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Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) Empty Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:11 am
The sun was out and it was blistering hot in the fire country today, birds were out chirping their beautiful songs, domesticated animals stayed indoors to keep from heat exhaustion but Kin Hayata was not going to let a little heat stop her. Today was the first training day with her and her squad she organized it with a little trouble seeing as how he has trouble talking to people she does not know well but nonetheless organized the entire day. '

Her team consisted of Izo Nara a member of the Nara clan and he had a specialty in Ninjutsu, Mason Uchiha who comes from the Uchiha clan and has really cool Sharingan eyes he is alos skilled in Ninjutsu and their sensei was Mako Sarutobi he was a skilled ninja having already unlocked the sage art at such a young age. Kin was not very confident in her own abilities even though at the age of 12 she already had multiple genjutsu and medical ninjutsu jutsu under her belt.  

Having been sitting there for an hour already waiting for the boys to come Kin had only one thing in mind, her teachers training exercise, he said he was not going to hold back and that troubled the girl beyond belief maybe they can work on a team strategy or something so that they dong go in blind and get hurt.


Last edited by Kin Hayata on Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:42 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Added WC)
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:22 am
Mason strolls along towards the training grounds. "I wonder if i'm totally out classed by my team mates? I hope so, it'll make for some interesting spars." Mason thought to himself. "Why is it so damn hot out? Wasn't it coldish just yesterday?" Mason said in a mumble. He kneaded some wind chakra in his chest and blew out a cold breeze for himself. "Thank goodness I know how to do Wind, and Fire, or else I'd either be to cold or too hot. I guess it's sorta uncommon to see such a young ninja such as myself who already mastered two elements." Mason thought. He continued on his stroll towards the training grounds arriving after about five minutes of walking.

"Hey Kin wassup? Do you have anything you wanna try and learn today? I know I wanna learn something Wind oriented." Mason said smiling. Mason already knew what he was going to try and do today. It was either the Rasengan, or Wind Glaive. Didn't matter either one would be good. Mason activated his one-tomoe sharingan just in case something happened. Mason started to channel his wind chakra through out his body to prepare for whatever he was gonna do.

WC 201
Izo Nara
Izo Nara
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:43 am
Izo is walking to the training grounds to meet his new squad mates for their first training session. After seeing the sage transformation, Izo knows that they will have to cone up with a good strategy in order to best their sensei. Walking along, Izo can not help but notice how hot it is. ‘looks like it’s going to be a scorcher today’ izo thinks to himself. Almost to the training ground, Izo begins to think about what sort of A and B ranked ninjutsu he could learn. He wanted to make sure that what ever they are, they would aid he and his teammates when they face mako sensei during his bell test.

Izo is still unsure of what to learn as he enters the training grounds and spots his teammates. Izo rushes over to greet the two. “good morning guys, sorry I’m a little late. So what’s the plan for the day?” Izo would say to this teammates before taking a moment to catch his breath. “and just how are we going to get those bells away from a sage transformed mako sensei? Izo ask while scratching his head and trying to come up with an answer.

WC 199
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:01 am
Kin watched as both boys gradually joined her on the field. They were rearing to go. "Hey Kin wassup? Do you have anything you wanna try and learn today? I know I wanna learn something Wind oriented." Mason said to her she was about to respond when Izo finally joins the duo. Well I was should..have a group leader. Um someone who calls out like to moves...I can't do it...for obvious reasons but one of you should." Kin looks around to see if one of the boys steps up to the challenge. She actually did not have a jutsu to learn this time around and really called this for the boys sake and to get to know her team a little bit better she already knows an A-rank jutsu and has been working on her first B-rank jutsu she prided herself becasue of it
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:14 am
"I'll be the group leader." Mason said confidently still smiling. "It shouldn't take long for me to catch up with all of you, I need to ask a question Kin, Can you disguise me using your genjutsu? I'm probably the fastest one here and I'm trying to become faster, so if you could disguise me I could grab his bells with out him knowing I'm even there." Mason said trying to come up with a reasonable plan. "I need to grab some supplies for the Rasengan, I'll be back really soon..." Mason said before activating his body flicker.

Mason was looking for a shop that sold water balloons. "How hard is it to find some water balloons?" Mason said slightly pissed off. He tried another shop towards the end of the shopping district. "Balloons" it read. "Yes!" Mason exclaimed. "Do you have about twenty water balloons, and rubber balls?" Mason asked. "Yes there right over there." The store clerk answered pointing towards an isle. "Thanks." Mason said before going over to the isle looking for the balloons. He saw a lot of dog toys, about to give up he found the last pack of water balloons. He picked them up along with a pack of rubber balls. He paid for the balls and body flickered back to the training grounds as fast as he could. Arriving about ten minutes after he left.

"I'm ready to train now." Mason said winded.

WC 240
Izo Nara
Izo Nara
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:13 pm
Izo is relived when mason offers to be leader, as he doesn’t want to worry with calling out moves for the team. “I second masons motion for group leader.” Izo would say with a grin. Hearing that mason planed on learning the rasengan pleased Izo as he wanted to learn it for some time now. Izo watches as mason heads off to get supplies. ‘I wonder what he means by supplies?’ izo would think to him self.

Turning to Kin “ hey if you wanted we could help you learn body flicker. I’m ok at it but mason seems to have it mastered, we could definitely help you if you want! It could come in handy when we take on mako sensei” Izo would than lean up against a nearby tree to try and get some shade from the sun . “I’m still unsure what A rank or my other B rank jutsu will be though. “ izo says as he scratches his chin.

Seeing mason winded Izo ask him “so how do we learn the rasengan? And what did you need the supplies and stuff for?” still leaning against the tree for shade.

Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:39 pm
A sigh leaves Kin's lips as Mason offers to be squad leader. "Thank the lord he decided to be leader I would probably just get them killed." When Mason Flickers out of sight Kin is caught of guard at first but then regains her composer. 

As Izo asks the girl if she would learn Body flicker she had an answer but was too shy to answer him and stood in silence looking down at the dirt her face as red as the apple growing in the tree next to  the field.  Kin waited for Mason to return with his supplies to watch them train that seeemed more interesting then anything she had in mind. 

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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:55 pm
"Let.... me.... catch my breath...... then I'll tell you how." Mason was sometimes to fast for his own good. After a minute of gasping, and sweating from the sun, Mason regained his composure. "To answer your question Izo, what we have to do if your planning on learning with me is we have to practice rotating our chakra in the palms of our hands. When Lord Fourth initially made the Rasengan it was based off of a tailed beast bomb if you know what that is. Originally you were supposed to add your elemental chakra to the Rasengan, for example, I have the wind element, and the fire element. So If I wanted to, I could make three different types of Rasengan's. Fire Style: Rasengan, Wind Style: Rasengan, and finally just the Rasengan. But trying to learn all of those would be too difficult in one session, from the scrolls that I "found" it says to practice swirling your chakra in the palm of your hand it strongly recommends using water balloons, then rubber balls that are hollow on the inside, to get the hang of it before actually trying to do the rasengan." You could probably tell that when he said found he meant borrowed without their knowledge.

Mason still having his sharingan activated, located a small stream about ten meters behind him. He turns and body flickers over there filling the twenty water balloons as fast as he could. Body flickering back, Mason throws a water balloon at Izo. "Think fast." Mason would say after launching the water balloon. "This is an A-ranked jutsu so it might be extremely difficult to actually get the hang of it." Mason places a water balloon in his hand and starts to focus on swirling the chakra at the base of his palm. "Damn it isn't that easy, it also said that placing a tomoe like shape on your hand to focus the chakra into that very spot." Mason not having a pen or marker decides to take it to a new level of dedication. He focuses some fire chakra into his chest, takes a shallow breath and breathes out a shallow fire cone that burns a tomoe like mark into his left palm. "It hurts so bad..... Kin can you do enough medical jutsu to just leave this as a scar?" He starts to feel a searing pain in his hand. "This might not have been the best idea." Mason said out loud without his usual soothing voice.

WC 417 TWC 858
Izo Nara
Izo Nara
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:20 pm
“sure take your time” Izo would say to mason seeing that the heat and humidity might be getting to him.  After mason finishes explaining how the rasengan worked, Izo would step back and scratch his head as he was still a bit confused. Not wanting to be shown up by his teammate, Izo replies “ok let’s do it!”. Seeing mason body flicker toward the stream, Izo follows suit and body flickers with him, appearing in a puff of smoke 3 meters away from mason along the stream. Izo would help mason fill up some of the water balloons.

Izo is finishing up filling his last water balloon when he notices mason body flicker away. Paying no mind Izo finishes tying the knot and gets up to body flicker back over to the group. As he is turning around Izo hears mason yell out “think fast”.  Looking up Izo can see that mason had already thrown a water balloon his way. With little time to react and not wanting to lose the balloons he just filled up,Izo would simply just raise his hand at the last second to shield his face. The water balloon would hit his hand breaking and sending water splashing onto izo. “at least I won’t be hot” Izo says aloud with a smile before securing the water balloons and body flickering back to where the two other ninja are. Izo places the balloons down next to the ones mason had filled up and picks up a red water balloon from the pile. Izo stands to masons left and following masons lead begins to try and focus the chakra in his hands in order to get the water inside the balloon to swirl around.

Izo is having much difficulties getting the water inside of the balloon to move around. ‘why can’t I concentrate’ izo thinks to himself.  Izo looks over at mason and sees that he too is having a hard time. Hearing mason suggest using a tomoe, Izo begins to check his pockets for a pen or something else to write with. Izo is about to ask mason or kin if they have a pen when he sees mason breath fire into his own hand “it hurts so bad” mason would say. Izo shakes his head side to side and says “well what’d you expect you fool!” bursting out into laughter once he knows that mason hasn’t seriously hurt himself.

Seeing that mason did not have anything to write with, Izo decides to use mud. Taking one of the water balloons, Izo pops it onto the ground. Bending over he would use his pointer finger to gather up some mud and applies a simple X to the palm of his left hand.  Standing back up Izo picks up another water balloon getting set to take a second attempt at getting the water inside it to swirl. Before starting Izo would look over to Kin and ask her how’s mason?

Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:39 pm
Watching the two boys body flicker away was intriguing to Kin but not enough to give her any motivation to learn the technique though if she tried enough she would be able to learn it.Watching them return from the stream was interesting seeing how Izo was wet and Mason had an arms full of balloons but rather then say anything she let the two boys carry on and learn this technique. 

Kin was just staring at them while trying to learn this difficult technique which required quite a bit of chakra control she noticed that was what the boys struggled with. Kin grasped that concept a while ago when it came to learning some of her medical ninjutsu. Then an Idea popped into the kunoichi;s mind. She slowly walked over to Mason and began to heal his hand after about two minutes his hand was healed. Though for kin she had an idea. SHe began to perform the hand seals for a medical Jutsu Hare → Ox → Monkey. "Sorry Mason this may hurt a little. Kin's fingers began to glow with red fire as she slams her hand into Mason's abdomen, her chakra started to slowly exit her body and enter his giving him a slight chakra boost. She would then look over to Izo maybe he might want it but he was too busy writing in the dirt until he asks her a question. "He should be fine." She smiles as her fingers are still imprinted into his lower chest. 

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