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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 276150

Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei]

Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:19 pm
Hikari would move into her position as she was told, moving at a speed of about 20, what she figured was a comfortable pace for her trainer. Hikari was really comfortable with moving at this pace, (She could go a lot faster after all) As such, Hikari would take time to look around and see if she could notice any tracks. She noticed some Animal tracks, but nothing of what could be humans, horses, or a cart. After a long period of time, she would suddenly feel her Hoshi Headband go off, signaling her from her upper thy. Hikari would quickly head towards the place that her Headband was signaling her to go and would find a clearing that was obviously a camp. It looked like it had been used recently, and the ten year old Miyamoto was looking toward a direction on the opposite side of them. Hikari would quickly come up and ask Miyamoto, “Is it the enemy?” and would face the direction her fellow Hoshi member was facing.  When Shoushei showed up (Presuming he did) Hikari would turn to him and ask her team leader, “What do we do?” What she did next would depend on what happened next.

If Shoushei showed up.

If Shoushei didn’t show up.

AP used if fire ball was shot: 454 – 20 = 434

Word count: 590
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei]

Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:19 am
As it would appear, Shouhei’s search wasn’t as fruitful either – although he did find some nuts he had swiped off a tree – as he travelled at his full speed of 24 atop of the treetops where people couldn’t directly see him. He hadn’t even detected any chakra signatures when he felt his headband vibrate, and he knew that he had to change his direction to the right to either catch up with Hikari or both her and Miyamoto.

Fortunately it did not take him long for him to arrive, however, it was long that Hikari could have started to move towards the man. If she did so, Shouhei would put a hand on Hikari’s shoulder. In any event, whether she moved towards him or not, Shouhei ordered with a whisper. “Let’s hide and see what happens.” Then he jumped up in the tree together with Miyamoto at a speed of 12.

Up there he used his sealing gloves to take out a kunai and an explosion tag at a speed of 50. “Remember to keep your sensory up. We can’t be surprised just because we’re observing him.” He whispered to Miyamoto as a way to let him in on the order.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 201.
Total Word Count: 1472.

Last edited by Shouhei Sato <3 on Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Living Clones : Kanzaki
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei]

Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:45 pm
Miyamoto watched as the man walked into the camp, his costume was that of a bandit.  Miyamoto took a deep breath as the blood in his veins turned cold as he watched.  He kept his sensory technique up as he was able to tell that this bandit was no ordinary adversary.  In a quick movement Miyamoto reached to his team leader and motioned for him to lower the weapon.  His eyes did not leave the bandit below them.  The bandit knew something was up though as moved a covered hand to a sword on the left side, the bandit searched the camp.  Miyamoto leaned over to Shouhei and spoke in a whisper so soft it could only be noticed as the wind to anyone not actively listening.

“Something is not right...the bandit knows that the camp is not apart of theirs...seems our noble has either escaped or is moving in a way that would not draw attention.  Your call on what we do next.”  He whispered as the chakra sensory began to pick up on three more faint signatures.

The next signatures were faint so that it was either shinobi suppressing their chakra, or it was more bandits checking in with the one below.  Either way, the outcome was the same, they were outnumbered at the current time.  When the other party came to the camp is when the plan began to come together.

“He could not have gotten far, the main camp is only three miles east, if he was heading for Hoshi...this is the only logical route.  We can’t let this prize escape us, boss will have our heads.”  One of them spoke out as the others were looking at the camp, worried.

Miyamoto then looked at his two teammates, he motioned below them at the realization he had just heard.

“Shouhei it is your call...the bandits can be dealt with now, it would make this easier...but the information we need has now been given to us.  Your call now.  Hikari, if possible hold off on attack until we have a definitive answer...unless they attack first.”  He would whisper softly as he would watch and wait.

