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Strange Days [Solo] Empty Strange Days [Solo]

Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:57 pm
It started out fine, it was just your average dream nothing too serious as it was playful in its own. There was a boy, a young boy whose hair was blonde and wild. He was lost in a dark maze not knowing where to go as it seemed the walls only got higher and higher slowly reaching high above dimming the only light source available, the moon. Strange Dreams indeed.

As the light was consumed by the darkness of these walls the dream shift as there was a rhythmic pitter patter of rain hitting the ground as it grew colder and colder. He was alone in the darkness once more but this time in the rain. Have you ever watched everyone you loved and cared for die in front of you? Well this was a sight to see for him, exactly that except there wasn't a hint of sadness on the boy's face not a single emotion was shown as he stood there soaked in blood, strange dreams indeed.

One more shift it seemed as the boy was now laying in the sand with people surrounding him. They faces blurred but yet he could tell who they were, hate, anger and all others were just emotions he did not feel. The crowd parted slowly and in a blink of an eye with a painful feeling there was something in his chest, a blade. His dying gaze would slowly look from the blade and to its wielder to only see a familiar blonde haired boy. This however caused a smile to appear on his face as the wielder muttered something which was “WAKE UP CHI!!!”

Strange Dreams indeed.

Falling out of his bed as he tried to scramble himself up to his feet Chi yawned loudly as he made his way to the bathroom. Boy was he a mess, four days gone by and he only had what? Half an hour of sleep? Making himself look even slightly like he was prepared for today's adventures the boy cleaned his room removing all notes and things he could gather about being a shinobi of the village and what to be expected, things on ninjutsu specializing in the earth element, and some medical stuff as he was slowly gaining an interest in that as well. Today was just a normal day with the exception of now being a Genin and those creepy drea- nightmares. They were nightmares. He just shook it off as the nightmares he have once a month some very stupid while others are dark like the one he just had but all in all he was fine. Chi is a boy with many things to do aside from having wild adventures with Jiro to training and trying to be the best he could possibly be, a much try hard he is. (yoda voice guys, yoda voice) Yet he was able to find a way to “balance” everything out just with the only problem is that he has no room for sleep. Maybe going for the headband was a bad idea as much more was expected of him than before and like….he wasn't about that busy life but times change and he’d find a way to adjust.

He said few words to his family as he fixed a quick breakfast and headed out to the library to study more. There's one thing he had in mind and that was to move up in the ranks as fast as he could and keep his skill on par with others knowing full well that even a simple life could have a 180 degree change and everything can just go to hell. Chi walked around the library searching for more things to study, anything that could be of use to him in the long run all these books about famous people and legends even coming across a certain book about one of his all time favorites, Echo Uchiha.

Whatever happened to that guy….

Anyway he stock piled up on as many books as he could carry, which is a lot, and found a nice comfy place in the library so he can begin reading. Chi was mostly studying proficient earth jutsu such as mud spore, earth flow spears and all that jazz. That was his plan for the rest of the day just studying mud spore and jutsu and a bit of medical. That was until he met some edgy looking people. They interrupted his studies with their loudness until finally they quieted down  after several hundred sushes and being threatened to be kicked out the library. Ignoring them for the remainder of his time in the library as they were irrelevant, Chi moved on and wanted a change of scenery. He walked around reading the same book about mud spore as he memorized the hand signs and its uses. Much wasn't going on in the village, no parades, festivals or anything….he really should talk to the kage about that because everyone loves festivals and parades. Odd as it may be, Chi seems to be that of a loner as he really didn't have any “friends” as that word can be loosely thrown around. He doesn't hang out as much as others of his age group unless it's with Jiro and other than him it's just cooking and things to keep himself active. His mind was wandering back and forth about those dreams he had. What did they mean….they bothered him really it bothered him more than anything in awhile and that's a big deal. Closing the book he had found himself back to home. Stopping by for a few minutes he went to his room and looked for any type of notes or things about jutsu he could learn. Chi had only a single goal and that was to impress everyone! Yes very simple indeed yet a very hard one so that's why he is a try hard at everything unlike a certain blonde who can still impress people without being one. As he grew more and more into being a ninja chi was slowly noticing odd things about himself such as those tiny urges to just fight people and how he is losing time for cooking but as mentioned earlier he can balance that.

