the two stopped. Royalty looked over to Kyson. It seemed like he was thinking.

Upon Kyson thinking, Royalty would look ahead allowing his eyes to provide a brief light in front of them. As light travels with no end, it got dimmer as you would look further and further out. Roy's eyes had lit up a rock that had been not too far from them. Kyson picked up the rock and threw it................... It didn't hit a wall. The rock seemed to reach it's maximum energy and fall to the ground, skipping until it lost all energy. It seemed the cave was rather deep.

Looking at Kyson, he noticed that he saw something. As Kyson walked into the cave, Royalty just looked at him. It turns out there was a piece of wood on the ground. Kyson wanted him to light it up with a fire technique. Roy's ninjutsu capabilities was not as potent as Kyson's but he figured it was still a good idea.

"Yeah, great idea. We could use a little more light." Royalty performed a few hand seals at a speed of 125. They went from Boar to Ram to Snake to Horse to Dragon. After the seals were finished, Royalty extended out his arms and pointed his palms at the wood on the ground. A wave of lightning moved towards the wood at a power and speed of 45. The wood was ignited. Royalty had not meant to light up the entire piece so he looked at Kyson.

"Welp, I suppose this is where you come in. We need to actually pick that up." Royalty then waited for Kyson to put out one side of the wood so that he may actually pick it up and then they could advance further into the cave. 


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The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO) Empty Re: The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:05 pm
After Kyson had asked Royalty for more light. Royalty agreed there should be more light and so he decided to use his lightning jutsu. As Kyson watched Royalty do the hand seals for the jutsu, he extended his arms as a wave of lightning hit the wood. The entire piece of wood caught on fire. Kyson knew the jutsu was going to be too strong from sensing how much chakra was put into it. After Royalty performed the jutsu and made the entire piece catch on fire, Kyson looked at Royalty.

"You had one job..." Kyson said as he looked over to the left and saw smaller pieces of firewood. He thought those would be more suitable since the ones used for the fire were a bit large to use for a torch. Kyson walked over to the smaller pieces of firewood and put it to the fire that was mad by Royalty. 

"Alright lets go." Kyson said as he continued to walk in the cave. As Kyson was walking inside of the cave, he noticed carvings were on the walls of the cave. He did not pay attention to much of em, but they looked like weird symbols. Kyson knows they must have a meaning to them. But this was not a time to figure it out. As Kyson was walking, he thought it would be a good idea to try and sense any chakra signature in the cave. Even though a good shinobi would try to suppress his chakra, Kyson tried to sense it anyway. Kyson sensed a small amount of chakra that was coming from deeper in the cave. 

"If there's anyone in here, show yourself. If you don't speak now, I'll assume your an enemy and won't hold back. We were sent here by Suna to investigate the gave to confirm the rumors." Kyson said as he was warning whatever small amount of chakra signature he was sensing inside of the cave. As they continued in the cave they heard a sound.

"Help.. me.." The voice said as it sounded weak. Kyson quickly ran at a speed of 15 towards the voice but he was still prepared for the worst just in case it might be a trap. Using the torch Kyson had in his hand, he saw it was a man sitting against the wall injured. He had bruises and scars around his body. But it was nothing fatal, just badly hurt. 

"He needs some help quick. What happened to you? And why are you here?" Kyson said as he asked the man. It was a bit strange for a man to have scratches on him in a place like this. What could've happened.

(Words: 1090)

(TWC: 1742/1300)
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO) Empty Re: The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:43 pm
"Yeah yeah, sue me," Royalty said in response to Kyson. He was rather humored by his response. Considering how close their relationship was, the slightest things were funny to him. He smirked slightly while Kyson grabbed a smaller piece of wood to use it as a torch. Once it was lit, he then followed Kyson deeper into the cave.

