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Path to Chuunin Part 1 Empty Path to Chuunin Part 1

Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:07 am

“Crap, crap, crap,” were the only words muttered under his breath as Komori struggled to dress himself due to the anxiousness that consumed him as he hurried to leave. He had signed up to take the first preliminary of the Village Hidden in the Clouds’ chuunin exam today, and of course, Komori, being who he is, was running late. He had wanted to get there early in order to bypass the line, but obviously he would not be able to, as the only reason he had woken up was from the sunlight beaming through his window onto his face, which had caused his eyes to shoot open as the realization of tardiness hit him. He had considered staying up throughout the entire night in order to make it to the examination area early, but ultimately decided to get a good night’s rest in order to prepare himself for the exam. He considered skipping out on wearing his favorite jacket, but ultimately decided against it as he quickly grabbed his weapons pouches and ran out the door. As he was bolting down the street, he was seen doing an odd combination between a hop and a skip as he attempted unsuccessfully to equip his weapon pouches to his legs while moving at a brisk pace down the roads of the Village Hidden in the Clouds.

The sound of a foot tapping without rest was audible even amongst the persistent chatter of other genin who were awaiting admission into this particular training room. Komori Hozuki awaited in line with his arms crossed and the continuous sound of his foot tapping against the stone ground outside a rather large building that occupied a sizeable amount of land. Whether his consistent tapping was the result of nervousness, impatience, or sheer anxiousness regarding the plan for the day he did not know. Komori’s head began to droop as the tapping of his foot slowed down due to tiredness. He shook his head awake and elected to take in his surroundings as opposed to passing out in the middle of line. The grey stone building was not very tall in comparison, as it consisted of two or three floors stacked on top of each other. However, he had heard that the building contained sublevels in which the first test took place. The line was moving slowly but surely, which was rather good news as Komori finally made it inside the building.

Komori had never been the most patient person. This was blatantly obvious as he awaited in what could only be described as a lobby for the first task he had to complete in order to begin the path to achieving the rank of chuunin. He consistently fiddled with anything, and at this very moment it happened to be a kunai from the weapons pouch which was hastily fastened onto his left leg. Once again, Komori had kept his streak of consistently waking up later than usual, and he wanted to get the beginning of his chuunin exam out of the way. Komori finally progressed far enough in the line to enter an area of the building which would best be described as a lobby. The room was larger than he had anticipated and boasted more classical Japanese features, such as wooden panels which occupied roughly one third of the wall, while the rest of the wall remained white, broken up by vertical wooden beams that both supported the ceiling as well as helped to connect the walls. The room was open to other genin who were waiting for their turn to take the exam. As Komori stood in line, he noticed a particular team of genin composed of two boys and a girl who were much louder and more obnoxious than everyone else. Komori recognized one of the two boys as Joka, which Komori had not seen in quite a while. At least not since he had defeated Joka in an unofficial duel upon learning the Rain Tiger at Will Technique. “Next,” a woman at the desk had said. Komori had reached the front of the line. He gave his name to the attendant to which she responded, “When they call your name, simply walk over to this door-,” she pointed to an iron door with a barred window in the middle. Well that doesn’t look very inviting, he considered saying but decided to not cut her off before turning his attention back to her. “-and follow the man or woman who greets you to whichever floor they take you to. Do you understand what I’ve said?” Komori simply nodded his head and stepped out of line. He nearly ran into Joka, who must have noticed and approached him while he was not paying attention. Komori was unamused, “Oh come on, man, you don’t need to be a jerk.” Before Joka could say anything, an attendant called his name. Joka began walking and stopped by Komori before whispering, “Good luck when it’s your turn. You’ll need it.” He then shoulder checked Komori, purposefully extending his shoulder in order to bump into him. “Oops,” Joka said in a very sarcastic manner before he shot a jolt of electricity throughout Komori’s body using a technique he knew all too well, the cramp jutsu. The cramp technique was one of the ways that Komon, Komori’s twin brother, loved to use in order to mess with him. He was rather put off by the fact that this sorry excuse for a shinobi used a similar technique that mirrored a way that he and his brother interacted.