IF we are found out:

Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei]

Mon Jan 09, 2017 4:35 pm
(Stats because I upgraded since the game started, these are my stats as of when we started)

Hikari was looking at the men down under her and waited as Shoushei would give the order. While she did, she decided she wasn’t goint to just wait around while the shinobi she was waiting for just did as they please though. Hikari would take a deep breath and start forming some handsigns with her eyes. She had been practicing this technique for a while, but hadn’t had a chance to practice it on live human beings yet. She figured that this was the perfect oppritunity, Hikari would look down at the bandit closest to the tree and choose, him, she would open her eye and use the eye mind reading Technique as she would attempt to enter the man’s thoughts and would try to get some information to them. Hikari would tell the others as quite as she could as to not give their position away, “Do you see that man closest to us? If you give me about a minute with out him going to far away from me and without him blacking out, I can attain everything else we need from him, We have a rough estimate of where their base is, but now we can have exactly where it is, exactly how many of them they are, and information on what their base is like. That won’t help our mission a lot, but we can go back to the village and give this information to them, it should be easy to make a task force to bring these people in.

AP: 454 – 40 = 414

Word count: 291
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei]

Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:51 pm
Listening to the both of his team mates both had a point, but he especially liked what Hikari gave him to work with. “Well with Hikari’s input I say we can do a bit of both.” His voice low so only the two could hear it, Shouhei put the kunai and explosion tag back in his sealing gloves. “I don’t think it matters much if we spook them a bit. That’ll take them off the price and hopefully give our little friend some legwork.” And out of his gloves he took out a smoke bomb instead of the items he had before. He also tried not to be too spooked about the fact that Hikari could read minds, and he had to calm the temptation to imagine her in "pretty outfits".

The bomb ready in hand Shouhei followed up. “We can incorporate Hikari’s idea into that as well. With chakra detected we can mostly ignore the smoke as I grab that guy and choke him out, and you do the same to that guy.” Shouhei pointed to the two bandits in question. He looked back at Hikari. “That should give us a solid minute before they wake up. Should be enough for you to work with if we tie them up, right?”

With that he started to count to three using his fingers as to not make more sounds. At three he threw the smoke bomb into a lovely triad of bandits that had split up from the main group to cover more ground. Not wasting a second Shouhei jumped into the fray targeting one of the frailer bandits who seemed to have a harder time than him getting smoke in his eyes than Shouhei had. Right behind him, Shouhei put his arm around his neck, and his hand on his mouth, choking him until he stopped struggling. Then he put him over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. Shouhei was quite surprised how easy it was, but he also often forgot how strong ninjas were even compared to regular people.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 341.
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei]

Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:38 pm
Miyamoto listened to Shouhei and Hikari’s words before guessing the next course of action as he removed a stone from his pocket.  He quickly formed the hand seal needed for the rock section cane as Shouhei began to count.  His heart went from racing to almost not beating the next as the adrenaline made it seem like time slowed, the breathing of the team seemed almost in sync as Miyamoto watched the smoke bomb leave Shouhei’s hand.  Shouhei moved quick to jump down and take out the center bandit just as Miyamoto watched himself as if it was some sort of lucid dream.  He just dropped from the tree and brought the cane down on the left bandit, it was hard enough to cause the bandit to slump over as Miyamoto brought the cane back and swept the legs from under the last bandit to the right just as a knife flew past his face and into the tree he just fell from.  He saw that Shouhei’s chakra and Hikari’s were bright as was the bandit he just knocked over.  Miyamoto’s vision sped back up to normal speed as he yelled to Shouhei and Hikari.

“Find out what you need to know and get moving, I will find you.  I will take care of the last guy.”  He said as he pinpointed where the last chakra signature was and used body flicker to appear in front of the target.

It was as if the bandit knew he was coming as he already had his blade drawn and was swinging at Miyamoto as he appeared.  He was quick to block with the cane as he kicked the bandit causing him to be pushed back before looking at Miyamoto.  There they were, about a meter from each other.  He knew his teammates could finish the mission easily enough, but this was a way to buy them time to search for whatever the other bandit had in his head.  

“Looks like Hoshi was not too far off the trail either.  I assume the good noble made it to his destination then once he escaped?”  The bandt asked as only his eyes narrowed as if he was using some sort of technique to peer behind him.
“Your friends will not get far, our camp is not far from here and all I have to do is signal them and this forest will burn...We have some very important documents that Hoshi might like to get their hands on, but you all will never know.”  He said as he moved a hand  towards his pocket as if to pull out something.

