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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

Money Grubbing Fools - Page 2 Empty Re: Money Grubbing Fools

Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:20 pm
Komori suppressed a groan as he took the first scroll. He walked into a nearby empty classroom where he grabbed a writing instrument and a spare textbook to bear down on as he returned to the hallway and began the tedious and boring process of describing the mission as it had happened as Komon and Senshi had a conversation that focused more on the two of them, so Komori stayed out of it, as it was not his place to speak as of yet. When he had finished, he merely tried to replicate the technique that Senshi had used to open the door. He signed the simple rat handsign that he had witnessed Senshi perform and began to absentmindedly play with the writing instrument that he had borrowed as Komon tried to use his brain, which he was not used to, in order to formulate a plan for their next mission.

WC: 1606

Claim: Mass Shift (500/500 Taught by Senshi)
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Ryo : 35000

Money Grubbing Fools - Page 2 Empty Re: Money Grubbing Fools

Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:30 pm
Komori was none to pleased about getting stuck with report duty, but Komon would prefer to be in his position. He hated formulating plans but it came with the job and he was surprisingly ok at it. He began to think over the advice Senshi had given him in the past. Komon had frequently been guilty of focusing too much on his own abilities, and not thinking of what his teammates brought to the table, he knew senshi had plently of low ranking techniques, more than Komon could think to count, and new that his brother was relatively skilled in water ninjutsu, however there always lied the possibility that they knew techniques that he was completely unaware of that could help in this situation.

He would save that as a mental note for now before he began to lay out his plan centered around his abilities before he would give them the chance to adapt. “Alright so we have pictures of each of the pets we have to track down and locate, I’m going to send a clone to set up postings around the village odds are that the civilians have seen at least some of them hanging around and can give us a general location. My other clone will be flying high in the sky with his byakugan looking for pet shaped chakra signatures. Now I cant think of any abilities I’ve seen either of you use that would particularly help in this scenario, but uh If you have any ideas now would be the time to speak up. He’d say as he began walking down the hall towards the streets of kumogakure signaling the both of them to follow. Odds are that they both had ideas of there own but if they didn’t he was well prepared and would follow up by saying the real him and the two of them would continue searching together at the last known locations of each pet as Komori made 2 clones that could check other areas of the village, with both shinobi using shadow clone the they would effectively have 7 scouts.

(ooc: Komon doesnt know if senshi has any clone techniques or anything like that so like tell him if you want)

WC: 1835
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Money Grubbing Fools - Page 2 Empty Re: Money Grubbing Fools

Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:47 pm
Senshi watched as Komori took the scroll grudgingly and the moved into a side classroom, but returned relatively quickly with a book in his hands. Senshi moved around the Genin to loom over his shoulder and watch as he filled out the report, intending to save time by reading it now. He could make corrections as need be, but it seemed that Komori was intelligent enough to follow the prompts that the report gave him. He even seemed to be taking enough time to fill it out thoroughly with everything that had happened, leaving nothing out. Senshi was mostly surprised that Komori was taking the time to spell everything correctly and write with proper grammer. Solid academic writing indeed.
It was certainly a nice change of pace that Senshi was never going to complain about. His attention shifted to Komon as he began to speak. Senshi rearranged his features from their normally blank stare to one of polite interest. Komon’s plan was rather solid, but he still needed to work on explaining the situation better. Most of the time Genin would not know the mission details until the person in charge informed them. As they started to move out Senshi watched as the two twins created their shadow clones and sent them out. He had planned it this way on purpose, so that they would be forced to dispel their clones and create new ones. A lesson that would stick with the both of them, since they had undoubtedly expended a lot of chakra doing so.
“Komon, your plan is solid… however, you failed to explain to either Komori or what it is we are looking for. You didn’t mention what type of animal or any identifying features it had. If Komori was a Genin who had not seen the scroll then he wouldn’t know. I suggest you dispel your clones Komori, and then recreate them once Komon explains what it is you are looking for.” Senshi would stare at both twins waiting to see how they reacted to his words. He had already mentioned to Komon that he needed to be more precise with his words and better explain what was going on to his Genin to ensure that they knew what was going on. This would actually be the third time he had, had to tell the other boy to be more specific.
Hopefully it would be the final time. He was probably just busy thinking about how best to handle telling another Chuunin and his own twin what to do, or treating them like new Genins. As they moved Senshi decided to reveal one of his abilities to the boys that he had been recently working on. He pulled out five seals and began speaking, “I know a technique known as the Five-Seal Barrier, if you can narrow down the search area to a single block I can apply these seals and prevent anything from entering or leaving the area, thus giving us a much less area to have to work through.” Senshi would wait quietly for Komon to say whether he wanted Senshi to use the technique or not.

