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Saya Yuka
Saya Yuka
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Saya Yuka's Genin Exam Empty Saya Yuka's Genin Exam

Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:12 pm
Today was the day she waited five years for the day she would finally become a genin. It was a long road but she was ready to embark on this journey she had already planned on becoming a medical ninja like her father and mother. All she needs to do now is break that barrier from academy student to gennin. What she was not ready for was the pressure that the exam puts on the participant. Whatever it maybe Saya was ready for it. She had mastered the transformation jutsu and the clone jutsu over her time in the academy so this should piece of cake right?

It was 8:00 am and the halls of the academy were filled with the younger kids waiting to get to their classes. It smelt somewhat stale one of these brats must of crop dusted. None the less she would hold her head high and find the  the rest of the older students before the exam started. Finally stumbling upon their area on the third floor the hall was filled with students who were anxious. It was appropriate seeing as how since they are all older than the normal age of other academy students they would be held to a higher standard.Th pressure on her built. She needs to pass she must pass.

There was a line leading into the examination room. It was about thirty strong. They seemingly were not following the order of the line seeing as how as a student leaves the testing room the instructor reads off a name from his list. Saya remembers signing up thirteenth on the list in her classroom, If that is any sign then she might as well give up now. You see Saya is very superstitious and the thirteenth number has always been bad luck and evil to her. The hands on the clock moved slower and slower time “A minute really can't be that slow.” As she turned to a student with an exacerbated look. He did not make her gaze, he must still be nervous she just tried to make conversation awkward conversation but conversation still the same.

The door opens and the student walking out is crying. “Oh dear. She must have failed.” That was psychologically destroying Saya. If she couldn’t pass what makes her any different now she just had to wait for culling the moment. “You can do this Saya.” She was convincing herself. “Saya Yuka.” Her name was called and it seems like the world had stopped no one but her the proctor and the clock had any movement, everything had lost color it was like a black and white still..

“Are you coming or not?” The proctor demanded in a slightly more irritated tone. The clock was in fact actually moving she was not. It had been two minutes and she did not move. He was about to call the next anxious student when she bolts up and toward the proctor. “Sorry sir “ Saya rushes into the room she knew she just messed up big time. “ I am sorry I was preparing myself.” She definitely pulled then one out of her but and the proctor could tell it. “Now perform for me your clone jutsu.”

This guy meant business. He gave off a cold vibe he had the exterior of a stone wall. He was a frightening individual who was definitely used for interrogations.”Did I stutter? Begin!” Saya gives an internal scream as he raises his voice to her was he going to kill her she lived such a short life. Ram - Snake - Tiger. Her hand seals were flawless but with all the interruptions she gave this guy she knew she needed to do something to really impress him so she sent her chakra into the area around her on her left side and her right so much smoke would appear around her that the room was flooded she could not see an inch in front of her face.”This is bad really bad.” Unaware of if the clones were good was really getting with her she knew she should have just stuck with one clone.

The smoke finally clears and sitting in the room was none other than the proctor whose intimidating demeanor did not change with the smoke and two perfect clones of Saya. “Oh thank you.” She thought to herself. The procto had a smile on his face it had to have been the first time he saw two clones today. Saya’s natural confidence began to return now it's time for her to show him how great her transformation technique was.  “Very good now on to the last technique. Transformation.” With the real Saya back this would be a breeze. Calling back her clones she gathered up the chakra necessary and did the hand seals Dog → Boar → Ram. In a puff of smoke there stood the proctor he was the only man she could think of at that very moment. She was perfect. “Well Saya Yuka you passed.” She was taken aback by his words. She passed she did it. He handed her her forehead protector and she accepted it with grace. Tying it on her forehead she rushed out of the room and yells “I Passed” at the top of her lungs completely forgetting the hall of anxious students. “Oops Sorry.” She couldn't say it without a grin. She walks down the hallway leaving this stage of life behind her. “Time to become a medical ninja.       

TWC 921
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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Saya Yuka's Genin Exam Empty Re: Saya Yuka's Genin Exam

Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:26 pm

Unorthodox but I'll approve it unless another mod says otherwise <3
Saya Yuka
Saya Yuka
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Saya Yuka's Genin Exam Empty Re: Saya Yuka's Genin Exam

Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:37 pm
So I need a second mod to approve?
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Saya Yuka's Genin Exam Empty Re: Saya Yuka's Genin Exam

Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:57 pm

Nope, i think you can go ahead since you did the wordcount and procedure correctly anyway. Your exam just wasn't proctored like everyone else's but I don't mind that.

So yes, genin status approved. You get 15 stats and a free spec. <3
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