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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Put up your rock Fist [P, NK] Empty Put up your rock Fist [P, NK]

Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:24 pm
Miyamoto had been studying about how to use certain earth Jutsu throughout the week, he came across one in particular that he wanted to learn as soon as possible. The Rock Fist Technique as it was named, seemingly posed the most utility.  The ability to block incoming projectiles, or to shield him from harmful effects from other jutsu, and of course the offensive capability of the technique was exactly what Miyamoto was looking to round out his current usage of chakra. 

He suited up for the day, dressed in a simple green tunic and brown pants with black hiking boots as he stepped up to his window.  He left a note to his mother that he was off to go and train at the training grounds and would be back once he was able to use or master the jutsu.  He leapt from the window as he took off at a speed of 10 towards the training ground, he would arrive shortly after most shinobi would be finishing their morning exercises.

He wasted no time as he read that he had to train his body to be able to carry the weight of the hardened rock encasing his arms, so he started his day with one hundred pushups, one hundred sit-ups, and ten laps around the training grounds keeping a constant speed of 8 the entire time to ensure that he worked up a sweat.  He began to think about the Jutsu, breaking it down in his mind.  In order for the Jutsu to work his body to be in top shape he would have to work hard just like with everything that he learned so his body could withstand the strain.  He had already gone through numerous monumental changes so that he could control and re-route his chakra to different areas of the body.  He finished his warm up as it became early afternoon, the wind was picking up...perhaps a storm was on the horizon.

He walked over to a training dummy and began to practice forms now, martial arts was a great way to build up his arm and leg strength so he could hold his own.  He noticed two rocks on the ground before the dummy, which was weird, but not too out of place for the training grounds.   So Miyamoto picked up the stones and continued to work his martial arts, the stones causing his hands to begin to bruise, though the process became slower, Miyamoto had a purpose for this, it was to get used to the stones, because apparently they were key to being able to access the Jutsu.

[WC:435/3000-Rock Fist jutsu]
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Put up your rock Fist [P, NK] Empty Re: Put up your rock Fist [P, NK]

Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:08 pm
The air around him was filled with the sounds of training from across the area.  It seemed that other Genin and Academy Students, as well as the other ranks of shinobi of Hoshikagure were beginning to show up for afternoon practice.  Miyamoto stopped hitting the training dummy and he rocks in each of his front pockets, every move was beginning to be precise so that he did not use any excess energy.  It soon became apparent that he had injured his hands during the training, so Miyamoto brought his hands up and could see his fingers and palms were scratched, punctured, and bruising already.  Most of the blood though had already became crusty, no real open wounds, just upper tissue damage enough to cause him some slight discomfort.  He realized too late that he had forgotten to bring some bandages so he improvised.  He tore off the sleeves of his tunic and fashioned two wraps that managed to cover his hands and most of his forearms.  Miyamoto made sure that the wraps would stay on as he tested them out just shadow boxing for a few minutes so that he could see how the cloth would settle.  After noticing that the cloth seemed to just get a bit tighter he was happy with his work as he pulled the rocks back out again looked at them.  

"I think it is time to put in some work trying to cultivate the use of the jutsu now."

He said as the wind blew through his hair, Miyamoto quickly found some shade from the sun under a large oak tree as he sat in a meditative stance so he could make the most of his chakra points and his mind.  Miyamoto already knew that he was not completely ready for the  Jutsu yet, but that was ok, first he needed to just try.

"Practice does indeed make perfect as I am told."

He said to himself as he retrieved the two stones from his pockets and sat with them in his hands he began to think back on the hand signs as well as moving his chakra to his arms so that the energy flow was constant and strong.  The hand signs; Ram, Dog, Rat, Snake, Tiger.  Miyamoto performed the hand signs while holding onto the stones as he began to notice that the stones were reacting to the chakra, his hands became a bit heavy as the stone began to encase his palms slowly.  He sighed as he felt the chakra move from his arms to the stones in his palms, he began to move his fingers as they felt almost chalky as the stone was grinding against was oddly satisfying as he smiled with his eyes still closed.  He then clapped his hands together with a strength of 11 as they met in the middle, the stone began to crack and crumble as he felt bits and pieces hit his boots and lap.  He was beginning to understand the use of the Jutsu...but only just and there was still so much more to learn if he wanted this to be his go to Jutsu in combat.