Then again first they needed to narrow down where they were looking anyways. Since Senshi couldn’t lock down more than a block with the technique, it was a good, decent technique but overall rather weak. An animal would not be able to break it though, so Senshi knew that he could use it to trap the animal in a certain area. He hoped that his fuuinjutsu skills came as a surprise to the two boys, it would be nice to know that he could still surprise people in this town.  

WC: 613
TWC: 3235

Medical Ninjutsu - C Rank
Arhat Fist Gageki
Five Seal Barrier
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Money Grubbing Fools - Page 2 Empty Re: Money Grubbing Fools

Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:13 pm
For the record, Komori always wrote with proper punctuation and near flawless grammar. He prided himself on it. Anyways, upon hearing Komon’s plan, he had activated the clone handseal which called forth two devilishly handsome shadow clones that appeared to have poofed into existence through a small puff of smoke. All three would then turn around and listen to Senshi, who had now spoken up. He was rather puzzled at the whole dispelling and resummoning the shadow clones, as they were more than capable of understanding and adapting to the situation themselves. Therefore, Komori left his clones out in the open as he would simply state what he was thinking should his friend ask him about them again. Of course, it was not necessarily fair for Komori to immediately assume that other shinobi knew everything that there was to know about shadow clones. At the very least, he was relieved that he had not messed up. In fact, it seemed that Senshi had some sort of feeling of satisfaction with the way that Komori had unenthusiastically done the mission report. It was not that the report was difficult or anything, it was simply annoying and boring.

Regardless, Komori was caught off guard by discovering Senshi’s interest in fuinjutsu. He felt a twinge of envy, as he had given up that path in order to pursue ninjutsu and not fall too far behind his comrades. He planned to delve back into the speciality once he had finally attained the rank of chuunin, however long that would take him. Instead of giving his opinion on the matter, Komori chose to remain silent, as he was to observe the way that Komon led. Not that he would necessarily lead in the same way, but rather that Komon and Senshi were showing him the basics. Komori would turn his attention to his less attractive twin brother as the Hyuuga would answer Senshi.

WC: 1924
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

Money Grubbing Fools - Page 2 Empty Re: Money Grubbing Fools

Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:32 am
Komon would dispel his clones as he had chakra to spare, groaning as he did so. Half from a twinge of pain on his chest that was now becoming sore after senshi’s punch, and half from annoyance. He knew senshi was just trying to be thorough but he wanted to finish these missions fast so that he could get home. And as senshi had just said he had a solid plan, but again he had missed a detail so he turned to his brother and said that they were looking for five cats, the majority of which had black fur with the exception of one that had burnt orange fur. He then gave Komori one of the many flyers with all of the cats photos on them. “Keep an eye out for these ones” Then he would turn to senshi and address the fuinjutsu he had told Komon about.

“That sounds useful once our clones have narrowed down the area we will have you block of an exit although we probably shouldn’t use it in any populated areas, don't want to block the village folk from doing their jobs and navigating through the streets.” Komon would say before reactivating his clones and noticing his brother had not dispelled his own.

“Alright let's go!” Komon would say as he exited the building signaling the others to follow him. The street in front of them was a three way intersection in the shape of the letter T. The woman that had reportedly lost the cats conveniently lived on the same intersection. So Komon knew that the odds of the cat being near by where in his favor. On the street to the left there was what looked to be an abandoned barn, and to the right was the woman’s house, and a couple of other buildings with several alleyways between them. On the street directly in front of them there was what looked to be a market street with civilians and food vendors roaming about.

