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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe - Page 2 Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Mon May 02, 2016 8:31 pm
Gin was in the middle of a hand sign when she got squared in the chest making her bounce back but not enough to do real damage. Nobu seemed hesitant yo attack again so she went for the attack and pulled out her violin and played it using Mist servant technique and sound adaption which allowed genjustu through sound she smiled as an army of clones grew out of the ground and rocks closing in on Nobu and she as she finished the justu she started with the same tactic as before and did the wind release: wind arrows causing the air around her to form 5 perfectly shaped arrows and the clones were given the arrows as well. 

"should have attacked." Gin smiled because she was just getting started

She threw one arrow and the clones surrounding Nobu threw them as well but were they real or fake. As Gin stood hidden in the army of clones making it hard to find the real Gin in the sea of clones.

(is this okay) (82/100 10+3 for mist and 5 for arrows)
Nobu Sen Katto <3
Nobu Sen Katto <3
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe - Page 2 Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Mon May 02, 2016 9:09 pm
Nobu watches as several clones make their way out of the ground, each looking like an exact replica of Gin. Within moments Nobu was surrounded, worry striking him. Were these clones like the ones he saw with Ryu? If they were, he might have been in serious trouble here. The handsigns looked different though, so Nobu had to wonder. 

Seeing each of the clones now making a wind projectile was also unnerving. Nobu knew that there was no way that he could dodge all of the attacks. There were eleven targets now, one target being the original and ten clones. As quickly as he could, Nobu had to make a decision on how to handle this oncoming attack. Seeing as he ad no chance of dodging all of these attacks, he raised his arms in a defensive fashion and tries his best to avoid what he can. Pretty much every one of them seems to strike him, though he only felt one blade, it managing to slice into his arm. That didn't add up....

Testing his theory even more, Nobu quickly begins to attack the targets. He places a well aimed kick to the neck of one of the clones, it quickly dissipating under the force of the kick. This was definitely not the same technique that Ryu had used. He could feel that clone with each blow, both his own attacks and the shadow clones. No, this had to be something else. Just as Nobu began to process this two more clones formed from where he had taken out the one. This was going to be interesting.

Nobu refocuses. There were now twelve targets, but it seemed as though only one of them was the "real" Gin. Nobu notes where he was positioned prior to attacking the clone and where the blade came from. He might not be able to pinpoint the target, but he might be able to narrow it down a great deal. Nobu readies himself for attack, hoping to not get bested before he has the opportunity to find the truth behind these phantom attacks.

(No AP used this post)
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe - Page 2 Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Mon May 02, 2016 9:26 pm
Gin watched as Nobu realized that they were just mist but as long as he didn't know he was in the genjustu she was safe she decided to attack with one arrow from behind and then one arrow from the front to confuse him of her location she could also try to summon real clones to attack him so that he was even more confused. So she went with that She walked behind a mist clone and then put up the correct justu for two clone technique she gave them both one arrow and Gin grabbed a kunai  to attack Nobu with but she only wanted to slow him down so she aimed for his leg she had told the one clone to strike behind and another to strike from the front as Gin was going to take the side. 

She was going to get ready to strike waiting for Nobu to make a move.

(AP: 76/100 5 for the clone technique)
Nobu Sen Katto <3
Nobu Sen Katto <3
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe - Page 2 Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Tue May 03, 2016 3:13 am
Subtle movements, that is what Nobu had to rely on. The clones seemed to be slowly shuffling around, in hopes to confuse him no doubt. Nobu would keep his focus on where the ones that had seemingly attacked before had gone as they couldn't move fast enough to prevent him from keeping up with them. There were two that he had thought it might be, but he hadn't been sure which it was. One of them moved to the back of Nobu and another moved slightly to the left in front of him. 

Again, attacks were readied and thrown at him. With a slight motion, Nobu manages to avoid the worst of it, the blade gashing his thigh. Nobu knew what they were doing. They were attacking his legs, hoping that it would slow him down. Gin didn't know that all of his past experiences with combat were in similar situations. Pain didn't really slow him down, unless it was near crippling pain. This idea of mind over matter was beaten into him at a young age. This time the attack was from the front. Just as he had suspected, he watched the one he thought it might be and followed it's movements. Within moments another volley of attacks were launched at him, and again as he suspected the one he followed with his eyes was the culprit who managed to slice into his calf. This one caused a fairly deep gash, and Nobu winces a bit as it cuts through his skin like paper.

Then, just as he wanted to wait one more time to completely confirm his suspicions, two more clones seemingly appeared out of nowhere near the one he thought is was the real Gin. That was all the confirmation he needed. He wasn't going to wait for another volley of attacks that might end up drawing this fight to an early end. Watching the one he suspected move to his side, now was his time to strike!

Nobu would rapidly build speed with another jump kick (Dynamic Entry) to the one he thought that might be the real target. If that were an illusory copy, he would ignore the two that would soon form from its remains and spinning on his heel for a spinning heel kick to another target nearby. It was unlikely that there were too many false copies in the immediate area, maybe two or three depending on formation. If for some reason this was also a clone, Nobu would follow up with a spinning low kick (Leaf Gale) to the remaining target in hopes to get a solid strike in on what he had expected to be the real target. 

If for some reason he had targeted the correct one before striking the last, he would follow the same pattern of attacks, instead just chaining them together in a series of combination blows. 

