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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Sages of Different Paths Empty Sages of Different Paths

Sat Aug 13, 2016 1:32 am
Kyousuke arrived at the academy as quickly as possible, he had been summoned by the kage. So without delay the ninja threw on his jounin jacket, zipped it up before putting on a pair of pants and shoes. There was no stopping from the time he left his house until he arrived at the doors of the academy. Likely a room was reserved for the Hoshikage, so that he could conduct business.

As the jounin opened the door, he attempted to sense a mass of chakra that would indicate the kage. He would move casually towards the energy, upon getting close to him or a door he would knock. It would be impolite to just enter. Once invited in or was told to step forward he would enter the room placing his hand behind his head. “Sorry, I am late lord Denkiteki.”

He stood in attention after those words, maybe he was about to get assigned a special task or visit Akihana who was seeing to the queen. Surely, the ninja had to ask about it. Maybe he could inform Shina later if he wasn’t too busy. The main focus for now was doing whatever the Hoshikage asked of him.

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Sages of Different Paths Empty Re: Sages of Different Paths

Sat Aug 13, 2016 5:45 pm
(Original Post was accidentally deleted v.v )

"You can enter." Den would be standing near the window on the other side of a 10 by 10 (meter) room when Kyousuke entered. He'd been looking out it while he had been waiting for the Jounin. He'd listen to Kyousuke apologize for being late as he turned to face him, his expression solemn as usual.

"There's no need to apologize. The reason I sent for you is because I noticed in your files that you possess a very unique bloodline. I wanted to know... are you able to control it fully? I know that sometimes nature energy, when absorbed in the way your clan is able to, can have adverse effects on a persons mental state." Den wanted to get right to the point. This wasn't the first time he'd encountered this bloodline, he recalled one of his subordinates from Tengakure had been attacked by another who had possessed Sage transformation, a boy Den hadn't thought to be violent at all. He wanted to be sure something like that wouldn't happen in Hoshigakure.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Sages of Different Paths Empty Re: Sages of Different Paths

Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:38 pm
There is a clan with this ability? Kyousuke wanted to ask, but Denkiteki had asked a question first. It wasn’t something the ninja liked to talk about in casual conversation, but he wouldn’t avoid an answer or lie. “Control comes and goes, I’ve learned how to control it more recently. But, on my last mission it got the better of me.” The jounin would never deny that he was dangerous to others. If Denkiteki needed to have Kyousuke watched it would be understandable, at the moment there were questions that the jounin had as well.

“There are others with this ability? I would think there are few, as I have never encountered anyone able to take in nature energy.” Maybe the Hoshikage had more answers to questions if he had encountered something similar, he certainly seemed to know much about nature energy and the way it can sometimes overflow. What puzzled Kyousuke though was the phrase “Absorbed in the way your clan…” Were there other less debilitating methods?

The jounin didn’t ask any further questions as it was Den that wanted to talk, it would be rude to continue asking questions if the village leader had more. Kyousuke waited patiently until another question was asked and he would answer it earnestly.

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Sages of Different Paths Empty Re: Sages of Different Paths

Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:35 pm
From the sound of it it seemed that Kyousuke at least had enough mastery over the bloodline to stop himself from going into a rampage without provocation like the younger sage transformation user Den had met. But if there was still a chance he might attack allies on a mission or during a village attack he was putting anyone he worked with at risk. Den would have to find a way to help him learn to control the energy his body absorbed better, a daunting task considering there was still so much Den himself was trying to learn about Nature Energy.

Den wasn't to surprised to hear that Kyousuke wasn't aware that others had possessed this ability, in his travels he'd only met 2 who had it now and they didn't seem to possess any sort of clan affiliation. Until now Den hadn't been entirely sure whether or not there was any clan that had formed around the bloodline, but now he knew there wasn't one.

"I've met one other, in a village that once existed far to the east. I also acquired a similiar ability when I was a child, my body absorbs nature energy as well but the transformation I undergo seems to be different from the one that boy had. I think your bloodline is the same as his, especially now that you've told me you've lost control of yourself before... He had trouble controlling himself as well, there were even a few incidents within the village of him attacking other shinobi."" Denkiteki decided against mentioning that the ability he had gained in his youth had since been amplified with sage transformation dna, it made people uncomfortable to find he had acquired their bloodlines. He suspected they normally came to the conclusion Den had killed someone with the bloodline to gain the ability despite that not being the case.