The thing about earth jutsu was there was so much earth around to be able to use. Here in the sand was also great as well. He never understood how one's first element was chosen or how some people can't use any chakra at all. Then there are clans which all are different and unique from each other. Like the Hyuuga and Inuzuka two clans which have two different abilities from each other. There's one thing Chi haven't figured out yet and that's what clan does he belong to? His parents never seemed to answer him and he doesn't think Jiro even knows. He soon grew to think that they were just regular clanless people but he felt like that wasn't even slightly true. He had no hints about being adopted and if he would've known he was , Chi would probably spend more time looking for his actual parents.  Time was slowly passing as Chi was lost in thought as he continued to build up chakra and go over the hand signs for Mud spore and even ignoring this really annoying voice in his head that kept yelling out hey and some other nonsense…..wait...that wasn't a voice in his head. And reenters the three edgy punk friends. As he opened his eyes he saw they were tight in front of him as the blonde haired chick with the collar was just yelling nonsense. So Chi did the most logical thing possible. Taking his right hand’s pink he would proceed to dig in his ear cleaning out ear wax all while saying “Eeeeh…?” he then pulled out some sanitizer and cleaned his hands because chefs need clean hands.

Being able to hear the girl more clearly he payed close attention to her more than the other two guys because she was very cute. Irresistible cuteness. “What are you doing here?! This is reserved for in ussss me and my team!” yeah super annoying voice. Chi looked at her with a sort of disbelief on his face because that was one of the most stupidest things he ever heard. Who reserves a training field of all things.

“Yeah….I don't think so….no offense but I'm pretty sure the three of you don't need an entire field to train.” Not wanting to get on anyone's bad side Chi wanted to just for once train without any interruptions and wait…..this could work. “But you know if you seriously need a whole field to train you guys must be pretty good right? Or maybe bad since you need to train at night!!” yes aggravate the much scary looking genin squad.

“Bad? Did he just say we were bad Khaz…. DOYOUKNOWWHOYOU’RETALKINGTODOYOUWANTTOGETINAFIGHTHUH?ONEVEONEMESCRUBTALKSHITGETHITBAKA!” ah so she's very quick to anger good to know. Khaz is the cool looking guy with an eye patch not very intimidating he released a sigh as he continued to watch their self proclaimed leader continue to rant on Chi. Before he could do or say anything the big guy in the group with shades and spiky hair picked up the short blonde rage chick. “Can you just calm down Misty? Just even a little?” the big guy's voice was soft….not fitting for his build.

Chi could only watch the three barter at each other as the big guy slung misty over his shoulder who was still raging and the guy with the eye patch sigh. Is this what a Genin squad was like? Glad he wasn't assigned to one….if that will ever happen. After several minutes of banter they seemed to have come to a conclusion as the guy with shades put down Misty who immediately turned to Chi. “Okay if you want to use OUR field you have to earn it by….doing chores or-”

“Can I just fight one of you?”

Then there was a moment of silence and for a second he expected for Rage chick but she didn’t come out, how can such a little girl have so much inner rage? “Okay. Fight me scrub!!!! I'M GOING TO RIP YOU A NEW ONE!!!”

Okay he was wrong.

Once she was calm again the three decided to have a group meeting as Chi looked on and waited. Yes while they had their meeting he was actually doing the hand signs for mud spore as he was ready to use it for the first time ever and even on an unsuspecting victim as those three. It was just three hand signs to remember and yeah it is really easy after all. Ram, Ox, and Boar. He was deep in thought as he then check his arm which was decorated in recipes and hand signs. Once angst chick was calmed down again the three restored other to themselves.

“So who do you want to fight? Me The LEADER WHO WOULD TOTALLY KICK YOUR ASS! Or these two dweebs.”

Great so he get to choose his opponent. Now hitting girls was a no no especially the pretty ones, next the big guy was big...very scary looking and from what happened earlier he was strong. Chi didn't want to get in a fight to just get thrown around so he went with the handicapped option and that was going for the guy without the 20/20 vision. So cruel. Chi pointed towards the one known as Khaz and grinned happily as nothing could go wrong.

There wasn't even the slightest of hesitation however as Khaz looked more bothered than anything. It was just another day for him. Walking up Khaz removed his hands from his pockets and gave the blonde a much bored look. “You couldn't have just chose Raan. This better be worth while.”

“Of course! This will be the best!”

Once a good distance from each other the fight then took place!

