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Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Ryo : 500

When Strangers cross paths (P, IO) Empty When Strangers cross paths (P, IO)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 3:01 am
Daniel sat inside a clay hut, the winds cascading down into the valley that holds the Sunagakure. The Orange and yellow light coming from inside pushed into the open street the two doors swinging back and forth much like a old saloon. Inside a wall reaching up 5 feet made a stand that connected wall to wall. The whole inside was a pearl white, smooth and shined to a finish. On the stand at both ends had three bone katanas crafted by hand. On the bottom rack was a kunai crafted to appear like dead tree roots twisting together up to make the handle and up the start of the blade it looked like sand lifting out of the trees then pulled up into a smooth Sharp blade. The other blades had different symbols and artistic creation to them. Daniel sat in a chair lifted to be over the table only hiding his knees but one would notice the chair moving across the bone freely and going up and down without Daniel touching it. 

On the table was a white dust. Daniel has been studying the genetics of the kaguya breaking down the bone to its smallest details. Reaching medical books about "Osteo" meaning "Bone" digging deeper he broke through and began manipulating osteoids, osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Basic molecules needles to create and maintain bone. By using his chakra he has been able to advance the production of all three and can create raw bone from outside of his body and inside his body as well. It's quite amazing how The Skeletal body of a Human can become such a lethal and amazing organism. 

"Hmmm... But how far can this go how deep can these molecules be manipulated" He asked himself. 

The dust lifted off the table as he held his hand over the dust. He was still unable to use the things he learned in battle. But slowly he is learning more and more the dust spiraled into three separate veins. The rest of the sand filled in the gaps and the bone from bottom to top created a bone statue of the Kazekage and as it solidifies he twirled it with his finger. "I need to get stronger. If I am to push the Kaguya to a new generation I have to get stronger.... But how?"

Like Jack Skelington he tampered and forced creation. But still it wasn't real yet or it didn't feel that way. He made a piece of bone so hard it surpassed titanium alloy and is pushing past Japanese Steel folded over a thousand plus. But with the immense amount of concontration even with his chakra he is struggling. So on this spring evening he sat twirling the statue lost of hope for the moment.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 139050

When Strangers cross paths (P, IO) Empty Re: When Strangers cross paths (P, IO)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:36 pm
((Short post, srry))

A boy by the name of Mokuba would be seen running, arms carrying what seemed to be scrolls. He was determined to reach his destination, like all the other places before. He was a native of course, which was one of the reason why he was hired, a part timer to get him all the manga he ever wanted from his favorite bookstore. Work hard, play hard, right? He moved as swift as the winds, his long khaki pants and shoes seemingly, blending into the environment, due to how fast he was moving. “One more stop, just one more stop and I’ll be done for today!!”, he leaped up into the air in joy, his destination was in sight, in fact it was in reach. When he landed, he was now placed in front of the two loose doors. After taking a breather while taking note of how small the building was, he then knocks on each of the doors, back to back, 5 times in total.

“GET YOUR POWER SEALS, CANT BE A DEAL LIKE SAKURA’S POWER SEALS!!”, he yelled for all in the hut to see. The boy then unfolds the scroll, revealing a large poster, with the Sakura Corp emblem; A Giant slanted purple S, with a C intersecting it. After that, the boy attempts to run back to the Store where the infamous Ganki Sakura resides, he is seen wearing his Custom Bespoke Suit, looking out to the streets from the large window, in a well air condition building with high rise ceilings.
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

When Strangers cross paths (P, IO) Empty Re: When Strangers cross paths (P, IO)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:15 pm
Well that was suprising. In the midst of his thinking a man walking through the door dressed up hollaring about a Sakura Power Seal? Daniel wasn't sure what was going on but he was going to find out. 

"Ummmmm... Can I help you ? And what is a sakura power seal if I heard you right." 

Daniel seemed more interested then he did nervous. Daniels emotionless eyes look relaxed with a hint of red. But never mind that who is this guy and what's his business.
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When Strangers cross paths (P, IO) Empty Re: When Strangers cross paths (P, IO)

Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:53 pm
Mokuka, in a hurry, responded to the man’s question, as he just now began to step backwards towards the door, the man's red eyes put mokuba off a bit. From all the manga he has read, the ones with red eyes were the type of people who were scary. Mokuba prepared himself for a nice little sprint back to the Sakura Office, the chills he got from the man's appearance were spooky uncomfortable. “Umm....Don- don't you know about Sakura Corp, there’s a shop in the village now? It’s been here for quite some time, you should stop by. He sells these power seals that really make you strong." He then turns towards the door, since he was inside. He stops at the door, wondering how Mr. Sakura would reward him if he brought personally brought a customer back, all by himself. Powering through his fear of the man's eyes, he deicded to try and bring him back to the office.

