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Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1 Empty Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1

Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:48 am
Mission Name: Path to Chuunin pt 1
Character Requirements: Genin
Mission Location: Kumogakure/Amegakure
Word Count Requirements:6000 wc
NPC? 3 sentries
Reward:3k ryo and the ability to move on to the next mission
Task: Inside the villages there is not a training center that allows nin to hone their skills when attempting to rank up in their respective areas. Once such room is dedicated to the arts of sneaking into a restricted area and stealing information. This area is a maze of corridors and pathways that intersect and cross. This area is monitored and guarded by three sentries that protect the scroll. Your job is to infiltrate and get the scroll without being seen, the mission ends when you touch the scroll.

No harm is to befall the sentries, if you attack them, consider that mission failure. If you are seen, mission failure.

Komon stood still, taking in the area around him and savoring every detail. This was the day he had been waiting for, the day of the first chuunin exam trial. From what he had heard there was to be three trials he had to complete before he could even qualify to take the chuunin exams. And this building was the first location. The building was fairly large and looked like it could hold an entire arena inside it. And odds are that there most likely was. Full of both excitement and fear Komon made his way into the building.

Upon entering he saw that he was clearly not the only genin applying for the chuunin exams as there was at least 5 more people his age with equipment and ninja gear sitting in the chairs around him. Looking around further he saw the front desk which was manned by a pretty woman. Walking up to her he introduced himself as Komon and said he was here for the first chuunin preliminary exam. The woman said that a jounin would be out soon to give him his mission details and explain the exam requirements to him, then told him to take a seat with the other genin and wait his turn. Komon turned around and looked at the other gennin scanning them over as he figured he may have to fight some in future rounds of the chuunin exams. Upon close inspection he decided not many of them looked particularly challenging except for the one in the middle, he was clearly battle hardened and had a scar running down his arm, and a massive sword on his back.

“I'll have to watch out for that guy for sure” he thought to himself. Eventually he made his way over to the group, not introducing himself as he wanted to be as mysterious as possible if they ever had to fight. Time seemed to come to a crawl as he waited for his turn, several gennin going before him, the minutes began to feel like hours and the hours began to feel like days. Komon had many talents but patience was not one of them, he was quick and decisive, this environment seemed to stressed him out more than it should. He watched the Gennin with the sword get called to the front. “They must only have one arena in here, That means its massive judging by the size of the building” Komon thought to himself.

About thirty minutes after the Gennin with the sword was called up Komon himself was called, The jounin who called him up to the front was a woman, she had red hair and wore a standard cloud jounin uniform with a black shirt and white jounin vest. “Komon?” she called again, before Komon realized he hadn’t answered her the first time. “I’m here” he said rising out of his seat and raising his hand to indicate his position as he ran towards her. “So how’s this work?” he asked wanting to know what he was supposed to do.

The redheaded jounin didn't give him an answer and instead commanded him to follow her to the next room. “...Okay” Komon said hesitantly. And the two walked down a long poorly lit hallway into a room with two other jounin, this raised Komons suspicions and he asked again hoping for an answer “So what do I do for this exam?” the tallest jounin in the room, gave him an answer, Komon Hyuuga, in order to advance to the next stage of the Chuunin exams preliminaries you must pass this exam, we will debrief you on your objectives and rules. If you meet the minimum requirements then we will grant you access to the next exam, if not you will have to try again. Do you understand?

The jounin looked at him expecting an answer. “...OH, yah! I mean yes; yes sir!” The jounin in the room laughed at his nervousness, before beginning to explain his exam to him. “Komon you’re main objective is simple, we want you to get a scroll from a room. However your mission is not, the room that holds the scroll is somewhere in a maze, we may not give you any more info on the location of the scroll then that. But in this maze will be three sentries, these sentries are there to guard the scroll and prevent you from stealing it, if you get caught by any of the sentries; you are eliminated. If you attack any of the sentries; you are eliminated. This is your mission, do you need anything repeated or are you good to go?” Komon had listened intently and gotten every detail needing no repetition he gave his response “So where do I go to start?”  he said confidently.

The three jounin laughed, obviously taking a liking to the boy. The last jounin; the red headed one who had guided him here tapped three times on the wall behind her, and as if listening to a command the wall glided upwards, it was a door. “Step right in..” she told him in a calm voice. Komon looked down the path that had opened in front of him the walls where 10 feet tall with a solid ceiling and he could see multiple paths, the maze was sure to be large based on what he was seeing.