Miyamoto was quick however and just as the bandit moved to bring his hand out he made the hand seal for Lava Fling as he flung enough of his lava infused sweat towards the direction his hand moved.  It did the trick though as whatever the trigger was went off before it could enter the air.  There was a definitive airburst as a small explosion filled the space between the two and directly on the bandit.  Miyamoto was flung back several feet, and it took him a minute to gather his bearings and stood up, his cane was shattered.  He looked around for his teammates and saw that they were not around.  He used the Chakra sensory ability once more and saw one thing was definitive.  The bandit that took the brunt of the explosion was not down.  

In fact the bandit was already standing and had a crossbow pointed at Miyamoto, the rag that was covering the bandit’s face was in tatters and Miyamoto could see that there was a branding that took over the left side of his face from what Miyamoto could see.  The hand that held the makeshift bomb/signaling apparatus was no longer there as the smoke fact the bandit’s arm was mostly gone as it caught Miyamoto off guard the bandit shot Miyamoto in the chest causing Miyamoto to fall back on his ass as he looked at the bandit.  The bandit was now throwing the crossbow to the side as he had pulled a knife from his side and was charging Miyamoto.

Time began to slow once more as the adrenaline was flowing freely once more.  He was taken back to the Waterways as he remembered how he nearly killed his targets.  Now here he was again, except there was no avoiding what was about to happen.  This made everything seem so clear, what Isshin, what his grandfather, what his conscious...what they all said about him killing...he did not want to do this, but he wanted to live, and the will to live is stronger than any desire that a human could bear.  Miyamoto moved as fast as he could and activated the Temple of Hephaestus as his body turned black like the void and he stood up and stopped the bandit’s charge by catching the blade and moving quick to shatter his only arm before disarming him.  Then in one quick motion Miyamoto buried the blade into the base of the bandit’s spine with his full force as he felt the bandit immediately go limp.  

There were no tears as Miyamoto moved with calmness not seen since before he became a shinobi.

He stood there as the smoke cleared, he looked back to see that the three bandits where his teammates were had all been moved.  It was for the best as Miyamoto sighed happily knowing his teammates hopefully got what they needed.  He was about to reach out with his chakra sensory ability again but was interrupted as he hard a rustling just ahead where the bandit was heading in the first place.

“Shit!”  Miyamoto said as he pulled a kunai out and prepared to throw it before out came a dirty but still well dressed person from the brush.  Miyamoto sighed in relief before ending the Temple technique.

The person saw the scene and looked like he was near close to crying as Miyamoto approached him while sheathing the kunai.  He got down on a knee and smiled to the man.

“You are are safe now sir.  The village of Hoshigakure has dispatched teams to recover you.”  Miyamoto started in as he sighed.
“I am glad we have found you outside the clutches of the enemy or bandits, we must get you to safety…” He was about to finish but the noble stopped him

“NO! Those bandits have my things...sensitive documents for Hoshigakure officials only...we must retrieve them.”  The noble urged Miyamoto as all he could do is nod in agreement.  

Miyamoto then used his chakra sensory ability to reach out and he quickly found his teammates north of here.  Miyamoto opened his eyes as he pointed north towards his teammates as the noble nodded reluctantly. They set off to join up the rest of the team.

When they catch up, Miyamoto will fill in the team and let them know that there are documents in the care of the Bandit leader.  I will be on auto unless the fight is continued past Shouhei’s post.


Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Ryo : 276150

Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei]

Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:07 pm
Hikari would continue looking at her target, focusing her chakra in an attempt to try to keep up the jutsu. The big deal right now was that she needed to keep an eye on her target, at this point, that was all she needed to do in order to read the man’s mind was to keep an eye on him for about a minute. She was still new at using this tecnqiue, as such, she was trying to focus on the jutsu and didn’t listen to what ever her allies were saying. She would look down and focus on the jutsu until suddenly, a massive smoke cloud would form and break off Hikari’s vision from the man!