The two were not walking for too long. As they had gotten deeper into the cave, Royalty noticed the inscriptions all over the wall. They looked very old. He chose to not pay it too much attention. Figuring that they could get ambushed at any time, Royalty chose to activate his chakra sensory. A few seconds after sensing a weak person up ahead, Kyson then yelled out for the person to reveal themselves. Roy looked at Kyson. He was surprised. It seemed that Kyson had been using his chakra sensory as well. 

Once the man replied that he needed help, he and Kyson had run up to him. The cuts on his body were not too deep but there were quite a lot. As Kyson asked what had happened to the man, Royalty wasted no time. He did some hand seals at the speed of 125. The seals consisted of a modified Ox to the Tiger seal. Roy's hands started to glow a bright teal. He then kneeled down in front of the man and put his hands on the arm and back of the man. As his wounds were healing, the man felt as if he was allowed to get more words out.

"I-I was just walking through the desert a few days ago and I was attacked. A few bandits mugged me and cut me up a little. I had no help so I took refuge in this cave as the storms have been quite heavy throughout the day. At night it gets to dark to see so I just stayed here. Thank you for your help young man." The injured man put his right hand on the left side of Royalty's cheek. It seemed he was very grateful for his help. 

A little time went by and the man's wounds were beginning to clear up. There were still some visible bruises but for the most part, his cuts had been healed. Royalty then helped the man up and put him over his left shoulder. After looking at Kyson he moved towards the exit.

"Let's go. We are going back to Suna to take him to a hospital. Keep that torch with us and we should be fine." With that, Royalty began to run at a speed of 50 towards the entrance of the cave. After making it outside, he knew that the way back to the village was in the southwestern direction. Royalty stopped once they were outside but began to run at a speed of 50 in that direction. 

About half way back to the village, Royalty sensed 4 people approaching. Being cautious, he stopped to look at his surroundings. He heard some slight laughter from his left and some from behind. He looked back and forth at these two directions. He saw 2 men with clothes around their face. They were barefoot and had basic katanas in their hand. To his surprise, Royalty looked in front and to his right to see 2 more people with the same attire. The man over his shoulder had spoken.

The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO) 9k=

"These, these are the guys whom have attacked me. They took all the money I was planning on giving to my daughter in Suna." Royalty tried his best to pay attention to all of the bandits to see if they would make sudden movements. With one in all four directions around he and Kyson, they were about 5 meters from their position. The one on the left spoke.

"Das riigh. We tuck ya money. Gon have a helluva good time spending all this. Thank yer for ya contribution. You two sureleh look like sum experienced ninja. How bout it boys? We takin their money too?" The other 3 let out a synchronized 'Yeah'. Royalty knew they they would have to be fighting. He gently put the man down in front of him and cracked his neck. Without looking at Kyson, he spoke to them.

"Well at least this mission just got a bit more fun. How about it? I take the front and left, you take the right and rear. These guys look like amateurs." After the remark, the one on the left certainly took offense.

"Amateurs!? Das it. Get em boys!" After commencing, all four ran towards the party of 3 at a speed of 30.


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The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO) Empty Re: The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:12 pm
After Kyson asked the questions to the old man, he saw Royalty began to heal him. Kyson always thought he should learn how to heal someone so he could help his comrades out. Maybe he'll learn it one of these days. While Royalty was healing him, the man began to speak. The man had said he was attacked by some bandits and a sand storm had just came in. So he was able to find a place to stay while the storm was going on. After the man had finished talking, Royalty looked at Kyson and spoke. He said it was time for them to get moving and bring this man back to Suna's hospital. He told Kyson to keep the torch till they got outside the cave. After he put the man over his shoulder, Kyson followed Royalty. They both were running out the cave at a speed of 50. Once they were out the cave, they stopped and proceeded again.

After leaving the cave, they headed towards the direction of Suna, Kyson continued to follow Roy. While running through the desert, Kyson turned on his sensory just in case the bandits who attacked the man would show up again. As they were running, 2 unknown people were coming from the back and the left of the three ninja. Kyson thought these might be the bandits that hurt the old man. Then suddenly 2 more came from the front and the right. It looked like they tried to ambush them. They all had masks to cover their face from the sand and Katanas.

