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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe Empty Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Sun May 01, 2016 3:22 am
Gin has made it to the music shop where she perform daily and some “fans” that lover her music come there as well she doesn’t indulge in it but she likes it all the same performing is her strong suit. She loves making music for people and it was time to show her best trick yet. Gin closes her and swiftly opens the activating her genjustu Letting the crowd see the wonderful colors of music and watch as they dance around her this was her favorite part. She starts the tempo with a loud beautiful tune and watch as a plethora of colors flourished around the crowd she was brilliant.
Nobu Sen Katto <3
Nobu Sen Katto <3
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Sun May 01, 2016 3:59 am
(Aki saving the day)
Nobu goes through his now normal routine. He had grown accustomed to this pattern of actions. He would wake up, groggily now as he had learned to fall into a deeper sleep in the safety of the Akari household. With haste he would make his way to the showers, enjoying the water pouring over him before heading out into the dry dessert heat. He grabs a bottle of water and a lizard kabob from the fridge and makes his way into Sunagakure.
Nobu had spent a great deal of time training since he had gotten to Suna. Training alone, training with that Ryu kid, the training seemed to be all he had accomplished. Maybe it was time he took a day to just wander around the village, taking it in. Not at top speed like before, but this time in an attempt to truly enjoy what the village had to offer while not practicing. Finishing the kabob quickly, Nobu passed several food stands. The thought of more food had tempted him, but the kabob was more than what he had used to eat on a daily basis anyhow.
Catching the sounds of what seem like a beautiful melody on the wind, Nobu investigates. Finding a musician captivating the crowd was no surprise, and Nobu makes his way towards the wonderful song, taking in the wonders of its melodies from a distance. Gazing up, Nobu noticed that she had worn a Sand Ninja headband.
So far, he has yet to meet an unfriendly Sand Ninja. Raizuko Akari, Koroshi, Ryu. They were all more than welcoming and made Suna feel more like a home than Nobu had been used to. Even the other Genin he had just met seemed nice. Giichi Aburame seemed pleasant enough, as did Sakaiza Hyuuga. Maybe this was his chance to make yet another friend.

Waiting for the tune to be over, Nobu would approach and compliment the talented young musician.
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Sun May 01, 2016 4:07 am
As Gin finishes her song she gets up and puts the violin in its case she starts to head off a boy gets in front of her and compliments her music. Gin studies the boy he seems as if he were twelve   she smiles at him and she is on her way before saying.

“If you want to hear more come by tomorrow I’m putting on a show.”

She heads for the bridge that leads to the training ground as she walked she strummed her violin entrancing people as she walked by until she finally made it.
Nobu Sen Katto <3
Nobu Sen Katto <3
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Sun May 01, 2016 4:28 am
A show tomorrow, huh? Well, if it is as pleasant as that one was Nobu would enjoy that. Plus, it didn't cost him anything, and without a "source of income" he didn't have money to be spending on pleasantries. What little Ryo Nobu did have was for emergency use only, hence why he hadn't spent it yet.

Nobu watches as the young lady begins her way to the training grounds. That made a lot of sense, for she was a shinobi after all. Maybe she had some interesting techniques that Nobu hadn't seen before. Most of what Nobu knows he learned from either being taught by another or silently watching others in the Training Grounds practicing. Nobu didn't have all of the formal training of a typical ninja, nor did he have access to scrolls to learn the different techniques like others had the luxury of doing. 

Nobu looks thinks to himself, wondering what to do. He could follow this young kunoichi and potentially learn something new, or he could continue to wander about in search of something fun to do. It wasn't very likely that he would find more free entertainment, so Nobu heads to the training grounds and looks around. He sees only a few people sparring and practicing various jutsu that Nobu was either familiar with, or didn't seek to learn. He didn't see any of his "friends" practicing either, and so he decided that maybe the young kunoichi would be as fun to watch on the battlefield as she was earlier playing her violin.

Nobu looks around, spots her, and just watches from a distance. He didn't want to break her concentration if she had been practicing some jutsu or such.
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Sun May 01, 2016 4:40 am
Gin asked another shinobi if he could simply spar with her not noticing the boy from before in the background the shinobi in front of Gin nodded they took a couple steps back and began to fight.  As soon as the battle began Gin whistled a lovely tune hypnotizing her opponent as he was dazed to her sweet song. Gin made the hand signs of Wind release: Wind arrows casting 5 arrows of course Gin didn’t want to harm the boy so she used the arrows to pin him against a tree she stop whistling and the boy woke up confused as to what just happened.