“Drat!” Hikari would say, and suddenly, Shoushei and Miyamoto would start to drop into the smoke full power. Hikari wasn’t able to tell exactly what was going on, but she could tell the team had engaged the enemy. Miyamoto would start to chase a bigger one down and that would leave a single bandit left. The big man would start to head toward the smoke to help his freind that was caught in the smoke. Hikari wasn’t about to let this happen. She knew even with how strong satoshi was, if the bandit went in and cought shoushei by surprise, it would be game over for the young genin. Hikari would quickly at a speed of 100 form the sign of the hourse, followed by the sign of the tiger, and would take a deep breath before shooting out a massive fire ball at the enemy, it would come out at about 2 meters in size and the heat from it would warm up the battle ground. It would come out at a speed of 40 and at a power of just enough to hurt them, but not cause enough damage to kill the person. The fireball would hit and cause the bandit to do something smart. He would stop going in, drop onto the ground, and roll on the ground, trying to get the fire off him. (You see kids, take carful note at the smart bandit, rember, if you ever find yourself on fire, don't just stand around and burn untill you die, like how stupid Hikari probably would, but do like the smart bandit, and stop, drop and roll) As he finished, Hikari would call out, “Stay down! That was a light shot, I can do a lot more damage next time!” Hikari would look down and see that the smoke was starting to clear, there was only one bandit down in the smoke, the one that Hikari was trying to read the mind of. He was choked out and was being lifted by the young genin. Hikari would take a deep breath, it looked like the fight was over. Hikari would go over to the man that was choked out and look at him, saying “Thanks, but next time, you don’t have to worry about getting them to close to me. I am able to do my mind reading technique as long as I can see them. Sorry, I didn’t make that clear though, my bad. In the future though, we will know this. But I can continue the tecnique now.” Hikari would preform the eye movement needed and would start to try to read the man’s mind. (OOC this tecnique is supposed to take 2-3 post, but for time sake, and the fact that nothing can really stop her, I am just going to presume that it goes through. If something happens that stops this, presume my post stops here.) Namikaze would read the man’s mind, it was kind of weird for her, going through the man’s mind, but would not go and dig any deeper than what she needed. She found the exact location of the bandit’s camp. It was sort of scary, though, it was big, and there were at least another 75 bandits where they were. It was something much bigger than what the ninja were prepared for. As Hikari finished, The young Miyamoto would come with the target. He would explain what was going on, and Hikari would respond with a, “Ok, understood, but bad news, I just read this man’s mind, I know the exact location of their base, but there is like dozens of them there, way more than us three can take on or infiltrate by ourselves. I would like to try, but our mission is to find and rescue this noble. We can return with him, and end the mission, and request another mission be made to recover whatever documents this noble needs.” Hikari would look at Shoushei, in the end, it was his call. She felt like it was a bad idea to go to the camp, but Namikaze would do whatever her mission commander wanted her to do.

Word count: 821
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei]

Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:54 pm
It would appear that Shouhei had the easier task of the two as most of the bandits focused on Miyamoto. The few who didn’t focus on Miyamoto, weren’t able to catch up to Shouhei anyhow as he quickly used the Body Flicker Technique to get out of their reach and to a place where Hikari could easily do her magic on him. No not like that – get your mind out of the gutter – but like searching into the man’s mind for clues and stuff.

Now he was surprised about her ability to so easily read other people’s minds and all he could answer to it was, “At your own, risk. I can’t guarantee what you will see, but I can guarantee that you would look cute with bunny ears,” his tone of voice having a hint of bravado.

Shouhei took a kunai out again and was about to join Miyamoto in his struggle but it would appear that he was already finished and arrived in Hikari’s and his vicinity not that long after. Miyamoto looked perhaps a bit wounded, but that was indeed something Shouhei could take care off quickly so it wouldn’t be a problem. “Greetings, my lord. It is good to see you’re well.” Shouhei said ignoring the signs that the man had been crying when Miyamoto found him. “I’ll make a decision after I take care of those wound my team mate is carrying. I know they are not life threatening but it would be a disadvantage not taking care of them now when it only takes a minute.”