Not wanting to break his confident facade he stepped in without looking any of them in the eye, both feet now in the maze he turned around wanting to as the jounin one more question, but as he did so he saw the wall drop back down behind him. “Welp guess im not gonna be able to use the bathroom first” he thought to himself as it happened. Komon decided it was time to start getting serious right now for all intents and purposes he was on a combat mission, and it was about time to start acting like it.

He began to think to himself what he knew, one thing he knew for sure was that there were 3 guards, walking around in this maze with him, if he got caught by one, he would be eliminated, and if he tried to harm one, he would also be eliminated. He also knew that he had to get the scroll, and that he had no idea where it was. With this information he began to formulate a plan, as a hyuuga he was practically built for this mission, he had the byakugan, which would allow him to see through walls while his sentries could not, he’d be able to easily find his way through the maze and avoid all encounters with the sentries.

Komon was feeling slightly better about himself, having a plan and being lost in a maze, was a lot better than just being lost in a maze after all. So he smiled, and with a bit of confidence activated his byakugan, but what he saw brought him no enjoyment, the walls he wanted to see through were lined with chakra, his instructors had obviously noticed he was a hyuuga and planned for it accordingly giving him no unfair advantage to the other students. “Alright back to the drawing board I guess” he thought in despair, And began to think.

But his train of thought was interrupted when heard footsteps coming his way, Click, Clack, Click, Clack, Click, Clack. He began to panic, the footsteps were getting closer and he had no idea what to do, but he wasn't about to give up, he just had to think. He decided to locate the direction of the footsteps first, listening intently to the sound of the feet hitting the stone floor of the maze. Click, Clack, Click, Clack, Click, Clack. He listened and to his best guess they where coming from the path to the right, Komon was standing at a four way intersection in the maze and decided to head forwards, praying for it not to be a dead end, and turning a corner pressing himself against the wall and listening closely to find out if he was being followed.

But after about 20 seconds of silence he decided he was safe, the footsteps had given away the guards position which had given him an advantage, but he wasn't about to make the same mistake as them, he knew his shoes gave him the exact same disadvantage, so he began to take them off of his feet activating chidori and burning them to a crisp, now bare foot he knew he could move more quietly and freely. Waiting another 30 seconds just to be safe he traveled back to the intersection and decided to walk back down the path that he had heard the guards had to be coming from after all they had to be coming from somewhere.

However when he went back the direction he had came the intersection was no longer there, instead where he could have sworn it had been there was only a T shaped path, his only options were left or right “I couldn't have possibly gotten lost already” he thought to himself, but he clearly was, after a bit of debate he decided to just roll with it traveling down the path until it forked to either left or right, The left side went down a long straight path while the right was short but branched off into three more paths, Deciding to go with more options so he could more easily evade the guards he went right towards the three paths.

Walking down the short hallway he eventually came to the three way fork in the road, he decided it would be best to turn left, but almost had a panic attack as he turned. In front of him was a sentry, the guard's back was turned to him, and he was walking in the opposite direction so the man did not see him but Komon was way too close to this man for comfort, quickly but also silently he spun the heel of his foot and turned back around taking the right instead of the left this time.

He kept following that path for what felt like ten minutes, however he seemed to have looped back to the four way intersection he had started at. Frustrated Komon decided to use his byakugan again hoping that he’d be able to see through the walls, even though he knew he wouldn’t be able to. When it didn’t work he wasn’t too surprised, but also a little disappointed. This maze was beginning to piss him off. Still at the intersection he looked at his options one last time before making a decision and heading and south.

The pathway south was a long corridor, with no branches but it curved left at the end, from what he could tell the hallway was about 100 meters long. While he was observing this however he heard a click in the wall and what happened next horrified him, the walls began closing in on him. He was still at least 80 meters from the end of the section that seemed to be closing in there was no way he was going to make it in time. He began sprinting trying to think of a way to slow down the wall. After a bit of panicked brainstorming he came up with a solution however, frantically he put his hands together in a cross formation and whispered “shadow clone jutsu” as quietly as possible so that he wouldn’t alert any sentries to his position. As expected the two clones poofed into existence through a cloud of smoke. The two clones then activated Lightning Javelin in order to increase their strength, each one running at a different wall, and applying pressure to it, this greatly decreased the rate at which the walls were closing in on him. He was still twenty meters out however and he was certainly gonna be cutting it close himself. He began sprinting he was now 15 meters out, faster and faster, 10 meters out, the walls were now closing in on him, 7 meters out, the walls were to close for him keep sprinting and he had to start inching his way sideways, 3 meters out. He could barely breath from the pressure of the wall against him but he slid his way out. Gasping for air as he made his way to freedom.