[WC: 526/961/3000 for Rock Fist Technique]
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Put up your rock Fist [P, NK] Empty Re: Put up your rock Fist [P, NK]

Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:17 pm
After a few minutes of looking over the transformation of the rock and his hands Miyamoto clapped his hands together as he watched the rocky crust crumble to dust into his lap.  He just smiled as all that was left were a few flaked pieces of earth.  He quickly dusted off the wraps ans he looked up and around the area, and he noticed that he did not recognize any of the shinobi in the area.  He sighed quietly and under his breath he could not help but mutter.

"Not even Shiro has shown up since I met him our first encounter my first day here."

He knew that it could not be helped, but he already missed talking and meeting the shinobi of the village.  In time though they would all come to know his name...After all, he would be the one to raise Amekagure back to a time that his mother had only been able to tell him about. He wiped the thought from his mind, for now was not the time for such thoughts, now was the time for training.  He scanned the area around him for a big sturdy rock, and of course he soon happened upon a boulder that stood in place, rocks strewn all around it without rhyme or reason.  He walked up to the boulder as he again picked up two rocks and he used the rest of the tunic he had torn as a way to secure the rocks in his palms as he brought up his fists and began to hit the rock with a force of 3 so he would not break his own arms as he trained himself.

Miyamoto kept hitting the boulder as the afternoon sun began to fall into the evening sky, his hands were sore, he knew he was bleeding but he kept on training...this boulder would soon be dust by the time he knew how to use the jutsu.  He stopped for a moment as he focused the chakra into his hands again before performing the hand signs; Ram, Dog, Rat, Snake Tiger once more as the stones in his hand began to envelop up to his wrist as he began to hit the rock again, this time at a strength of 6 as he noticed that the Jutsu was starting to take effect as he would chip off pieces of the boulder.  He noticed as well, although not immediately that the rock covering his hand was peeling and breaking off all too quickly. 

He soon managed to strike the boulder with a cracked section of his hand and managed to cut through the bandage and into his hand.  The wound was not massive, though it would probably need more care than what he knew.  He reeled back in anger and pain as it was as if he had broken at least his ring finger and the second knuckle associated with it.


He roared out in frustration.

"This Jutsu should not be this hard to learn...why is it like I am so far behind everyone else."

His tone began to grow calm as he ended the last bit of his rant, if it could even be called so.  Miyamoto was mad, and that feeling of anger was not a feeling he often had...It brought back old memories of home, of living as a refugee, and it brought back the confusing feeling as if molten lava was coursing through his veins.  He could not think straight, and the evening was soon approaching night...he knew that today was not the day for him to learn how to use the Rock Fist Technique.  

Defeated, the young boy shinobi returned home where everyone was already eating supper.  As Miyamoto walked through the back yard, he was able to see that his family had gathered...he did not want them to see the shame and look of defeat in his eyes, he performed the hand sign for Body Flicker as he instantaneously crossed the yard and up to his still open window.  He quickly unwrapped and threw away the bandages before going to take a hot shower.  He washed the dirt and blood off his body and hands, and afterwards he managed to bandage them up so that it looked more like a emulation of style rather than bandages of an injured fool.  He joined his family downstairs for supper where he feigned a smile and ate and pretended to have fun with his family for a few hours.  He went upstairs where he retired to his bedroom soon after, his mother had wished him a good nights rest as usual, but gave him his space...she knew that he was having a bad day and that he would soon get over it...he only seemed to get like this if he could not accomplish something on his first try...he would understand soon.

Morning came early as Miyamoto awoke to resume his training at dawn, he re-wrapped the bandages, clothed himself in something comfortable, and tied his headband on his head was going to be the day.  Today he would learn to use the Rock Fist Technique as if he were a seasoned veteran.  He walked downstairs and was met by his mother who had already packed a lunch for him, with a sweet rice ball for breakfast she bent down to Miyamoto as she handed it all to him.

"Remember to take it easy sometimes, you will understand what you set out to have all the time in the world."  

She said with a smile before giving him a small hug then she stoodf up and opened the back door so Miyamoto could run off to train. 

Miyamoto blushed and then smiled, he knew that he could learn the move, he was just having a bad day, all shinobi do every once in a while.  He stepped outside and with a few hand signs he Body Flickered out of his mothers sight.  

He soon arrived to the training grounds where already numerous shinobi were working on their form and techniques.  It did not take Miyamoto long to find the boulder from the previous day, and as it was left yesterday...chips, blood and all...waiting just for him.