"Can you tell me more about this incident where you lost control?" Den would motion to two chairs that were in the room, with a small desk resting between them. Den would have invited Kyousuke to his office in the university but the building was getting repainted, a couple of nobles had visited recently and had found Den had done little to 'spruce up the place' and had hired a number of laborers to fix the place up.

The desk would be mostly bare except for a single closed folder that seemed to possess quite a number of documents inside. If Kyuosuke started walking towards a chair Den would move to take a seat as well.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Sages of Different Paths Empty Re: Sages of Different Paths

Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:51 pm
It was nice and unsettling to know there were others out there who lost control from time to time due to their unique physiologies. Kyousuke could relate to the person who Den was talking about, although the jounin had yet to lose control and hurt a comrade in the process. Although, the jounin was older than the boy likely was and came to terms with his own inner demons.

Kyousuke made his way to the table to sit after being directed.

The kage seemed to want to know about the loss of control, the jounin would have asked which time if it wasn’t obviously meaning the most recent. “Me and Shiroi were on an escort mission, we were attacked by a group of missing ninja.” He paused remembering that what came next was death and the act of eating a person using a spike like a straw to absorb him. “When I lost control I… Umm.. Absorbed a person into my body.” There would surely be questions about that, but he continued with the story.

“After that I killed two of their forces, I could see and feel everything. So, as I went for a third I stabbed myself in the leg and regained control. When I told myself not to harm my allies my body seemed to follow, I kept their chakra signatures in my mind as I fought for control.”

He clasped his hands together knowing what had happened to those people was his fault, he should have had more control. The will to say no, the power to stop himself. That wasn’t the case however and the absorption of the man while horrifying had odd factors involved. “After I absorbed the man I grew about three feet and could heal at a rapid rate. My stamina also returned much more quickly than usual, it felt like I was absorbing more nature energy and even felt stronger.”

WC: 319
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Sages of Different Paths Empty Re: Sages of Different Paths

Sun Aug 14, 2016 1:14 pm
Den sat silently through Kyousuke's story, taking note of everything he said. Kyousuke's abilities had definitely developed beyond that of Daniel's, and it seemed that he also possessed an absorption ability similiar to Denkiteki's. So his theory that the ability had developed from the sage transformation bloodline was correct after all, he had doubts after experiencing Kozai's absorption technique. Kyousuke's ability was still somewhat different from Denkiteki's from the sound of it.

Denkiteki was starting to get the notion that by learning more about this man's abilities he could better deduce what mutations were being caused by the sage transformation genes in his own body. Sometimes it was hard to determine if a mutation was caused by those genes, the ones that had been changed by the Snake Sages, or some mix of the two. If he could better identify what caused the mutations he would have an easier time keeping them under control.

That was something he could discuss with Kyousuke later though, for now they had to find a way to ensure he didn't lose control and hurt any of his allies. From his report it seemed like he was at least able to direct his rage at the missing ninja that attacked his team rather, but he still hadn't been entirely clear as to what had caused him to lose control.

"So did you lose control as soon as the attack began or did something during the battle trigger you to go into a rage?" Den had other questions for Kyousuke as well but this was the important one, he had to determine what exactly could cause Kyousuke to go into a rage. From the sound of it he was only at risk of losing control in combat but Den wanted to know if that would be a common occurrence on the battlefield or not.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Sages of Different Paths Empty Re: Sages of Different Paths

Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:43 pm
“No, lord Denkiteki. When the battle first started I was okay.” He then tried to remember exactly how he felt during each part of the battle. “I was using my wings to protect our charges, but the missing ninja had a large group and came forward. There were three or four, as the moved I tried my best to defend. At one point I made a spike without thinking about it and stabbed one of the people in the shoulder.”

He indicated a space around his arm where the spike had come from. “I knew it was odd when it happened, so after that I told Shiroi to get Samantha and Steve away from me. I just kept feeling like I couldn’t protect them all and needed something more.” That is how all evil starts isn’t it. A pure feeling becomes defiled and in turn is corrupted. Kyousuke didn’t want to become corrupted anymore.

“After that I lost control and started hurting people.” The regret in his voice was evident, there were glimmers of hope from that day though. He regained control and no one was hurt that he was supposed to protect. If he were to hurt people he was supposed to protect Kyousuke would have walked into a prison willingly long ago. He raised his head there were still questions the jounin had, but he kept them silent. Letting them buzz around in his head, waiting for a moment to ask them.     