Komori attempted to ignore the attack and refused to let the kid provoke him, and in a rather strange way, the shock had actually been a welcome sensation, as it helped Komori quite a bit by causing him to be more alert. As the electricity subsided, a small grunt was all that gave way to the fact that he was feeling any pain. Refusing to acknowledge the sorry excuse for the genin who had assaulted him, he simply walked to the other side of the room and waited for his name to be called. As time went on, several genin seemed to be called to the iron door, however, the name of Komori Hozuki was yet to be called upon. The upcoming shinobi was beginning to grow impatient and began to tap his feet to subtly send a signal to the woman at the desk. Perhaps if she knew he was growing even more impatient than he already was, that she could speed up the process a bit. It was a fat chance but hey he could not help but hope. As further time went on, an odd realization crossed Komori’s mind. He had noticed that nobody who went in through the iron door he was waiting on seemed to be coming out of it. As he thought this, he decided it was for the best to assume that there was a back door and not that they were killing children. The Village Hidden in the Clouds would not do that. Right? Komori thought of the morbid atmosphere the village had at times. Then he decided it was best not to think about it, lest he get queasy and the exam did not have bathrooms. Just as he was about to ask if he was almost up, the iron door swung open and a jounin with a scar and what appeared to be a blind eye appeared before him. Komori couldn’t help but think that the man looked a lot like his brother Komon with that scar and grey eye, despite lacking the byakugan dojutstu. However, his thoughts were interrupted when the man called out his name in a rather stern tone, “Komori Hozuki”.

At this, Komori’s back straightened up and he raised his hand up with his eyes all lit up before pointing to himself and mouthing “Me?” to the man, just to be certain there was not another Komori Hozuki in the waiting room. You never know, after all. The jounin did not seem to find this very funny and instead just scowled and generally have a look of annoyance. “Are you Komori Hozuki?” he asked in the same stern voice. Komori felt it was best not to mess with the man and simply nodded before walking up to him. Together the jounin and genin, but hopefully future chuunin, walked down a lengthy corridor that led to an area that Komori had never been to before. In an attempt to clear the stale and silent air around them, Komori tried to start a conversation with the man. “So, do you do this often?” He cringed as he remembered that he had once hit on a waitress at a restaurant that she worked at and asked if she had come there often. So he quickly tried to recover, “I mean are there a lot of genin that try taking this test a lot? How many fail?” Komori began ranting several questions as he tended to talk more when he was nervous about a situation, as well as when there was a silence that he wondered if he should fill. The man grunted at him, clearly not wanting to start a conversation. He eventually led Komori to a stairwell. The jounin, however, did not seem to intend to take the stairs. Instead, he changed his demeanor into a more hopeful one, which caught Komori off guard, as they both stopped at the door as the jounin gestured to the young man in front of him before speaking, “Your exam will take place on the third sublevel down the stairs below. A proctor is waiting for you as we speak. They will give you both your mission details and objectives when you arrive… good luck, kid,” the man said before Komori stepped forward. The man slammed the door to the stairwell behind him, more forcefully than he had to, probably. He could hear the footsteps of the jounin walking back towards the waiting area that they had come from and assumed he was going to be guiding more gennin towards their exams. Komori sighed as he began to pace down the stair well, It’s gonna start soon, Hope I do well.. He thought to himself as he neared the third floor down. Above the door read a sign that said “Testing Area”, and Komori assumed it was his destination.

Bracing himself for what lay behind the door, he hesitantly began to raise his arm and gripped the doorknob, turning it slightly to the left to pop it open and causing an audible creak noise. Komori thought to himself, Geez, someone should probably oil the door down sometime soon. It’s creepy, before stepping into a small room with yet another jounin. This time, it was female who stood rather tall for a woman, around five foot eight, with uncommon red hair. Komori had heard of a clan who usually had red hair but could not remember for the life of him. He could have sworn there was somebody with the same color hair back at the academy. “So, are you the last one, or are they just gonna keep sending me to different jounin till I crack,” Komori joked at the girl. The jounin, however, was not amused and simply looked down at her clipboard fairly quickly before looking back up. “Komori Hozuki, welcome to the first chuunin exam.. I’ll be your proctor today and will now read you your mission details,” she said before turning and pointing her hand to another door. “Behind this door you will be presented with a maze, in it there will be three sentries and a scroll, your mission will be to get the scroll without being seen. You can fail this exam in a total of three different ways. The first and most obvious of which would be getting seen by the guards. Secondly, if you attack a guard you will be eliminated. The third and final way you can fail the exam is death.” Komori thought that the woman was joking about that last part, but when the jounin made eye contact with him, her eyes revealed no intent to humor him, instead she simply pointed to the door once more, “So don’t do anything stupid, because this test is actually one of the ones with the lowest dying rate.” She smiled which seemed like an odd thing to do. Oh, so it’s fine because I won’t die here. I’ll just die later, Komori thought to himself. However, he decided to keep his thoughts to himself as the woman spoke up once more, “If you walk through that door, you consent to anything that may happen on the other side. If you wish to leave now, this will be your only opportunity” the woman finished.