This is when Komon’s clones jumped into action. The first clone did what it was supposed to do and took to the sky to look for cat shaped chakra signatures, while the second headed left to the barn. The real Komon would then turn towards Senshi and Komori. “I say we check out the alley ways” Komori send your clones to the market, ask around, check behind vendor stands the cats might be looking for food.

He would then head right to the series of alleyways. Turning into the first one while signaling the other two to check the others. If all went according to plan they just might find all of the cats in a couple of minutes.

WC: 2287
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Money Grubbing Fools - Page 2 Empty Re: Money Grubbing Fools

Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:59 am
Senshi was watching Komon carefully, mainly because it was his job, but also because he needed to practice being more observant and reading body language if he ever wanted to make a good shinobi out of himself. This was how he noticed that Komon seemed to be in pain from the strike from earlier. Senshi debated if he should heal the other Chuunin or not before deciding that it had been his fault for not completely understanding what Komon was asking of him. Plus all those How to Make Friends books that he had read indicated that doing so would have the possibility of increasing the bond of friendship he was forming with Komon.
So he stepped forwards and formed the hand signs for the C rank version of the Medical technique again, he spoke as he reached out towards Komon’s chest. “Here, let me heal the damage I caused earlier.” Senshi almost added that he didn’t want Komon to be a hindrance should the damage be more extensive than it was, but decided at the last moment, that, that was extraneous data that didn’t need to be spoken aloud. Should Komon agree Senshi would run his hand over the spot where he had struck the boy healing the damage relatively quickly? He may not be a medic but he knew that having some basic training in the skill was important for a well-rounded and versatile shinobi.
Plus any good team leader should be capable of at least the most basic forms of healing. It was better for the team after all if more than one person could provide this useful skill. Senshi stepped back from Komon and watched as he resummoned his clones and this time, properly briefed them on what they were looking for. Senshi lent over Komori’s shoulder to take a look at the flyers that Komon had handed to him, committing the images of the five cats to memory. With barely a moment to spare it seemed since Komori would need to hand the flyers to his clones and send them out on Komon’s orders.
Senshi then followed the two twins as they headed towards the last known location of the cats. Looking around Senshi followed Komon towards the alley way where his sharp eyes immediately spotted one of the five cats. His voice was a low whisper as he spoke, not wanting to spook the animal. “At your three O’clock, just darted behind that trash can, Black cat number three.” Senshi paused as he saw further movement, “Black cat number one just darted into that cardboard box at your eleven o’clock Komon-Taichou. I shall place the seals so they can’t leave this alley way.” Senshi would wait a moment for the go ahead from Komon, he was in charge of this mission so Senshi wanted to let the other Chuunin know that he respected that authority.
He didn’t want the other Chuunin to think that he didn’t after all. Mostly because it would hinder their working relationship in the future. Once Komon had given the go ahead Senshi would take several small steps backwards and place a seal on the ground, before dashing with a speed of 60 towards the left, moving as quietly as possible so that he seemed like a ghost. With a light leap he landed on the roof top dropping a seal and then turned heading until he reached the end of the alleyway and dropping the third seal. He continued in their vein jumping from the top of one building to another, making no sound as he did so to place the fourth seal.

He dashed down the length of the building dropping his fifth and final seal before landing behind Komon and Komori where he had lain the first initial seal. He bent down touching the seal and suddenly all three shinobi were trapped within the barrier in the alley way. Well Senshi wasn’t but since Komon and Komori hadn’t been keyed in even they wouldn’t be able to escape it unless they tried to overpower it. “Fuuinjutsu Chakra Barrier a success. As I was moving around I noticed the orange cat is also under the dumpster Komon-Taichou. The rest may be hidden in this alley way as well.” Senshi would resume his standing position waiting for further orders, pleased that he had, had a chance to show off his budding fuuinjutsu skills.  