The man began to speak. Kyson was right, these were the bandits that attacked the old man. The English coming from one of the bandits was terrible. These must have been the academy students who dropped out to sell some some drugs. Royalty put the old man down as he cracked his neck and was prepared to take these guys out. Kyson sighed because he knew these guy's were way in over their heads. Royalty began to speak and said this was going to be fun. Royalty suggested that he take the front and left and Kyson take the right and rear. Kyson agreed to his request as he was ready to show these guy what the best Chunin in Suna was about.

"Gotta hand it to them though. It was a good idea leading this man into a cave and trying to rob anyone that comes near him. I can tell you were watching us from a far distance to see what we would do. But gramps here needs some help, so I'm going to make this quick." Kyson said with a smirk on his face.

All four bandits came running at Kyson and Roylaty at a speed of 30 with their Katanas out. Kyson didn't want to spend a lot of time on these guy's since the man was injured and needed a hospital. So Kyson was going to make this a 5 second fight... if that.

"You won't even see it coming." He said to himself as he used his Wind Release: Wind Glaive to give him a +30 chakra and speed. Kyson's skin would also begin to turn a bit more pale. As the rear and right bandits were coming towards them at a speed of 30. Kyson used body flicker and ran in front of the rear bandit at a speed of 260. It was almost as if Kyson teleported from the distance he was from the bandit. He then used rasengan with his left hand and hit the bandit in the stomach at a power of 95. The rear bandit flew 15 meters back. Then immediatelty, Kyson used hoho to run towards the right bandit at a speed of 130 and used his five element seal on his chest. Leaving him knocked out and his chakra sealed. In less than 3 seconds, Kyson took out both the bandits. Kyson thought he should take these bandits back to the village and put them in custody. 

Kyson made the clone hand seal to summon one shadow clone. He figured Roy would have to carry the two bandits and the man so he summoned a shadow clone for help. The shadow clone would pick up both the bandits unless Royalty told him to pick up just one. But the clone would wait for Royalty to finish his battle or pick the bandits up immediately if he was already done fighting. Kyson ran towards both of the bandits the bandits bodies and put both on each of his shoulder. Kyson used his Earth spear to give him a plus 31 in health and strength, he replaced his wind glaive. His skin also began to turn dark brown. This would make picking up the bandits easier since they were wearing a lot of equipment. Whenever Royalty was ready to go, he would wait for his cue to proceed to the village.

"We told them." Kyson said to Royalty if he was done his fight.

(Words: 1929)

(TWC: 3362/1300)
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO) Empty Re: The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:14 pm
"Welp, even if they were watching us then they are going to know what Sunagakure ninjas are all about." Royalty proceeded to smirk at the same time that Kyson was. He paid attention to the bandits as they came at them. It was such a bother to have these bandits underestimate them. Royalty did not know what to make of it. 

As the two bandits were coming at him, Royalty put his head down. His chin was now touching his chest. The 2 bandits were now 2 meters each from him. Royalty ran up to the one in front at 62 speed. The bandit rose his katana above his head and tried to strike down upon Royalty. He jumped to the left of the bandit, dodging the sword strike and the momentum from the two put him side by side by the bandit. With his right foot, he kicked the side of his midsection with 70 power. The bandit flew 10 meters to his left and was rolling and tumbling. His blade seemed to fly even further than him. 

Retracting his foot, Royalty was now standing still and he peeked over his left shoulder. The bandit from the right was now coming towards him from his southeastern side. When he reached 2.5 meters from him, Royalty turned around. After the bandit reached him, he swiped his katana from left to right at about chest level of Royalty. Royalty crouched his whole body ducking the sword. Using Leaf Rising Wind Royalty used his momentum to kick upwards towards the head of the bandit at 146 speed and 91 strength. The bandit flew about 8 meters into the air with his blade flying elsewhere. He then landed about 4 meters in front of Royalty onto his back. Both of the bandits were unconscious.