Komori’s fight or flight instincts kicked in as the reality of death settled on his mind. He took a second to think, as he had known that the chuunin exams were rigourous and was more than willing to face them, although he had not been expecting the possibility of dying in a mere preliminary. Taking a second to think it over, he remembered his twin brother Komon had already taken the exam, so he thought that if his idiot of a brother had passed, that he could as well. Komori assured himself that he would be fine and took a step towards the door one after another, until he was directly in front of it before looking back at the jounin as if to ask if it was time to start. He gave her a confident smirk, “It’s okay. I’ve got this.” The jounin acknowledged the boy by giving a slight smile before she nodded her head and uttered, “You may proceed when you are ready.” With that Komori opened the door and walked into a dark hallway… Upon further inspection he realized it wasn’t a hallway but a corridor in the maze the jounin had informed him about just seconds ago. The room consisted of black walls that rose high into a ceiling which was not visible due to the darkness of being underground. It was clear that this maze was optimized for this mission, as the contrast between the clothing of the genin to the sheer black walls would allow him to be easily spotted. “Guess the exam starts now… Now let's find that scroll shall we? Or shall I? And I’m talking to myself again.” Komori said aloud to nobody in particular as he began to follow the path between the immeasurably walls forward into darkness.

The lack of a solid light source kept him on edge. There seemed to only be a faint glow, almost as if to simulate the glow of the moon on a starless night. He was unsure as to where the dim lights were coming from, but they allowed him limited visual distance, and it was at this time that Komori envied his brother’s visual prowess. Komori paused before moving, he was not going to be stupid about this and turn a corner just to come face to face with a guard, instead he waited and explored his options. In front of him was a hallway with one passage to the right about halfway down and even further it split into a bit of a T shape at the very end. This left him with three total options two rights or one left. In a bit of a hurry caused by anxiety, Komori silently ran down the maze being careful to make as little noise as possible so as not to alert the guards. Hastily, he rested on the corner of the wall next to the first right in the hallway, as he slowly peeked his head around the corner to check if any guards awaited him However, to his surprise, the hallway was empty but also happened to be a dead end “What is the point of this hallway if it’s just a dead end” Komori thought as he bypassed it and carried onto the fork in the road. The left passageway was abruptly cut off by an iron door similar to the one which he had seen upstairs. The right continued straight in a long path, with an undetermined ending that was hidden by darkness, with several paths branching out in several directions. He could have sworn there was a shadow of movement, which hastened him to travel in the opposite direction.

Opting to try to get past the door, Komori started activating several handsigns to use his most powerful technique, chidori, on the door in order to break it down. Upon further thought, the genin stopped in his tracks, merely two handseals away from activation. The jutsu, albeit a powerful one, would cause quite a commotion and a flash of light due to the sheer nature of electricity. Besides, if the movement he thought he saw was actually one of the sentries, he did not want to do anything to draw attention to himself. Being extra careful, he instead utilized his kekkei genkei. His entire body morphed to water as he attempted to slide under the crack at the bottom of the door. However, when he tried to slide under the door, he was blocked by some kind of invisible barrier. Komori reformed his body back into a solid form and examined the door more closely. Upon further inspection, he noticed a blue array within a circle about 6 inches in diameter. He recognized this as the same kind of lock seal which he had once used to lock his twin brother Komon in his room. He smirked at the thought before igniting his index and middle fingers on his right hand emitted a faint blue glow of chakra. He began tracing the seal in order to dispel it, however, it gave him more frustration than he anticipated. This seems to be stronger than the one I used… the young genin thought to himself. He decided on furthering the exertion of chakra through his fingertips, and began tracing it once more, slowly but surely wearing down the formula. It clicked in his head that the blue glow from his fingers may play a part in revealing his location, so he began picking up the pace as much as he could.