WC: 734
TWC: 3969

Medical Ninjutsu - C Rank - 1237 words from Water Boy so 263 words to it to complete
Arhat Fist Gageki - 1500/1500
Five Seal Barrier - 1500/1500
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

Money Grubbing Fools - Page 2 Empty Re: Money Grubbing Fools

Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:57 pm
Komori headed down the alleyway with Komon and Senshi as he sent his two clones into the marketplace. The original Komori walked with Senshi and Komon in an alley until Senshi went prone like a cat himself. With his voice low, he informed the twins, or rather Komon, that there were two of the black cats in the alleyway with them. Senshi took off to place down the seals as Komori waited, not wanting to give away their location as he had in the temple robbers mission not long ago. Once Senshi had reappeared, Komori heard him refer to the burnt orange furred tabby cat hiding under the dumpster and assumed that Komon would take care of that one, as Komori hated being around garbage, and figured that that was where Komon belonged anyways. Komori opted to try to capture one of the black ones, particularly the one that had darted into the cardboard box, which left Senshi to chase the one at 3 o clock. The other two were still unaccounted for, one was most likely in the marketplace and would be discovered  by the two Komori clones soon enough and the other was bound to be discovered by the Komon clones. Shadow clones are so useful.

Regardless, Komori silently crept up to the cat in the cardboard box, slowly kneading water chakra in the pit of his stomach. Cats don’t like water right? The boy thought to himself, I can just use it like a spray bottle or something. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? With that thought in mind, Komori kept his mouth shut as he approached closer and closer towards the box which was rather long and turned on its side, so that it was longer horizontally than it was vertically. This meant that Komori would have to duck down in order to see the cat. He stooped down to look inside the box as the demon possessed bastard hissed at him. He was rather offended as he shook his head. “This is why people hate cats, you know.” Whether the cat somehow understood English or not did not seem to matter as its green eyes were quickly covered by the expanding of the cat’s pupil. Its ears folded back against its head as the feline leapt towards the vulnerable Komori while he was leaning down. Komori began falling backwards, and signing the handseals Tiger → Snake → Rat → Snake → Tiger by simple muscle memory and not even thinking about it, as he had once studied the technique before this mission. He then began to exclaim “Oh sh-” but would not get a chance to finish his sentence as the kneaded water chakra in his stomach was expelled through his mouth five meters in front of him at a speed of 70. The water circled around his body, protecting him from all sides against any other demonic animals that might leap out at him. He heard the black cat crash into the water wall, which had a health of 50, and began to scatter off. Komori dropped the water wall and leapt to grab the cat as he signed Snake → Ram → Horse → Hare → Ram → Horse → Hare → Snake → Ox and clapped his hands at a speed of 100 and activated Water Prison using the remaining water from his last jutsu. This would keep the cat running about in a small orb with the walls made of water, so long as he kept his hands on it.

The Komori clones did not seem to be having any luck. They were talking to each other to fill the silence, as neither boy liked silences, with conversations about how good looking the other was. He had been repressing any narcissistic tendencies of his for a while now as he began to grow up through the Chuunin Exams, but alas when he was merely absentmindedly scouring a busy marketplace for a lost animal, his mind wandered. The marketplace was rather busy, as well as being outside of Senshi’s fuinjutsu barrier, so the two would have to work in harmony in order to prevent the animal from running away. Instead of kneading water chakra in order to activate water wall, the two did not necessarily plan anything yet, as they were waiting until they had first found the cat in order to take advantage of its position. Komori A looked past a seafood stall that must have been stocked recently, as the smell of fish was nauseatingly overwhelming. Whether it be from his Hozuki nature or simply natural instincts, Komori had never liked the mere smell of fish, so the same followed for his clones. This meant that he would never hydrificate and let a fish swim in his puddle body or anything. He, of course, had never told Komon this because his twin brother would totally take advantage of that. One of the clones spotted the fourth black cat, which was rather fat, sitting on the counter as it was eating one of the fish that was for display behind the stall manager’s head against a back wall.

Komori B held together the ram seal for the body flicker technique in order to quickly close the distance between them, but immediately disrupted the flow of chakra in his legs upon being aware of his surroundings. He came to an abrupt stop as a train of senior citizens began crossing in front of him like a poorly timed train during a chase scene that allowed the culprit to escape whomever was trying to chase them. Instead, he looked towards Komori A and pointed towards the cat as he was further stalled by the elderly. “Sonny, do you mind carrying my bag for me to my home? It’s just around the corner.” Komori did not know this, but this turned out to be the woman who was missing the cats, as he carried her groceries from the marketplace to her home like the good shinobi that he was. Komori A would then use body flicker in an area free of old people as he quickly caught up to the cat. Reaching into a tank of water containing live lobsters, Komori signed Snake → Ram → Horse → Hare → Ram → Horse → Hare → Snake → Ox and clapped his hands before sticking his hand into the tank and channeling the water to surround the fat cat and its fish, as it still continued to eat its meal. The two Komoris, both original and clone A, which were using water prison, would find a way to meet up at the house where they were supposed to rendezvous with the others.

