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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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grim cleaning, grim planning, grim work Empty grim cleaning, grim planning, grim work

Sat Dec 24, 2016 9:53 am
Often time’s xuba would seem like A wandering soul amid the wilderness. Traveling place to place as if searching for an answer. Xuba decided to take his observations amid the land of earth. His now knowledge of the earth land was pretty applicable to the point where xuba felt he could feasibly traverse the land like a man who can at least find his way to an village. However, xuba would appear from village. He was indeed a pilgrim. A pilgrim of knowledge. Taking grasps of the straws at hand and trying to piece together what had the power to dethrone such a country.
The many travels of the young man took perhaps half a day now as opposed  to when he first appeared in the country. The land was easier to traverse and now cross. Xuba now had an idea of where his nice little settlement was on a map.
As for this to throw off any who caught wind of his presence xuba remained in consistent in his travels. These included taking his time observing the land, trying paths least travelled or climbing through the treacherous mountain peaks.    Xuba still took to keeping his profile low. Taking to hats and farming clothes to his garb as necessary. Yet through his travles and experience. Xuba has seen both peace and the occasional dead body of a shinobi long since checked.
Xuba however, ran into the ruins of many old and destroyed earth cities, long since abandoned, and homes of the occasional cut throat that would terrorize a trader. He questioned himself as he walked through one such ruin and noted the blood stains on the rocks long since dried. The stench of death fresh as the corpse of one such cut throat perhaps dead for a few days was huddled in a corner of his now permanent resting place.
 Rocks jarred through the man like he had a rock simply grow from the inside. Xuba looked away as he decided that the shade was not an ideal place to take a break. However some unnamed individual perhaps found heart to off the man for justice and sake of his country. That or the man bit more then he could swallow and literally found himself stone cold in a corner.
Xuba continued through the ruins as he found a decent home still standing. The home in ruins and long since destroyed books, and empty drawers hidden in the dirt. Xubas footsteps simply soft but while that was once a city overflowing in life. Now there was a ghost of a ruins. His footsteps echoing across the ruins like the marching of men walking through the valley, Or An encore of applause slowly rolling through the area.
Xuba studied the emblem of the earth country as he saw it torn and tattered across the ruins. It was a prideful village at one point, now home of a dead corpse and xuba being the visitor scratched his head in confusion. Who or what could level a village and why? Xuba wondered almost halfheartedly as he looked into the ruins and then his mind went into shock.
It must've been many years since a single being has stepped on the grave of what once was a city. Yet xuba still explored the past. Taking his time xuba studied the area silently. Surveying the wreckage. He could see it. The smoldering flames, cries of help and the very sight of eyes staring blankly ahead. Much too real... a vision of children fleeing the ruins, mothers protecting their babies, fathers standing up to the threat to their way of light. Xuba examined a skull of a long deceased being. It looked charred and terribly beaten. The lower half long since turned to dust.
Perhaps the leader did fall? Why would there be this mess..... Derbies everywhere. Bones, death, the dead long since bone and grime in the gloom....perhaps the fact remains that places like here were destroyed alone.... yet it will do me justice to see that those who did this be placed to a fit trial... hopefully. I’m not one to speak, but no family nor child.... even a mother. Deserves this fate. Despite the heartlessness some acts cannot be forgiven. But this is not my home.....
Xuba dismissed the thought as he stood up and noted the earth symbol long since faded through summers, and snows. It swung loosely on the wall. Easily tear able, yet blowing strong still. A solid reminder of what was a proud nation. Now in dust and mire. The destroyed and cracked ground cracked once more as  Xuba turned and looked towards what remained of the largest building there was.
 Simply easily described as at first sight upon entering the blasted hole in the wall. What was once a beautiful building. Was now riddled with skeletons. A complete massacre. It was impossible to deny, but easily passable to the un observant. Upon closer inspection xuba noted the now slight bits of broken glass, scroll bits everywhere.  Twisted metal here and there, Still xuba only had minimal info of this place. Instead it was time for him to make himself scarce as he scooped up some of the scroll bits.  For the only thing which meant most. Information on the area he was in.