“I never tried it, BUT!... I hear a lot of shinobi are buying them… dude you should so come with me!!! I know you don’t look too interested in them, but hey, you never know? You might end up buying one. I’m Mokuba by the way”, he leaves a pause for his the man, while waving his hand towards him, beckoning him to follow him back to the office. Should he agree, Mokuba would guide him to the Seal n Tag shop, where Ganki resided patiently for any customers?
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

When Strangers cross paths (P, IO) Empty Re: When Strangers cross paths (P, IO)

Wed Mar 15, 2017 6:04 pm
Daniel lifted from his chair. The bone seat he was sitting on sank into the floor and he placed his hand onto the flat surface that made up the table that was between them it parted from the wall and moved into its self but yet it looked solid. Daniel slid his fingers off the table after it opened enough to let him pass.

"Actually I haven't heard of Sakura Corps.  My name is Daniel. .... Daniel Kiyade. This is my shop, don't get a lot of business really but I make weapons mostly hand crafted myself."

Daniels hair arched off to the left as it looks like it is spiked softly, laying at a medium length over his silver metal head band that wraps around his head and an arch over the top of his head, his eyes are a piercing blue mixed with grey with a hint of red that was finite in the iris. On his face is a vented black cloth that reaches up to cover his nose and below. The cloth is skin tight so it reveals his facial features. His neck is also covered with this vented cloth and stretches over the mass of his entire body, and on his feet sandal pads are sowed into the soles on the cloth to make a different style of sandal seen. On his chest is a square style piece of armor that are connect to straps that hold a similar piece on his back, On his right shoulder is a square style armor shoulder pad, with a piece that comes off held tightly against his shoulder muscle. 

On his forearms is a light, black metal gauntlet that matches the style of his other armor pieces and on the top of his hand is a square metal piece and underneath are thick black gloves. On his left shoulder are three spikes the follow the form of his shoulder and a metal circular armor piece they are rising from. Over the top of the spikes half a cloak is on them, the spikes ripped through them, the cloak sleeve opens widely cover Daniels left arm. Around his waist is a thick cloth matching the white cloak on his shoulder, but lays wrapped around his waist making a cloak hang from below his waist. Infront of his groin are the plates held by white hemp string and there are the same on both of his hips. On his thys are a puffy black cloth tucked into shin gauntlets that are tightly snug around his calf's, with a square armor plate connected that rest on his feet. Their are sheaths for 4 katanas found on his back and one on his left hip. Daniel stands at 6 feet 3 inches tall with his sandals he stood 6'5.

As they walked down the street the sound of his sandals echoed off the walls down the street they walked on. His left arm hidden inside a large cloak that was stuck on the spikes that are on his shoulder plate of armor. Swaying forward as the wind came through the Buildings in the Village. 

"Sakura Corps... I don't recall ever hearing about it. Hmmm.. Well Makuba I do appreciate your assistance I've lived here my whole life and never heard of it."
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When Strangers cross paths (P, IO) Empty Re: When Strangers cross paths (P, IO)

Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:24 pm
"Yeah, even though alot of people know about it, there are still some people that  don't know about it, which is why Mr. Sakura hired me. You know, to get the word out!", with that said, the two left the empty hut, and made their way to Ganki's Seal n Tag shop.

The two were finally walking over towards the shop, leaving the building which was actually a shop in the process, which was even known to the native, Mokuba. He was sure to tell Mr. Sakura about this, in hopes to receive a bonus. He looks back towards the man, who was named Daniel, after being thanked, "No problem dude, haha i like your armor dude. It reminds me of this manga I used to read, Suzaku the Flute summoner. He had this cool flute that summoned a suit of armor, almost like yours to battle, so he could beat up all the bad guys. though, I never got to finish it cause the writer had to go back to his home village, i think he was from the mist... OH look were here!", Mokuba points to the shop, and attempts to lead Daniel inside. Should he follow Mokuba inside, Ganki would greet Mokuba, then his new customer.

