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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Some basic training (p) Empty Some basic training (p)

Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:07 pm
Xuba stood over the ruins once more. His shadow casting a shrinking portrait of his silithouse as the sun rose to the east. Xuba turned away towards the feild now calm as the winds died down and xuba could train unhibited by the wind. Today was a day of basics.

Xuba felt the breeze die down. He  stared straight ahead imagining an imaginary opponent. As he completed his momentary meditation gathering his thoughts and calming his thoughts. Breathing as he kept his composure. Each breath he felt his mind and body work as one as he kept calm. His muscles relaxing as he exhaled and thinking back to  basics.

Every technique had an orgin. And all arts as xuba knew had a start. Each artist began by learning and working on blocks. As xuba reflected on the basics he kept on to the simple area of blocks as he thought to his imaginary opponent xuba considered that with even a simple offense the awnser lay in a simple block. For the basics of middle blocks the art of defense was one that could never truely be ignored.

Inhale... shift..... exhale.... tense.... inhale..... shift..... exhale...... tense.

Xuba thought as he practiced each block in a simple but basic sweeping of his hand. From the center of his body to the outside. One hand a closed fist. While the opposite hand was an opend handed  variation of the block. Xuba alternated as he kept up his breathing and concentration through blocking practice. Hundreds of blocks preformed, yet xuba did not throw a single strike as he had to make sure each block was perfect. To the best of his abilities. Finally after at least a thousand blocks xuba began to change up the blocks.

Xuba began to slowly shift as he added a chainfist combo after each block.  First he block slowly with controlled breathing and a series of quick chain fist strikes.  Then xuba would do a quick block and follow by a slow and controlled breathing he would complete a series of five to ten strikes. This would continue for hours as xuba would shift stance and intensity and speed of blocks and strikes. Finally after several hours xuba would shift his assualt.

He would add a sweeping wave of his  lead hand and grip down as if gripping an arm or limb. His hands going from slow to fast, to slow or fast depending on his disire. Xubas  strikes and blocks would alternate in speeds along with the grab as he would continue with a flow and style behind each strike and block.  His grab would keep at the idea that while defending himself he would grab and attack keeping up an offensive defensive stance. Shifting his momemtum to keep himself in control and power.

Each defense an offense. Each defence for an offense. Every strike a diffrent area and ever growing striking power. Keep me strong and accurate.

As with a flash of a small handsign. ( crossing two fingers and shifting an arm down across the center of his body.) Xuba would take a breath as his eyes would glow and his body would as he feel it. Would become fuled with 4X the oxygen he would normally take in. It was an invigerating feeling as he felt his body ease into the offense and defense. 

Xubas work increased twice fold as he continued to work away with the blocks and strikes and the grab. Digging deep xuba concentrated as he worked the first heavenly breath technique. Now exploring the power he practiced with over time. His concentration improved as xuba just as easily found that it was not as easy to maintain fully. 

Still xuba persisted as he weaved another unique handseal (left palm down and a knife hand with the top pointing straight ahead) a second breath and xuba became darker and muscles became more defined as  he took a deeper breath and his body bulked up as he deepend his stance and began to strike even faster then before as he felt his body shake from the exertion of his body his muscles even though beefed he felt the strain. Xuba broke a sweat as he kept up his assualt up as he kept up the pressure amid his training. 

Xuba took to a knee as  he took in deep breaths of air as he kept his focus up. An slight exhale ended the technique as xubas arms and legs ached as he finished the training segment. Sweat flowing down his brow.

That will do now...

Xuba thought as he walked back  towards the ruins.



+4 stats

Inside to outside block: 500

300 to seven heavens A rank
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Some basic training (p) Empty Re: Some basic training (p)

Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:58 pm
Approved, Xuba

+4 Stat Points
+500 words towards Tai Block tech
+300 towards Heavens Tech
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