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Nix Pendragon
Nix Pendragon
Stat Page : Nix's Statistics
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : n/a
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6250

Cross Your T's And Dot Your I's. Empty Cross Your T's And Dot Your I's.

Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:10 am
Mission Name: Genin Exam
Rank: D
Mission Location: Any Village

Task: It's that time of year! After studying, you feel prepared to join your village's ranks as a genin, but first, you must pass an exam. Make sure you put your best foot forward- and remember to polish up those Transformations and Clones!

Optionally, this exam may be proctored by another village member with the IC rank of chunin equivalent or higher. In that case, they may adjust the exam as necessary, strictly for CD purposes. A proctor is any rank higher than genin. Usually done by village shinobi, but if they have express permissions for the Kage, a village shinobi from another village may perform these exams.

It should be noted that this mission:
-cannot be used towards any rank-up besides the one mentioned in "Reward."
-cannot be invaded
-cannot be done in multi-mission threads

Word Count Requirement:
Reward: 1,000 Ryo / 5 AP & promotion to Genin/D Power Rank / 1x Ninja Headband of your respective village

Character Requirements: At least one character must be an E-ranked village ninja. The examinee must have 100+ stats.
Character Exclusive: --

Link to Legacy Mission: Genin Exam - Mission
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Nix Pendragon
Nix Pendragon
Stat Page : Nix's Statistics
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : n/a
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6250

Cross Your T's And Dot Your I's. Empty Re: Cross Your T's And Dot Your I's.

Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:57 am
The initial phase of the selection process culminated in identifying the most promising academy students. Included in this group was Nix, chosen as an emissary of House Pendragon. As the squire confidently took her seat, she acknowledged the teacher while disregarding her peers with a casual wave. After settling in, the proctor, with a terse and commanding tone, announced, "Good morning, students!" Nix promptly responded, positioning herself as one of the more eager students by saying, "Good morning, teacher!" Her subsequent enthusiastic wave drew disapproving looks from her peers, indicating their mixed feelings about her presence.

The proctor stated, "Today, you will demonstrate the fundamental abilities necessary for me to recognise you as a Genin!" As the proctor began his rhetoric, Nix scrutinised her classmates' unenthusiastic expressions, attributing their apparent disinterest to immaturity. She reconsidered their strengths and weaknesses impartially. While she understood the ninja's tendency to use deception or cunning, Nix felt unprepared for the potential challenges that might arise from having to be dishonest. The students had diligently prepared for the exam and displayed self-sufficiency by needing no further instructions from the teacher. Their initiative was not the problem, but their lack of focus was concerning. Maintaining control of the classroom would require a firm approach.

Nix's lips formed a tight, taut line, and her impatience was evident despite her otherwise composed expression. The sharp sound of Nix's whistle cut through the conversational din, crescendoing before fading. As it did, her classmates' bored expressions turned into angry frowns directed at the squire. Their ears were ringing, and their protests were muddled. The bemused teacher briefly attempted to dislodge the wax built up in his ear canal before acknowledging Nix's attempts at corralling her unruly peers. "Thank you, Nix!" His commendation began before it took a sharp turn and became a rebuke, "Now, we need not worry about our hearing!"  Being admonished, Nix expressed sincere remorse and humbly placed her hands in her lap, "My apologies, teacher. " She said glumly. A few outstanding qualities distinguished Nix from the typical academy student, such as her diverse interests and strong work ethic. But these virtues were marred by her political inexperience in the eclectic manner in which Nix negotiated with her shinobi peers.

The inner workings of exotic contraptions flooded Nix's mind. Devious devices that schemed to spring to life in her hands provoked her, tempted and allured her. Delicate springs and robust cog work whirled and spun in Nix's imagination. Unusually generic objects took on new life under the scope of her gaze like she was dissecting and refashioning them into a more suitable purpose. There was an unapparent paradigm of sovereignty belonging to the inanimate - Resting until set into motion. In motion until set to rest. The reality of acting and reacting, their complexities, seemed so simple to ascertain but ethereal, intangible when Nix's hungry hands reached for them.

The young woman was deeply engrossed in new variables, increasingly complicating simple nuances immersed themselves in her usual day-to-day thoughts. What distracted Nix, few could tell. She became suddenly critical of the nonchalant expressions, the brief lapse in their stature's poise, and the vaguely observable fluctuations of confidence. Less than admirable qualities demonstrated by other students that Nix hoped the teacher wouldn't notice in her demeanour. Nix, becoming increasingly aware of her peer's imperfections, silently wondered how long this exposition would last. Throughout the day, the students diligently honed their skills in applying the two new techniques - clone and transformation, demonstrating varying proficiencies. However, a prevailing spirit of unity and unwavering commitment to progress permeated the group. At the end of the day, as the students filed out of the classroom, Nix reflected on the two techniques learned and the effort the other academy students proffered.

Although the clone technique lacked substantiality in the realms of usefulness, the replica was an exact caricature, which Nix found convenient in checking her attire for faults. Transformation, however, was confoundingly simple but tricky to master. Ninja with the ability to alter their physical appearance were less likely to be found. It seemed like a diverse bread-and-butter camouflage technique. Field research notes about shinobi encounters that Nix had studied during her squirehood made more coherent sense now that she knew the basics that every shinobi was capable of. Nix knew that with hard work and dedication, she would continue to grow and succeed on her path to becoming a skilled counterpart to the ninja.  

The next day, her classmates and Nix received an invitation to return to the academy for what might turn out to be their final day of training. In a cumbersome and reluctant manner, the teacher eventually announced the results of the exams the next day. "You all... passed!" Nix's voice was energetic and animated as she responded to the formality of the proctor. "Thank you for your consideration, Teacher!" Although her friends had mixed feelings about the squire's success, this did little to dampen Nix's spirit. If there was a standard for the bare minimum, Nix was achieving it.

On her first day as a Genin, Nix took the time to reassess the tools at her disposal. The stipend that academy students received was enough to afford necessities, and with budgeting, Nix hoped it would avail her something more useful. Gladly, the young woman accepted the ryo for completing the exam successfully. Little by little, Nix was amassing a small amount of personal wealth. "Well, the drops of water fill the bucket. " She affirmed to no one in particular, satisfied that the rigid guidelines of the chivalrous conduct remain untarnished. The oath of The Pendragon Family, "I am the bone of my sword." Its meaning mystified a dubious Nix. If there was a secret to unlock inherent in her blood, it slept like a greedy dragon. Coiled around the treasure she considered herself to be, Nix felt a contemptuous malaise of uncertainty filtering through her perception. If Arthur's legacy was more than just a name, it was up to Nix to discover it. Good fortune or birthright, only time could tell what the future held for the young Genin.

Word Count: 1,019/1000

+10 Vigour.
1,000 Ryo / 5 AP & Promotion to Genin/D Power Rank
Honour Student Pin
1 x Kirigakure Ninja Headband.
1402/2000 Master At Arms {skill} + 527 WC= 1929 + 71 = 2000/2000
Pure Blooded Shinobi {Skill} 948/4000
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Cross Your T's And Dot Your I's. Empty Re: Cross Your T's And Dot Your I's.

Sat Jul 27, 2024 7:01 pm
Nix Pendragon wrote:

Word Count: 1,019/1000

+10 Vigour.
1,000 Ryo / 5 AP & Promotion to Genin/D Power Rank
Honour Student Pin
1 x Kirigakure Ninja Headband.
1402/2000 Master At Arms {skill} + 527 WC= 1929 + 71 = 2000/2000
Pure Blooded Shinobi {Skill} 948/4000

Cross Your T's And Dot Your I's. JPYXIpT
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