With that, Shouhei made Ox → Tiger handseals causing a blue aura glowing from his hands. This aura he put on Miyamoto’s wound causing it to heal at a rapid case. That took about a minute, and after that Shouhei had come to a decision so he stood up. “We will fulfill our mission, and let the higher ups mount a mission with more qualified people to get back those messages. Sorry, my lord but that’s the best course of action. We might also have to carry you for a few miles before we can get you a horse if that is okay with you?”

The emissary looked into the skies before responding. “So, it shall it be then. Can I request a fireman's carry by you?” He sounded a bit disappointed but Shouhei couldn’t really care about that right now.

“Of course, my lord.” He said, got him up on his shoulders and ordered the others. “Let’s get moving. Standard vertical line formation with me in the middle."

"The nearest safe small town was five miles north, right?” His question was added as he took off with the emissary on his shoulders.


Notes wrote:Word Count: 457
Total Word Count: 2270.
Mission Claim: 2,000 Ryo, 5 AP and the satisfaction of a job well done

Last edited by Shouhei Sato <3 on Mon Jan 16, 2017 6:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei]

Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:03 pm
Miyamoto listened to his teammates as he arrived.  They both seemed concerned over his wounds.  They were more superficial than anything, sure they stung a bit but he could take the pain.  He had learned how to after so much turmoil in his life.  After the team was informed on what was up he waited on the decision.  The blood slowly dripped from his wounds, but Miyamoto showed no signs of care.  Then Hikari made the comment that they should leave and let the village know.  The thought made Miyamoto almost sneer...he wanted to make sure whatever documents ended up getting back to their rightful eyes.  However, Shouhei then made his decision as he moved to Miyamoto to set his wounds and clean them so that he could get better medical attention back at the village.  He then said that they were pulling out.  The camp of bandit’s was not their job...the noble they needed was now in their possession.  Miyamoto was not happy about the decision, but he was not team leader...he nodded his head as Shouhei moved from Miyamoto to the nobleman.  He took in a few deep breaths before looking to Hikari and Shouhei after his picked the nobleman up and into a fireman’s carry.  His orders were to move with him in the middle.  

“Hikari...take the front, I will cover our asses.”  Miyamoto said as he stood up from the brush and waited for the others.

Once they all were ready and began to leave Miyamoto felt a tug on his mind, he knew this was not finished...not by a long shot.  He may not be able to fix the issue now, but in time...he will fix the issue for good. 

He kept his eyes on the area around them.  There was no way that there would not be reinforcements, but they were fast and they had their direction already as the team was off and on the way to deliver the noble.

Claiming mission rewards, Shouhei chakra signature memorized
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Ryo : 276150

Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei] - Page 2 Empty Re: Saving Royalty [Mission, IO, Hikari, Shouhei]

Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:32 pm
Hikari would blush a little bit about the bunny outfit, at least she would never have to wear one of those in front of anyone. The chestnut haired girl would then listen to Shoushei’s descision about going back and returning the noble to their location. With all honestly, Hikari kind of hopped that Shoushei would say “We are going after the bandits.” After all, there was 75 of them, but surely they wouldn’t be too hard to take out. After all, the group was full of gifted Shinobi, and they were just common thugs. But at the same time, that is why Shoushei is the leader, he was calm enough to understand the situation and make the right call, besides, if the team did go after the base, it would mean either taking one person off the team to protect the noble, or leaving the noble alone. That was a bad idea.

The maiden would hear what Miyamoto would say about their formation, and Hikari would nod and head on ahead, going at a mere speed of 24, what she had seen was now the limit’s of Shoushei’s speed (He wasn’t fast, but he had a lot of other assets). Hikari would keep a look out for any other bandit’s or anything else, but seeing none, she would safely return to the village.

Once they arrived, they would bring the noble to the request location, and drop him off, before going their separate ways.


Word count: 233
Total word count: 3097
Claims: 3097
2k Ryo 5 AP. And the satisfaction of a job (Semi) well done.

Last edited by Hikari Namikaze <3 on Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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