Chi didn't have any experience with actually fighting someone, he's a nerd that tries to learn everything that doesn't involve being too much physically involved. It is surprising he decided to go full on ninja out the blue. Hopefully the guy couldn't fight as good...hopefully. Standing proudly as if he’d already won, Chi would mockingly cover his eye. “To make things even.” He was about to say more however not expecting the speed of Khaz, the fight started off with a sucker punch to the uncovered eye! (Right eye) laying chi flat on his ass. Chants and very snarky remarks can be heard by Misty being cheerleader for Khaz.
“Now it's even” words said with true sarcasm.

Pain. He felt nothing but pain. Yes this may be the first time ever he legitly felt real pain. He have cut himself a few times here and there while cooking but this pain was different. It was like he was in shock. He couldn't tell whether to be angry or impressed with how fast Khaz was He opened his mouth to vocally express his pain but could only find the word “Wow….”

Lesson One. Always pay attention to your opponent.

Getting up as he rubbed his now black eye, Chi would only scoff. “I wasn't ready. Real dirty trick don't you think Bro?”

“Tricks? Not likely see, in the real world one fights to win and live. No matter how they do it “ Khaz bounced back and forth very much representing a character from some arcade fighting game. This was very taunting and annoying at the same time, like can he not stand still?!

Chi ignored what he said and dashed forward and then punching at Khaz. The attack was simple and can be easily dodged so yeah….it was dodged and Khaz being the obvious expert fighter used Chi’s momentum to easily grab his arm and slam him onto the ground.

So much pain. So much pain indeed.

Okay. A black eye and now his back. Chi slowly squirmed around on the sand as he winced in pain. Khaz walked over to him and squatted down by his side as he gave Chi a sly smile. “So how about a round 2? If you can get up of course.”

He just wanted to train in peace! Oh wait that's right. He was trying to learn a jutsu. Khaz got up and gave Chi some space to get up who in turn immediately got up and did the hand signs for Mud spore. “Jutsu are allowed riiiiight?!” he shouted out towards Khaz who had his back turned to him. “Never said they weren't.” and as soon as he said that Chi completed the hand signs for Mud Spore causing the earth around Khaz to turn and mush together trapping the guy in icky icky mud.

“WAIT….YOU'RE CHEATING. BOOOOOOOOO! GO DIE IN A HOLE!!!!” Once again hurtful words by yours truly, Misty of No Chill.

Chi wasn't surprised with such a first successful attempt with the jutsu. He was more on the lines of “Eeeh knew it was easy.” too bad Khaz used a jutsu of his own and subbed out leaving a log in his place. We can't win them all Chi...we just can't. He thought he won...then he realized that Khaz wasn't Khaz but a log. Next he realized that he couldn't move at all no matter how hard he tried. WHAT TYPE OF SORCERY IS THIS?!?!

“Oh yeah forgot to actually introduce myself. Khaz it memorized?”

Then that's the moment Chi realized he was fucked. Well he tried at least. So for the rest of the afternoon he was used as a puppet as the others had their fun with him. If there were any lessons learned from today it would be to not underestimate your opponent. The en-  oh wait there's more!

Day 2

Darkness once again. If dreams repeat two nights in a row that means something right? Well they didn't instead he had something much more….horrid. There he the face of death if death was actual food. The young boy was being chased by a monstrosity of one his food creations. Running as he could hear the screams and destruction going on behind him. There was no escape as he found himself at the edge with only one way to go, down into a dark abyss. Facing the monstrosity of food that was slowly closing in on him; the blonde instinctively put one foot back almost causing himself to fall into darkness. Looking back and forth between food monster and eternal drop into an abyss he made his decision. Down the rabbit hole he goes….

Strange Dreams indeed.

Waking up to the smell of...well nothing. It was Chi’s turn to make breakfast today causing him to rush and get ready to prepare it. Running into the bathroom to get ready for the day he washed the makeup from his face which was applied on from last night's embarrassing loss to a certain Nara who took the whole enjoying victory and power to the limit. He cleaned his face taking a glance at the mirror to see something was him but parts of his skin was gray and his eye was...not the same color as the other. Quickly splashing his face with water he looked up to just see his regular old self.

Strange things indeed.

A new day, a new beginning, and a new jutsu. Chi still ached from the embarrassing fight last night. Not knowing if it's a good thing or bad, pain meant he was learning right?. Either way he had to shake it off as he had something to celebrate and that was him being able to use mud spore successfully now. A win was a win and a loss is a loss not like he admitted defeat or anything. No no no he actually wanted to keep fighting until he himself passed out or if he could win at least once against Khaz but that didn’t look like it was happening soon. Right now he needed to learn some more jutsu and get better and then hopefully he could try to- HE WILL WIN NEXT TIME.