WC: 3044
Claims: Mass Shift (500/500 from Senshi), Water Wall (2544/3000)
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Money Grubbing Fools - Page 2 Empty Re: Money Grubbing Fools

Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:36 pm
Upon entering the alley way Komon was greated with new information apparently senshi had spotted 2 of the cats in the alleway and offered to start his fuinjutsu barrier, which Komon of course instantly asked him to do. Once the barrier was up Komori quickly jumped into action before spraying a cat down with a fucking ninjutsu. And then trapping the same cat in an orb of water.

“Komori you do know cats hate water right?”

He’d say as he walked over to the dumpster before slowly kneeling down and peaking one eye under the bottom of it. As he did so he made direct eye contact with the cat and activated his paralysis technique, it would cause no harm to the cat but render it unable to move. As he did so he would also begin to lift the dumpster with one arm while pulling the cat with the other. “Alright alright I got you” He’d say as he motioned for senshi to get to the last cat.

Should senshi get his cat Komon would ask him to release the barrier so that they could return the three cats to the owner and check up on his clones progress.

Clones Perspective

From the sky Komon’s clones byakugan could instantly see all five of the cats chakra signatures, they were easy to spot as wildlife typically has a dimmer and smaller glow to it than a humans, so they stuck out. Three where in an alley way that the main group had headed to while one was in the market street that his brothers clones had headed too. All of the above seemed to be apprehended which left only one.

Komon’s clone could see that its chakra was coming from the barn to the left of the alleyway that seemed to be abandoned so he lowered his bird to let him into the top floor of the barn through a window. From there he would jump down and grab the cat that had been contently sleeping on the hay stacks.

With all cats captured the group would then meet back at the woman's house.

WC: 2646
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Money Grubbing Fools - Page 2 Empty Re: Money Grubbing Fools

Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:52 pm
Senshi watched as the two twins jumped into action immediately after he applied the five chakra sealing barrier around the alley way. Unlike the twins he didn’t have clones on the outside so he had no idea what was going on out there. He could only hope that the clones were on their way to finding the final two missing cats so that they could wrap up their second D rank as soon as possible. Senshi would much rather get a move on to the C rank, because that was where the real fun in all these missions would be. Then again he was getting some good bonding time with the twins and getting to know them better.
It was nice to see how much Komori had matured from the original meeting, to the disastrous C rank temple robbers mission, to today. Senshi had always liked seeing people mature and grow as a shinobi and being able to witness it up close on Komori like this was a rather nice treat. He wondered if Komon saw how much he himself had changed and how Komori had changed as well. If not he should open his eyes and pay more attention to how things were changing around him. Cause if he didn’t Senshi would smash him upside the head to make him pay more attention.
Senshi watched as Komon lifted the dumpster and grabbed the orange cat, while Komori took a completely different tactic. Using the water wall technique and then a technique that Senshi had been meaning to learn for quite awhile. Senshi watched intently as Komori performed the ridiculous amount of hand seals and then trapped the animal in the sphere of water. Walking calmly over to the remaining black cat Senshi looked at it dispassionately daring it to move with his annoyed gaze. He quickly copied Komon’s technique of using the temporary paralysis technique in order to force the cat to stay still for much longer than his steely eyed glare could on its own.
Senshi ignored Komori’s use of a technique that clearly the little felines would hate. Plus with how cold it was he could have sent the small animal into hypothermia and killed it, whch would have resulted in a failed mission. Which would have annoyed Senshi to the point he would think about killing the boy. Sociopathic tendencies and all that, ya know. Instead Senshi focused his chakra, deciding to try out a Genjutsu that he was read about. With his teachers skill in Genjutsu, and seeing that S rank missing ninja take out two of his teammembers with it he knew that he should upgrade his own arsenal. As such he reached out his palm focusing on the cat and watched in his minds eye as the animal was caught in the Hazy Genjutsu. He then bent down picking the cat up and placing it on his shoulder.
It was cold out and Senshi was rather like a furnace, producing enough heat to keep the small creature warm. Senshi then nodded to Komon walking over to the main seal and collapsing the barrier. With another few hand signs he sent off two water clones to dismantle the other four seals before following Komon to the ladies house. Once they had returned the cats, Senshi having a momentarily hard time of getting the cat to leave his shoulder as it seemed to want to stay with him he turned to Komori and spoke. “The third mission is to deliver supplies to three shelters around Kumo, two orphanages and one shelter for families. Develop a plan to let us complete this quickly, as all we need to do is deliver supplies from the supply depot.”