The sound of footsteps were able to be heard behind him, so he was forced to stop the technique to avoid the glow and promptly turned into a puddle on the floor, being careful to not move, as to draw attention to himself. Once he no longer heard footsteps, he peeked his semi-reformed head up, only to see the back of what was presumably the sentry’s feet. He considered attacking him before remembering that any sort of assault would result in an instant failure. Instead the sentry slowly walked away before stopping at the intersection and checking both the direction that he had come from, as well as the direction of the door which Komori had entered after his discussion with the female jounin. Komori then took mental pictures of what the sentry looked like, should the need arise. He used hydrification to merely reform two fingers, which were then held up by the mass of water that composed his hand and arm, before tracing the rest of the seal. He then liquified until he was just a puddle once again, and slid under the now unlocked door. Upon reaching the other side, Komori decided to halt the sentry he had encountered just in case he decided to check past the door. This time, simply a single index finger on his right hand lit up with the blue chakra as he began to trace an array in the shape of a circle six inches in diameter. He already had a basic idea of this jutsu, but this time, he poured more chakra into his finger, in order to make the line just slightly thicker, in the same exact manner as the lock which he had just dispersed. It seemed to be the exact same as the one which he had learned earlier, however, slightly stronger. Since he did not know the technique, it took him a tad longer than it should, but since he had just diffused one, he was able to utilize the chakra signature of the D-rank lock in order to lock this door once more. As soon as he had finished, he stood up. No going back now. He continued down the hallway again.

He hated describing the hallways, as they seemed to be the same thing over and over again. The pitch black walls, which he could not tell whether or not the towering barriers in the maze were made of obsidian or some other black volcanic rock. The cold stone floor was seemingly designed just so that no person could speed blitz this mission, as it would cause massive echoes that would reflect off of the enormous walls. He attempted to follow the stereotypical maze rule, that if one continues against the left wall, then they will eventually escape. However, this proved ineffective as Komori traveled down every left turn he encountered, only to lead to dead ends or forced to wander a series of passages that only led him around in circles as he eventually ended up leaving the very same passage that he had traveled down in the first place.

Komori believed that his luck was finally picking up, until he came to the next crossroads, that is. To his right was another heavy iron door, straight in front of him turned from a wide path into a more narrow opening which Komori could only imagine he would have to squeeze through. The true question was whether or not he should travel down that way, or to the left which contained a more open path but also a faint noise that Komori immediately suspected were footsteps echoed out. He did manage to notice, however, that the door on his right side did not have a gap underneath the door, as all, or most apparently, would have. It seemed to be specifically designed in a manner that the bottom of the door would scrape heavily against the ground, which appeared to be made of stone or a stone like substance, which would create an echoing noise. Clever. The debate came to where he began to contemplate whether he should continue straight or not. It could have been the proper way, as the maze designers probably would not put in the effort to make a fake pathway that could either lead to nothing or maybe another sentry or something. Or maybe they would in an attempt to fool any test takers such as himself. He then suspected that the sound of the sentry to his left could be an indicator to the location of the scroll. The stone floors that caused an echoing effect whenever he walked was also useful to him, as it helped to amplify his hearing. Due to this thought process, Komori decided to take the path on his left, where he could have been certain a sentry was waiting for him. He once again heard the footsteps down another branching path to his right, which he then assumed that he needed to go, and promptly turned into a puddle. He slowly peeked his liquified head around the corner and saw the second sentry approaching his direction. He backed away from the corner and stuck to the wall some 10 meters down, hoping to melt into the wall and disappear. However, he knew this was a futile attempt, and instead used the Dog, Boar, and Ram handseals.