He wanted a rematch really bad but before that he had to find a way to get good before the day ends. So it's only logical to pull a Rocky and jog around and punch frozen meat. So that is exactly what he did in hopes only to stop a few minutes later as he passed the library. He wanted to go study something but he also wanted to train more. Chi decided to stop by quickly at the library and grabbed a few more books and things about earth jutsu until he had found the one he wanted to train for the day. That very jutsu is Earth pillar spears. Sounds very deadly and looks easy to do. Taking this new found information he went to train as soon as he was done working….because he seriously needed to keep his job. Once done he once again headed back out to train and so far today was a good day! Chi stopped and sat down once he had reached the training field. Looking over the jutsu he find the simplicity in performing it a bit surprising. All it took was one hand sign which was bird, placing hands on the ground, and the right amount of chakra! A simple recipe to success is what this jutsu was. Thanks to learning mud spore he now also had a way to boost the jutsu abilities as well to make a nice good combo on the battlefield. It was now time to start and stop dreaming he wanted to be stronger and learn lots of jutsu so he can impress people and protect his brother and the village and sitting in sand daydreaming about it won't help anybody one bit! Hopping to his feet Chi did the hand sign bird and placed his hands on the ground. Nothing happened because this was a test run. He needed to go faster if he wanted this to work successfully. Trying it again performing the bird hand sign and placing his hands on the ground he groaned because he wasn't fast enough to catch the likes of Speedy Gonzalez aka Khaz of guard. So again and again and again for two long hours did he perform the hand sign and slamming his hands on the ground only getting slightly faster. It have never crossed his mind once that he should actually see if he can even perform the jutsu!  Alright deal breaker he doesn't even know that himself. Taking a break he slumped down beside a tree under its shadow wiping the sweat off of himself. It was in that very moment he noticed his hand was a different color...and had claws and now he freaked out only to soon calm. He then examined his hand more calmly not sure what to think but “ Strange” Pulling up his sleeve he then saw that the rest of his arm was the same color. Was this some type of disease? He touched the scaly looking gray skin not feeling any pain which is what he expected. He spent his time learning a few things about rare diseases but this wasn't one of them at all nor did it look like anything he seen before….seen before. Yes he did see this before! Not once but twice! This morning his eye changed up on him and the skin around it seemed to be graying and he had read something similar the other day about things similar to this. Strange things were only he could recall about reading. Taking out bandages he wrapped his arm making sure to cover any gray part he can, not wanting people to freak out or anything. Returning to the library once more Chi headed to the section of fuinjutsu and things. Skimming over several books and flipping through pages he finally found what he was looking for…..some info about wait.. This was a curse seal. He was one hundred percent positive he had not a single curse seal on him yet he was seeing things that were happening to him. Looking more into the curse seals he would find the origin which one thing led to another aaaand he found it. The Jugo clan. So that means his family is from the Jugo clan and they never bothered to tell him and Jiro? That's surprising especially being the whole rare part and what...oh yeah Chi is able to draw sage chakra too?! This info opened up doors...he can become one of the greats if he just learned how to control it. Unwrapping the bandages from his arm he would find that it was once again normal and not sure what to do he sighed and went back to the training field. He now knew something great but even there wasn't enough information other than how the clan abilities was used to create the curse seals. Research is for another time there was much more to do....

Then there are these douchebags who like to take over the training field for themselves.

Chi watched as Khaz, Misty, and Raan walked by not noticing him one bit. Good. They wouldn't bother him now and hopefully not later. Once at the training area he performed the hand signs for Earth Release: Earth Pillar Spears and placed his hand on the ground causing six spikes to appear from the ground at a much exceptional speed. So far so good now all he had to do was be able to do it faster and he could maybe just maybe catch Khaz off guard. He also needed to get faster himself if he wanted to be able to put up a better fight. In the end everything will turn out great right?