Komon had made his way out of the wall, but the experience had him rattled, he had almost died, he knew that the chuunin exams was supposed to be tough but nobody told him he’d be fighting for his life. He put his hands to his head and sat against the wall, his mind racing and panicking as he did so. He had to come up with a better plan if he wanted to get out of here alive, nothing he was doing was working so far. So he began to revisit the rules.

[*]He had to get the scroll
[*]He couldn’t be seen
[*]He couldn’t attack the guards

Luckily he had a solution, sure he couldn't harm the guards, but nobody said anything about paralysing. He just had to find a way to get behind the guards, and then use temporary paralysis. Looking at the pathway in front of him, he realized it was another T shaped fork in the road, he had two choices as the path behind him was no longer an option thanks to the moving walls. Left or Right, this decision lead him to think of a famous poem, “Shall I go left where nothing is right, or right where nothing is left.” The poem meant that there was no good option, and he was beginning to feel the same in this situation.

After a while he decided there was no real solid way to pick his directions so he decided to come up with his own method of choosing, from now on whenever he would come to a fork in the road, he’d just flip a ryo. Quickly he pulled one out of his pocket as well as a kunai out of his weapons pouch, he then used the kunai to scratch the back surface of the ryo so he could indicate one side from the other. He decided that if he flipped the coin and it landed on the scratched side, he would go left, if he flipped the coin and it landed on the untouched side however he would go right.

Taking a breath he put the ryo on top of his thumb making sure it stayed put. He then pushed his thumb upward which in turn launched the ryo into the air, as it spun repeatedly until it curved back downwards towards the floor as gravity intended it to, but Komons palm would act as a barrier to prevent that from happening as it rested in the palm of his hand. Komon looked down to see the result of his flip and smiled as it had landed on the scratched side. “Left it is” He thought to himself.

He tiptoed down the path, listening for the faintest of sounds that could give away a guard's position not wanting to get caught, he was clearly paranoid however as he would frantically turn around thinking he had heard a guards breath every couple of minutes. After a little while he began not to trust his own ears, which wasn't a problem however, as he had a simple solution for that. Without hesitation he put his thumb and placed it onto his teeth, before biting down to draw blood, he then slammed that bleeding thumb into the ground, to call forth his summoning jutsu, as he did so a cloud of smoke appeared, and slowly faded away. As it did so the shape of a small rhino barely the size of a human hand began to form.

Komon quietly explained the situation to his summon tiaopi. “Listen Tiaopi, it's a long story but basically, I'm taking the chuunin exams right now, and were in a maze, there are also three guards in here with us, if I get caught by any of them I will be disqualified, and if I attack them I will also be disqualified, I need you to listen for footsteps so that I can focus on finding the scroll I’m supposed to retrieve, can you do that for me?” Tiaopi was more than happy to help and told the gennin he’d help him out, climbing onto his shoulder and sticking with his sticky foot jutsu.

“Alright let's head out.” he whispered to his friend, as he began to move forwards again, they walked for about 30 seconds before turning a corner that lead to a long straight path with about 6 different openings on the left side but none on the right, “We must be on the outer right side of the maze” he whispered again, He didn’t like the look of the hallway however as it a long straight path and a sentry could turn out of any of the 6 paths from the left at any time. But the path behind him was sealed and there was no turning back now. So he started creeping slowly down the path, until he came to the first hallway, not wanting to turn the corner blindly he pulled his katana out of its sheath, and it glistened, Komon always kept it clean, he had bought it and didn’t want it to gather dust. So clean it almost worked like a mirror, which is what he intended to use it as, extending his blade slightly past the corner he could see the reflection of the hallway, the hallway itself was empty and void of guards, however it was a dead end so he had no intention of going into it, so he skipped the gap in the wall and headed to the next one with his sword still drawn. Inching it past the edge of the wall he peered into the hallway in front of him through the reflection of his blade, he almost gasped as he saw a guard walking towards him, panicking he realized his only option was to hide in the dead end he had just cleared and if the sentry decided to come his direction instead of the opposite direction with four paths he’d surely be caught.