“Thank you for letting me spar with you.” Gin says politely  

Now Gin can’t seem to find a partner to test her skills with though she wasn’t quite strong but not weak either she then noticed the boy from the music shop she smiled and beckoned him to come towards her. She had found somebody but will he fall to her genjustu or will he rise above it. She was excited because she was shy but loved to watch and be in fights and maybe this will be the hardest one she will ever face many thoughts rushed through her she couldn’t wait. She waited for him to make a move.
Nobu Sen Katto <3
Nobu Sen Katto <3
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Sun May 01, 2016 5:42 am
Watching her quickly best her last opponent, Nobu stands confused. Her opponent just stood there and let her defeat him with what appeared to be some sort of wind technique. Nobu wonders why that could be for a moment before approaching the now alone kunoichi who beckons him forth. 

"Hello again. That was quite the display you just put on. I didn't catch your name. I am Nobu Sen Katto, and I am pleased to officially meet you. I am not sure as to how you beat him, but I would love to see it first hand in order to better wrap my head around it."

Once she tells Nobu her name, he will politely ask if she would like to train together. If she accepts, Nobu would widen his stance and ready himself for what would likely be combat.
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Sun May 01, 2016 5:58 am
“Hi my name is Gin Taranaki.”

Gin said with such politeness 

"And as for him just standing there you’ll have to find out for yourself". 

Gin chuckled and accepted his offer to duel for she wanted to train for a new genjustu she was working on she was curious to know what his fighting style was by the looks of it Nobu looked as if he was built for speed and strength but she couldn’t tell all she thought about was what her battle strategy was since she wasn’t the strongest fighter and relied on her genjustu to help her in a fight because sound is the most dangerous genjustu after all.

“So any ground rules you want to set down?”

Gin asked though she loved fighting, she does like a bit of a challenge so she stood there waiting his response.

"Oh yeah is ninjustu allowed as well?”

She tells him with a voice so eager to get the battle ready she has only fought a couple ninjas but she has never seen him around so something new fired her up with a passion to win, and even if she lost she was fine with it all she will gain is a new obstacle to overcome and face a new one.
Nobu Sen Katto <3
Nobu Sen Katto <3
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Mon May 02, 2016 12:32 am
Gin Taranaki, musician and sand kunoichi. All of his past encounters with Sand ninja had made Nobu realize that the village seemed to produce incredibly talented ninja, and he would have to bring forth his best if he wanted to provide a proper challenge.

Nobu stared for a moment, clearly thinking. Ground rules? This was something of a luxury that sparring with another Sand ninja provided, as on the battlefield the only rule is survival of the strongest. It was rise to the challenge or be killed, and Nobu knew this sad reality all too well.  
Shaking these dark thoughts Nobu says with a smile “Hmm. Well I don’t think we should start with too much distance between us. How does, say, ten meters sound? Also, we are just sparring so I don’t think we should use lethal force on one another. Other than that…. Hmm. I don’t like the idea of any other limitations, as I feel it would only stunt growth for both parties. Someone using Taijutsu needs to learn how to face a Ninjutsu user and vice versa.” Nobu, gives a small grin before adding one final note. “Hopefully this will be an adequate learning experience for both of us.” Nobu moves to a position ten meters away as long as Gin had agreed to it.

Once Nobu had thought that they were both ready, he would give a slight nod to Gin to confirm that he was ready. As soon as she signaled back, Nobu would use his speed to his advantage and try to take the initiative. He wasn’t sure what techniques she was capable of, but the ninja who strikes first would be at an advantage. It would both place the other on the defensive along with providing smaller windows of opportunity to produce handseals without worry of an attack.

He would start things off with a high jump kick -known to Taijutsu users as “Dynamic Entry”- hopefully closing the gap and potentially even getting a solid first hit in.

(AP:90/100, Using 10 Ap for "Dynamic Entry")
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Mon May 02, 2016 2:40 am
Gin was ready for absolutly anything since she knew he looked like he was built for speed she knew he going to out speed her and get close she was going to set up a  genjustu Mist servant technique and end strong with a ninjustu. She nodded to him , was going to start her perfect attack to throw him off the only way this could fail is if he had genjustu release 

(AP: 82/100, 10+3 for Mist servant technique and 5 for wind release: wind arrows
Nobu Sen Katto <3
Nobu Sen Katto <3
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Mon May 02, 2016 6:31 am
Nobu had expected Gin to react in a different manner. Maybe he was faster than he had thought? The high kick strikes true, placing a strong kick into the chest of Gin and knocking her back slightly, as he had no intention of causing real harm. Nobu, re-assumes a combat stance before commenting. "You should really keep your guard up, else this training will be over before it really begins."

Letting her readjust and get ready again, Nobu would wait. He didn't wish to press another attack if she wasn't ready, and because of this he leaves a window of opportunity for her to quickly get a jutsu in if she were speedy about it.

(OoC: When in a combat scenario, it is generally a good idea to respond in some way to the opponents attack, either saying you blocked, dodged (if speed allows), etc. Feel free to use and describe your jutsu in the window that Nobu left you to ready yourself)
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