Day 3

It was hotter than any oven could possibly be. The Sun was just happily torturing the people today as the heat was unacceptable. “A bad day for the A/C to go out for anyone.” Chi was dressed to keep cool as possible he wore nothing more but shorts and a tank top as he walked around the village looking for someone...a group of three people. He could just stayed inside and kept cool but nope he wanted to fight Khaz and beat him in this ridiculous heat. Yeah it was an idiotic move but there was one thing for certain and that was the heat slows people down. He had a strategy going in as well now that he knows Khaz is a Nara can actually help him in many ways so no unexpected surprises like before so he was ready.

It only took an hour of asking around and looking in this intense heat until he finally found the three under the shade of a tent just there chilling and eating ice pops. With a wide grin on his face Ninja Chef approached the three and pointed at Khaz. “YOU WITH THE EYE PATCH I CHALLENGE THEE TO A DUAL!......AGAIN!!!”

“A dual? Err okay. It's been two days usually people come back after a week or not at all and always with someone else. So you're either stupid or….no just stupid.”

Ninja Chef watched as Khaz hopped up to his feet. He was surprised hearing his answer just being okay..he was expecting a no or blah blah blah blah blah blah it's too hot or blah blah blah blah blah I don't want to humiliate you again or blah blah blah not worth wasting my energy in you. Well he didn't and to jump right into the fight Ninja Chef pulled out a bag of extreme sour gum drops and threw it directly into Khaz’s mouth while he was talking...causing him to choke a bit but that wasn't the plan.

“HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!!?! CHEATING AGAIN ALREADY?!?!” Always there for such loud obnoxious cheerleading aren't you Misty? Is what Chi thought as he watched Khaz face twist and turn and his lips puckering.

Yep...sour gum drops are truly sour..never mind the slightly glowing thing they got. Chi placed on in his mouth as well and ate it with a bit of ease unlike someone with an eye patch. “Sour gum drops. Sour aren't they Kha-”

Always expect Khaz to try the same thing again but Chi was ready...HE IS NINJA CHEF. Moving to the side he grinned as his speculation was right, unexpected extreme sourness and intense sun rays do slow people down. Yeah he was also sluggish too but Victory was ensured. After dodging his punch Khaz then tried to land another punch only for Chi to luckily dodge it because he tripped over a rock and fell on his arse as he watched Khaz’s fist fly over head. “Phew….”

Chi then immediately reached over and pulled Khaz’s left foot causing him to fall on his back. Doing so allowed him to have enough time to get up and successfully pull off Mud spore jutsu trapping Khaz in the mud. “Ahaha! Can't escape I guess I won!”

“Nah. Not quite yet.”

Then poof. A shadow Clone he was. “AWWW COME ON”

When did he switch? Was that a shadow clone since the beginning?!

“Wait…..did Khaz seriously ditched us with his clone when he went to go get ice pops….THAT INSENSITIVE JERK!” Yep. Khaz had more important things to do other than fight Chi or hangout with friends.

Meanwhile not outside….

Inside where it's cool is where Khaz was hidden. Who was enjoying himself eating ice pops and playing with his dog.

Back outside with Chi and gang.


“Calm down Misty it's hot I can understand why he wouldn't want to come out.”


“What? How did you get that from what I said?”

The bickering went on and on between the two, Raan being fully passive and Misty being...well Misty. Chi watched on and on and was even getting bored of it. He won so why did he needed to stay….unless.

“Oi Raan. Fight me. Since Khaz isn't here and his clone just went poof without even putting up much a fight plus I'm bored so fight me.”


After a long moment of silence because he was so straight forward with his answer.


“Cuz ya win.”

“You don't know that.”



Chi was at a lost not knowing what to do other than go home now so that's what he was about to do.


Chi stopped on his tracks and faced Misty. He had to think about this. Did he really want to fight her? She was cute and all plus he don't fight girls unless life or death and this isn't a life or death situation.

“No but…..since it's hot and all how about we go to my job and I'll make everyone an extravaganza ice cream spectacular sundae?”

And so they went to Ninja Chef’s job where he made ice cream sundaes for everyone odd turn of events and it was actually the perfect opportunity for him to get new people to try his food creations instead of Jiro. He was glad really as these past three days that he have been a Genin has been a blast. There was still the matter of the clan thing and his skin changing. He needed to know more things and hopefully his parents however in the end all is well right? Not like it will make him go crazy or anything...unlike those dreams.

So yeah…..

Just another day in the life of a Ninja Chef

-Exit,WC 5029
-claiming Earth Release Mud Spore
-Earth Release Rock Pillar Spears
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Strange Days [Solo] Empty Re: Strange Days [Solo]

Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:11 am

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