So he went with his only option, however bad it happened to be... and began to double back to the dead end path behind his back. Turning the corner as he sprinted he pinned himself close to the wall. Slowing his breathing down so that he would make the absolute minimum amount of sound he possibly could. Then he began to listen to see if the footsteps were heading towards him, or away from him. Click, Clack, Click, Clack, Click, Clack, Click. The guard wasn't going away he was actually heading towards him, and not away, his back was at a dead end and he had nowhere to go, he was freaking out, and his heart was pumping so hard he thought it might jump right out of his chest.

But he worked best under pressure and his brain was already racing, almost as fast as the beat of his heart to formulate a plan, the rules where he couldn’t attack but they didn’t say anything about paralyzing the sentry, his paralysis jutsu had a maximum of five meters and from what he could tell the man's distance by the volume of his steps, he seemed about 7 meters out. Now was the time, he waited to hear two more steps before activating the tiger seal and whispering “Temporary Paralysis Jutsu” he had never tried this in the field, so he waited a second, and paused to listen, but no footsteps came, however he still had to pass the man, and although he was paralyzed he could still see. But Komon had a plan for that, tossing a smoke grenade out into the pathway, and waiting for it to fill the corridor before sprinting out and past the man while the smoke gave him cover passing the first corridor and then going into the second the one the man had came from.

He knew the temporary jutsu was exactly what the name implied “Temporary, and he had to get as far away from that guard as possible before it ran out, Tayo, a normal jounin had gotten out of it in less than 5 seconds he was guessing these sentries were at the least, chuunin. He gave it 30 seconds max before that man was free, he had to keep running, he just kept dashing forward taking a left, and then turning into a right, but what he saw in front of him was not promising. Komon was very attentive to detail, and saw the wires instantly.

They were all over the wall, and obviously meant to trigger a trap, the question was what kind of trap. So he made sure to cut his distance from the wires and pulled out two kunai, gathering his focus he threw them down the corridor, slicing several wires and waiting to see the trap activate, almost immediately he got his answer as he watched the wall open up and a volley of arrows unleash, at least 30 of them shot out at alarming speeds. The hallway wasn’t his ideal option and he was about to head backwards to avoid it when something at the end of the hallway caught his eye. It was a door, the scroll could be in there was the first thought that came through his head, and he wasn't about to try to find another way to it in this giant maze.

Komon knew he was fast, a lot faster than the typical gennin, maybe even some chuunin when you take into account the lightning javelin technique. Maybe even fast enough to deflect those arrows. After a while he decided it was a risk he had to take, and began to focus gathering a large amount of chakra and applying electricity to it, before releasing it into the air around him and letting it envelop him. He loved the feeling of this jutsu now that he had mastered it, he could feel his body operating at higher capacity, and his muscles gaining strength and speed. Sprinting forward with everything he had deliberately setting off the wires, while drawing his sword. Moving at this speed time seemed to slow down and crawl to a halt, he could see the arrows begin to leave the wall, and move forward at reasonable speed, but he had the reaction time and speed to counter them slicing them apart as he ran towards the door, untouched and unharmed.

After making it to the end of the hallway, he powered down bringing the electricity back into him and forming back into base chakra. Then he sheathed his sword, and turned around to look at the hallway behind him. To his back there was at least forty arrows on the ground and several split strings. It was a mess, and if any guards came by they would obviously know he had gone through, “Oh well.. Nothing I can do about it now” Komon thought to himself, as he turned to face the iron door in front of him.

There was a padlock on the door sealing it shut, but komon guessed his chidori was a bit more powerful than the steel it was forged with. Without much trouble he wove 12 hand signs, First ox, followed by rabbit, and then monkey and another monkey, then dragon and rat, followed by bird and ox and snake and dog then tiger and finally monkey. With the seals completed he extended his arm covered, in lightning at the metal lock, splitting it in half. With the door now unlocked he extended his arm towards the knob and gave it a twist opening the door to look at what was inside.

The door opened to reveal a dark room, in the center of it was a pedestal and on that pedestal was the scroll, Komons eyes lit up as they glanced upon it. But he didn't let his excitement get the best of him, he had come to far to risk it here, so he activated byakugan to look for any traps, most booby traps had chakra and could be seen with byakugan, he was glad he had the sense to look for traps when his byakugan revealed pressure plates all around the room, in a checkerboard design.