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Sages of Different Paths Empty Re: Sages of Different Paths

Wed Aug 17, 2016 4:29 am
These were the details Den had sought after. So Kyousuke had allowed himself to lose control in order to become more powerful, he’d felt like he couldn’t protect those under his charge without doing so. Den noticed the regret in Kyousuke’s voice when he talked about hurting the assailants but chose not to address it. Den didn’t think the Jounin would find the Hogokage’s opinion on the incident comforting nor did he want to lie to the man about it.

“Well it would seem you have two options. Either you need to become capable enough that you don’t need to rely on this power you gain when you lose control or we have to find a way to allow you to retain control even while accessing it. I’d be willing to assist you in either endeavor, I’ll admit I’m not skilled with Taijutsu but I do know a lot about Ninjutsu and the medical arts. If you’d rather not rely on your bloodlines power I could help you learn techniques that could keep your comrades safe. If you want to try and mater your bloodline however I do know a few things about Nature Energy and its effect on the body.” Den didn’t elaborate as to how he could assist Kyousuke with training his bloodline just yet. Within his ‘inner world’ however Den addressed Kokou and asked the beast to start gathering nature energy for him incase Kyousuke did wish to go down this route.

Den wasn’t entirely sure if they’d be able to find a way for Kyousuke to fully control his abilities if he did want to attempt it, but Den would at least have a clearer understanding of what Kyousuke’s limits were if they did. From his report it seemed like Kyousuke wasn’t a threat to his comrades but the Hogokage would prefer to be sure.

1 Nature Energy stack stored in Kokou
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Sages of Different Paths Empty Re: Sages of Different Paths

Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:15 am
Den had thought of two ways that he could help Kyousuke, the jounin never thought that he would at last learn something to control his affliction. One of the options seemed to focus on powering up Kyousuke, so that the transformations would occur less frequently. An option that Kyousuke considered briefly. It wasn’t an awful idea, but ignoring a problem never solves it. In this case if he were to get stronger and then go berserk it would be much worse for everyone. Besides that, ignoring a piece of himself wouldn’t be good, whether good or bad it was a part of him.

“I would like to learn how to control myself, but I would also like to learn to heal and defend my allies.” Kyousuke wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to learn from the villages strongest ninja. The lord of snakes seemed to know a great deal on his condition including having something similar. He said he had obtained a similar ability at a young age. It was worth learning about nature energy and seeing how it could better be used for the village.

There were things about his bloodline that Kyousuke would like to discuss, maybe Denkiteki was aware already. “I am also trained in medical jutsu, my main focus has been on studying myself. I have found a strange compound which alters my cells form, within my own body. It exists in a liquid state usually and is normally found when a new protrusion erupts.” Maybe he didn’t know and the jounin sounded insane, but with his vast knowledge base he was likely already aware.

There was one question lingering in the jounin’s mind before the training started. Are we going to try and do all this around the academy? What if I hurt someone? Kyousuke calmed with the Hogokage still present, of course they wouldn’t be doing anything dangerous here.

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Sages of Different Paths Empty Re: Sages of Different Paths

Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:37 am
It seemed that both of them had been driven to study medical ninjutsu for the same reason. Den had always had an interest in being a medical ninja but hadn't began his training in the field until after the snakes had altered his body.

"The compound seems to react to nature energy, though I'm not entirely sure if the compound itself has anything to do with your ability to draw that energy in. When I met the other person who possessed your bloodline I wasn't as knowledgeable about nature energy as I am now. If you'd allow me I would like to test if the compound is effected by nature energy that isn't absorbed via your bloodline, or if your bloodline actually filters Nature Energy a certain way and that is what causes the transformation." Denkiteki himself wasn't sure, as when he had learned Sage Mode it had been very difficult at first to use nature energy he absorbed passively from his body modifications to activate the ability and he had yet to find a way to use nature energy he absorbed via meditation to activate any sort of transformation. If the bloodline didn't filter nature energy a certain way however that meant Kyousuke was possibility vulnerable to a Sage. If they discovered how his transformation worked there was a possibility they could put him into a rage by overflowing his body with nature energy.

"If the nature energy does effect you then perhaps we can use this as a method to help you train your bloodline, have you lost control of yourself due to an overflow of nature energy at any point recently or do you only lose control when you feel the need to access more power?"

While the two talked Kokou continued to meditate.

2 Nature Energy stacks stored in Kokou.
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