This allowed him to use the transformation technique that he had learned as a mere academy student in order to appear as the same sentry that he had encountered near the entrance. He began to walk past the second sentry very confidently, despite panicking on the inside. The other sentry looked at him as he passed by, and Komori the sentry gave him a small head nod of acknowledgment. The two walked past one another, as time seemed to slow down. Komori had made it maybe five meters before the other sentry he had passed spoke up. “Hey.” Komori froze in his tracks and turned around to address the other sentry and only gave him a quizzical expression? “Have you even seen that genin that’s supposed to be here? They told us he was here before he walked in, but that slacker Reiji,” Komori inferred that this must be the name of the third sentry, “said he was going to guard the scroll. Lazy bastard probably just didn’t want to patrol.”  Komori hesitated for a moment, as he did not know the manner in which the person he was impersonating spoke, but then decided to talk in a standard tone in order to not hesitate and draw suspicion to himself, “Haven’t seen him. I was up front, but never heard a thing. He’s either really good or hiding in a corner.” Komori chuckled at his own joke before wondering if the guard himself would do such a thing and cut his laugh short. The other sentry seemed to buy it and laughed as well. “I didn’t know you could be so funny, Shiryo. We’ll have to catch a few drinks together after these tests are over.” Komori nodded. “Alright, we can switch posts. I’ll go check up front and you guard this area. Remember, the room with the scroll is down that second hallway on the left. Make sure that if that genin decides to show up that he doesn’t get past there.” Komori nodded once more before the two sentries parted ways. Thanks for the tip, he thought to himself as he smiled and sped walk down the hall at a brisk pace, careful not to alert the sentry behind him. In fact, he decided to wait a moment longer and lean against the wall, in case the sentry looked back behind him, as Komori the sentry was now supposed to patrol THIS area and not the scroll as the other sentry was positioned there instead. Once the sentry was out of sight, Komori placed him out of mind as he began walking towards the pathways, intent on ducking down the aforementioned path to the scroll. He looked down the alternate routes and saw that the first left path rounded a corner into something else. Must be a trap for people that follow the basic way of getting out a maze by sticking to the left wall. To the right was a straight path that led on for a bit until darkness entirely obstructed the ending. Just how large is this testing area. The path straight on in the direction he was headed was wider than the rest of the paths, which seemed to mean that it was part of the main path and not a branch. Or maybe the maze designer just randomized the shapes and sizes of said paths in order to play mind games to those who overthink. Komori turned on the second left and found that this path rounded in the opposite direction of the last left path. He followed this until he came to a brighter building than the rest of the maze, a grouping of white walls with a golden trim. How did I not notice this before?, he said to himself in his head before he noticed that the entire building, aside from the entrance, was completely encased in a circle of black walls that perfectly outlined the building, allowing for as little space as possible. He did not want to simply walk in the front door, lest he meet the third sentry named Reiji. Just because he was able to fool the second guard did not mean that that trick would work twice, and he opted to not test his luck. Instead, Komori dispersed the transformation technique and used his kekkei genkei to maneuver between the black walls and the walls of the dome.

Komori found a space that was more open than usual, and used the water walking and tree climbing technique in order to scale one of the walls and reach the base of the glass dome on top. He noticed that there was a single access hatch and approached it. Upon reaching his objective, Komori noticed a more intricate version of the fuinjutsu lock seal. This must be an even higher ranked version of the technique. Komori channeled chakra into the fingertips of his index and middle fingers located on his right hand and caused them to glow with a fierce blue light. He traced the blue circular array continually as he memorized the manner in which the seal was placed down in addition to memorizing the formula for said seal. However, he would not place it today, and instead tucked the information in the back of his mind, to save for another day. Instead, he continued his progress on breaking down the seal. He could not help but admire the craftsmanship. The art of sealing jutsu, or fuinjutsu, had always fascinated him. In fact, before he shifted his focus to ninjutsu, he had been planning on beginning his ninja career by purely practicing fuinjutsu at the start. However, as he felt his brother pull away in power levels, he instead began to hone his ninjutsu skills in an attempt to catch up to him. An attempt that would come to fruition by the end of these demanding, God forsaken chuunin exams which seemed to take forever, especially with a relatively inactive kage. Over a short period of time, Komori was finally able to break the seal and lifted the panel up, propping it up against two iron rods that seemed to hold it in place. Komori peeked his head over the ledge and saw the scroll sitting on a white marble podium in the middle of the poorly lit room. That Reiji guy is here somewhere, Komori said to himself as he used the clone seal to create a secondary Komori next to him. The clone then also used the clone seal to cause cloneception as one shadow clone created another shadow clone. The original Komori spoke in a hushed tone, “Alright, guys, I need your help here.” He took a moment to look them both in the eyes. “And there aren’t any hot girls this time, so no going rogue on me. This is important.” The clones nodded this time, although they looked slightly disappointed. “Alright,” Komori said, as he so often did to make sure that he would get confirmation from his easily distracted clones. He himself was also easily distracted as it seemed to take forever for him to even do his first chuunin exam. He was mildly disappointed in himself for taking so long, anyways. “Handsome devil A, you’re going to need to hold onto my ankles and hold me over the edge so I can get a good look.” He then shifted his focus to the other shadow clone. “Beautiful bastard B, I’m gonna need you to hold onto Komori A’s legs in order to make sure he doesn’t fall in with me. Sound good?”

