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Suplex City, Bxtch [P] Empty Suplex City, Bxtch [P]

Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:14 pm
And so it was that Xyxer was waiting by his monument. He had recently sent a letter out to someone he wanted to hurt, hurt real bad. He wore a simple short sleeved short currently with shorts, no shoes. His hands were bandaged already, yet not to constrain the fingers or thumbs the freedom of their movement. His back pressed against the base of the monument, he continued to await the male with a relative bloodthirst.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Suplex City, Bxtch [P] Empty Re: Suplex City, Bxtch [P]

Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:42 pm
Haru gripped a letter with summons to the Mizukage monument, the words upon it illiterately strewn across the page in a jumbled pattern that vaguely translated to "Final destination no items fox only" in some tongues. He arrived on the scene wearing a pair of sweats and a cutoff shirt, his hands wrapped up to his elbows. He said nothing, merely whistling to catch the Mizukage's attention to his arrival.
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Suplex City, Bxtch [P] Empty Re: Suplex City, Bxtch [P]

Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:47 pm
Hearing a whistle, Xyxer turned his head towards the male from which the sound originated. Haru.  He somewhat pondered on why he was wearing slacks, that was some confidence right there, although it did only have a marginal impact. Now, as the best thing in fights is to not have a shirt that can be pulled over your head to blind you for a haymaker, or swing you around by, Xyxer simply removed his and discarded it by Samehada. "Ready?" He started to walk towards the male.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Suplex City, Bxtch [P] Empty Re: Suplex City, Bxtch [P]

Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:23 pm
Haru nodded solemnly, raising an eyebrow as Xyxer removed his shirt.
¨...I see. So nudity makes you stronger.¨ He said, removing his own shirt. ¨Ready.¨ He said, his stance becoming broader as he approached Xyxer, waiting for him to make the first move.
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Suplex City, Bxtch [P] Empty Re: Suplex City, Bxtch [P]

Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:31 pm
As they were relatively close now, Xyxer distributed his weight onto his right foot, then moved it back over to the left foot as he did a short jog over to Haru. With a small distance of about half a metre between the two, Xyxer kept his weight on his left foot with his right one pulled back slightly for ground, his left arm extending for a swift jab towards the jaw of the silver haired cunt.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Suplex City, Bxtch [P] Empty Re: Suplex City, Bxtch [P]

Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:49 pm

On a nearby rooftop, there there sat a boy decked in black with stark white hair and crimson eyes. Altar Shinkou, a jounin of Kirigakure, was prepping himself for the battle ahead, a literal pile of snacks and drinks sitting beside him. Grabbing a drink and a cupcake, Altar would press play on the boombox to his right.

As Xyxer neared Haru, Altar would take a break from his delicious food and refreshing beverage to shout to the world his true thoughts on the incoming fight.

Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Suplex City, Bxtch [P] Empty Re: Suplex City, Bxtch [P]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 10:45 am
As Xyxer moved in to strike Haru, Haru would maintain a readied stance, watching as the man began to make his attack. Haru would sidestep the punch just as Xyxer committed to it, ducking down to the right, past Xyxer's range of motion on his left side, before coming back up, using his momentum to deliver a full force haymaker with his left fist to Xyxer's face. This would be a difficult manuver to dodge, due to their positioning, as well as Haru's timing.

In the distance, the villagers of Kirigakure booed and threw garbage at some scrub who was shouting from the rooftops.
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Suplex City, Bxtch [P] Empty Re: Suplex City, Bxtch [P]

Tue May 03, 2016 4:11 pm
Of course, as soon as Haru started to roll under the arm, Xyxer used the jab as it was supposed to be. The safe, distanced movement that can save you. As such, due to the distance they were at currently and with one of his legs already pulled back, he simply pushed off from his forefoot, shifting backwards in a short jog as Haru. A counter attack so early was even more predictable than the starting jab, allowing for an abundance of time to figure out what to do. At this point, Xyxer pondered whether he should just fuck off before being topic locked by this cunt for another month, or whether Haru would change his ways for the better. However, Xyxer did not trust this faggot, and so he just fucked off. "Another time." He stated as he left, praying to the gods that his post was not voided for being partially OOC.

[Exit - Fuck you Haru]
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Suplex City, Bxtch [P] Empty Re: Suplex City, Bxtch [P]

Tue May 03, 2016 4:14 pm
Altar, after matrix dodging all the bullshit people threw at him, continued to watch the fight play out.
But it didn't.

Xyxer just kinda walked away.

And with that, Altar took his leave.

~Exit, +Absolutely nothing~
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Suplex City, Bxtch [P] Empty Re: Suplex City, Bxtch [P]

Tue May 03, 2016 4:20 pm

*Giggles* Kiri boys have all the fun.

Exits approved, be free of locked topics! <3
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