[AP:70/100; 10 for Dynamic Entry, and 10 for Leaf Gale]
(OoC: Don't forget that each Wind Arrow you make is 5 AP and you have a 5 AP upkeep cost on your Genjutsu, along with the cost of the clone jutsu. You are burning through AP pretty quickly :shock: )
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe - Page 2 Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Tue May 03, 2016 3:37 am
Gin started getting tired because she was using a lot of energy she decided to do one last trick but at this time Nobu  had used a taijustu on a part of the clones which was right near the area Gin was at if she stood to the left she would have been hit so all the clones that Nobu had hit spawned two more mist clones and adding to the clones and making the group bigger so she came up with a plan to start running  and same with the clones but before she had done that she gave kunai to the clones so they have weapons as for the mist servants had created their own they all were going to rush at Nobu then she will cancel the mist justu leaving just the clones and Gin to attack. The clones were running in a circle around Nobu and then they all rushed at him but before they could strike all of the mist servants fade and the three clones are left to strike Nobu from the side and front Gin slides on the floor to hit the legs and one clone jumps to get an attack from the top as the third just went to strike

(Ap 71/100)
Nobu Sen Katto <3
Nobu Sen Katto <3
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe - Page 2 Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Wed May 04, 2016 7:14 am
"I missed, darn!" Nobu mutters under his breath as his strikes dissipate through the illusory copies. He had thought that he had them, but he must have missed something small that his eyes just didn't catch. Maybe what he had though was a clone was the real target after all. 

Just then, Gins Mist servant tech would vanish and three targets would all still be rushing Nobu. Were they Shadow Clones? If so, Nobu might be in some real trouble. Just as worry struck him the clones seemed to fade right through him. FAKES! Just then Nobu is attacked from low, that one being the real target. His mistake was going to cost him some pain, but then Nobu did something he wasn't fond of doing. He relied on a Ninjutsu to get him out of the situation, the Substitution Technique. He didn't like having to use something other than his sheer Taijutsu abilities, but it couldn't be helped. Rapidly making the Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake handseals, used a nearby rock to substitute, the kunai seemingly stabbing into Nobu before he vanished, hitting safely hitting the rock instead of Nobu. "Phew, that was really close!" He would exclaim before readying another round of attacks. There was only one target this time and he would try and capitalize on it.

Nobu begins mustering up his chakra, it flowing into his right arm. It starts to glow under the amount of chakra being built up inside. Nobu let's out a loud groan as he forces his weakening body to perform despite his wounds. Nobu was definitely feeling it, and knew that he would likely need to get these cuts cleaned out and healed up by a medical shinobi after this mock combat training was over. Digging even deeper down he forces ever more chakra into the growing pool that he was storing in his arm. Finally, he would rapidly dash forwards bringing all of his weight and every once of built up chakra from his arm into an incredibly powerful clothesline style move- the Lariat.

This Taijutsu was a fairly advanced technique that Nobu has seemingly discovered on his own. He didn't create the jutsu, but he didn't learn it from seeing anyone else use it either. As far as he knew it was his technique, something original. Nobu would be surprised if he saw another use it, but he would have to learn the truth sometime. 

The Lariat came in like a runaway train, Nobu moving with speed and purpose (Power 51, Speed 51). Nobu didn't have much area to clear and was going at an incredible speed. Just as he would have swung his arm and taken the young kunoichi's head off he stops right before impact, hopping back a meter or so and taking a deep breath.

"Sorry about that, almost turned back into my old self!" Nobu would say with an odd smile while scratching the back of his head. He really didn't want to cause any harm to the girl. "I guess I just forgot what exactly was going on for a moment there. I apologize for trying to use such an ability while we were sparring. If it had connected I am unsure what might have happened for sure, but no good would have come of it." 

Nobu give a slight bow to the young kunoichi. "You have quite the talent, almost as skilled ont he battlefield as you are with an instrument. Keep up your training and you will be quiet a force to be reckoned!" Grinning from ear to ear, one could easily tell that Nobu had thoroughly enjoyed himself and this training. "I am very glad I got the opportunity to meet you, and also to see such an impressive technique firsthand. Thank you Gin Taranaki, for you have helped me develop my skills."

Turning around to head back into town, Nobu stops and realizes something that he had forgot to say. "Oh, and you said that you will be playing a show tomorrow? Maybe I'll have to go check that out." Turning back around and giving an overhead wave, Nobu says loudly, "Until our next encounter!"

(Exit Thread)
Claiming Rewards: 
2727/3000 for Lariat (Ris said this was okay)
13 Stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe - Page 2 Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Wed May 04, 2016 8:06 am

Approved @ Nobu <3
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe - Page 2 Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Wed May 04, 2016 9:51 pm
Gin was confused because he was right here but she knew something like this was going to happen so she readied her violin but before she could play Nobu dashed at her with the speed of light and she saw his punch coming her face was in pure shock because she realized she had lost but just before he could hit her memories of her family flashed for a moment and then his fist stopped in front of her face. She dropped her violin and tears formed in her eyes because she got to see her mother and father for a brief second she snapped back to reality and wiped the tears from her eyes as Nobu was leaving the training area saying he would come see her shows she smiled she was so happy she met Nobu and realized his great power that he hides behind that smile of his she was just so happy she picked up her violin and waved good bye and left.

(Exit, WP: 170)
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Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe - Page 2 Empty Re: Nobu, A New Friend Or Foe

Wed May 04, 2016 9:55 pm
Ok, approving exit.
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