The plan was immediately put into action following these instructions, as it must have been very late at night and he just wanted to go home and sleep. Komori was hoisted over the edge as he slowly allowed his hair and eyes to breach the room, looking around. The first thing that Komori managed to notice was how dark the room truly was. The scroll, however, seemed to be illuminated directly by whatever lighting source the Cloud was using that mimicked the lunar light of the night. The rest of his head surfaced from the access hatch, as he was slowly lowered in by his shadow clones. He looked up to them, “Lower,” he commanded. He could tell they were starting to struggle as the pressure of the situation was getting to them. He could feel handsome devil A starting to lose his grip, as he looked up at them in annoyance. They did not see the expression on his face so Komori once again turned his attention to the floor below. As far as he was concerned, he could not see Reiji anywhere in sight. The sentry seemed to not be in the room, although the room was a lot larger than he anticipated and the light centered on the scroll distracted him from the remainder of the room. Not that he would really have any more time to observe. Shadow clone B then lost his grip on clone A, who promptly fell in along with the lowered Komori. Clone A quickly dispersed both of them, resulting in Komori receiving the feeling of his chakra return to his body as he promptly turned into a puddle and splashed down onto the floor. This had been his plan all along, but he wanted to minimize the sound of dripping water as much as he could. He reformed and stood up, getting within 10 meters of the scroll as he hesitantly approached the central pillar. As he quietly stepped closer, he heard a low rumbling noise that appeared to come from the front left of his body, part of the room which had appeared darker than it should have during his borderline disaster of an entrance. His entire body froze and tensed up, prepared to disperse into a puddle of water on the floor in a moment's notice. He slowly rotated his head in the direction of the noise to see the sentry leaning back on a chair. Komori closed his eyes. He was busted for sure. When the guard made no advances towards him, Komori squinted one eye open, only to discover that the sentry had fallen asleep in the chair. This must be that Reiji guy the second sentry had mentioned. It seemed as though the second sentry was right, and this guy was indeed incredibly lazy. Or maybe he just hated his job. Whatever the reason, the genin still decided to proceed with caution. Komori took another step and another until he was within 5 feet of his objective. All he had to do was touch the scroll and he would succeed.

The sentry stirred in his seat. Komori, not wanting to risk anything going wrong, which he should probably get used to with his luck, used the Hidden Mist jutsu without any handseals to cause a rather thick fog to stem from the air around them. He willed the fog to turn lighter around his immediate self in order to see the scroll. He walked slowly on the tips of his toes, reaching his arm out ever so slowly towards the scroll. As he did so, the guard muttered a single word, “Huh.” This was the last thing he would get a chance to say as Komori used the ram seal to quickly activate body flicker, boosting his speed in order to reach the podium within the small window of opportunity that he had left. Immediately, lights illuminated the entire room. He heard a faint crash as the rest of his senses were mildly amplified in this flash to pick up on anything as his sense of sight was incapacitated, and realized it must have been the sleeping jounin. Komori held his other hand up over his eyes, glancing up into the blinding light. After taking a moment for his eyes to adjust, he realized that the very top part of the room opposite to where he entered was actually a small open area, complete with formerly unlit torch sconces that were now freshly lit by a shinobi using a fire style ninjutsu technique. The upper level was set back from the walls, so Komori had not managed to notice it before, especially in the dark. What appeared to be the very same female jounin who had led him into the exam looked over the ledge to the surprised look on Komori’s face. In an attempt to mask his surprise, he instead chose to clear his throat and speak up in order to address the jounin, “So, uhh… Did I pass?”

WC: 6051/6000
Requesting: 10 stats, 7 AP, 3k ryo, the ability to move on to the next mission, Fuinjutsu Lock D-Rank (1000/1000), Fuinjutsu Break D-Rank (1000/1000), Fuinjutsu Break C-Rank (2000/2000)
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Path to Chuunin Part 1 Empty Re: Path to Chuunin Part 1

Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:38 pm
Akihana Akari
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Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:05 am

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