Right when the bandit had landed, Kyson had said something to Royalty. He turned to him to see what he was saying. It seemed that they had the same thoughts in there head. Although, Royalty was now thinking of how much of a hassle it was going to be bringing 4 bandits and an injured man back to Suna. Oh well, Roy figured he could use the exercise. 

Roy noticed that Kyson made a a clone. This would help with the labor. As Royalty went to go gather up the two bodies, he noticed that the man was now on his feet. Royalty was confused. The man then walked over to Royalty to reach the body. He dug into the man's pockets to retrieve his stolen money.

"I need this for my daughter. You do not have to worry about carrying me. I feel rather fine. Thanks again for healing my wounds." The man smiled at Royalty. He nodded back to show his acknowledgement. He then put his money into his pocket and was ready to go. Royalty put a bandit over each shoulder and began walking in the direction of the Hidden Sand Village. It seemed this mission was a success.


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The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO) Empty Re: The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:43 pm
As Kyson noticed Royalty had finished fighting. Kyson was ready to move as he was already carrying the two bandits on his shoulder. Kyson saw the man retrieve money from the bandits pocket. It had been the money that they had stole from them. The man had also said that he could walk and didn't need to be carried. Kyson was relived to see him up and well. Three began to walk towards the village late at night.

As they were approaching the village, the guards noticed the three entering the village. They were happy they completed the mission successfully. They were a bit surprised when they saw them carrying bodies. They thought there must have been a lot of commotion by the cave. But they weren't surprised that much since Kyson and Royalty have done 4 S rank missions in a row. They only been in the village for a few weeks and were just about famous around the village. Everyone knew their names and was pleased with the job they were doing around the village. 

"Oh your back, I see you completed the mission. And there must have been some bandits as well. Good job as always you two. Oh and who is he?" The guard said as he was confused with the man being with them. I guess they weren't expecting this much people.

"This man was attacked by these bandits and they stole his money. A sand storm hit him and so he headed to the cave to keep out of the sand storm. He had a lot of cuts and bruises but Roy manage to heal him a bit. On our way back these guy's came after us and... you know the rest." Kyson said with a smirk on his face as he dropped both the bandits on the floor. 

"Thanks for everything you, I don't know what I would have done without you." The old man said as he looked very happy and proud.

"It's alright gramps, I hope you make your daughter proud with the money you was going to give her. But you should probably hit a hospital to help clear the rest of your bruises. See ya around, gramps." Kyson said with a smile as he was walking away into the village. If Royalty was the follow Kyson he would speak. But if he didn't follow, Kyson would just stay silent to himself.

"I'm going to get a bite to eat, I'm starving." Kyson said with his hands on the back of his head with his elbows pointing out. Again, he would only speak if Royalty was following him. 


(TWC: 4299/1300)


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Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO) Empty Re: The Dark Cave (Royalty, P, NK, IO)

Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:05 am
As the party of 3 were walking towards the village, Roy felt a bit of discomfort with the two bandits over his shoulders. He hated the fact that he had to carry them. Their attire had been really awkward to have over his shoulders. A sense of relief came to him as they reached the gates. 

The speech between everyone was going on but Royalty chose to stay silent. He was not really in a speaking mood at the moment. He tried not to mug anybody so when people spoke or smiled at him he would smile back. Another day, another great job from them. It was nothing new.

Noticing that the man had not fully recovered yet, Royalty put the bodies of the two bandits on the floor in front of the guards. He then acted as the mans crutch so he could escort him to the hospital. Before doing so, he spoke towards Kyson's direction.

"Hey, I will meet you at home. I am going to make sure he is all good to go." Royalty smiled at Kyson before he looked in front of him now. Royalty and the man were seen walking off in the distance from the guards' point of view. They were going to the hospital. Well done for them.




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