Senshi would cross his arms waiting for Komori to develop a plan. If he was smart he would send each person to their own shelter, after they collected all the supplies from the single distribution center near the mission office. If they did that then the two Chuunin and one prospective Chuunin could complete this mission in just under a third of the time it would normally require to do it. Which meant that they could easily move onto their final D rank mission and their culimating test of the C rank mission. “Komori how would you rate Komon’s performance, would you have done anything differently?” Senshi decided to do a quick test of how the boy was paying attention and if he was willing to disparage his twin so openly.  

WC: 751
TWC: 4720

[size=13]Medical Ninjutsu - C Rank - 1237 words from 
Water Boy so 263 words to it to complete
Arhat Fist Gageki - 1500/1500
Five Seal Barrier - 1500/1500
Hazy Genjutsu- 1500/1500
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

Money Grubbing Fools - Page 2 Empty Re: Money Grubbing Fools

Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:49 pm
Let the record show that Komori’s kneaded water nature chakra was hot as heck because it came from Komori himself, who was also hot as heck. The water was not cold enough for hypothermia nor was it hot enough to cook the catnapped felines. Also the Water Wall was more of an accident than anything. He did not plan to completely cause a mass of water to appear, as he originally just felt like squirting the cats with little bits of water if they did not behave. And having a demon possessed animal launch at your face as more than grounds for saying that the little turd was misbehaving.

Komori was not used to being the center of attention. He felt as though he had been trapped in the shadow of his brother’s progress for far too long, however, so when the opportunity arose, he took it. Upon hearing that there were three shelters, Komori had already settled for a plan. Before he began speaking, however, he believed that they were wasting time, as he wanted to get these missions wrapped up so that he would be able to take his next chuunin exam as soon as possible, so he invited them both to follow him through the streets on the way to the supply depot. Once the other two would follow him, he would state his plan, “It would be best for all of us to split up. Between Komon and I, we have seven people, which means that we can send two people to two separate locations and then three of us to another.” Komori gave Senshi an analytical glance, “Don’t take offense to this, big guy, but it would probably be best if you did not go to the orphanages. You might scare the youngest of them all, what with your scar and sheer physique.” He then looked to address the both of them. “I would say that Komon can take both of his clones to whichever orphanage is larger, while two of my clones head to the first orphanage. Then I myself can go with Senshi to assure that the family feels, uh, comfortable.” He gave a sort of nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his head.

He then proceeded to answer Senshi’s second question, “His plan worked out perfectly fine. We all managed to catch those little guys in a short amount of time.” He gave a small laugh, “I’ve heard of other genin that have spent hours on missions like this. The village seems to have a problem with losing pets.” He realized that he had said ‘other genin’. This was not proper, as he was supposed to be thinking like a chuunin. He was not eager to throw his brother under the bus, but felt as though it was his duty as a fellow shinobi to point out any flaws. “Pretty much just what you said earlier. He needs to be more specific about stuff.” His word choice was rather ironic. “And, uh… he forgot to give you a flyer. But that was probably because you assigned the mission, so you already knew what they looked like. At least he assumed so. Although I did feel as though he divided our forces evenly and used our shadow clones to their full potential.” By the time that he had finished his own briefing, the trio had arrived at the doors to the supply depot. Komori stopped walking and turned around as he would then await for Komon’s reaction and subsequently, Senshi’s reaction to his evaluation.

WC: 3637

Claims: Mass Shift (500/500 Taught by Senshi), Water Release: Water Wall (3000/3000)
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