[WC: 1,036/1,997/3000 for Rock Fist Technique]
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Put up your rock Fist [P, NK] Empty Re: Put up your rock Fist [P, NK]

Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:58 pm
Miyamoto stared at the boulder for what seemed like hours to him.  In his head he knew that he would overcome the hurdle that was placed before him so that he could become stronger both as a shinobi, and as a boy transitioning to a man.  Yet he could not understand why his body was shaking, it was as if he were scared...or perhaps even excited at the challenge before him.  It did not matter though now, it was time to put up or shut up.  

"Better warm up first...never any fun to try and work out with cramped tight muscles."

He said to himself as he began his daily pre-training workout; one hundred push ups, one hundred sit ups, and  a ten mile run around the village.  By the time he had finished the run, it was just beginning to become morning as he had a good sweat built up, and his arms felt the burn, but today he would do it no matter what.  He picked up two stones again as he focused chakra up his arms evenly he would perform the hand signs in quick order, keeping his eyes focused on the rock the entire time, he felt a noticeable change in the weight of his arms.  He began to perform his martial arts forms, making sure that his arms and legs were worked at a speed of 5 and a strength of 3 as he had to be able to use these moves on a moments notice there was not a margin of error.  Stone stare as he focused only on keeping his chakra steady and keeping a strong enough grasp of the Jutsu so he would be able to move freely without the worry of hurting himself were his top priorities.

He kept up his martial art forms until the jutsu seemed to wear off of him.  He did manage to catch that the jutsu seemed to encase up midway to his elbow and was thick.  However, it seemed that either Miyamoto was getting stronger physically or that the Jutsu once learned allowed you to move with your same strength and speed.  He made a quick mental note of this and would be sure to ask Snow or another shinobi that knew about the move later.  He brushed himself off as he looked up into the sky, noticing that the sun was high probably meant that it was around noon, so he took a break under the same tree as yesterday as he opened the lunch his mother had made for him, inside was his favorite, barbequed pork ribs.  Miyamoto licked his lips as he dug into the meat without hesitation.  It would take him three minutes to devour the meal, and afterwards he took a small break so that he could regain his stamina and chakra back for his final push.  He heard that it was possible to make the jutsu last longer and with enough workable earth, it could encase his arms up to his elbow.

"Man...I cannot wait to get a hold on this jutsu."

He said with a smile thinking about the use he could get out of a technique like that.  After about an hour or so he stood up refreshed and ready to finish out his training.  He returned to the rock and picked up yet another two stones.  He noticed the boulder had dwindled in size thanks to his unrelenting assault on it and it was not over just yet.  He performed the hand signs again with a bit more confidence and chakra behind it as he felt his arms become encased in earth.  As it hardened around his forearms he could tell this time the technique was stronger...he was beginning to need less chakra to activate the jutsu as well which was nice.  

"Here we go again!"

He would proclaim as he would begin to beat on the boulder hard with a strength of 9 as he could feel the earth around his hands begin to fracture a bit, he would pump more chakra into his fists to promote further growth and shaping of the usable earth that enclosed his arms now.  HE pushed himself now as he increased his speed of punching to 10 as he was jabbing and hooking the boulder as a skilled boxer would a punching bag.  The Jutsu was holding out quite nicely as he managed to punch away 1/4th of the boulder.  He sighed quietly to himself as he dropped the jutsu for a breather.

All around him the dust was settling as there were a few shinobi his age watching him, wondering if he was crazy or not.  Miyamoto just waved, before picking up two larger portions of fallen rock and he placed them in front of him.  He performed the hand signs one final time as he put his all into the jutsu.  Afterwards he slammed his fists into the rock as they enclosed around his arms up to the elbow as he picked himself back up he noticed the form that they took was simillar to how he saw the jutsu being performed in the book.  They appeared more like gauntlets of a superhero costume than as sleeves.  Regardless Miyamoto smiled before looking back up at the boulder.

"This is it...the final push..."

He began to box the boulder again throwing his punches more precise and short as he chipped away large sections of the boulder as it quickly dwindled down to just a fraction of its former size as Miyamoto continued, he struck at the boulder till theere was nothing left to strike at anymore.  The boulder was gone, and as the dust settled...he saw that he still retained the same form of the jutsu that he had when he began to use it after getting the hang of it.  HE was pleasantly surprised, and as anyone who was around him would see...he jumped up in the air like a crazed man.  

"I cannot wait to show everybody my new moves..."

He said as he dropped the jutsu and picked up his empty lunch box.  He was heading home.

[WC:1,023/3,020/3000 for Rock Fist Technique]
[15 Stats.  Rock Fist Technique]
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Put up your rock Fist [P, NK] Empty Re: Put up your rock Fist [P, NK]

Thu Aug 11, 2016 12:17 am

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