Taking special care not to step on them he began hopping around to evade them, the room was rather large and the process took a while but he eventually got to it. This left him standing in front of the object he desired, the scroll. It was on a pedestal under a flickering light, slowly he lifted it off of the pedestal but his heart nearly stopped when he heard a click, he had somehow missed the pressure plate underneath the scroll, and when he lifted it the trap was activated. The iron door slammed shut sealing him into the room and a gas began to fill it, Komon knew it would be a bad idea to breath it in so neglected to give his lungs the oxygen they demanded. Frantically he began to think of a solution, and his best one he could think of in the time he had was chidori the door, knocking it off its hinges would no doubt create a lot of noise; and possibly draw the sentries to him, but getting caught was a better alternative than potentially dying, and he couldn’t just sit here and do nothing.

So he wove the 12 hand signs for chidori yet again, first ox, followed by rabbit, and then monkey and another monkey, then dragon and rat, followed by bird and ox and snake and dog then tiger and finally monkey. With the chidori forming in his hands, and his lungs gasping for oxygen he sprinted at the door, completely ignoring the pressure plates on the ground, he had after all already activated the trap, dodging them was pointless at this point in time. The door was coming into range, so he extended his arm and pierced into it. The concussive force of his attack blasted the door off of its hinges, the cold and heavy steel slamming into the ground of the maze, and a loud metallic bang echoed through the maze. The sentry’s would no doubt be here in seconds, and he had to get out of here. But he had to gasp for air first, finally free from that gas.

As he regained his breath he looked for an exit option, he had to get this scroll out of the maze fast, and couldn’t get caught by the guards in the process, Tiaopi, who was still on his shoulder saw him panicking and told him to go left. Trusting his summon he did just that arching into a pathway that forked into two directions left and right, Komon could clearly hear footsteps coming from the left and had no desire to get caught so he dashed to the right, down a long straight hallway.  Komon took a deep breath before rushing down it not wanting the footsteps to catch up to him. Luckily for him the hallway was booby trapped and made it to the end with relative ease. He turned the corner to the right again hoping to see an exit, however his situation just wasn't going to be resolved that easily. He looked in disappointment  as he saw a long hallway with several paths branching off in all directions, it looked like he was gonna be here for a little while more.

He sighed, and pulled out his sword, inching his way to the first branch and extending his blade past the corner, looking into the clear reflection the hallway was clear, and seemed to turn left about 20 meters down, Komon decided it looked safe enough to venture down, and if a trap happened to open up again, he would deal with it when it happened. Turning the corner he began to sprint towards it, relieved when he found out that no traps activated as he did so. When he turned the corner however he became slightly less relieved. In front of him was a straight hallway with several sections off the wall popping out and slamming against the other end of the wall with alarming force, not wanting to deal with it he began to double back, but as he turned the wall sealed shut in front of him.

“Of course” he thought as he sighed in disappointment, and turned to face the monstrosity in front of him. Watching the walls slamming, and imagining his body getting crushed by it made him shiver, he knew he could surrender at any time and the machines would stop, but that would mean that he’d just have to take it again if he wanted to become a shinobi, and he had no intention of doing that. He had to be careful if he wanted to make it out of here unharmed however, so he began to track the pace of the machinery, and continued doing this for about 5 minutes until he was sure he had gotten it down, not wanting to rely on his base speed alone he thought it might be a better idea to use lightning javelin. So he began to call forth his chakra letting the lightning pour into it. Then he let it expand out of himself and envelop it, as it began to stimulate his body, enhancing his muscles, resulting in a greater physical strength and speed.

The machines where fast, but he had gotten there rhythm down and now he was pretty fast himself, he stepped up and waited for the first one to slam into the wall and fall backwards, he took this opportunity to burst forward he had 3 seconds to make it to the other side before the wall slammed back into him again, he made it across in two making it to the next safe zone with ease. Satisfied he looked onwards, there were only two more impacting machines, the next one presented a challenge however, instead of a single panel slamming into the wall there was a panel on each side and the panels slammed together in the middle of the hall, this cut the amount of time he had to get through with in two.