"Hey Mokuba, and hello to you my good sir. Nice armor, i heard you from a mile away. My name is Ganki Sakura, and welcome to Seal n Tag!", he said with a smile. Ganki is seen behind a desk, beckoning the two to come closer. The desk is a few feet away from the two. The walls are coated with many fuin seal letters, and power scrolls which hung against the walls.
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

When Strangers cross paths (P, IO) Empty Re: When Strangers cross paths (P, IO)

Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:15 pm
Daniel ducked down stepping through the door way. Through the black cloth was a tooth pick. His eyes relaxed he stepped in not knowing what to expect. His second foot stepping down Daniel lifted his shoulders and stood 6'5. 

"Nice place here Mr. Sakura. If I May ask what exactly do you sell?"

Daniel seemed interested. Intrueged with the Mokuba boy who walked him to this hut. How could he know what to except but hell he had to find out what this "power" seal.
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When Strangers cross paths (P, IO) Empty Re: When Strangers cross paths (P, IO)

Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:44 pm
Ganki takes note of the new customer's height and build. Immediately, Ganki thought of which seal he should try to sell to him. He was quite a big fellow indeed, the earth seal would probably be the best seal for his type.

"Why thanks, Ac sure is key if you wanna live here comfortable. As for what I sell here in Seal N Tag, I sell special seals that boost certain attributes, strength speed you name it. Looking at you, I think you might be interested in this power seal."

Ganki reaches under the desk for an item, while keeping an eye on his new customer. He finally grabs said item, and slowly brings it from under the table. He didn't want startle his new customer. "Here we go, why don't you look at this, and tell me if your interested. Ask me anything you want to know Mr..."

"Daniel Kiyade boss"  

"Oh, right, thanks."

Ganki, walks over to Daniel and attempts to hand over a card to him. On the front of the card it has the earth curse seal image on the top half, and a brief description (basically the card will say it will improve the the two areas the seal boosts) of what it could do, written by Ganki himself.
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

When Strangers cross paths (P, IO) Empty Re: When Strangers cross paths (P, IO)

Tue Apr 04, 2017 4:24 pm
Daniels eyes never left the man as he grabbed the document that was handed over to him. Daniel looked and noticed the improvements that would come from the seal. 

"Hmmm, maybe A/C would help with sales. I manufacture weapons mostly myself your assosiate has seen my shop. But unfortunately I don't have ryo because of sales so I do hope that maybe we can use a bardering system for a sale because I'm interested. Now I'm sure there are side effects but I'm too worried about it So if there is anything I can make let me know Swords, staffs, armor. I usually have items made within an hour and I guarantee sharpness and strength. But I looked over the seal, do you have something more focused on speed and strength?"

Daniels proposition came with sincereity and really he could manufacture a weapon in mins but to use it for finite detail his abilities take more time.
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When Strangers cross paths (P, IO) Empty Re: When Strangers cross paths (P, IO)

Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:03 pm
Hearing Daniel's response made Ganki a bit angery with not only his new customer, but also with mokuba's incompetance. Ganki owned a weapon and arms company, he surely didn't need anymore basic weapons.

In fact, Ganki hasn't been in the field for quite sometime. His days as a shinobi were long forgotten. Nevertheless, he knew that now a days people were not interested in your everyday class metal weapons and such. Not unless they were augmented with seals, which Ganki could have done. However, Ganki has warehouse stockpiled with plenty of metal weapons. So what was the point for him to acquire more?

He sucks his teeth as he glanced towards mokuba for a moment, the boy's face now expressing the worry of a child who knew he was in trouble. Once he returned his now more stern look towards his, guest, he speaks with a strict direct tone while holding respect towards his guest. His northern accent is revealed.

"...Listen sir, if you don't have the cash to pay for the power seal, you should come back when you have the money. I sell weapons and seals, steel weapons are not that..., hip, nor interesting to me since I could just manufacture them myself.

Don't get me wrong, I like trading ever now and then, but, I'm just not interested in steel weapons as of now, Mr. Kiyade.

So I'll tell you what, I'll take your name down and keep you in mind so I won't forget you when you come back..., with the 3000 Ryo in hand."

He waits for Mr. Kiyade to respond. Ganki then begins to think what he should do with Mokuba as punishment for bringing people R his shop that can't afford his wares.
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