Taking up one of the partially parts of a destroyed building xuba gripped it as he noted dust falling off. It was indeed a long time since this place and ruins of a great village had any true respect. As it was truely a sad sight to see. With a heavy heart xuba left the ruins to study once more the state of the country.
Days passed as he travelled through the earth country.  Some villages in the more populous areas. Although now xuba could see what were small villages were now considered capitals. And the ruins were all that remained of a soul of the country. Simply sad. Hence xuba felt sad this day. From the mighty, to less than the slums. Even the poorest areas had more royalty then the ruins. Now visited by a criminal and the graveyard of many and now a dead scoundrel.
To xuba even thieves had more honor to pillage and allow the people to live. A criminal had a code of honor despite how black the soul. Otherwise they were not human, not higher but lower than a human. Simply a monster. Or monsters. There were few tragedies in a world that can compare. Still it was a sight to behold, not for an example of the good, but an example for the horrible.
"To take all these lives without a single thought. One must’ve been in a mission for blood. But even the darkest heart has the thieves honor.... clearly this was no ninjas work, nor an army’s work. But a savage beast whom hungered more bile and blood then vigor and truth. Thieves are saints compared to this... even the average cut throat has more heart then this… it is outrageous that this is even a possibility. It is no illusion though? It is the will of man or the will of a monster… but."
Xuba lamented as he returned once more to the site of the ruins... his mind wondering as he climbed through the ruins and studied what walls he could. For a hint to what could’ve caused such destruction? It was unlike the likes of anything he has ever seen yet it made very little sense to how an establishment could fall so simply unless it was a betrayal from the inside? Even if he had the strength to move mountains this was an unjustifiable act against the masses. Home destroyed lives extinguished, but what gain was there with so many lives wiped? What could even justify the taking of one life? Yet alone thousands, destroying the settled mind and the peace of children? Even mothers? Xuba gagged at the motherly thought, but even if it was not his case. Still he would rather avoid finding others in his same situation.
Xuba spotted the safe in which money has long since emptied and rats fighting over scraps on the inside. Clearly it was destroyed and such but looked like the beings that did this was willing to raze even the heavens and try to stamp out the very earth that existed in this village. It was a sad sight as xuba continued on his way steeping on skeletons and noting the charred and destroyed buildings. Each step was like a step back in time. Each echo had its say. Xuba found more scroll bits and collected them amid the wreckage and pocketed them. They were perhaps long lost secrets nearly destroyed, but xuba doubted the significance. But it was all he could find.
 This village wasnt his home. It was his place of isolation. A place to get away from the very threats to find that the reality stood before him. The threat was ever looming. Even his actions couldn't justify the very action of this. It was beyond him.  Yet xuba was a man of shrewed honor, especially if it was left in a way of this sake. No help. Nothing.
The day nearly ended as xuba headed back towards his home in thought. The trickling water was a refreshing sound that life was still in the world after walking through the silence of the dead village. Xuba stared at the fragments of scrolls he picked up and noted broken characters. Each one different but also well written. In the end xuba took the fragments and a portion of one of the earth village's he ripped off as he headed out of the remains of the village.
Xuba then proceeded to study the flag quietly as he disired a plan overall to draw attention of the destruction. There was enough flags to make up notice. But how many major villages would heed the call of justice? Xuba pondered this idea as he chewed on some cooked fish. His mind streaming the many possibilities at hand.
Then a genius idea came to mind as he finished his dinner. It was gruesome but necessary for alert. The silent bird able to show one an new wondrous expansion. But to tamper with the political nature of the land often brought an terrifying result. Nonetheless xuba's idea could net him some money and experience. Or get him killed. A risk of a rouge person is a life of decisions.
Let us begin the furnace. I wonder how well this will span out. Wonder how far the word will spread. Regardless. It will net the appropriate results. Come the next week, or the next year. A water source needed to build up stink, and a statement to build up curiosity. It may work. But is the risk worth it? For a fresh payment it would make sense to simply do this. After all a robber’s actions could easily be misguided. Other than that I will have a sure chance for an encounter, could be lethal. Now if lucky it will not be lethal. Oh I have to take the risk. It is the only way. A murder most foul. And a clean ruins. That is the way to go. "