He felt he had the pacing down but decided to double check, standing still and peering outwards, watching and observing as the panels collided with each other, he was right every one and a half seconds the panels collided. He knew he wasn't fast enough to make it through that alone so he had to start brainstorming. He put his thumb and pointing finger against his chin to think, he did this for about twenty seconds before he came up with a plan, quickly he extended his pointing finger and middle finger on both hands bringing them together to form a cross and activate the shadow clone jutsu, a cloud of smoke emerged and stayed stagnant in the air before it eventually dispersed, and when it did two clones stood beside the original Komon. Deciding to test his theory with a clone first he grabbed the clone and spun on his heels to gain momentum and throwing him forward as the walls reverted back from their collision the clone flew through the air at incredible speeds safely landing on the platforms as the panels collided again.

The komon clone turned around and smiled, giving a thumbs up as it disappeared into a puff of smoke having served its purpose. Satisfied with his plan Komon turned to his remaining clone signaling that it was now his turn to be flung forward. The clone nodded, acknowledging that it understood the instructions and grabbed Komon by his feet spinning on his heels to gain momentum just like komon had done to the clone earlier. After about two spins the clone released him and komon moved forward so fast his vision blurred as he landed on the ground face first. The landing hurt like hell and komon had to take some time getting back on his feet, but when he did he turned around and waved to his clone, who in turn gave him a thumbs up just like the previous one, before dispersing into a cloud of smoke. Komon was now alone besides the rhino summon that was still on his shoulder.

Tiaopi took this momentary pause to commend his summoner “Nice thinking bossman” the rhino said in his signature high pitched voice. Komon laughed before he told the rhino thanks for his help, and then desummoned him telling him he’d bring him back if he got paranoid again. Komon still had one more platform to go and it was exactly identical to the first simple platform, komon figured it would be easy enough and checked to see if the opening was still three seconds waiting for the platform to collide against the wall, at this moment he began counting, it took the panel about one and a half seconds to slide backwards and the same amount to fling forwards, this meant for sure that it was identical to the panel from before. And that komon could handle it with his lightning javelin technique.

So he called forth his chakra letting it flow throughout his body, before he began flooding electricity into the base chakra. Feeling the tingling feeling inside his body that he usually got while using lightning nin he, took it as a sign that the chakra was ready to be expelled and let it pulsate outwards. As his chakra poured into the air around him, he began to controll it making sure it surrounded and enveloped him. The lightning chakra again stimulated his body yet again and he was ready to move forward. He waited for the panel to slam against the wall and charged forwards, about halfway through the panel, he dove forward to ensure he made it to the other side. As he hit the ground he rolled to shrug off any pain the fall might have given him otherwise. And rose back to his feet looking backwards at the deadly machinery he had just worked his way through, feeling a sense of victory.

In front of him there was a four way intersection he could go either forward, left, or right. Forward seemed to lead to another T shaped intersection while left and right both curved upwards at the end of each path. Komon decided he was going to go left, running forwards and making it to the end before turning left again. What he saw relieved him more than anything else he had seen in the maze. A door, with the label Exit above it stood in front of him. He had finally found his way out of this hellhole.

Feeling victorious he made his way towards the door, running down the long hallway. He made it to the door in no time swinging it open to see that it led to the briefing room he had walked into before entering the maze. The jounin that had briefed him where still there and had been watching him through a screen, they all had clipboards and had clearly been monitoring his progress. The redhead jounin that had led him into the room smiled and told him he had done an exceptional job and he’d receive his results soon, then telling him he was free to leave the building.

Komon was happy to follow her last set of orders, as he had, had more than enough action for one day, waving goodbye to the group of jounin as he entered the hallway and followed the path he had taken in to escort himself out of the area.

WC: 6029
Requesting: ability to move to next mission, 3k Ryo and however many stat points this gets me

Last edited by Komon on Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:34 am; edited 1 time in total
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1 Empty Re: Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1

Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:52 am
also requesting however much AP I should get
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1 Empty Re: Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1

Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:42 am

Please include mission link and details in a spoiler at the beginning of your post. <3
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1 Empty Re: Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1

Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:34 am
I dont know how to make it a spoiler but I edited it at the top of the post
Akihana Akari
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Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1 Empty Re: Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1

Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:13 pm

Alright, you get 10 stats, 7 AP, 3k ryo and the ability to move on to the next mission. Approved. <3
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Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1 Empty Re: Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1

Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:22 am

All you have to do is the this code, and place the text where it says "TEXT". Also, if you want a title do go also with the spoiler, there is this way.


You place the Title that you want where it says "MISSION". But get familiar with the first code, before you move on to this one lol.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1 Empty Re: Path to Chuunin Exams: Part 1

Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:37 pm

What Ganki said <3
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