Xuba spoke to himself as he gazed at the flames. His mind now confirming his plan for an most urgent response to this destruction. The ruins would hold valuable information for the nations involved. Even free land for full control. And who benefits in the end? Xuba would of course. The land will become rich which will grant him respectfully a steady stream of robbery material. More business, more money, more robbery, it was truly a win-win.
Morning brought xuba a big smile. A child with a gift in hand had a smaller simle. But xuba looked as if he was a boy that woke up for Christmas. Starting towards the dead body xuba simply lift the body as he carried it around and gathered various destroyed flags around the ruins. Some ripped, and others lodged under the rocks. It was as simple to the by stander as if the young man had simply been willing to grab the man for burial. To an extent that was xubas intent.
The day carried on as xuba finished his simple task. Following this xuba proceeded homewards towards his quiet valley for work. The job would take time and that was what xuba had. Plenty of time. Time to make the last of what was a dead man into a cooked body. Taking rocks and cutting off the head, the arms, legs, ears, and eyes and leaving the body in the fire to cook. This was dirty e
Work, but it was necessary . The days to preserve some of the spoiled blood in little scooped out rock bowls. In this time frame xuba took the dirty work as time outs for some training and reevaluating his current plan. It was complex. Taking weeks at a time to work through and keeping it a very quiet work.
The real challenge came now to make it as quiet as possible. Yet eye catching for the passersby. the plan was simple but now how to make a simple statement as easy as this any better to handle in the end. the idea was to gain and grant attention to the surrounding villages, and nations to answer the common call of unity. even if involuntarily. after all xubas life style depended n it as well. the life of a thif could not depend on petty farmers, but on rich lords and full purses.
Common roads would be a giveaway, but lines for the border patrols would show interest. It may even raise alarm if discovered. This was where xuba would keep his ear to studying the own land. But the areas of the surrounding lands. The borders, the rivers, and also large bodies of water for full preparation. It was a grand and wondrous scheme. All the while remaining scholarly and informative xuba took to writing as, well as simple calligraphy. It took time as the air grew cooler in the months that followed. Xuba managed to take a decent flair to his handwriting. While de-skinning the dead man’s body and upon an satisfactory stand point. Xuba felt that this would raise enough alarm.
With materials gathered xuba changed the ancient earth village’s flags into sturdy sacks. Six in fact. Each one holding charred skin and a leg, or an arm, the burned head and such remained in its own sack alone. By this time xuba noted the first falling of snow coming onto the land winter was coming soon enough. The air became cool and chilly to the skin. Months of evacuating the rocks and dusty relics for the continence of the land. Then finally trying to straighten up the various earth formations and large derbies from obscuring the entrances and allowing those whom would show interest into entering the ruins an way to have a hazardless stroll through the ruins. Needless sealed scrolls and such became an usual loot from ruins diving and clearing, left over money, etc. These things became a commodity for xuba. Simply put it enabled the young man to make a decent collection for his hard works. However something remained unusual to xuba. Just the fact that it was destroyed like that. How could a village system fall with such ease? And what enemy could in fact
Xubas training as he completed his dirty deeds changed throughout the lengthy time of preparation. As the ground and rocks became slippery from rain and dry and cracked through droughts. Xuba remained persistent in his ever improving skills. His sights in personal development were to gain his own combat style one which he felt he would feel freely and further even more personalized then the generic styles seen. Calamity through the arts was inevitable, but xuba did not become complacent. His life became a box, of combat, dirty work, and eating. Almost as if it was a job to remain the scum in the land. Consisting his focused attention to
As it seemed eventful. As by working each technique down hand in hand. Xuba felt that along with his understanding of the land and its new standards so did his physical training through the months.  His focus on kicks and the toughly studied work of combining the movements together in the varying weather conditions, assisted xuba greatly. It was not an easy task training through high elevations and maintaining the full effort. Yet xuba managed over the time it was necessary to maintain. In due time however xuba found that each move could link smoothly if he timed it correctly. Problem consisted with sudden shifts in momentum and also the stoppage of power when combining several techniques together. It was not an easy task at all, but xuba was aware and remained aware of the ever lurking dangers of shifting stances mid attack, but each time he did it felt natural. It was safer while remaining defensive. This however never stopped xuba. Impractical in nature yes, but xuba felt he was definitely getting closer and closer to the answer.
Regardless of the risks in hand to hand xuba continued working on his shifting stances. His kicks became more fluid as he worked many cold days steadily and surely assuring his work was not in vain.  Taking his kicks to the rocks above his make shift home now. Xuba studied the art of spinning kicks as it was   not an simple art. They were risky yet wielded a lot of power. An fair example of what xuba disliked as through more and more work xuba felt his power slowly grow. His spins became more and more graceful. As he slowed down the speed and the power of each kick. Taking in account to where everything would link together. The real thing xuba understood was that once momentum began it was destructive. As ones movements became a blur in a spin kicks and the chances and choices to avoid such techniques became less and less the more one could strike and kick. There was always an new way and area to strike, and even if blocked it was never ignored.
Xuba continued to draw upon these conclusions slowly as he worked through each technique quietly and slowly. It was not an easy development, but it’s worth became more and more apparent after training long and hard. The technique seemingly fast and powerful was misleading, but that was where it’s power truly existed. A spinning kick that became a straight back kick moves like a bullet, but where one would doubt such an development it was a fact, for a spin kick can be ducked if it was a round one. But straight back kicks always originated from the center of the body. Easily proving a much faster and controllably kick. The only thing that unsettled xuba, was how exposed one becomes after preforming such a kick. It was an unrelenting as the ground shook day by day of xuba’s difficult training regimen.  Each kick was carefully studied as he would nod or shake his head before taking the regimen up an notch. As time went on xuba upped the speed, making sure that unless the kick was graceful it could not be sped up to maximum. Power and speed. Eventually the months passed as he felt an year go by, several hard moths of both ruins work and kick training. Xuba felt certain he was beginning to gain understanding of the impact of his training till the young man relaxed for a few days.
Amid his relaxation xuba began to connect with his chakra as he felt the cold air flux around him. Reminding xuba that his home was within the wind. It was all around him as he felt the wind pick up and out stretched his hand and felt his body warm up slightly. He then grew curious of the possibilities of the people that were once in the village that was destroyed. It was truly a wonder to why it was destroyed if there is chakra to utilize in the world and that perplexed xuba. Why would any villager fall if they can use chakra. Surely with work one would be able to handle any challenge that stood before them. Xuba even seen men attach whole arms with chakra. It would otherwise be impossible if stated otherwise.
With all of the healing and sorts one can do in the world of chakra. How can a village fall if so many can defend themselves in the end? It will never cease to amaze me of what if and what could’ve been. The answers are as different as the next, yet it makes very little sense in the end. All these tools and the village shinobi seem to be incompetent to handle the simple things. It is a wonder how this makes any sense. It is an outrage. If one can walk walls why can’t they make a shield to protect the young ones? All of this shows that they lacked effort and true survival of the fittest senses. How sad…
Xuba thought as his hand cooled down a bit and he sighed. This was a sad time indeed. A country drowned by its own downfall cannot gain strength if it is never helped by its in habitants. Xuba completed cleaning the ruins as the snow began to cover the land. It was winter and his footsteps if desired to be followed would’ve been lost. Xuba simply gathered his long work haul and with an heavy heart carried the sacks of the dead man with him as he proceeded to head down towards the borders. Surely enough it was time to grab the attention of a more elite force to take on this mystery.
+18 stats
3,250 words for leaf strong wind

 450 words for dynamic entry

(let the ruins be a bit more cleaner for visitor lol)

Last edited by Xuba Xixisis <3 on Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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grim cleaning, grim planning, grim work Empty Re: grim cleaning, grim planning, grim work

Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:24 am

I think its total 18 stats, sweetie. <3
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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grim cleaning, grim planning, grim work Empty Re: grim cleaning, grim planning, grim work

Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:25 am
woops edited
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grim cleaning, grim planning, grim work Empty Re: grim cleaning, grim planning, grim work

Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:26 am

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